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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Chinese Foreign Ministry: Beijing is ready to join forces with Moscow to decisively defend the national interests of the two countries..

Russian Security Council: Russia will defend itself by all means, including nuclear weapons

Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
NATO takes Russia seriously. We know that Russia is a very resilient country that can rise from the ashes. Russia should never be underestimated, as history has taught us.
it produced mustard and tabun
Chlorine is used to produce mustard gas - and cleaning detergent.
You have not produced any evidence that those that built the factory knew about the plans to use the output for war.
the treaties are clear and Iran didn't used chemical weapon . according to Iraq government , what proof is needed?

the proof already provided
Referring to your own unproved claims is not proof.
no individual can hide them , it was governmental policy of Dutch government
Claims without proof.
There have been a number of posts about how great Russian economy is doing vs EU.

EU didn't growth stayed positive. Russian's negative by 2-3 %.

Oil revenues collapsed by $400M a day compared to a year ago and will never go up. And it takes the $45-$50M / barrel that India/China use leverage and pay is not that profitable as oil costs more than $40 a barrel to extract.

1M of its smartest and richest left.

$300BN in foreign assets likely confiscated

And cut off from the future economic growth indefinitely

Ukraine is of course doing much worse but its back stopped by its allies. Russian people will suffer endlessly (other than the ones that squeezed into the stadium).

The prize at the end: may be Russia gets to hold and keep 8% of Ukraine land. The world's most expensive real-estate

How the Russian economy self-immolated in the year since Putin invaded Ukraine​

BYJeffrey Sonnenfeld and Steven Tian
February 20, 2023 at 4:44 PM GMT+1

Vladimir Putin's partial mobilization order in the autumn was followed by massive talent and capital flight.
Olga Maltseva—AFP/Getty Images
A year after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, some cynics lament that the unprecedented economic pressure campaign against Russia has not yet ended the Putin regime. What they’re missing is the transformation that has happened right before our eyes: Russia has become an economic afterthought and a deflated world power.

Coupled with Putin’s own misfires, economic pressure has eroded Russia’s economic might as brave Ukrainian fighters, HIMARS, Leopard tanks, and PATRIOT missiles held off Russian troops on the battlefield. This past year, the Russian economic machine has been impaired as our original research compendium shows. Here are Russia’s most notable economic defeats:

Russia’s permanent loss of 1,000+ global multinational businesses coupled with escalating economic sanctions

The 1,000+ global companies who voluntarily chose to exit Russia in an unprecedented, historic mass exodus in the weeks after February 2022, as we’ve faithfully chronicled and updated to this day, have largely held true to their pledges and have either fully divested or are in the process of fully separating from Russia with no plans to return.
These voluntary business exits of companies with in-country revenues equivalent to 35% of Russia’s GDP that employ 12% of the country’s workforce were coupled with the imposition of enduring international government sanctions unparalleled in their scale and scope, including export controls on sensitive technologies, restrictions on Russian elites and asset seizures, financial sanctions, immobilizing Russia’s central bank assets, and removing key Russian banks from SWIFT, with even more sanctions planned.

Plummeting energy revenues thanks to the G7 oil price cap and Putin’s punctured natural gas gambit

The Russian economy has long been dominated by oil and gas, which accounts for over 50% of the government’s revenue, over 50% of export earnings, and nearly 20% of GDP every year.
In the initial months following the invasion, Putin’s energy earnings soared. Now, according to Deutsche Bank economists, Putin has lost $500 million a day of oil and gas export earnings relative to last year’s highs, rapidly spiraling downward.
The precipitous decline was accelerated by Putin’s own missteps. Putin coldly withheld natural gas shipments from Europe–which previously received 86% of Russian gas sales–in the hopes freezing Europeans would get angry and replace their elected leaders. However, a warmer-than-usual winter and increased global LNG supply mean Putin has now permanently forfeited Russia’s relevance as a key supplier to Europe, with reliance on Russian energy down to 7%–and soon to zero. With limited pipeline infrastructure to pivot to Asia, Putin now makes barely 20% of his previous gas earnings.
However, Russia’s energy collapse is also triggered by savvy international diplomacy. The G7 oil price cap has achieved the once unimaginable balance of keeping Russian oil flowing into global markets while simultaneously cutting into Putin’s profits. Russian oil exports have held amazingly consistent at pre-war levels of ~7 million barrels a day, ensuring global oil market stability, but the value of Russian oil exports has gone from $600 million a day down to $200 million a day as the Urals benchmark crashed to ~$45 a barrel, barely above Russia’s breakeven price of ~$42 per barrel.
Even countries on the sidelines of the price cap scheme, such as India and China, ride the coattails of the G7 buyers cartel to secure Russian supply at deep discounts of up to 30%.

Talent and capital flight

Since last February, millions of Russians have fled the country. The initial exodus of some 500,000 skilled workers in March was compounded by the exodus of at least 700,000 Russians, mostly working-age men fleeing the possibility of conscription, after Putin’s September partial mobilization order. Kazakhstan and Georgia alone each registered at least 200,000 newly fleeing Russians desperate not to fight in Ukraine.
Moreover, the fleeing Russians are desperate to stuff their pockets with cash as they escape Putin’s rule. Remittances to neighboring countries have soared more than tenfold and they rapidly attracted ex-Russian businesses. For example, in Uzbekistan, the Tashkent IT Park has seen year-over-year growth of 223% in revenue and 440% growth in total technology exports.
Meanwhile, offshore havens for wealthy Russians such as the UAE are booming, with one estimate claiming 30% of Russia’s high-net-worth individuals have fled.

Russia will only become increasingly irrelevant as supply chains continue to adapt

Russia has historically been a top commodities supplier to the world economy, with a leading market share across the energy, agriculture, and metals complex. Putin is fast making Russia irrelevant to the world economy as it is always much easier for consumers to replace unreliable commodity suppliers than it is for suppliers to find new markets.
Supply chains are already adapting by developing alternative sourcing that is not subject to Putin’s whims. We have shown how in several crucial metals and energy markets, the combined output of new supply developments to be opened in the next two years can fully and permanently replace Russian output within global supply chains.
Even Russia’s remaining trade partners apparently prefer short-term, opportunistic spot-market purchases of Russian commodities to capitalize on depressed prices rather than investing in long-term contracts or developing new Russian supply.
It appears Russia is well on its way toward its long-held worst fear: becoming a weak economic dependent of China–its source of cheap raw materials.

The Russian economy is being propped up by the Kremlin

The Kremlin has had to prop up the economy with escalating measures, and Kremlin control is increasingly creeping into every corner of the economy with less and less space left for private sector innovation.
These measures have proven costly. Government expenditures rose 30% year-over-year. Russia’s 2022 federal budget has a deficit of 2.3%–unexpectedly exceeding all estimates despite initially high energy profits, drawdowns and transfers of 2.4 trillion rubles from Russia’s dwindling sovereign wealth fund in December, and asset fire sales of 55 billion yuan this month.
Even these measures of last resort have been insufficient. Putin has been forced to raid the coffers of Russian companies in what he calls “revenue mobilization” as energy profits decline, extracting a hefty 1.25 trillion ruble windfall tax from Gazprom’s corporate treasury with more raids scheduled–and forcing a massive 3.1 trillion ruble issuance of local debt down the throats of Russian citizens in the autumn.

More can be done​

Although 2023 will exacerbate each of these trends and further batter the Russian economy, there is even more that can be done to grease the skids.
A crackdown on sanctions evasion and smugglers, perhaps through secondary sanctions in the case of Turkey and other chronic offenders, will ensure that bad actors do not feed Putin’s war machine.
Sanctions provisions across technology, financial institutions, and commodity exports can be escalated. Pressure on companies remaining in Russia to fully and immediately exit the country must be maintained. Some $300 billion in frozen foreign exchange reserves could be seized and committed to the reconstruction of Ukraine
Tightening these screws will help improve the chances that before this time next year, Russia will realize it does not need Putin, just as the world has already realized it does not need Russia.
Only then will the Russian economy and people stand a chance of returning to prosperity.
Jeffrey Sonnenfeld is the Lester Crown Professor in Management Practice and Senior Associate Dean at Yale School of Management. Steven Tian is the director of research at the Yale Chief Executive Leadership Institute.
The opinions expressed in Fortune.com commentary pieces are solely the views of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of
Russia is finished. Putin even killed it off before the war. Russia lives on selling oil and gas. Now without Europe Russia is not an European country any longer but a somewhere between central and east Asia country. Russia’s fate is hung on China goodwill. Even before the war Russia economy was smaller than Italy, exports smaller than Belgium. Look on the map. Where is Belgium? Russia living standard will sink to Soviet area so 50y ago. Threatening everyday with nuclear war or pushing more nationalism, racism won’t help.

A Russian professional sniper, howling near Ugledar, spoke about the intricacies of a sniper's work in battles in Ukraine. The sniper's interview is large and the most detailed at the moment.

Russian craftsmen conducted a test flight of a homemade FPV kamikaze drone with a simulated rocket-propelled grenade from an RPG grenade launcher.

The Su-24M aircraft of PMC Wagner, hit by a MANPADS missile of the Ukrainian armies, was able to return to the base. After the impact of the Ukrainian missile, a fire started in the engines, despite this and the fact that the aircraft's controls were damaged, the crew was able to land the aircraft.

A 152-mm divisional self-propelled howitzer 2S19 "Msta-S" of the Ukrainian army came under attack from a Russian kamikaze drone "Lancet". This is the first footage of Ukraine's Msta-S self-propelled guns being hit by Lancet drones.

Footage of the assault on the Ukrainian stronghold by three Russian combat vehicles, BMPT "Terminator", BMD-2K-AU and BTR-D with a ZU-23 anti-aircraft artillery mount. The crews of combat vehicles approached the enemy and opened heavy fire on him. The video has been edited, the dead Ukrainian servicemen have been cut from the video.

Something wrong with this picture: Putin travels by train in his own country so he is not targeted in the air.

But his near adversary (Biden) who is responsible for supplying his battle field enemy is practically across the border in a war zone. Not sure what to make of this asymmetry and insult.

His risk to be blown up by his own regime insiders far surpasses a chance a foreign entity doing the same, thus an armored train makes much more sense.
You can have your laughs
But all the wayy back from Napoleon to most Battles of WWII
Battle of Kursk etc Russia always wins.
The only thing is U third class English speakers not even your own language, nevertheless, read in their media of Exaggerated Propuganda articles to stories of Western Victories But the real player was Russia not Yankees. Every historical fact on Russia is distorted by racist policies of the west.
Mark my words these Leopard 2s or M1-A1s will not even push the Russians 1 meter back.
Seems that half of the "modern" russian MBT already vanished.
T55/T62 will be nearly useless against modern west MBT and IFV with ATGM.

PS : Kursk was not a russian victory : they lost hundreds T34... it was the germans that decided to halt operations because of the US landing in Sicily
Seems that half of the "modern" russian MBT already vanished.
T55/T62 will be nearly useless against modern west MBT and IFV with ATGM.

PS : Kursk was not a russian victory : they lost hundreds T34... it was the germans that decided to halt operations because of the US landing in Sicily
You mean to say Russians gaining 2000km long straight was not a Russian victory ?
Ha ha ha - oh my gosh - Now

Ukraine turns to Pakistan for help to [end Russia’s] war; Zelensky 'pleads' President Alvi for support​

In leadership Zelensky went from under 1 year from peace to total annihilation of European surronding nations :

Defcon 5 --> peacetime normal
Defcon 4 --> watch and a continuing analysis of the political/military situation in the area of tension
Defcon 3 --> is generally seen as a standby level of alert, and it is the highest level of alert during peacetime
Defcon 2 --> one step from nuclear war, is implemented when an enemy attack is expected. Troops are poised for combat at this time. Ukraine is in this level.

Defcon 1 --> Ukraine is not in this level yet.
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It is understood that until long after the war started, Russia was using tactics less conducive to their deployment, as stressed by user Hack-Hook. Indeed kamikaze UAV's have been deployed to target fixed dual-use infrastructure, something Moscow was deliberately avoiding for numerous weeks into the conflict.

Your story does not add up.

Iran claimed that the drones where supplied to Russia MOUNTHS before the war , see here :

Drone delivery dates back to months before Ukraine war: Iran FM


Yet dates on parts recovered by the Ukrainians show February date on the propeller indicates the drone would have been supplied – if not made – after the invasion.


Yet ,

" Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hossein Amirabdollahian has emphasized that Tehran had delivered drones to Russia MOUNTHS prior to the Ukraine conflict. "

How could the drones that been supplied MOUNTHS before the war , Show the date of 02/2022 ?

Clearly Someone here is lying.

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Your story does not add up.

Iran claimed that the drones where supplied to Russia MOUNTHS before the war , see here :

Drone delivery dates back to months before Ukraine war: Iran FM


Yet dates on parts recovered by the Ukrainians show February date on the propeller indicates the drone would have been supplied – if not made – after the invasion.


Yet ,

" Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hossein Amirabdollahian has emphasized that Tehran had delivered drones to Russia MOUNTHS prior to the Ukraine conflict. "

How could the drones that been supplied MOUNTHS before the war , Show the date of 02/2022 ?

Clearly Someone here is y lying.


Your story does not add up.

Iran claimed that the drones where supplied to Russia MOUNTHS before the war , see here :

Drone delivery dates back to months before Ukraine war: Iran FM


Yet dates on parts recovered by the Ukrainians show February date on the propeller indicates the drone would have been supplied – if not made – after the invasion.


Yet ,

" Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hossein Amirabdollahian has emphasized that Tehran had delivered drones to Russia MOUNTHS prior to the Ukraine conflict. "

How could the drones that been supplied MOUNTHS before the war , Show the date of 02/2022 ?

The war started in the final days of February.

Clearly Someone here is y lying.

NATO regimes, as usual. Same regimes whose supporters on this forum are implying in their comments that Iranian children deserve to be gassed to death for no other reason than being Iranian.
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