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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


The number of Leopard 2 tanks pledged so far :

Germany 14
Poland 14
Norway 8
Spain 6
Canada 4
Portugal 3
Finland 6

All together = 53 tanks .

Sweden may send tanks too :

Another successful Russian attack it seems

Quad drones had their time. There should be measures already developed by now. For example in another thread we talked about LIDAR application that can detect the drones from close ranges. It needs to be directly above the stationary vehicle and not too high for a direct hit or slightly front of it to hit a slow moving target. For mobile vehicles that can escape artillery top scan would be enough to alert the crew and take action like evade or if aa gun is nearby strike back as well. Lateral scan and larger lidars can have more range but also more dangerous than top scan as it gives away the location of the laser source for detection and enemy artillery can strike back. It can still be used by mobile air defense systems while moving or it can be used statically to lure in enemy artillery for counter battery strike as it is much cheaper than a radar.

Also for the small bombs that these drones carry generally they injure the soldier unless it is a very close hit. It also can't penetrate ground. Holes inside trenches coupled with supported doors that are ballistic shields(even police used ones that can be bought or produced) can easily protect from the blast-fragments of those mostly makeshift grenades. Still artillery can be called though so the holes should be camouflaged and connected underground for some distance and soldier can escape from some other hole inside the trench. Smoke grenades to obscure the drone view ofcourse can be used as well. Calling some other drone teams are necessary to launch interceptor self-destruct drones to take them down as well.
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What is this? Mental challenged Kids? The infantilization of "the West" on a new high...

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The war started in the final days of February.

NATO regimes, as usual. Same regimes whose supporters on this forum are implying in their comments that Iranian children deserve to be gassed to death for no other reason than being Iranian.
Exagerrating and fictionilizing like RT: the discussion on Iranians has nothing to do with disagreement on use of chemical weapons in Iran Iraq war. But if West was complicity in supplying dual use chemicals that may have allowed Iraq to manufacture. I haven't seen a single post saying the attacks were justified.

I have not been part of that dialogue but I did initiate it that European countries and US put zero pressure in Iraq engaging in tactics then because they disliked more but were much more vocal in Syria

You mean to say Russians gaining 2000km long straight was not a Russian victory ?
2000km? IN which direction? That would mean they would have overrun Ukraine and be some place way west of it. You have the right number of 0s here? Kiev , which was never overrun is not even 2000km from Russian border so what are you referring to
Well - if Chinese weapons start turning up on the battlefield - then everyone will know which side they side on - regardless of what they say publically.
I made this statement in the first week of the war. Chinese will deliver military ready to eat meals to the Russians. I don’t think Chinese would go further. But well if they do deliver ammo and weapons to Putin’s invasion army as the US believe then good night. Thing will get worse on global scale.

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