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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ok, Mr. "Analyst", it's all about your feelings.

Wow, i am impressed. Even the "deino"-something has Mod reacted. He got triggered really hard.

Wenn das das angelsächsiche Herrchen angegriffen wird, dann ist der BRD-Zwergdackel sofort zur Stelle. Um sich zwischen den Beinchen zu verstecken und laut zu kläffen.:D
Is this the right translation?
If the Anglo-Saxon master is attacked, then the FRG miniature dachshund is immediately on the spot. To hide between the legs and bark loudly.:D

Russian Soldiers ‘Shoot Down’ Chinese-Origin Ukrainian UAV Using Anti-Drone ‘Jammer’ Gun – Watch​

ByParth Satam

November 24, 2022

A video of Russia’s frontline troops downing a commercially available Chinese drone used by Ukrainian forces using a ‘drone jammer’ gun is doing rounds on social media. While the gun cannot be clearly seen, it appears in flashes in the chaotic video and comes into focus at the end.

The video bares the effectiveness of electromagnetic/radio frequency/signal jamming and non-kinetic counter-drone systems and the proliferation of Chinese recreational drones from leading firm DJI.

Interestingly, even Russian forces use small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) from the Chinese company for essential battlefield surveillance and reconnaissance purposes. The anti-drone gun, meanwhile, is the PARS ‘Stupor’ that began reaching Russian units in early July.

Jubilant Russian Soldiers

The four-rotor/quadcopter drone in the video is revealed to be a DJI product, based on the logo that comes into view as the group of soldiers are examining it closely after retrieving it.
The video showed a Russian soldier running several hundred meters into a field while being egged on loudly and given instructions by other unit members. There seem to be five to eight soldiers in the nearly two-minute clip, including the one holding the camera.
One of the soldiers, who is not in the frame, exclaims jubilant exclamations and instructions, indicating the soldier retrieving the drone managed to get hold of it.
This means the drone must have been brought down several minutes before the video began recording. The soldiers open the middle hollowed-out hold of the drone meant for carrying miniature and small cargo, giving rise to the possibility that it must have been used for dropping grenades.
Some comments on Telegram channels claimed these were Ukrainian soldiers bringing down a Russian drone. But the distinct design of the Stupor gun disproves that since Ukraine’s Lithuanian-made EDM4S-UA tactical drone jammer guns have a visibly different front end.

The Gun & The Drone

The DJI Mavic series has a low-quality telephoto lens, which allows for surveillance of targets from beyond earshot, and a more crisp wide-angle lens. The quadcopter is powerful enough to carry and drop single grenades fitted with impact fuses.
With the widespread use of its drones, DJI in April condemned its military application and stopped its sales in both Russia and Ukraine. This followed Ukraine’s Vice Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov’s open letter to DJI CEO Frank Wang in March.
However, it was still possible to procure the drone from neighboring countries through imports or direct purchases from retailers and electronic stores.
Russia, too, used DJI drones in large numbers, which former Russian Chief of General Staff, General Yuri Baluyevsky, praised in a book for “revolutionizing” warfare by improving artillery fire correction.
EurAsian Times had reported journalist Julian Röpcke tweeting an image of Chinese-origin DJI drones months after the drone manufacturer notified that the drones were not being sold to Russia anymore.

Meanwhile, the Russian ‘drone jammer’ gun is the Stupor, which severs the radio connection between the drone and its remote operator. It can also jam satellite navigation signals from the American GPS, Chinese BeiDou, European Galileo, and Russian GLONASS within a radius of two to five kilometers.
It can also block GSM, 3G, and LTE mobile network signals at a distance of up to a kilometer and generate interference at frequencies of 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, and 5.2-5.8 GHz.
Russia’s Stupor anti-drone jammer gun, seen in the video, is being operated here by a pair of Russian soldiers.
However, the Stupor seen in the video appears to be an older model compared to the newer variants, with a sleeker design and finer finishing featured in the latest reports. In October, EurAsian Times also reported Russia introducing another hand-held anti-drone Harpoon-3 system. It, too, works on a similar principle of interfering and jamming the drone’s radio control channels.

Newly Mobilized Recruits Learn How To Use DJI Drones

Interestingly, Russia used DJI drones, which appeared in a video released by its Ministry of Defence (MoD) that featured the intensive training of its newly mobilized soldiers who are taught to use drones.
The video shows the recruits in a field shooting range and then being introduced to the DJI drone by their instructor.

Here too, DJI’s logo is visible on the drone’s controller/console while it is being operated by one of the recruits. The Russian MoD statement said that the soldiers are learning “new military specialties…in addition to small arms and firearms training with elements of tactical shooting.”
“The mobilized servicemen learn piloting techniques and the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in conditions as close to combat as possible. UAV operators practice using drones for artillery, tank, and assault units.
The crews’ task is to conduct surveillance, determine and transmit the coordinates of the enemy for fire and sabotage operations,” the MoD press release said.
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View attachment 900402
There are many, many comments like this that prove that the Taliban movement was created by ISI.

Only the biggest Muslim hero of all time. And you basically called him a liar…

Obviously you are totally clueless about history, both now and then.
No need to waste more time on You.

View attachment 900403
Idiot said:
There are many, many comments like this that prove that the Taliban movement was created by ISI.
You said Pakistani government claimed they created taliban, I asked where and you post a comment from VOA as evidence?
You likely read it as a comment on these boards and took it as official claim. This shows how you gain your general knowledge.

Malfunctioning bot said:
Only the biggest Muslim hero of all time. And you basically called him a liar…
Obviously you are totally clueless about history, both now and then.
No need to waste more time on You.

So I pointed out your lie about what USA did to Iraq and this is all you have to say? Even a programmed bot troll will do better argument than you.

I understand that you have to run away since you have made up so many things that you can't back up. You were looking for an easy piss take and you couldn't have it.

Good riddance.
This is the source:

You understand how risky and difficult it is for the Russians to investigate this matter? Would Putin want you to know?
Did some digging in regards to this istories and found they are connected to OCCRP. Now to the uninitiated let's just say that occrp is a known Russia basher funded by the likes of NED and the British foreign office as can be gathered from their own list of backers here https://www.occrp.org/en/aboutus/who-supports-our-work

Need I say more?
We should sell the Russians our silent hunter system. This jamming gun had been introduced by China 5 years ago.
Meaning the NASAMS (Norwegian Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System) and other air defense missile systems are not working. It is great to hear such a great news. Just a matter of time before Russians exploit its weaknesses as well.

So your conclusion is that because Ukraine is getting more Air defense systems , there air defense will be weaker ?
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