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Russia keen to provide training for nuclear energy engineers

Ok! Here is a bit of trivia for you :) Nuclear fuels used around the world, be it uranium or plutonium has a specific signature based on where they are mined. When countries use these for fuel or weaponization, the signature does not change. So if you do slip a dirty bomb to the maoist and they do blow it up. It will be tracked back to BD within hours. India's nuclear doctrine does not make any distinction between a dirty bomb or a fully weaponized one. You use it consider us delivering an "actual" bomb to Dhaka. Hell, we would need to dial it down to not damage eastern India :D Now, do you still wanna slip a dirty bomb?? :D

We can just make our Uranium mine available to the Maoist and they can put their own signature there..And after the blast everything blows away including signature. Try to think bro..
Ah!!! So now that you have your foot in your mouth, you are trying to act all smug eh???

I am not ranting, I have nothing to rant about...I am simply perplexed at the level of immaturity in this forum when it comes to acquiring nukes.... :D

Immaturity? Wow!

And you respond by calling the nation of Bangladesh and the members here names? And you consider yourself "matured"? :lol:

Irregardless, it doesn't change the fact that you had the intention to rant from minute one.
Really??? Any publication to support your claim? Also why would these so-called eastern countries support and trade with you over lets say the US? How will it end up if US imposes a unilateral trade barrage on BD? Once your oil supplies are cut, you would not be making a single underwear forget exporting them. Man!! I am just in awe of the sheer stupidity of some folks here. There has to be one "smart" Bangladeshi here??? :D

Any publication to support your claim then?

You are not a very bright chap are you now?

Why should Eastern countries support BD? Simply this is not a matter of support. BD's garments exports will re-orient towards the huge markets of Asia in the coming decades. It is a matter of economics as a rapidly developing China is getting out of the garments business as we speak. China is losing competeiveness in this field fast. Tens of billions of dollars of lost Chinese exports are up for grabs and BD is in good position to grab a large chunk of this.

Hope I live to see the day when BD becomes a fully-fledged nuclear weapons state.:yahoo:
We can just make our Uranium mine available to the Maoist and they can put their own signature there..And after the blast everything blows away including signature. Try to think bro..
Just try once...any evidence and you will se Sukhoi and T-90 in your country roaming freely. You don't even have leverage of nuclear MAD.
SAM, BMD......

Missile Defence? I'm aware of its existence, but how effective is it? I was talking about hitting BMs at the launch pad just before launch (preferably using laser beams from space :D)!
Missile Defence? I'm aware of its existence, but how effective is it? I was talking about hitting BMs at the launch pad just before launch (preferably using laser beams from space :D)!

Missile defense shield is very expensive and complex, and doesn't guarantee that it'd hit every missile during a barrage. It's like hitting a bullet with another bullet.

Although, it may be easier for a small country like Bangladesh. But still, a luxury even for first world nations. It can throw people into poverty, and could provoke neighbors. Even more so than nukes.
Missile Defence? I'm aware of its existence, but how effective is it? I was talking about hitting BMs at the launch pad just before launch (preferably using laser beams from space :D)!

Well USA has something like that... They have laser mounted on a 737 and they shoot down missile with that.
Nope....... Do you?
Yup....home grown..already tested...soon to be operational in two major cities. Even US asked us to join their PAC-3 program, their BMD program.
LOL. The talk was about nuclear power plant\ but Bangladeshis seems more interested in nuclear weapons. Nuclear doesn't means atom-bomb every time.
Missile Defence? I'm aware of its existence, but how effective is it? I was talking about hitting BMs at the launch pad just before launch (preferably using laser beams from space :D)!
How can you hit it at launch PAD. you need prior knowledge from where it is launched. Intuition at work, I guess. :lol:
Yup....home grown..already tested...soon to be operational in two major cities. Even US asked us to join their PAC-3 program, their BMD program.

Yeah Indian BMD's and SAM's are useless to our missiles which can avoid them
Yeah Indian BMD's and SAM's are useless to our missiles which can avoid them
Same old reply, Indian weapons are useless when you don't have what India have, you call it useless. Our BMD is as efficient as US one. But think whatever makes you sleep better.

BTW you can ask China for their BMD. Its good too. Like always, you can get what you need to counter India. :lol: Wait do you have money for it coz last time I checked you haven't got your 36 J-10 B they promised on soft loans.
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