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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s Personal Brigade Is Fighting One Of the Ukraine War’s Hardest Battles​

David Axe
Forbes Staff

Nov 25, 2022,08:00am EST
A 1st Presidential Brigade trooper near Bakhmut.

A 1st Presidential Brigade trooper near Bakhmut.

Officially, it’s the mission of the Ukrainian national guard’s 1st Presidential Brigade to defend the leader of Ukraine. In peacetime, that might mean manning guardposts in Kyiv and escorting the president on his travels.

But Ukraine isn’t at peace—and hasn’t been since 2014, when Russian troops first seized Ukraine’s strategic Crimean Peninsula then invaded eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region. So the 1st Presidential Brigade’s remit has, uh, somewhat expanded.

Now in addition to protecting Pres. Volodymyr Zelensky and his family, the elite brigade, thousands strong and nicknamed for 17th-century Ukrainian military hero Bohdan Khmelnytsky, guards strategic facilities in Kyiv such as power plants. And it also fights on the front.

And not just any sector of the front. Arguably the hardest sector: the fields and forests around Bakhmut, a town with a pre-war population of around 70,000, 30 miles north of Donetsk, the seat of the separatist “Donetsk People’s Republic” in Donbas.

As Ukrainian forces press their advantage, three months after launching twin counteroffensives in the east and south, Bakhmut is one of the few places where the Russians and their separatist and mercenary allies still are trying to attack.

The battle for Bakhmut, which pits Russian regulars, DPR separatists and mercenaries from The Wagner Group against the Ukrainian forces holding the town—including the 1st Presidential Brigade—might be the most absurd of these isolated Russian offensive operations. Which of course is little comfort to the 1st Presidential Brigade troopers hunkering in cold, muddy trenches around the town.

Bakhmut itself doesn’t have a lot of military value. Certainly not any value that’s worth the lives of the few good troops the Kremlin has left after nine months of grinding warfare and repeated botched efforts to raise new forces.

According to the Institute for the Study of War in Washington, D.C., The Wagner Group views the Bakhmut battle as an opportunity to score public-relations points by proving the mercenaries can win ... while the rest of the Kremlin’s forces lose.

But the Ukrainian military is determined to deprive the Russians of any victory in Bakhmut, even a P.R. one. It’s not for no reason that the 1st Presidential Brigade has sent at least one of its battalions and the battalion’s BTR-4 wheeled armored vehicles to the town to fight alongside forces including the 93rd Mechanized Brigade—itself one of the Ukrainian army’s better brigades.

One video, recorded by a 1st Presidential Brigade trooper, speaks to the intensity of the fighting. He and some comrades man an M-2 heavy machine gun in a trench in a forest outside Bakhmut as Russian snipers take aim at them from three directions. “Get out of my forest!” one trooper shouts as he returns fire with his AK-style assault rifle.

Other videos that recently have circulated online depict Ukrainian drones dropping improvised bombs on Russian troops cowering in shallow dugouts outside Bakhmut—and killing seemingly scores of them.

In weeks of failed attacks on Bakhmut, the Russians have lost potentially hundreds of men killed and wounded—and the 1st Presidential Brigade and other Ukrainian units still control the town.

The Ukrainian president’s personal brigade might be a long way from Kyiv and the president. But it’s fighting, and so far winning, a battle that might prove pivotal to the wider war—and Zelensky’s future—as Russia spends its last good forces for no real gain.
When the Wagner hooligans attack at night, they run against Ukraine artillery like brainless zombies. They advance slowly, they don’t hide.

So Ukraine defenders at the front of Bakhmut when looking thru night vision gear.

A 152-millimeter howitzer belonging to the 40th Artillery Brigade.

A 152-millimeter howitzer belonging to the 40th Artillery Brigade.


Putin crying crocodile tears when meeting a selected group of mothers whose sons died worthless in a foreign country. He says he shares the pain. In reality he cares little about their lives. The first wave of 320,000 mobis will be soon dead or wounded. He prepares the second wave of mobilization, ordering ammo factories to run double shifts.

Did some digging in regards to this istories and found they are connected to OCCRP. Now to the uninitiated let's just say that occrp is a known Russia basher funded by the likes of NED and the British foreign office as can be gathered from their own list of backers here https://www.occrp.org/en/aboutus/who-supports-our-work

Need I say more?


But I am focused on "information." It matters. If it comes from the British Intelligence, so be it.

Is there any basis to assume that Russian leadership is absolutely humane, truthful, and transparent? They have absolute history of denials, coverups, and propaganda efforts in relation to this war. They said that they will not invade Ukraine, but they did. They said that there are no cases of Russian war-crimes in Ukraine, but there are. They manipulate contents to create narratives, you will see this in authentic Fact Checking sources that have existed long ago (not the fakes one that suddenly popped up). Need I say more?
Meaning the NASAMS (Norwegian Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System) and other air defense missile systems are not working. It is great to hear such a great news. Just a matter of time before Russians exploit its weaknesses as well.

NASAMS have 100% success rate. More AD will just means Ukraine will be more protected.
Is this the right translation?
If the Anglo-Saxon master is attacked, then the FRG miniature dachshund is immediately on the spot. To hide between the legs and bark loudly.:D
It is! :D

And it's the typical mentality todays germans and especially members of the Bundeswehr und Co. have. Nearly 80 years of occupation and brainwashing by UKUSA destroyed not only this country, it has destroyed the whole german culture and the people. Turned them into shizos , servile on the one hand and megalomaniac on the other hand.
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Hezbollah more or less quoted Pyrrhus after the war.
Not really, they grew to be the most powerful faction after that in Lebanon, with no other faction coming close. Their stockpile of missiles grew massively to the point that it is now impossible for Israel to neutralize even a large portion of it. Their fighting experience against both Israel and the Syrian Civil War has made them into probably the most deadly force in the region, more powerful than even the Lebanese army.
Well, now the Russian conscript dressed like Stalingrad back in 1942.

Soon, they will dress like North Korean soldier on the DMZ.

Nope. It was a stalemate. Nasrallah himself said he wouldn't have attacked Israel had he known the reaction.

Israel is the reason Lebanon is unstable and in economic and political ruins.

SLA was lost long before 2006, and the reason is a division between the Christians that forgot about the real threat, the Shias.
A stalemate between a standing army and a militia. That's an automatic victory for the militia.

Lebanon isn't that unstable. It has political crises, but it's no longer a war like situation, or is there a even a threat of civil war.

The SLA may have been lost, but Israel still maintained contact with a number Christian factions and militias, almost all of whom are now nonexistent.

It's economy will eventually recover, the blast that occurred is mainly the culprit behind the devastated economy, which was slowly and steadily recovering at the time.

Meanwhile, Hezbullah still remains a major threat to Israel, and now stronger than ever before, as Israel failed to achieve its goal of eradicating it multiple times.
Not really, they grew to be the most powerful faction after that in Lebanon, with no other faction coming close. Their stockpile of missiles grew massively to the point that it is now impossible for Israel to neutralize even a large portion of it. Their fighting experience against both Israel and the Syrian Civil War has made them into probably the most deadly force in the region, more powerful than even the Lebanese army.

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