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Russia rules out arms sale to Pakistan

I am not going to buy russians statement.Chinese got russian tech and chinis tranferred to pakistanis.From flankers to s-300,every thing is copied...and how russia says that we wont do it,when u have stuffed indian enemies with hardware which india have?

This is the reason india moved to west and its good decision...

Ad you never know if npo-saturn 36mt turbofan is sitting at the heart of Babur cruise missile..another Russian goodie.. ;)
Well, lets see, Pakistan already produces its own Tanks, APC's, produces its own state of the art Panter Howitzer under ToT, we already co-produce our own fighter jets, we acquired transport aircraft and helicopters from Ukraine, we already produce manpad SAM's, we produce our own ballistic missiles/cruise missiles and pretty much the rest the Chinese and a few other sources fill in the void of our weapons acquisitions.

So what does Russia really have to offer Pakistan (besides the RD-93 engines which they supplied us and continue to do so despite indian pressure) that Pakistan can't get from anywhere else?

As one member mentioned in this thread, Russian investment is more important, not weapons, we already have enough of the latter.

Khan Sahib, you forget to mention the most important thing that we produce on our own right here in Pakistan :

! :smitten:

On a serious note - Its not as if producing all the goodies you mentioned is the end of the road ! We need better tech to progress further & I'm sure if we had some sort of an option...we'd exercise it !
Khan Sahib, you forget to mention the most important thing that we produce on our own right here in Pakistan :

! :smitten:

some say we copied that from Afghani technology..
same as some say we copy everything from somewhere
The Indian overreaction to this news is understandable considering the Pakistani overreaction to expanding Pak-Russia ties. Those who knew better didn't make much of it to begin with.

Russia is actually doing Pakistan a great favor by expanding economic ties with the country. A strong economy should be the top priority of our leaders (both military and civilian).

You can't have a strong defensive if you can't afford to buy/produce the necessary equipment.
Russia is actually doing Pakistan a great favor by expanding economic ties with the country. A strong economy should be the top priority of our leaders (both military and civilian).

You can't have a strong defensive if you can't afford to buy/produce the necessary equipment.

Pakistan should not expect much they should start by asking for the Russians to invest in the IP pipeline and take it from there, which I am sure GOP was thinking along the lines of but the Pakistani posters on this forum overreacted (as usual).
Well, lets see, Pakistan already produces its own Tanks, APC's, produces its own state of the art Panter Howitzer under ToT, we already co-produce our own fighter jets, we acquired transport aircraft and helicopters from Ukraine, we already produce manpad SAM's, we produce our own ballistic missiles/cruise missiles and pretty much the rest the Chinese and a few other sources fill in the void of our weapons acquisitions.

So what does Russia really have to offer Pakistan (besides the RD-93 engines which they supplied us and continue to do so despite indian pressure) that Pakistan can't get from anywhere else?

As one member mentioned in this thread, Russian investment is more important, not weapons, we already have enough of the latter.

You can not be fully dependent on a single supplier for all your need ...
Just like India stop your deal with France for JF17 ...

You need to make your foreign policy strong
Khan Sahib, you forget to mention the most important thing that we produce on our own right here in Pakistan :

! :smitten:

On a serious note - Its not as if producing all the goodies you mentioned is the end of the road ! We need better tech to progress further & I'm sure if we had some sort of an option...we'd exercise it !

Bhatt Sahib, I think we have enough sources to look forward too.

India Stunned as Brazil Sells 100 Advanced Air-to-Surface Missiles to Pakistan

BTW, i never tried naswar. If its that good we should start mass producing/exporting it.
Bhatt Sahib, I think we have enough sources to look forward too.

India Stunned as Brazil Sells 100 Advanced Air-to-Surface Missiles to Pakistan

BTW, i never tried naswar. If its that good we should start mass producing/exporting it.

Khochaaa kiyyyaaa bolii 'Bhatt Sahib' ! :angry:

Its 'Buttt Sahib' & don't you forget that, Rommel Khanum ! :P

I never tried Naswar either but most Pukhtoons I know of go by the tune of : Naswar is to Pathan what Coffee is to the rest of us ! :D
Pakistan should not expect much they should start by asking for the Russians to invest in the IP pipeline and take it from there, which I am sure GOP was thinking along the lines of but the Pakistani posters on this forum overreacted (as usual).
The IP pipeline is out of the question now. Its a deal no one wants to get involved in, and Pakistan had more than enough time to go forward with that deal and implement it as far back as the Musharraf regime, but we didn't therefore its out of the question. Iran is under heavy sanctions and thus the project has been successfully sabotaged/hampered. All the news of "Pakistan still determined to go forward with the IP pipeline" is just stories meant to show Pakistan as defiant to the West, when in reality even if we wanted to we couldn't implement the actual project.

The Russians will assist in TAPI or CASA projects. If i'm correct the Russians will assist us in expanding the production capacity of the Steel Mill as well as other economic related projects which most likely includes the involvement of access to/availability of Pakistani ports to the Russians.
So what does Russia really have to offer Pakistan (besides the RD-93 engines which they supplied us and continue to do so despite indian pressure) that Pakistan can't get from anywhere else?

Weapons that work and guns that fire :rofl: :rofl:
Khochaaa kiyyyaaa bolii 'Bhatt Sahib' ! :angry:

Its 'Buttt Sahib' & don't you forget that, Rommel Khanum ! :P

I never tried Naswar either but most Pukhtoons I know of go by the tune of : Naswar is to Pathan what Coffee is to the rest of us ! :D

Well, i didn't want to say Butt since that is censored.

Anyways, is that a stereotype that all Pashtuns use Naswar? I never used it. :lol:
Well, lets see, Pakistan already produces its own Tanks, APC's, produces its own state of the art Panter Howitzer under ToT, we already co-produce our own fighter jets, we acquired transport aircraft and helicopters from Ukraine, we already produce manpad SAM's, we produce our own ballistic missiles/cruise missiles and pretty much the rest the Chinese and a few other sources fill in the void of our weapons acquisitions.

So what does Russia really have to offer Pakistan (besides the RD-93 engines which they supplied us and continue to do so despite indian pressure) that Pakistan can't get from anywhere else?

As one member mentioned in this thread, Russian investment is more important, not weapons, we already have enough of the latter.

Russian comments on "spitting on the face" does not affect normal realistic pakistanis at all,who realistically expect russian, chinese and american help in the projects which pakistan is incapable of doing by itself..But there are a bunch of delusional pakistanis who expects russia to form strategic alliance with pakistan causing "nightmares" to USA and India,
their dreams will definitely be shattered by comments like..
“That’s our political advantage as a friend of India,” he said. “If someone says otherwise, spit in his face,”
Russian comments on "spitting on the face" does not affect normal realistic pakistanis at all,who realistically expect russian, chinese and american help in the projects which pakistan is incapable of doing by itself..But there are a bunch of delusional pakistanis who expects russia to form strategic alliance with pakistan causing "nightmares" to USA and India,
their dreams will definitely be shattered by comments like..

Pakistan should vie for financing and partnerships in their projects from any and all quarters.

And, to Pakistani posters - This is not an Indian over reaction it's more of an "See, we told you so".
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