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Russia to target Turkey with S-400 anti-aircraft missiles

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Everythin is possible. From 1990 on, Western and Eastern powers pierced through Russian defences without giving a damn about. Your old strongholds has fallen or are falling into the hands of your enemies.

Syria is an ally of Russian Federation, shortly RU. RU has naval base in Tartus near Lazkiye. With the regime of Assad collapsing, RU may say "bye bye" to Tartus. After Syria, Iran is next. With Iran down, southern energy corridor would be secured.

At same time or after, West will try to remove Armenia and Central Asian States from Russian bloc by showing carrot. With RU being kept busy with Islamic insurgency in Caucasus, RU may be forced to accept the reality in which those stronghold are taken away slowly.

Situation inside RU is bleak as I told in the previous posts. In next 20-30 years from now, who know what happens? Yet we dont know how many years or decades will these wars continue. It is a long war.

Nope its not Iran who is next. Its Iraq. With Iraq, Iran and Syria sourthern energy corridor is indeed secured by Russia :D Now there are no obstacles to continue creation of Eurasion Uninon and expand its influence future.
There are two proposed canals that are going to be build, one from Black Sea to Caspian Sea and another from Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf. After their creation Russia will have a quick reach to every corner of Eurasian continent and will control most of its resources :D
DRDO Rustom is. And yes the US govt, injected itself with Cocaine if it said that Turkey was 8th with 800 million USD sales. Israel sells more than a billion to India alone. So from 2001-2011, Turkey is number 27. You can verify SIPRI which is the foremost rating agency on national security, arms trade etc around the world.

Most of your weapon systems like fighter jets etc are from the US or through joint ventures.

Your arms export is solely those Cobra armed vehicles etc., Mostly variants of already existing stuff. Even India makes stuff like that. We just dont export it, cuz ours is state controlled and is therefore only for domestic consumption, atleast most of the time.

Indians just gave their opinions. Why are they not allowed to? Its not about supporting or opposing a country. Its reality.

For example If Russia deployed S400 missiles against India in Pakistan, Id say the same thing about India too.

A person can make 50trillion excuses but there is only 1 truth . You are saying we dont export it ... and STOP THERE . whenever there is but , because or something i know ... our is state controlled and is therefore domestic consumption :lol::lol: So i come up to you and say i want to buy 10 billion worth of indian weapons , you going to say NO? just stop being funny , its because nothing you make is quality and hardly make anything .

let me tell you some things we export and to where .- THESE ARE NOT THINGS WE MADE OR THINKING TO EXPORT BUT ALREADY EXPORTED

Atilgan exported to many countries including netherlands .

Otokar cobra - exported to many countrie

FNSS PARS - exported


Panter howitzer - exported




At same time or after, West will try to remove Armenia and Central Asian States from Russian bloc by showing carrot. With RU being kept busy with Islamic insurgency in Caucasus, RU may be forced to accept the reality in which those stronghold are taken away slowly.

"by showing carrot"...I loled at this.

There will always be a divide between Armenia and the West, namely the United States. This stems mainly from the gag rule that Turkey has on the United States with regards to the Armenian Genocide, which is in place due to strong relationship between Turkey and US. Also, US is interested in Azeri oil and infrastructure. In other words, there is nothing that the United States can do to break the Armenian-Russian alliance.

You are over-dramatizing the "Islamic insurgence" in the Caucasus. I live in Russia, and I can assure you that the authorities have the extremists under-control. Actually, you will see more new is in the near future about how Russia makes strides in killing Islamists as they "clean house" before 2014 Winter Games in Sochi. With each year, the area becomes more pacified (probably with the exception of Grozny).

Trust me, even if Russia was "preoccupied" with North Caucasus, which it isn't, it would still jump on any chance to exert its influence.

Atilgan exported to many countries including netherlands .

Otokar cobra - exported to many countrie

FNSS PARS - exported


Panter howitzer - exported





Why did you feel the need to post these pictures? I'm sure that Wickerman could do the same with Indian defense goods.
Nope its not Iran who is next. Its Iraq. With Iraq, Iran and Syria sourthern energy corridor is indeed secured by Russia :D Now there are no obstacles to continue creation of Eurasion Uninon and expand its influence future.
There are two proposed canals that are going to be build, one from Black Sea to Caspian Sea and another from Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf. After their creation Russia will have a quick reach to every corner of Eurasian continent and will control most of its resources :D


Now we have map in front of us. An imaginary Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline is alternative to Turkish energy corridor. Which is in question now because of Syrian civil war.

Aftermath of imaginary Iran operation, northern energy corridor will pull the attention. With 100 million uneducated, jobless Muslim youth and US dollars, Caucasus could be turned into next page of global jihad.


AVC-300 - exported







Aselsan STAMP


Recently artillery rockets exported to UAE and chile


These are not the things just made by us , its what was exported , the things made and not exported i never put down.
Nope its not Iran who is next. Its Iraq. With Iraq, Iran and Syria sourthern energy corridor is indeed secured by Russia :D Now there are no obstacles to continue creation of Eurasion Uninon and expand its influence future.
There are two proposed canals that are going to be build, one from Black Sea to Caspian Sea and another from Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf. After their creation Russia will have a quick reach to every corner of Eurasian continent and will control most of its resources :D

A canal that goes through the heart of Iran? thats probably the biggest canal i have ever heard of . That is a pure fantasy
No need to compare Turkish industrial capabilities with any country. We have a different roadway and strategy to follow and The programs are proceeding in accordance with those plans.

There is one thing for sure that Turkish industry is doing great things, as Everybody accepted. but In previous posts, Some members indicated the importance of some specific, important technologies (such as EW, Missile...etc) as If Turkish industry lacks of. I really wonder wheather They are aware of Turkey's efforts in those areas or not...
No need to compare Turkish industrial capabilities with any country. We have a different roadway and strategy to follow and The programs are proceeding in accordance with those plans.

There is one thing for sure that Turkish industry is doing great things, as Everybody accepted. but In previous posts, Some members indicated the importance of some specific, important technologies (such as EW, Missile...etc) as If Turkish industry lacks of. I really wonder wheather They are aware of Turkey's efforts in those areas or not...

Turkey can always ask Pakistan for missile tech and Nuclear enrichment materials.
A canal that goes through the heart of Iran? thats probably the biggest canal i have ever heard of . That is a pure fantasy

It's really not that hard. If the Sanai can be cut and Panama also cut in two, then why can't Iran?
Ḥashshāshīn;3516806 said:
It's really not that hard. If the Sanai can be cut and Panama also cut in two, then why can't Iran?

They are different because when you look at them , the land thats cut is shorter as theres like a sea especially in suez
There are really good subjects deserving to be discussed instead of d@ck measuring. Everybody is trying to do their bests and There are some sectors that Turkey is ahead/behind of others. Those are complx things because We are talking about availibility of products but It isn't eough for comparion. What about cost-effectivity of them? What about quality of the systems developed ? To talk about all those, Every factor must be taken into consideration.

What about talking about How Russian land sector is loosing own markets against Turkish land sector step by step. :)
Ḥashshāshīn;3516806 said:
It's really not that hard. If the Sanai can be cut and Panama also cut in two, then why can't Iran?

Next to impossible. Delving into the highest mountains of earth to open canal between Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf. Dinyepr and Volga are easy to bind. You can connect Black Sea and Caspian Sea. But when it comes to opening a canal through Iran, that is ridiculous. Some Russian's innocent dream.
A person can make 50trillion excuses but there is only 1 truth . You are saying we dont export it

I never said you didnt export it. I said your exports are not that high to say you are in the 8th spot. I also admitted that India does not export as much. However:

AVC 300:

The ACV-300 is based on the American Advanced Infantry Fighting Vehicle, which is based on the chassis of the M113 armored personnel carrier. We also have Abhay IFV, NAMICA etc., However they are also modified from previous IFVs.


Even India manufactures Trucks and exports it to neighboring countries like Bhutan, Nepal etc. India has the 5th largest automotive industry I think.


The Cobra is a wheeled armoured vehicle developed by Turkish firm Otokar, using some components from the American HMMWV


What is that? Composite armor? We have Kanchan Armor. We use that in our Tanks.

Sniper Rifle:

India has its own Vidhwansak Sniper file/Anti material rifle.


T-155 Fırtına (Storm) is the Turkish variant of the K9 Thunder 155mm self-propelled howitzer by Samsung Techwin. Even we have our own Artillery system, I dont know the name though. Forgot.

I could go on and on. Yes you export, we dont export as much. But to over state your exports or indigenous capabilities, is little bit over the top.

But the discussion is not about that, lets stay on topic. Its about Russia and Turkey and a probable war scenario.
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