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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Possibly Ukaine side will not accept Chinese proposed plan as major stakeholders like Usa Uk are against ending the conflict. In that case Russia can negotiate with other stakeholders like Germany and France. Crimea issue is not much different from Kosovo. Prior to both issues there are documented ethnic killings that resulted in referandum. There shoudnt be double standards. Referandum can be repeated with past residents again.Minsk process failed because it was used to gain time to strike Donbas again so maybe these parties can feel responsible this time to convince Ukraine about Crimea issue or reduce support. Cracks in Nato is unacceptable for Usa so they can make zelensky reconsider peace plan. This initiative can again be used to gain time in eastern Ukraine to beef up Ukr defenses so it is up to Russian intel to find out and cancel the process if necessary.

If all else fails a possible plan can be constrained to east of Dnipro. West has constant support from borders that cant be blocked. All the bridges over Dnieper can be taken out by long range iskander khynzal and zircon missiles to cut military supply lines. These missiles cant be taken out by sams given to Ukraine. Approximate time of attack should be informed to cut civilian traffic. It can continue with sigint anti radar sead missions east of Dnipro to degrade air defenses and radars. Then with high altitude Orion drones and similar that fly above manpad reach 5km to degrade artillery and ammo depots. Many Su 25 are hit by manpads flying too low. Laser guided bomb kits - glonass need to be utilised. Only after that infantry with artillery support can encircle Ukr lines forming pockets minimising casualties preferably capturing as many Ukr soldiers as possible to push zelensky for starting negotiations to return them back. I doubt any human wave attacks will take place.
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I doubt that very much. Maybe after the war is over, but not any time soon. You need extensive training to fly and maintain a 5th gen fighter, and the sheer cost of maintaining a 5 gen fleet can end up costing billions.

Ukraine needs fighters that are good enough to beat Russia, and the F-16s fit that role perfectly. No Russian fighter can beat an F-16 that has long range weapons, as PAF has proven against the Su-30MKIs which were forced to retreat.
So whats latest update about bakhmut. Ukrainians are bravely fighting as far as I think. Russians gains are slowly halting.
I made this statement in the first week of the war. Chinese will deliver military ready to eat meals to the Russians. I don’t think Chinese would go further. But well if they do deliver ammo and weapons to Putin’s invasion army as the US believe then good night. Thing will get worse on global scale.

It does feel like America is "itching" for China to join this war ( re : increase of US soldiers in Taiwan )..
Putin, the rich mafia boss

Estimated 200 billion Swiss franc are hidden in Swiss banks.

Who belong the money?

Rich Russians, anonymous Russians, nobody knows. Or only the Swiss bankers know.

Ukraine can claim this money for reconstruction.

It does feel like America is "itching" for China to join this war ( re : increase of US soldiers in Taiwan )..
For the US the Russians are just an annoyance. Much like North Korea, another annoying country with nukes. Putin and uncle Kim are twins they threaten everyday with nukes as if they eat nukes to breakfast.
The real threat to US global dominance is China. Yes the question who will be the boss will be decided in Taiwan.
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