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Russia Says NATO, Persian Gulf Nations Plan to Seek No-Fly Zone for Syria

If you were in Charge the Entire Middle East would have been in war and turkey hit with Nerve Gas. the only option seems if you can secure rights for the alwaties then Assad will fall.

Nerve gas? Whoever even dares to mention threaten to use that on us, will be turned to bbq i promise! Let them just try to mention that.
Nerve gas? Whoever even dares to mention threaten to use that on us, will be turned to bbq i promise! Let them just try to mention that.

Enough with the chest thumping BS Turkey has done noting because it knows the consequences.
Done nothing against whom? If you mean syria y are wrong, we are openly arming, training and literally sending FSA rebels into Syria! This is just first step, second will be a no fly zone to protect civilian population+rebels after that more will follown step by step
You have not done anything yet it's just all talk from Turkey.

You have to decide. are we supporting those rebels or not? That's something i suppose, atleast for now. Atleast we do more then the arab leage or gcc right??
You have to decide now which one are we supporting terrorists or not, our Russian friend was accusing us for arming and training the rebels? If you think that's nothing then okay!

Turkey Currently shelters the rebels that are attacking Syrian Troops that would be considered Terrorism.
Syria did same to us used to shelter terrorist pkk, atleast fsa is legitimate from within the people and army deserters!!

Goodwork, continue to support them until liberating some cities so that we can force no fly zone on them!
“Our fear is that Syria could collapse and extremist Islamic forces will seize control that no one will be pleased about,” Zvyagelskaya said in a phone interview today. “This could destabilize the entire region.”

With all their influence, Russia and Iran could have played the game smarter. They could have maneuvered their people to lead the pro-democracy movement, so they would win either way. Now they are cast as the champions of tyranny.

How about standing up for human rights and standing with the Syrian people instead of the tyrant Assad, just because he happens to be their thug?
Turkey have good relations with both china and russia! Syrian governement are slaughtering its own people so it must be removed from power, If you want to defend them if you want war, we are right here! We will stand by the poor and opressed. Russia, China etc doesnt matter for us that much!
I don't buy that! Assad has his supporters and the opposition have their supporters. Who is the West to say that one side is good and one side is bad? How did Iraq turn out? Afghanistan? Libya? Do we see the West supporting the forces of good against the forces of evil or do we see a cynical game of ulterior motives and exploitation of local conflicts to keep non-Western nations down (including the Islamic World)?

Thanks to USA's imperial adventures in the Middle East, Central Asia and East Asia, many nations, including China and Russia, are adamantly opposed to USA meddling in Syria. If USA was not involved in this conflict, then we (i.e. China) could care less about Assad's secular Shia Baath party versus Sunni versus Koptic Christians versus Kurds, etc. And Turkey you can go ahead and do what you want to do.

But the fact remains that Syria is now a battleground for USA versus Iran / Russia, and Turkey should think carefully about destabilizing the region with aggressive moves against Assad, or else a conflict could bring in all these great powers like WW1 was started by a minor separatist movement. I suspect Turkey has its own ambitions like rebuilding the Ottoman Empire by bringing Syria under its wing!

And besides, Turkey had good relations with Assad until recently, even though Syria's internal problems are nothing new. Now you turn around and say he is a children killing monster? :undecided: They weren't 'sheltering PKK terrorists' before, but now they are? :what: What has changed between 2010 and 2012? Nothing, except USA pressure against Iran and Turkish ambition and opportunism!

Done nothing against whom? If you mean syria y are wrong, we are openly arming, training and literally sending FSA rebels into Syria! This is just first step, second will be a no fly zone to protect civilian population+rebels after that more will follown step by step

Syria did same to us used to shelter terrorist pkk, atleast fsa is legitimate from within the people and army deserters!!

Goodwork, continue to support them until liberating some cities so that we can force no fly zone on them!
As above, Turkey should hold back its urge to intervene in Syria. Russia and China will not let the West have its way with Syria. If Turkey blunders into a war bigger than its own ambitions, it will pay a very heavy price.
Syria did same to us used to shelter terrorist pkk, atleast fsa is legitimate from within the people and army deserters!!

Goodwork, continue to support them until liberating some cities so that we can force no fly zone on them!

dont understand what are you so happy about? that Turkey developed into terrorist state doing the same you accused others before? that you kill civilians and army personnel? that you sent signal to the entire world that supporting PKK terrorists is normal thing according to Turkish standards? this makes you happy?

no-fly zone to protect Syrian civilians could really happen. so make sure you placed that terrorist bases on Turkish territory far from areas populated by civilians.
Turkey should worry about israel instead of Syria. Syria, with or without the Asad dynasty, will never attack Turkey, but israel, on the other hand, will not hesitate to kill the turks the way they killed those on Mavi Maramara if Turkey keeps supporting the Palestinian cause.
Turkey have good relations with both china and russia! Syrian governement are slaughtering its own people so it must be removed from power, If you want to defend them if you want war, we are right here! We will stand by the poor and opressed. Russia, China etc doesnt matter for us that much!


Turkey could care less about "innocent civilians" getting killed. Seriously, your government has been relentlessly butchering Kurds for past 40 years and still aren't even able to speak their own language.

Erdogan really believes he is a Sultan and he sees a grand opportunity to seal Turkish influence in the levant for the next 100 years. Turkish rhetoric against Assad is purely cynical and politically motivated.
Turkey should worry about israel instead of Syria. Syria, with or without the Asad dynasty, will never attack Turkey, but israel, on the other hand, will not hesitate to kill the turks the way they killed those on Mavi Maramara if Turkey keeps supporting the Palestinian cause.

Oh really? Assad was/is still until today giving shelter to PKK militants who cross the border and attack our troops with IED's, so its now almost time to finish off this psycho called assad for once and for all! Payback time!

We focus on everybody in the region, dont worry you will ya!

Turkey could care less about "innocent civilians" getting killed. Seriously, your government has been relentlessly butchering Kurds for past 40 years and still aren't even able to speak their own language.

Erdogan really believes he is a Sultan and he sees a grand opportunity to seal Turkish influence in the levant for the next 100 years. Turkish rhetoric against Assad is purely cynical and politically motivated.

I'm half Kurdish myself why dont they never bomb me or any of my family?

Those pkk are different, weird young people, lostsouls, dreamers, naive, what do you know about kurdish women? They are forced in young ages to marry! So of them are being opressed and for them joining the pkk is a only solution!

So what's your point? trade in drugs, force women into prostitution, kill innocent farmers and atlast Take up arms and challenge Turkiye you will die like a dog! We will make nice bbq of you with napalm, anyone who dares to mess with our country!
Now what was your stupid post all about? Too much propaganda? Brianwashed?
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