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Russia rejects extending Iran arms embargo, defies US pressure

MIG-35 is garbage. Many client are dissatisfied with it and have switched to SU-30 and SU-35.

MIG is no longer the MIG of the past.

And SU-24 is obsolete garbage. If anything Iran should secure SU-27 license if it can’t secure SU-30

Iran doesn’t even have that Much money to throw at an arms deal. It’s entire yearly military budget is 15-20 billion.

Iran might be able finance a 5-10 billion dollar arms deal, but it doesn’t have the hard currency of Baboon Arabia and other PG states.

So are China and Russia gonna risk the wrath of EU/US/Israel over a measly 5 billion dollars? I have my doubts
Not sure..but iran has oil that it can use to pay in future
The sanctions will come off, the world is very tired of having their relationships with third countries being dictated to by American sanctions.

I think Iran will buy systems and platforms from both Russia and China, but with a very significant focus on transfer of technology so that she can support and maintain these platforms. Iran has had a rather rough 30years as far as weapons procurements goes, and i dont think they will forget the lessons of that, so easily!

And yes, I agree that Mig is rather crap these days.

Maybe Iran can get some Tejas planes for their airforce... o_O ..
How so? Iran needs to retire its aging F-14 fleet. Su-30SM is a big plane that replaces it.
Iran does not need the actual aircraft what Iran needs is the technology related to these aircrafts and methods of mass production for them...now you may ask why Iran does not need the actual aircrafts and the answer is the potential enemy of Iran ( the one which can hurt Iran)...that enemy is US (and only US)..... when it comes to US and its airforce all I can say is that no matter how many 5th or 6th generation aircraft a country like Iran can line up against US ..they all will be destroyed ..the only variable is "in how many days"....so having 200 or 300 first line aircraft might impress Saudis or Israelis but Iran does not need to impress them they are already impressed by other things Iran has in its arsenal. So why not use your top dollars and develop your own 5th and 6th Gen aircraft and "live to fight another day".
MIG-35 is garbage. Many client are dissatisfied with it and have switched to SU-30 and SU-35.

MIG is no longer the MIG of the past.

And SU-24 is obsolete garbage. If anything Iran should secure SU-27 license if it can’t secure SU-30

Iran doesn’t even have that Much money to throw at an arms deal. It’s entire yearly military budget is 15-20 billion.

Iran might be able finance a 5-10 billion dollar arms deal, but it doesn’t have the hard currency of Baboon Arabia and other PG states.

So are China and Russia gonna risk the wrath of EU/US/Israel over a measly 5 billion dollars? I have my doubts
According to our Zionist friend Babak Taghvaee Iran wanted to buy 18 Su-35S and 8 Su-30SME but Russia refused. In turn, Russia offered Iran the MiG-35 with Zhuk-ME radar and Su-27SM3 but Iran refused.

Iran does not need the actual aircraft what Iran needs is the technology related to these aircrafts and methods of mass production for them...now you may ask why Iran does not need the actual aircrafts and the answer is the potential enemy of Iran ( the one which can hurt Iran)...that enemy is US (and only US)..... when it comes to US and its airforce all I can say is that no matter how many 5th or 6th generation aircraft a country like Iran can line up against US ..they all will be destroyed ..the only variable is "in how many days"....so having 200 or 300 first line aircraft might impress Saudis or Israelis but Iran does not need to impress them they are already impressed by other things Iran has in its arsenal. So why not use your top dollars and develop your own 5th and 6th Gen aircraft and "live to fight another day".
It is still better for Iran to have a capable Air force than not having one, especially for deterrence against Israel and the Gulf countries. Sure, the USAF could decimate even a formidable IRIAF consisting of 200-300 modern Russian fighter jets in all-out war but a strong IRIAF could make even a limited campaign by the US against Iran less likely if the US deem the potential casualties to be too high or not worth it.
Iran does not need the actual aircraft what Iran needs is the technology related to these aircrafts and methods of mass production for them...now you may ask why Iran does not need the actual aircrafts and the answer is the potential enemy of Iran ( the one which can hurt Iran)...that enemy is US (and only US)..... when it comes to US and its airforce all I can say is that no matter how many 5th or 6th generation aircraft a country like Iran can line up against US ..they all will be destroyed ..the only variable is "in how many days"....so having 200 or 300 first line aircraft might impress Saudis or Israelis but Iran does not need to impress them they are already impressed by other things Iran has in its arsenal. So why not use your top dollars and develop your own 5th and 6th Gen aircraft and "live to fight another day".

And the Russians and Chinese will not give you the technology outright without being paid for it.. You would need to commit to a large order like India did with the Su30MKI to get the sort of deep technology transfer that you are looking for... you are taking 250-300 odd units where the last 50 maybe from home grown tech transfer manufactured units from the ground up.. No one is going to take a cheque for 1 or 2billion or 5billion USD and give you all the blue prints and manufacturing equipment.

Even for the JF17, China retains 42% of the manufacturing.

No money, no honey... and for the record, if Iran could have developed something similar to the Su30SM or J10C or JF17 Block III by now, it would have.. And boy, has it tried, but the best that "Iranian science and industry" can achieve is piss poor knock off of F5 derivatives .. not much else .... so lets get over the crap about "doing it yourself, guess what.. you cannot.. this is now a proven fact ..."

get real ..
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And the Russians and Chinese will not give you the technology outright without being paid for it.. You would need to commit to a large order like India did with the Su30MKI to get the sort of deep technology transfer that you are looking for... you are taking 250-300 odd units where the last 50 maybe from home grown tech transfer manufactured units from the ground up.. No one is going to take a cheque for 1 or 2billion or 5billion USD and give you all the blue prints and manufacturing equipment.

Even for the JF17, China retains 42% of the manufacturing.

No money, no honey... and for the record, if Iran could have developed something similar to the Su30SM or J10C or JF17 Block III by now, it would have.. And boy, has it tried, but the best that "Iranian science and industry" can achieve is piss poor knock off of F5 derivatives .. not much else .... so lets get over the crap about "doing it yourself, guess what.. you cannot.. this is now a proven fact ..."

get real ..
My dear Ali_baba it must be cold and rainy and miserable where you are......I agree with the first part of your enlightening statement..no one was expecting a free transfer of of Tech. TOT is subject to many things and money is just one element of it... as for the second and "highlighted" part of your statement I am sorry to say it is full of crap so you will not get a reply from me on that, however all I can say is that if you and I are around in few year and happen to be in here I will be showing you the fruits of "Iranian Science and Industry" in the same way that the American Global Hawk felt it back then over the Persian gulf at 61000 feet.
u.s. has to wake up from her slumber and smell the coffee, she is NO longer the "center of the universe" and no body gives two turds about what her policies are. With China, having soundly blunted america's financial/economic offensive and having secured a steady supply of oil & gas from both iran, russia and the middle east (especially from russia and iran through Pakistan), the single, lone achilles heel that China had is now gone with nothing to defeat them. america would be wise to just tip her hat and settle for a back seat on the world stage...her dominance is over, time to become an equal citizen of the global community and let China lead as she rightfully deserves.
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According to our Zionist friend Babak Taghvaee Iran wanted to buy 18 Su-35S and 8 Su-30SME but Russia refused. In turn, Russia offered Iran the MiG-35 with Zhuk-ME radar and Su-27SM3 but Iran refused.

It is still better for Iran to have a capable Air force than not having one, especially for deterrence against Israel and the Gulf countries. Sure, the USAF could decimate even a formidable IRIAF consisting of 200-300 modern Russian fighter jets in all-out war but a strong IRIAF could make even a limited campaign by the US against Iran less likely if the US deem the potential casualties to be too high or not worth it.

Babak is a damn retard.

What country buys 8 PLANES? 8?! That doesn’t even make sense.

I doubt Russia will sell SU-35 because of Israel/US/Saudi concerns over advanced tech. The latest SU-35 radar tech can detect low RCS fighters.
Babak is a damn retard.

What country buys 8 PLANES? 8?! That doesn’t even make sense.

I doubt Russia will sell SU-35 because of Israel/US/Saudi concerns over advanced tech. The latest SU-35 radar tech can detect low RCS fighters.
the funny part is even in the era of war with iraq our air force has not what it should have been. if revolution happened ~5 year later we would get our 300 f-16s and there were talks about additional 80 f-14s. it means with the infrastructure iran had back in 70s we could logistically support a fleet of 780 jets consisting 160 f-5s, 160 f-14s, 160 f-4s and 300 f-16s. now after revolution we made other airports too...
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Babak is a damn retard.

What country buys 8 PLANES? 8?! That doesn’t even make sense.

I doubt Russia will sell SU-35 because of Israel/US/Saudi concerns over advanced tech. The latest SU-35 radar tech can detect low RCS fighters.
A more likely option for Iran than the Su-35S would be the Chinese FC-20E (J-10C export variant) that was revealed at the Dubai Airshow this year.
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