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Russia hails Pakistan’s SCO bid

nope. SCO is alliance based on security issues. their implying target is NATO, (remember years ago, NATO was consider deploy TMD near Russian border)

BRICS is emerging economy blocs. China need BRICS to counter US and EU, Russia need it to get into WTO, Brazil use it as a platform to stand on world stage, South Africa came into that is for the same reason as Brazil and China want to make BRICS more justified, and India need it to gain from the economic dialogues with the west.
Uncertain World: Pakistan’s vicious circle

Russian-Pakistani relations, historically somewhat frosty, have recently improved. Little wonder then, that Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari’s visit to Moscow has attracted so much media attention. He met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev twice during a four-party summit also attended by the presidents of Afghanistan and Tajikistan. The intrigue surrounding his current Moscow meeting lies in the crisis in relations between Pakistan and its main patron, the United States.

When al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden’s hideout was located 800 yards away from Pakistan’s Military Academy, Washington accused the country of double dealing. Pakistan’s leaders refuted the accusation, responding that U.S. Special Forces had conducted operations in their country without even notifying them.
Pakistan itself is mired in political crisis and mutual trust, which was already running low, has been dealt a heavy blow.
Moscow’s interest in Pakistan has a certain logic to it, as the situation around Afghanistan, which determines the atmosphere in Central Asia, is becoming increasingly unpredictable. U.S. strategy there is vague, the situation inside Afghanistan is unstable, and the possibility of coordinating efforts with neighboring states remains unclear.
The killing of the world’s most wanted man has only deepened uncertainty in the region. President Barack Obama now has a solid reason for pulling U.S. troops out, as the mission set a decade ago has been accomplished. But even if the pullout decision is taken (not everyone in Washington supports it), the United States will need Pakistan’s assistance to maintain control in Afghanistan, something that now looks increasingly unlikely.
Afghanistan’s position is also shrouded in ambiguity. Afghan President Hamid Karzai has repeatedly said that Afghans must assume responsibility. After the operation in Abbottabad, 75 miles from Pakistan's capital Islamabad, he said it is no longer Afghanistan that is at the epicenter of the threat.
But these are politically motivated statements. From a security standpoint, no one is confident that the Afghan authorities are capable of maintaining law and order without NATO and U.S. assistance. Afghans don’t want to see a repetition of what happened in 1992-1996, when the Soviet departure and the removal of the pro-Moscow Najibullah government left the country at the mercy of the Taliban. It became the scene of a bloody war in which everyone, including Pakistan, had some involvement.
To Afghans, this is a worse option than continued occupation. This is why the idea of maintaining a reduced U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan, as Washington is considering, has engendered both disappointment and a sense of relief in the country.
Neighboring countries don’t want U.S. bases permanently deployed in Afghanistan. Russia, China, India and Iran have all supported a vague “regional” solution, advocating a reliance on Kabul rather than on Western troops.
Zardari’s Moscow trip, made immediately after the strategic China-Pakistan consultations in late April and Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi’s visit to Moscow last week, is expected to boost the discussions.
One of Moscow’s ideas for a regional solution involves an enhanced role for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the most representative organization in the region. During the upcoming SCO summit in Astana in June 2011, SCO states are expected to lift the unofficial moratorium on the admission of new members that was imposed in 2006. India and Pakistan are the most likely candidates. The group has refused to consider Iran’s admission request because the country is shackled by international sanctions.
The possible admission of India and Pakistan is a delicate issue because of their tense bilateral relations. Russia would like to see India become a full member, while China prefers Pakistan. However, Moscow will only agree to that if India is also admitted.
The Afghan question is perceived as something that has the potential to unite the SCO member states. The interests of India and Pakistan in the region are unlikely to coincide, but a multilateral format could ease their bilateral tensions by introducing external factors. Besides, if relations between Pakistan and the United States continue to deteriorate, Islamabad could be forced to be more active in diversifying its contacts.
The interests of the army, religious and ethnic groups, and political leaders are all different pieces in one puzzle. They can fit together only if all sides join forces to create a sense of balance in Pakistan. But ever more people in Washington are urging that more pressure be put on Islamabad to force it to up the ante in its fight against the radicals.
The United States has good reason to mistrust its Asian partner. At the same time, their policy toward Pakistan since fall 2001, when former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said the United States would bomb Pakistan “back to the stone ages” unless it joined the fight against al Qaeda, has only served to undermine traditional ties and deepen instability in Pakistan.
The Pakistani leadership’s efforts to reduce external pressure by diversifying its international contacts have provoked ire in Washington. At the same time, the United States has not offered it any other option and so Pakistan needs a fundamentally new paradigm to help it escape from this vicious circle.

Uncertain World: Pakistan
I found this piece,,interesting...

Bin Laden's killing benefits Russia - Medvedev - Yahoo! News
One thing about Pakistan should be applauded,they welcome bigger countries whole heartedly...
US,China Now Russia....
Afterall as afridi said Pakistan has Big heart

Cut the snobbery already. It's cooperation, not a coquettish dalliance as some of you put it.

And yes I agree, the 'alleged' killing of OSB benefits Russia as the extremists will be going after the Americans instead.

US Navy Seal team fear for their families safety after killing Osama Bin Laden - What's On Ningbo

Osama bin Laden death: Al-Qaida vows to carry out revenge attacks on US | World news | The Guardian
Uncertain World: Pakistan

^^ Russia wont do anything if any member country vetoes India. Even China is supporting India to join SCO. The only problem was bidding from Kazakhstan, which was solved during PM's visit to Kazakhstan. The framework has already been discussed and further progress from India will be declared in later part of June.Along with India and Pakistan, Mongolia is also joining.
^^ Russia wont do anything if any member country vetoes India. Even China is supporting India to join SCO. The only problem was bidding from Kazakhstan, which was solved during PM's visit to Kazakhstan. The framework has already been discussed and further progress from India will be declared in later part of June.Along with India and Pakistan, Mongolia is also joining.

We have no issues of India joining. In fact we welcome them, it was their decision not to join in the first place :cheers:
Good for Pakistan from the perspective of Globalization.

As for posters concerned about India,Russia like any sovereign nation in any case won't improve relations with Pakistan at the cost of India and vice-versa.

And India won't be joining SCO anytime soon if ever,we have remained Non-aligned and will continue to remain so.
We have no issues of India joining. In fact we welcome them, it was their decision not to join in the first place :cheers:

Exactly, but joining of Pakistan alters some diplomatic equations, therefore India had to join to nullify it. Besides SCO will provide a diplomatic platform for Indo-Pak peace process.:cheers:
Wise answer. It is purely based on mutual interests. If Pakistan gets officially accepted into the SCO it will be its get of of jail card and the U.S. will not risk upsetting the SCO with its constant bombing of Pakistan. Instead they will have to come up with better ways of tackling the terrorism problem which will involve all parties within the SCO. They can't go unilateral Uncle Sam on it anymore.

Good man, I repsect your take on this matter. I just don't see what all the fuss and insecurities coming from certain Indian individuals were all about.

They are already anticipating the withdrawal of the U.S. and like I say, the reason for accepting Pakistan as a member of the SCO are based on mutual interests and stability on the region. They all want to have a safe environment to work on and safeguard its access to the ME and African continent.
The issue isn't American stay, asif a base or two there is going to have much impact on the Asian powers.

Exactly. It proves my point that countries has to have relationships with all, has nothing to do with cold war, but it is imperative to have counterbalances and plans for decisions made in case if things go wrong.

Seems that our thoughts converge, the only thing i find irksome in your explanation of things to unfold was that Russia is doing this to tell India "two can play a game". I think as long standing allies definitely these kind of things would have been conveyed to us before hand , as we would have when we were buying the American toys.

I cannot give any kind of links but i will say this, almost two years back we launched our Nuclear submarine. Our Prime Minister while congratulating the people behind this achievement made a special mention of the Russian help. This shows how far we are hand in glove with each other on many a matter. Now there are news of special treaties between our Countries but let us not get on to these as they obviously will not be confirmed to the public and would fall under conspiracy theories, from which we better stay away.

I hope u understand what i am trying to say.
It's not a defence organisations if it contains likes of ubekistan and Turkestan lol

It's just some security council and let pak enjoy this moment yaar guys, India been involved with UNSC and Brics for last year and paks had to constantly read about it.
Well done pak on joining the security council you should get in it by next month.
We have no issues of India joining. In fact we welcome them, it was their decision not to join in the first place :cheers:

One can easily infer the reason for not taking up the member role till now by us. Our Government was on the route of extracting benefits from "both sides". Hence the nsg waiver etc etc. Let us see when they think they have juiced as much as we can.
IMO Pakistan may not get full membership of SCO but behind the scenes Pakistan will have same value as permanent members.

Russia no longer support Indian position on Afghanistan, last year Pakistan, Tajikastan, Afghanistan and Russia formed alliance to improve security situation in Afghanistan.
The four countries agreed to undertake joint economic projects in power generation, transport infrastructure and mining. At a follow-up meeting of economic Ministers in Moscow last October, the four discussed in greater detail plans to rebuild a trade Silk Route from former Soviet Central Asia via Afghanistan to Pakistan and export electricity from Tajikistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Russia confirmed its readiness to invest in the oil, gas and hydropower sectors of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

Probably Russia feels that India won't be offended because India is already part of BRICS. I believe Russia feels that BRICS is a more important alliance than SCO.

I was so surprised on what you think, what ah? BRICS is just a piece of clothing to Russia, it is good to have a good clothes, can increase the charm. But although the SCO appears to be loose, but it is related To the back and heart on the bear, is the last defense areas, almost equal to North Korea for China. friends, no sense, no matter what the clothes are not so important.
Russia has a big interest in stabilizing Afghanistan and Pakistan (more so Afghanistan).

Russia's interests and Afghanistan/Pakistan have more in common than India (traditionally in the Russian camp, money) and the US.
I was so surprised on what you think, what ah? BRICS is just a piece of clothing to Russia, it is good to have a good clothes, can increase the charm. But although the SCO appears to be loose, but it is related To the back and heart on the bear, is the last defense areas, almost equal to North Korea for China. friends, no sense, no matter what the clothes are not so important.

That's a good point. As you said, the SCO is evolving and may be intended to be more than just an economic alliance.
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