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Russia to target Turkey with S-400 anti-aircraft missiles

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when every 1 is jumping in future just wana ask a thing if pakistan becomes a strong ally of russia they way the relations are going between pak and russia and their is a war between Turks and Russia wht Pak will do any clue

Pakistan will never ever ever abandon turkey never if it does the leader who does it will fall down headless
You do realize that that would include us more then them for it were the territories of present day Pakistan who weathered the Muslim Invaders from the West & the South-West !

I dont know who it includes "more" but all i know is its called British "India" , and pakistan split after it , so its directly to indians as most people dont even know that pakistan , india and bangladesh was together before so they think its india , and considering mughals was ruling all and mainly "india" and considering we are both muslims you know who its directed to.

I saw no direct Syrian military operation/help to Turkish opposition. And yet Turkey slowly moves the same direction as Syria :D

This is what i meant in my previous posts :D Of couse im sure. Even Turkish Kurds dont hesitate to stand up against Turkey. Why are you questioning Chechens and Tatars?

Turkish kurds dont hesitate to stand up? whats that? Most of the Soldiers martyred against PKK are kurds aswell . So they are killing kurds from Turkiye . I can bet my life that in a war with russia ( god forbid wars) , that alot of the chechens and turkish origined people will stand with us and not fight , obviously there will be the proper asimilated russianized ones .
You see , thats the difference between us and you , you have been like this since you existence , thats why you swinged for being in the hands of us ( Mughal Turks) , to the British . while we owned nearly every inch of soil in the world in some time and ruled numerous empires .

Actually, Mughals were not Turks, unless you want to get into a debate with the Afghans and Persians. TBut anyways, lets not get into history and soil your pride where I can talk of the Balkan war and the defeat at the hands of the Greeks.Secondly, you got creamed during the wars leading to a complete destruction of the Ottoman Empire. So my friend talk about the present.

Your military without NATO is below even the Pak armed forces (which by the way is vastly superior to yours from a human capability and deterrent capability). I mean you are not even able to deal with Greece! Of all the countries...Greece...and you want to take on the might of the Russian military. Next you will be telling me how you are better than the Pak armed forces. Man...first atleast beat the Pak armed forces capability without NATO. That should take you like...say...25 years???
I saw no direct Syrian military operation/help to Turkish opposition. And yet Turkey slowly moves the same direction as Syria :D

This is what i meant in my previous posts :D Of couse im sure. Even Turkish Kurds dont hesitate to stand up against Turkey. Why are you questioning Chechens and Tatars?

Good point. I remember Syrian government was supporting PKK, and Russia was, too, during 90's. We threatened to invade Syria, then Syria stopped supporting PKK. Against Russia, we backed Caucasus insurgency (Chechens had unilaterally declared independence in that times), Russia stopped supporting PKK. There was an agrrement between governments. If you insist, i may look up to show here.

Yet years later, Turkey started to support the Syrian opposition in 2012. In just months, Syria turned into hellhole. On the other side, Kurds still try to gain independence, well since 1978 or 1984. Well to be true, they have been fighting since 1920's with no result.

Turkey has a strange miraculous power, Russia should beware of it. Big Bear of 19th and 20th century is no more.
Actually, Mughals were not Turks, unless you want to get into a debate with the Afghans and Persians. TBut anyways, lets not get into history and soil your pride where I can talk of the Balkan war and the defeat at the hands of the Greeks.

Secondly, you got creamed during the wars leading to a complete destruction of the Ottoman Empire. Your military without NATO is below even the Pak armed forces (which by the way is vastly superior to yours from a human capability and deterrent capability). I mean you are not even able to deal with Greece! Of all the countries...Greece...and you want to take on the might of the Russian military. Next you will be telling me how you are better than the Pak armed forces. Man...first atleast beat the Pak armed forces capability without NATO. That should take you like...say...25 years???

WAIT WAIT WAIT ... who was talking about pakistan ? are you trying to create problems between us . and mughals wasnt Turk .. ok i dont even want to carry on about that which is a joke .. please please please .. dont compare us and indians in history in any way because i will get embarrased , your history is full of being ruled by others , complete destruction looting , and getting ruled . And your comparing us to greece :lol: :lol: Biggest importer indian talking about military with me ... your 1 billion population couldnt even make a proper tank , uav .. keep buying from russia . btw your not even in our league , if they say compare a Turk or an indian ill be embarrased which wont happen anyway in the history stage and world arena you will be known as the biggest english speaking country ....

Also about pakistan stronger than us thing , i wouldnt want to answer that and create something but i swear i will be more than happy if they are a superpower , because we will only gain and be happy from that.
WAIT WAIT WAIT ... who was talking about pakistan ? are you trying to create problems between us . and mughals wasnt Turk .. ok i dont even want to carry on about that which is a joke .. please please please .. dont compare us and indians in history in any way because i will get embarrased , your history is full of being ruled by others , complete destruction looting , and getting ruled . And your comparing us to greece :lol: :lol: Biggest importer indian talking about military with me ... your 1 billion population couldnt even make a proper tank , uav .. keep buying from russia . btw your not even in our league , if they say compare a Turk or an indian ill be embarrased which wont happen anyway in the history stage and world arena you will be known as the biggest english speaking country ....

I cannot even begin comparing you to India in the current scenario. Comparing economic and military capabilities is a joke. You are right on that count.

We don't need NATO for anything. We deal with stuff on our own. As far as talking about the Pak forces, its for your own good. learn something from them. No NATO alliance and dealing with its current problems. So stop thinking I am trying anything. And I think it really hurts when an Indian says that the Pak military is far superior to yours. That says something.

First deal with a military problem without depending on your NATO partners. Deal with Syria without NATO. Deal with Iran without NATO. Deal with Greece without NATO. Then you should talk about Russia!
You see , thats the difference between us and you , you have been like this since you existence , thats why you swinged for being in the hands of us ( Mughal Turks) , to the British . while we owned nearly every inch of soil in the world in some time and ruled numerous empires .

Thats called living in the past. It shows lost glory. Yeah you had some great empires. Where are they now? Nowhere. Infact, its been a 100 years since all your great empires fell.

And why did we fall? Because we were divided. Today its not so. So lets stay in the present without getting too nostalgic shall we?

Today, you will lose, if you fight the Russians. Its a fact.

dont compare us and indians in history in any way because i will get embarrased

You dont have anything to be embarrassed about your past. But are you embarrassed about your present is the question. Is it some form of inadequacy that you have, after having lost everything that you think trying to insult another country is some form of victory? Please.

On the other hand, no Indian is embarrassed about his past. We learnt our lessons well. Today, neither you nor any of your past glory can do anything about India or its rise.
Im laughing at what you are saying . Because after what you said that deep deep embarrasement has hit you bad , you are trying to find things about us , you searched well and couldnt find anything and now you compare us to Pakistan . as i said , i will be more than happy if Pakistan was a superpower , we will only be happy and gain from this.
Im laughing at what you are saying . Because after what you said that deep deep embarrasement has hit you bad , you are trying to find things about us , you searched well and couldnt find anything and now you compare us to Pakistan . as i said , i will be more than happy if Pakistan was a superpower , we will only be happy and gain from this.

Actually one does not need to search anything. The capabilities of the Turks without NATO is well known. Forget Pak, for arguement sake. Atleast Iran? You do not even match up to them! Forget Iran....Greece. You guys cannot solve a problem with the Greeks! Bottomline is without NATO the Turk military capability is next to zero. And you guys are talking about taking on Russians. That's what the joke is.
Im laughing at what you are saying . Because after what you said that deep deep embarrasement has hit you bad , you are trying to find things about us , you searched well and couldnt find anything and now you compare us to Pakistan . as i said , i will be more than happy if Pakistan was a superpower , we will only be happy and gain from this.

We've got a lot of things to learn from Turkey & the decade of economic progress have done some great things to you but we've got some nice military goodies up our sleeve too.

P.S The original Mughal might have been of Turkish descent just as you'd find the odd Pakistani out whose of Turkish descent but for all intents & purposes they'd assimilated so well & had so many different ethnic & linguistic groups in their armed forces & their bureaucracy that they can't be considered Turkish in the same manner as say Atilla could or Barbarossa *the Admiral* could. They had become a part of this land & one with the people.

In fact the last Great Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb *who had his negative points* was not big on ethno-linguistic nationalism but instead unity through 'Islam'.

Either way May God Bless Turkey & we'd stand by her through her trials & tribulations but a war with Russia will bring enormous ruin to both countries...lets avoid that at all costs.
Good point. I remember Syrian government was supporting PKK, and Russia was, too, during 90's. We threatened to invade Syria, then Syria stopped supporting PKK. Against Russia, we backed Caucasus insurgency (Chechens had unilaterally declared independence in that times), Russia stopped supporting PKK. There was an agrrement between governments. If you insist, i may look up to show here.

Yet years later, Turkey started to support the Syrian opposition in 2012. In just months, Syria turned into hellhole. On the other side, Kurds still try to gain independence, well since 1978 or 1984. Well to be true, they have been fighting since 1920's with no result.

Turkey has a strange miraculous power, Russia should beware of it. Big Bear of 19th and 20th century is no more.

Russia never supported PKK. Im not even sure where did you get that delusional BS, probably you created that myth as exuse to your impotence in dealing with PKK and to justify your support of wahhabi terrorists in Caucasus. Im not even sure that Russian government in 90s really had any clue about PKK or who the fck is it :lol:

Current state of Syria is the result of civili war inside it. And its really not any sign of Turkish military might. More like a sign Turkish moral degradation.
Thats called living in the past. It shows lost glory. Yeah you had some great empires. Where are they now? Nowhere. Infact, its been a 100 years since all your great empires fell.

And why did we fall? Because we were divided. Today its not so. So lets stay in the present without getting too nostalgic shall we?

Today, you will lose, if you fight the Russians. Its a fact.

You dont have anything to be embarrassed about your past. But are you embarrassed about your present is the question. Is it some form of inadequacy that you have, after having lost everything that you think trying to insult another country is some form of victory? Please.

On the other hand, no Indian is embarrassed about his past. We learnt our lessons well. Today, neither you nor any of your past glory can do anything about India or its rise.

look , we are not paranoid or deluded and stupid enough not to know russia is stronger than us . We surely arent embarrased and a Turk will never be embarrased . yh so lets look at today . ok .

India with its 1 billion + population has an economy of 1.6 trillion right ? thats smaller than UK who is 60 + million a very small gdp per capita and people dying of hunger .

Turkiye with 75 million population has an economy of 880 billion ( which is very very bad for me ) , although this isnt very good , our gdp per capita is over $12,000 , we have one of the youngest pensions in the world and my relative got a pension at 49 and some people get it at 48 , around $400 per month at 49 till the rest of your life which increases every year. we have minimal poverty compared to india and improving .

Military part - recently on another forum there was a statistic from an official thing that we are the 8th biggest exporter in the world in 2011 , we export many military things . some things we have and making is ANKA UAV ( like the third male uav in the world ) , very good APC's , A new tank we are making , very good weapons , electronics , Cruise missile , stealth corvette and frigates BTW here im not counting things done with joint ventures like T-129 heli etc , . We lack in long range missiles , space capabilities atm

While india is a pure importer and ( im not counting joint ventures that are mainly russian) , hardly makes anything . I saw your new arjun tank which looks outdated took so long , nothing impressive dont solely by india.
Today, you will lose, if you fight the Russians. Its a fact.

1) Fact is proven reality literally. What you assert here is not proven, not real.

2) Well, we have been fighting an terrorist/guerrila force, we have Syrian issue on the other hand. We keep force on the western side to check Greeks and Greek Cypriots.

We got 3 issues to check. Thankfully Azerbaijan keep Armenia under thumb. They relieve us in another issue, THANKFULLY.

Russia has supported Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh war. Still supporting Armenia economically and militarily. Russia developing projects to bypass Turkey in the energy corridor issue. We are already in a struggle.

We have eaten a pawn of Russia today (named Syria), what did Russia do? :wave:

Russia never supported PKK.

Ocalan to leave Moscow
Turkey-Russia, Politics, 11/16/1998

The French daily Le Monde said on Sunday that Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov has informed his Turkish counterpart of the date of Kurdish Workers Party leader Abdullah Ocalan's departure from Moscow.


I think you are young or apolitik to follow political news.
We've got a lot of things to learn from Turkey & the decade of economic progress have done some great things to you but we've got some nice military goodies up our sleeve too.

P.S The original Mughal might have been of Turkish descent just as you'd find the odd Pakistani out whose of Turkish descent but for all intents & purposes they'd assimilated so well & had so many different ethnic & linguistic groups in their armed forces & their bureaucracy that they can't be considered Turkish in the same manner as say Atilla could or Barbarossa *the Admiral* could. They had become a part of this land & one with the people.

In fact the last Great Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb *who had his negative points* was not big on ethno-linguistic nationalism but instead unity through 'Islam'.

Either way May God Bless Turkey & we'd stand by her through her trials & tribulations but a war with Russia will bring enormous ruin to both countries...lets avoid that at all costs.

Bro - in history with nearly all empires of turks you will see one common thing , that is we never asimilated people badly , to turn them into Turks , thats why you wouldnt see too much Turks or people from our ancestry and language etc much , there are some places like algeria , bulgaria , balkans and some other places we are still there as minority but mainly not . Although you can see alot of our culture mixed with others especially food and other stuff.
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