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Russia pushes for Su-35 in a bid to lure Bangladesh Air Force

No, a upgraded aircraft is unlikely to cost more than a new built aircraft. If BD could acquire Block 50/52 and upgrade them to Block 70/72 it would be much cheaper than new build Eurofighters.
But f - 16 is single engine. So maybe Bangladesh should seek for both!
@Avicenna, isn't F -16 block 70 more expensive than Eurofighter? I read it in a page named defense technology Bangladesh ( DBT). They provide many authentic news related to armed forces. Probably US can help us by selling army equipment. But for airforce perhaps typhoon will be cheaper ( over all) than f 16.

Both you and @mb444 please take a look.

I agree with what they are saying.... EF will come with meteor...its simply given.

Lets say we only get 8 EFs with lets say 50 meteors.

A meteor cost £2m .... very expensive no doubt....but with 150km range it instantly nullifies everything in the monkeys and indias arsenal except the raffles who also have meteors thus stalemate....

This is a simple calculus. 2-3 sqds of EF armed with 150 meteors completely secures BD for a while. We still have F7s and migs and the yaks on top. As a defensive posture that is more than enough.

If we end up getting anything else it will allow us to move to an offensive posture.

F16 i am not in favor because we wont get aamrams and in any case meteors is better. With these missiles no one is going to intrude into BD skies.

I would say forget everything.... go for EF BAF, its simple calculation. It offers most for the buck with minimal sanctions risk.
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BD should focus on a offensive missile force, layered air defense, and a potent air force in the next 15 years.
I agree with what they are saying.... EF will come with meteor...its simply given.

Lets say we only get 8 EFs with lets say 50 meteors.

A meteor cost £2m .... very expensive no doubt....but with 150km range it instantly nullifies everything in the monkeys and indias arsenal except the raffles who also have meteors thus stalemate....

This is a simple calculus. 2-3 sqds of EF armed with 150 meteors completely secures BD for a while. We still have F7s and migs and the yaks on top. As a defensive posture that is more than enough.
Yes, and besides military equipment is not like daily goods like meat or fish or other daily goods that if one price is prohibitive, you can choose other types of food for few days.

Military equipment is for our existence . So even if it take some more money, we should spend on it for better equipment.
No, a upgraded aircraft is unlikely to cost more than a new built aircraft. If BD could acquire Block 50/52 and upgrade them to Block 70/72 it would be much cheaper than new build Eurofighters.[/QUOTE
I agree with what they are saying.... EF will come with meteor...its simply given.

Lets say we only get 8 EFs with lets say 50 meteors.

A meteor cost £2m .... very expensive no doubt....but with 150km range it instantly nullifies everything in the monkeys and indias arsenal except the raffles who also have meteors thus stalemate....

This is a simple calculus. 2-3 sqds of EF armed with 150 meteors completely secures BD for a while. We still have F7s and migs and the yaks on top. As a defensive posture that is more than enough.

If we end up getting anything else it will allow us to move to an offensive posture.

F16 i am not in favor because we wont get aamrams and in any case meteors is better. With these missiles no one is going to intrude into BD skies.

I would say forget everything.... go for EF BAF, its simple calculation. It offers most for the buck with minimal sanctions risk.

I don’t think Meteor will be released to Bangladesh.

It’s too potent.

Also, the cheapest option would be used F-16 upgraded like Indonesia did with their 24 Block 25 upgraded to Block 52. I think it was for 750 million USD.
LOL yep. @Imran Khan has kept track the most of what he has seen over time.

Anyway, let them be, its been passed off and sugar-coated as "excitement" and "fascination"....all the while the real reasons are increasingly apparent.

The reality is quite brutal and bitter (esp some solidifying macro-economic trends outside the control of BD govt's propaganda, if you know where to look), so its best for them to stick to their diabetic inducing sugar haze....and gather the tears and frustration as usual on cue later.
Do not forget eu fighter rafales and giripen also please tfx is also an option
BD doesn't need a heavy aircraft, it is a small country that needs a great number of capable light aircraft like Gripen, JF-17, etc. If Bangladesh wants to buy Russian it should buy more upgraded Mig-29s.

For BD Gripen-NG with Global Eye is best solution, Gripen is very easy to maintain and its specifically made to face much larger enemy so have all capabilities required in that matter, can carry nearly all NATO standard weapons like Meteor, ASRAAM, IR-IST, Mica etc.

It is a very complicated situation... China will sanction BD in a conflict with MM, America will sanction BD in a conflict with India. Who will BD turn to for neutrality? BD needs something it can use against both nations without getting sanctions, but I'm afraid that is impossible today with the limited number of aircraft manufacturers dominated by few nations.

Then only option is JFT with full ToT if possible, although many Pakistanis like me will oppose it.
Whatever Pakistan will sell to BD it will end up in hands of India, as BD still hates us and treat us as enemy while our ruling class saw them Muslim brothers.
You are assuming that MM will not give JF-17s secrets to India in exchange for Kilo class subs. Nigeria, and MM would both do it actually.
Whatever Pakistan will sell to BD it will end up in hands of India
Thanks to almighty that Pakistan is still safe because your ruling class is totally different than you ! ;) Otherwise Muslim nation would be totally screwed up!

as BD still hates us and treat us as enemy while our ruling class saw them Muslim brothers.
I don’t think Meteor will be released to Bangladesh.

It’s too potent.

Also, the cheapest option would be used F-16 upgraded like Indonesia did with their 24 Block 25 upgraded to Block 52. I think it was for 750 million USD.

Meteors are part of the EF package. There really is no question of it not being released to BD. If EF is in offer so are meteors.

EF purchase is nothing like buying from USA.
This is called the power of balls! As long as Bangladesh decides to look beyond China and Russia , Russians are now luring, I hope this time they are not demanding extra cost. But I wish Bangladesh will buy western aircrafts instead of Russian.
Russians are a professional bluff master. BD gave contracts to Russia for two nuclear power plants and Russia is continuously vetoing Rohingya issue in favor of Burma.

BD should not make any more purchase of Russian anything. No more Mig or Sukhoi with costly overhauling issues. BD should buy western goodies.
Whatever Pakistan will sell to BD it will end up in hands of India, as BD still hates us and treat us as enemy while our ruling class saw them Muslim brothers.
And jeopardize our national security... bruh use logic before you say something yeah?
You are assuming that MM will not give JF-17s secrets to India in exchange for Kilo class subs. Nigeria, and MM would both do it actually.

They have Chinese version which is different from Pakistani one also they are more influenced from Chinese then Indians and BD is product of India so they are inclined towards them how much they show hate towards them.

And jeopardize our national security... bruh use logic before you say something yeah?

I know what I have said, BD is a hostile country to Pakistan and they will remain the same in future as they are more inclined towards India them Islam itself.
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