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Russia to target Turkey with S-400 anti-aircraft missiles

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I asked a question. As imagined a chess game, Turkey has eaten Syria. What move did Russia do?

All I have seen till now: Installing AA missile systems against Turkey.

With Russia playing always defence, barking without biting, USA, Turkey, EU, China (or any country you name it) will keep checking and piercing through Russian defences.

Turkey don't even have proper Air defence! I-Hawks and stingers! XD

Now they Dick Measure Indians. Although Im chinese, I admit Indian Navy alone would defeat Turkey.
I asked a question. As imagined a chess game, Turkey has eaten Syria. What move did Russia do?

All I have seen till now: Installing AA missile systems against Turkey.

With Russia playing always defence, barking without biting, USA, Turkey, EU, China (or any country you name it) will keep checking and piercing through Russian defences.

Russia does not need to attack anybody. Thats why in my first post I said, it was all just projection. And that there wont be a war. Looking to history for identity is all good, but to rely on it to win a war in the present?!!

The last time someone actually "checked" and "pierced" Russia, in WW2, we all know what happened.
First off, India had a 90% poverty level and a 90% illiteracy level when the British left. With a population that is more than 10 times as yours, we have moved from that to what we are today - the worlds third largest economy. That was done solely by India. If you wanna go by history, even then India accounted for almost 25-30% of world GDP before the British took over. Where was turkey on that map? Well wherever it is today, but nothing spectacular.

As for military weapons, we have made our own tanks, guns, awacs, UAVs, our own fighter jets, missiles, we launch our own satellites - we even sent one to the moon etc etc. and we even launch satellites for others, So please with all the "we make more than you stuff" and that you export.

Turkey 8th? Get outta of here :lol: Nice try with all the lies and needless chest thumping. Turkey is like 27 or whatever. Yes India is behind, by 10 places or so. That is also because we consume it and we dont have a big defence sales industry as yet. It means nothing, but if you wanna indulge yourself in mediocrity, so be it. With all the modern arms industry, all you could manage was place 27 and India with its state controlled bureaucracy can still manage 35 :lol:

Whether you have better GDP per capita, or how much you export is all pure statistics. When it comes to capability, you will lose even to India in a war Today.


3rd largest economy ? :lol: Since when has india been 3rd largest economy . oh your measuring it by PPP because you dont want to use the real statistics because its low ....

ah i found that we are the 8th largest in the world . 2011 -- According to US Congress Turkiye has reached $800 million arms export and outpaced Israel and Spain. By the year 2016, it is anticipated the export will reach $2 billion.



all your things are joint ventures mostly , tell me your male uav ?
Turkey don't even have proper Air defence! I-Hawks and stingers! XD

Russia does not need to attack anybody. Thats why in my first post I said, it was all just projection. And that there wont be a war. Looking to history for identity is all good, but to rely on it to win a war in the present?!!

The last time someone actually "checked" and "pierced" Russia, in WW2, we all know what happened.

Sometimes bunch of grunts equipped with ak-47 are more than enough to shake a regime, as seen in the example.

You guys are talking about military comparison. I aint. USA defeated Soviet Union without firing a single bullet. Same scenario can be applied to Russian issue. The case i try to assert here.
Turkey don't even have proper Air defence! I-Hawks and stingers! XD

Now they Dick Measure Indians. Although Im chinese, I admit Indian Navy alone would defeat Turkey.

NO. your against us because of other things .. history etc lets not get there.

India cant even come close to our land .

Russia does not need to attack anybody. Thats why in my first post I said, it was all just projection. And that there wont be a war. Looking to history for identity is all good, but to rely on it to win a war in the present?!!

The last time someone actually "checked" and "pierced" Russia, in WW2, we all know what happened.

WW2 russia got mashed , and crushed by germans , invaded fiercely , if germans wasnt fighting in like 10 fronts what would of happened we know.
Sometimes bunch of grunts equipped with ak-47 are more than enough to shake a regime, as seen in the example.

You guys are talking about military comparison. I aint. USA defeated Soviet Union without firing a single bullet. Same scenario can be applied to Russian issue. The case i try to assert here.

USSR and Russia are very different. USA caused the collapse of USSR by an economic blockaid which is no longer possible.
How do you think Turkey was like after we defeated British, Greeks, French and the others? A war won is almost as grim as a war that's lost.

I couldn't care less about urine racing with indians but just so you know, throught history war has always been Turkish nation's trade and we are well aware of the odds.

We aren't just bullies that can crush little countries like Syria. We've got what it takes to face bigger enemies if and when it's necessary.

Best of luck my friend.
ah i found that we are the 8th largest in the world . 2011 -- According to US Congress Turkiye has reached $800 million arms export and outpaced Israel and Spain. By the year 2016, it is anticipated the export will reach $2 billion.

Signed contracts and exports are different things. Some contracts can be executed over period of many years.
3rd largest economy ? Since when has india been 3rd largest economy . oh your measuring it by PPP because you dont want to use the real statistics because its low ....

No its PPP that matters. That takes into account costs of living, inflation etc., That shows the true economic power of a nation. Whenever they talk about China overtaking the Us, do you think its nominal GDP? China will overtake the US in 5 years in terms of PPP, which is what matters. Even by nominal GDP, India is 10, and Turkey 18. So please with all the economy stuff.

ah i found that we are the 8th largest in the world . 2011 -- According to US Congress Turkiye has reached $800 million arms export and outpaced Israel and Spain. By the year 2016, it is anticipated the export will reach $2 billion.

:rofl: :rofl:

800 million is 8th? Dude, I dont know what you smoked. And you displaced Israel? LMAO. In 2010 alone, Israel sold, 7.2 billion USD, not million. That report is bogus and those guys that wrote that report must have been high when they wrote it.

You guys are talking about military comparison. I aint. USA defeated Soviet Union without firing a single bullet. Same scenario can be applied to Russian issue. The case i try to assert here.

USA defeated Soviet Union?!?!?!?!?! :rofl:

Dude, the Soviet Union fell by itself. They defaulted. That is NOT an American victory. I was watching a debate on Al Jazeera of all places, and even THEY said the same thing. That the Soviet Union did not lose in a field of battle, it was not even political orchestrating by America. And the ones that said it were Americans. Former CIA operations officers, ambassadors etc.,

WW2 russia got mashed , and crushed by germans , invaded fiercely , if germans wasnt fighting in like 10 fronts what would of happened we know.

Yes after supply lines got crushed, after their equipment stopped working, after they were outgunned and out manned and encircled they would have surely "crushed" russia. Please.
USSR and Russia are very different. USA caused the collapse of USSR by an economic blockaid which is no longer possible.

Everythin is possible. From 1990 on, Western and Eastern powers pierced through Russian defences without giving a damn about. Your old strongholds has fallen or are falling into the hands of your enemies.

Syria is an ally of Russian Federation, shortly RU. RU has naval base in Tartus near Lazkiye. With the regime of Assad collapsing, RU may say "bye bye" to Tartus. After Syria, Iran is next. With Iran down, southern energy corridor would be secured.

At same time or after, West will try to remove Armenia and Central Asian States from Russian bloc by showing carrot. With RU being kept busy with Islamic insurgency in Caucasus, RU may be forced to accept the reality in which those stronghold are taken away slowly.

Situation inside RU is bleak as I told in the previous posts. In next 20-30 years from now, who know what happens? Yet we dont know how many years or decades will these wars continue. It is a long war.

USA defeated Soviet Union?!?!?!?!?! :rofl:

Dude, the Soviet Union fell by itself. They defaulted. That is NOT an American victory. I was watching a debate on Al Jazeera of all places, and even THEY said the same thing. That the Soviet Union did not lose in a field of battle, it was not even political orchestrating by America. And the ones that said it were Americans. Former CIA operations officers, ambassadors etc.,

You need a lesson about Cold war, and I aint have time to teach.
You need a lesson about Cold war, and I aint have time to teach.

I know everything there is to know about the cold war. It wasnt the US that actually beat the Soviet Union. It was all proxy wars. Paid for by the lives of others.

all your things are joint ventures mostly , tell me your male uav ?

Most of yours is joint ventures too.

DRDO Imperial Eagle
DRDO AURA is a stealthy unmanned combat air vehicle
DRDO Nishant
DRDO Netra
DRDO Rustom
Rustom 1
Rustom 2
Lakshya PTA
Gagan UAV HAL/DRDO Tactical UAV
Pawan UAV

Some of these are TDs, some are mini UAVs, some are MALE UAVs etc., and some are retired.

Look in the end its not about India vs Turkey, its about Turkey being in a war with Russia. As it stands today, you guys simply lack the capability to beat them in a war. Today its not about AK 47s, its about technology, electronic warfare, air superiority and missile tech. Russia is way ahead of you.
I know everything there is to know about the cold war. It wasnt the US that actually beat the Soviet Union. It was all proxy wars. Paid for by the lives of others.

Most of yours is joint ventures too.

DRDO Imperial Eagle
DRDO AURA is a stealthy unmanned combat air vehicle
DRDO Nishant
DRDO Netra
DRDO Rustom
Rustom 1
Rustom 2
Lakshya PTA
Gagan UAV HAL/DRDO Tactical UAV
Pawan UAV

Some of these are TDs, some are mini UAVs, some are MALE UAVs etc., and some are retired.

Look in the end its not about India vs Turkey, its about Turkey being in a war with Russia. As it stands today, you guys simply lack the capability to beat them in a war. Today its not about AK 47s, its about technology, electronic warfare, air superiority and missile tech. Russia is way ahead of you.

non of them are MALE UAV's . the source i gave from US government so are they lying ? also we exported probably more than 800 mill but thats the payment we got in that year , e.g if a country does a contract for 10 years for e.g helicopter parts they get the payment sum by sum then it willbe lower . you dont have the capability to understand that .

what is joint venture of ours that you was talking about ? T-129 heli? i never included that . our UAV is fully ours and made by TAI and the other stuff .
Look in the end its not about India vs Turkey, its about Turkey being in a war with Russia. As it stands today, you guys simply lack the capability to beat them in a war. Today its not about AK 47s, its about technology, electronic warfare, air superiority and missile tech. Russia is way ahead of you.

With all due respect, you guys jumped into the thread and one of us replied to you so it became India vs Turkey thread..Not all but some Indians do that a lot lately..Look at all Russia, Israel related threads on Turkish Defence Section, you will see a lot of Indians advocating for Israel or Russia..Even more than Israelis or Russians..Isnt that odd now?
Fun fact: Within next 10 years, both the Indian and Russian navies will be equipped with the BrahmosII cruise missile (which will be the fastest missile in the world, travelling at hypersonic speed). Hopefully, Russia and India will continue to work together in the future:D

Turkey will never beat Russia in a conventional fight. Russia defense industry is simply too innovative. Besides, Russia will soon be upgrading to new standard issue AK, and don't even get me started on the new Sukhoi's.
non of them are MALE UAV's . the source i gave from US government so are they lying ?

DRDO Rustom is. And yes the US govt, injected itself with Cocaine if it said that Turkey was 8th with 800 million USD sales. Israel sells more than a billion to India alone. So from 2001-2011, Turkey is number 27. You can verify SIPRI which is the foremost rating agency on national security, arms trade etc around the world.

what is joint venture of ours that you was talking about ? T-129 heli? i never included that . our UAV is fully ours and made by TAI and the other stuff .

Most of your weapon systems like fighter jets etc are from the US or through joint ventures.

Your arms export is solely those Cobra armed vehicles etc., Mostly variants of already existing stuff. Even India makes stuff like that. We just dont export it, cuz ours is state controlled and is therefore only for domestic consumption, atleast most of the time.

With all due respect, you guys jumped into the thread and one of us replied to you so it became India vs Turkey thread..Not all but some Indians do that a lot lately..Look at all Russia, Israel related threads on Turkish Defence Section, you will see a lot of Indians advocating for Israel or Russia..Even more than Israelis or Russians..Isnt that odd now?

Indians just gave their opinions. Why are they not allowed to? Its not about supporting or opposing a country. Its reality.

For example If Russia deployed S400 missiles against India in Pakistan, Id say the same thing about India too.
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