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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

A anniversary gift for the Russia ambassador in Berlin

A destroyed Russia T72 at the battle of Kiew




In total Russia suffers 200,000 casualties, Ukraine 100,000.

At the beginning of the war Ukraine army suffered more heavy casualties. The Russians however lost firepower superiority mid last year when their summer offensives failed and Ukraine successful counteroffensives, retaking Kharkiv and Kherson. It will only get worse for the Russians in the time to come. The mass of Westen delivery in heavy tanks, infantry tanks, long range artillery will arrive beginning next month.

That will be mass butchering.
come on that is exactly like the statistic that the tailor guy in London were publishing about syria conflict and everybody werfe repeating

They built a factory for Chlorine. Where the weapons were produced remains to be proved.
they claim they built a factory for chlorine but strangely the products were mustard and tabun.
and I'm still baffled how a chlorine factory can produce tabun

Germany had twice the population of todays Ukraine in 1939.
4,2M Germans died over a period of 5 years and 8 months.
That is around 2,000 per day.
An equivalent death rate for Ukraine is 1000 deaths per day.
Ukraine is far from that.
there is some small different there
come on that is exactly like the statistic that the tailor guy in London were publishing about syria conflict and everybody werfe repeating
Haha, yes, Abdul "the strange tasting" Rahmen :lol:
Does anyone know of good, authentic sources of material about the air battles? From any side would be appreciated.
come on that is exactly like the statistic that the tailor guy in London were publishing about syria conflict and everybody werfe repeating

they claim they built a factory for chlorine but strangely the products were mustard and tabun.
and I'm still baffled how a chlorine factory can produce tabun
You are yet to prove that mustard and tabun was produced in the factory.
Even if You do, you also have to prove that anyone selling equipment/material was aware that the factory was used to produce weapons.
You are yet to prove that mustard and tabun was produced in the factory.
Even if You do, you also have to prove that anyone selling equipment/material was aware that the factory was used to produce weapons,
i don't need to prove , it . its already proven and admitted by Iraq government after USA invasion and overthrowing ba'ath party
i don't need to prove , it . its already proven and admitted by Iraq government after USA invasion and overthrowing ba'ath party
The Iraqi government admitted they used chemical weapons.

* Where did they claim it was produced in the chlorine factory?

* Where did they claim that Western governments were cooperating with them to develop chemical weapons?

That Chlorine (Cl) is important for Tabun production is shown by the process.


So far in the thread you have proven zilch.
The Iraqi government admitted they used chemical weapons.

* Where did they claim it was produced in the chlorine factory?

* Where did they claim that Western governments were cooperating with them to develop chemical weapons?

That Chlorine (Cl) is important for Tabun production is shown by the process.

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Can you both finally stop with this BS of constantly posting Iran/Iraq-war issues in this thread! :hitwall:
Can you both finally stop with this BS of constantly posting Iran/Iraq-war issues in this thread! :hitwall:
Once Hack-Hook stops making unsourced claims I will be happy to stop counterposting. I do not like him derailing the thread any more than You do.
He keeps making claim after claim on various issues unrelated to the thread and never proves anything or posts links which are not proof.

If people here in Sweden would speak about Muslims, the way he speaks about Europeans, we would brand them as racists.

I am quite happy if this derailing is deleted from its start.
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There is less helicopter footage these days. Possibly using them as an air based mlrs platform didnt create much effect. Sending them inside opposing controlled territory also made them like manpad target practice for opposing forces. However they can still be used as cas long range atgm platforms coupled with ground infantry spotters detecting incoming tanks. If the target location is known they can keep enough horizontal distance away from manpads. For example a number of Ka 50s stationed in Crimea away from glsdb range(or other provided systems protection measures depending on intel) can provide support for repelling a possible Ukr tank attack coming from Zaporijia or Kherson. Ukr doesnt have longer range mobile sams like Tor they have Avenger sams which are manpad mounted jeeps only.

Helicopters are vtol and can land on almost any flattened surface. Instead of main airbases they can be positioned to prepared areas and switched location several times daily and randomly without posing a static target like an airbase where cruise missile attack can be planned by satellite pictures. As Ukr is about to get some cruise missiles from Uk. Mig 29s and Sukhois also have fod inlet blockers and can land on semi prepared runways. Ukraine side uses Mig29 in a similar manner using semi prepared runways to avoid cruise missiles from Russia and change locations as well. F16 also does not have that capability.

Another thing is Russia can use remote controlled tank and bmp models made from cheap thin metal and with some detection equipment for detecting Ukr atgm positions after they launch them. It can be handy for heavily prepared urban environment like Bakhmut for example.
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