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Russia hails Pakistan’s SCO bid

Prism why do u have a pic of zardari shitting his shalwars as your avatar?
I can’t fathom why some Indian posters are hyperventilating over this news it just highlights the insecurities you lot have about Pakistan becoming a successful and prosperous nation. It’s early days yet and nothing has been finalised however SCO membership will be a great move especially if it limits the US influence in our country. We should have our guard up when dealing with the Russians who I hope have left the past altercations with Pakistan truly behind them and have good intention with regard to our country.

Pakistan being strategically placed has it’s great benefits and it’s untapped potential is something that Pakistan civilian govt will have to unlock without having an impact on our sovereignty.

As for some Indian talking about Zia, the less we talk about him the better, he was a US stooge, a complete embarrassment to all Pakistani’s who to this day are having to mop us his mess and no Pakistan should forget his role in ‘Black September’ in Jordan.

With our US relationship at an all time low we should try to improve bi-lateral ties with Iran, whom are extremely willing to help meet our energy demands at a cheap price and it’s mind-boggling on what our politicians are truly waiting on as the more we delay the help that the Iranians are offering us, the further we delay our own progression.
I disagree, See.... SCO "RATS" is a Very Desirable Opportunity for Both India and other Asian Countries to Join together and Crack the Extremism and Terrorism Prevalent in the Sub Continent.... For Joining the SCO India Must shed its Egos, and Must trust Every Present and Possible future members , Other wise its not going to give any Fruitful result

Exactly. Even though SCO is desirable for its counter terrorism elements. There are other parts that are equally beneficial such as military exercises, economic dialogues and cooperations as well as opportunities to form close ties with countries within the region. I think many like you said are too high up with their egos and think this is just some pointless alliance. I think they are going to be surprised in the years to come. However it's India's choice whether they want in or not. The invitation has been sent so it's up to them. But when they are in the alliance, they must respect Pakistan and work together and both should treat eachother as an ally. We don't want any riff-raff within the alliance.
I can’t fathom why some Indian posters are hyperventilating over this news it just highlights the insecurities you lot have about Pakistan becoming a successful and prosperous nation. It’s early days yet and nothing has been finalised however SCO membership will be a great move especially if it limits the US influence in our country. We should have our guard up when dealing with the Russians who I hope have left the past altercations with Pakistan truly behind them and have good intention with regard to our country.

Pakistan being strategically placed has it’s great benefits and it’s untapped potential is something that Pakistan civilian govt will have to unlock without having an impact on our sovereignty.

As for some Indian talking about Zia, the less we talk about him the better, he was a US stooge, a complete embarrassment to all Pakistani’s who to this day are having to mop us his mess and no Pakistan should forget his role in ‘Black September’ in Jordan.

With our US relationship at an all time low we should try to improve bi-lateral ties with Iran, whom are extremely willing to help meet our energy demands at a cheap price and it’s mind-boggling on what our politicians are truly waiting on as the more we delay the help that the Iranians are offering us, the further we delay our own progression.

we have nothing to do with pakistan......and i want BD or other neighbors to develop..as we will be directly affected by neighbors....
and in my all post,i m just saying that wait till 4-5 yrs more....and wait if usa goes from here...
if usa dont go then everything u r planning will be always in pipeline forever..
and my bet is on later case...and usa knows this SCO and their drawbacks and also pakistani willingness to join this....and they will surely attack on SCO drawbacks....
i m not speaking against pakistan,i m just telling point which is very much realistic..if u think u have nukes etc,usa wont touch u...forget it..
and i also know that,if now usa can harm pakistan then in future they may harm us.
we have nothing to do with pakistan......and i want BD or other neighbors to develop..as we will be directly affected by neighbors....
and in my all post,i m just saying that wait till 4-5 yrs more....and wait if usa goes from here...
if usa dont go then everything u r planning will be always in pipeline forever..
and my bet is on later case...and usa knows this SCO and their drawbacks and also pakistani willingness to join this....and they will surely attack on SCO drawbacks....
i m not speaking against pakistan,i m just telling point which is very much realistic..if u think u have nukes etc,usa wont touch u...forget it..
and i also know that,if now usa can harm pakistan then in future they may harm us.

I don't like that kind of mentality dude. You don't wait and anticipate. You make things happen and make the game into your game. You are not suppose to play under someone's condition. The SCO included military exercises for reasons which most here already knows. Do you really think we will fly bomber planes and scramble fighter jets just to take down a bunch of terrorists? It's about getting everyone warmed up and ready and also improving understanding on how eachother can operate in times of need to support one another. :cheers:
I don't like that kind of mentality dude. You don't wait and anticipate. You make things happen and make the game into your game. You are not suppose to play under someone's condition. The SCO included military exercises for reasons which most here already knows. Do you really think we will fly bomber planes and scramble fighter jets just to take down a bunch of terrorists? It's about getting everyone warmed up and ready and also improving understanding on how eachother can operate in times of need to support one another. :cheers:

you are right wrt ur point...but i finally say,i dont undermine usa in this region........they just have their 7th fleet of navy in indian ocean..with small island...and they rule indian ocean....and this fleet is enough to destroy whole south asian countries..
i m realistic..i take both points at same side..lets see which is going to be effective in future..and i will say again,wait for 4-5 yrs..
and obama has already managed to go for next election...now they dont have any fear to take any action;) as hey have justified it b4 american public..

so dont get too much optimistic,be realistic
you are right wrt ur point...but i finally say,i dont undermine usa in this region........they just have their 7th fleet of navy in indian ocean..with small island...and they rule indian ocean....and this fleet is enough to destroy whole south asian countries..
i m realistic..i take both points at same side..lets see which is going to be effective in future..and i will say again,wait for 4-5 yrs..
and obama has already managed to go for next election...now they dont have any fear to take any action;) as hey have justified it b4 american public..

so dont get too much optimistic,be realistic

I know. I said awhile ago that I respect India's decision in not taking any sides. If it works for India then fair play. Although in the long run India will have to be a part of an alliance otherwise it will be isolated in the region. I understand the fear you guys have for the Americans, afterall India's position are somewhat different to China. We have America in the balls on the war on economy. India just need to buy its time until it becomes strong I guess?
America cannot be like this for long though, so Asia will be free soon enough from America's military influence. They simply don't have the economy to fight any large scale wars and they cannot afford to lose their biggest advantage which is currently its military projection.
America cannot be like this for long though, so Asia will be free soon enough from America's military influence. They simply don't have the economy to fight any large scale wars and they cannot afford to lose their biggest advantage which is currently its military projection.

Enough with the Asia will be free rhetoric !

Who brought the USA to Asia in the first place ? Who joined SEATO and CENTO to further the west's great game ? Good 'ol Pakistan.

The west ain't all bad. It's your 'all weather friend' whos been a tool of the imperialists ;)

PS: this is not the Cold War. 'Blocks' are obsolete
Well, lets also be sober --
Russia hails Pakistan’s engagement in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and supports its intent to become a full-fledged member in the SCO

Supporting Pakistan's "INTENT" may be different from actually voting for Pakistani membership --- and I think, it probably does mean exactly this - let me explain - Pakistan have a long way to go, a very long way to go - to prove INTENT by matching it with ACTION that can win the trust of the Russian state -- See, friends, that ACTION part, it means not just killing Islamist insurgents but killing that ideology, killing the support networks that enable that ideology in society (yeah, that means purging the institutions of the Jamaatis) --- Pakistan can talk the talk, can it walk the walk?? Ask Americans.
Enough with the Asia will be free rhetoric !

Who brought the USA to Asia in the first place ? Who joined SEATO and CENTO to further the west's great game ? Good 'ol Pakistan.

That would be a strawman distraction. It is not SEATO and CENTO or Pakistan that brought them here in Asia. Studied World War 2 much? and please look at Japan ;)

The west ain't all bad. It's your all weather friend ;)

Yep USA will be India's all weather friend if India continues to let itself become isolated as it's economy grows ;)

PS: this is not the Cold War. 'Blocks' are obsolete

Really? I think not. Ask if NATO is obsolete? 'Blocks' does what blocks are supposed to do. They act as a counterweight to keep the world balanced.
bambam you are doing good to pisss off those indians
Actually that is a strawmans distraction there. It is not SEATO and CENTO or Pakistan that brought them here in Asia. Studied World War 2 much? and please look at Japan ;)

Oh please, the 'West' (the evil Anglo Saxon West) was/in Asia (read Central Asia) for the great game (i.e competing with the soviets in central asia wrt to oil)

Study Indo-Pak history, read objectively about the partion. See Pakistan's geographical position. Remember Pakisan's founder saying "we're the west's best friend". Pakistan then immediately joins CENTO/SEATO. ;) Pakistan's creation itself was to further the great game, to provide a staging area for the West.

It's existence is unnatural, there has been no Pakistani 'state' (an empire, kingdom nothing!) in history. It's an artificial construct and needs an existential threat (read modern India) to justify itself and now even that reason is fading !

Think of whole corridor Turkey+Iran+Pak (and the Saudis too)under western influence (thus control all the oil). Unfortunately the plan backfired :lol:( Iran had it's 'revolution') ! Pakistan was as always ever eager, this again backfired after 9/11 when western and Pakistani interests clashed.

Pakistan didn't need to "bring" the west to Asia. It was supposed to be their gateway from the start

Yep USA will be India's all weather friend if India continues to let itself become isolated as it's economy grows ;)
That was a mistype I edited it
The west ain't all bad. It's your 'all weather friend' whos been a tool of the imperialists

Really? I think not. Ask if NATO is obsolete? 'Blocks' does what blocks are supposed to do. They act as a counterweight to keep the world balanced.

NATO is a Cold War relic, with the absence of the USSR it's fast becoming irrelavent
If India is to join the SCO, I do not think it is not unconditional now, need to meet certain conditions.
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