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Russia hails Pakistan’s SCO bid

You are too naive for this world, I can repeat it.

I agree, but that is another matter, as long as it is not resolved, China needs to protect ourselves.

---------- Post added at 12:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:59 AM ----------

Any assistance to Pakistan, would be considered anti-India. Sir, I know this is the true thinking of many Indians, do not you think?

I beleive any type of military help might be seen with suspicion regarding the history of these two countries.
Most of these have been related to Cold war or Communism in China's case.But why have you posted on war on terrorism?After 9/11 theh had to do it.

Communisim is an ideology and if one country decides it is right for them then no one should have the rights to force them into changing it. Just like how Communist countries don't go hellbent into converting all the democratic countries in the world into changing its ideology. They failed at 'respecting' sovereignties.

Not only WoT, besides the guys they are fighting were the guys they formerly funded and trained is it not? They created the mess and now they are getting everyone involved. Noticed they 'never' fight any wars at home? instead they take someone else's country and use it as the battleground?

I wouldn't call the second Iraq invasion war on terror. Would you? I call it a monumental screw up because there are 'NO' WMD.
They also said they are in Afghanistan because 'THEY THINK' Osama Bin Laden is there. Now they got him, why are they still there? :what:

Also Why support rebel groups to overthrow government as in Libya's case? They were suppose to protect civilians and only allowed to set up a no fly zone. Not bombing the countries civilian infrastructures and carrying out assasination attempts?

So yeah plenty to be concerned about don't you think?

I bet if India was in Pakistan's shoes, then you'd not be very happy yourself?
Please tell me has Indian goverment said anything about Tibet's Sovereignity, or China has asked the indian goverment to send these people back to China. I have said this before and i repeat, a democracy functions in a very different way than Communism and views diverge between the two.

1, to see some Indian ideas in that thread.

2, you need to know that there is the headquarters of the Tibetan separatists in India, you can not deny it. its advocacy and practical action to hurt the China, that is the reality, which is India's territory, you could be so simple to avoid it? India Officials in no less contact and those independent molecules.

3, China is not Communism, at least for now to let go of your propaganda, you want to be fooled by your own propaganda? India's so-called democracy, I am not interested, whether you are democratic or not democratic, you need to know that your affairs , But not related to the sovereignty of other countries. I do not accept your excuses.
Communisim is an ideology and if one country decides it is right for them then no one should have the rights to force them into changing it. Just like how Communist countries don't go hellbent into converting all the democratic countries in the world into changing its ideology. They failed at 'respecting' sovereignties.

Not only WoT, besides the guys they are fighting were the guys they formerly funded and trained is it not? They created the mess and now they are getting everyone involved. Noticed they 'never' fight any wars at home? instead they take someone else's country and use it as the battleground?

I wouldn't call the second Iraq invasion war on terror. Would you? I call it a monumental screw up because there are 'NO' WMD.
They also said they are in Afghanistan because 'THEY THINK' Osama Bin Laden is there. Now they got him, why are they still there? :what:

Also Why support rebel groups to overthrow government as in Libya's case? They were suppose to protect civilians and only allowed to set up a no fly zone. Not bombing the countries civilian infrastructures and carrying out assasination attempts?

So yeah plenty to be concerned about don't you think?

I bet if India was in Pakistan's shoes, then you'd not be very happy yourself?

I agree on most points with you and beleive US is no saint either. But the the type of cooperation you said SCO demands of India. How is that possilbe?
When there are India-Pakistan and India- China issues.Regarding China and India, you are communist whereas we are democratic. The whole west is democratic and US is the oldest democracy whereas we the largest. The India US or Indo-West collaboration is inevitable. This does not mean we are against China or will help any other to contain China. India fully appreciates its relationship with China.
Besides you said US does not fight war on its land. Have you looked at the US neighbourhood. It does not have ant trouble with its neighbours. This is the reason they have made their home secure whereas we in Asia have a number of disputes with each other.
I agree on most points with you and beleive US is no saint either. But the the type of cooperation you said SCO demands of India. How is that possilbe?
When there are India-Pakistan and India- China issues.Regarding China and India, you are communist whereas we are democratic. The whole west is democratic and US is the oldest democracy whereas we the largest. The India US or Indo-West collaboration is inevitable.

Are you saying democratic can only work with democratics? oldest or largest doesn't contribute to anything on this argument. Lets put it simply Russia is working with China right? We are also allied and is enjoying healthy relations. China is also the biggest trading partner with America who is the oldest democracy as you put it? Doesn't it make your argument somewhat strange? Besides, your opinion on China is extremely dated. China isn't a true communist. True communist country are supposed to be poor and does not interact so much with the outside world. It is not the case with China. In fact China is now the second largest economy, even in front of the largest democratic country of the world (sorry not trying to gloat, just stating facts).

Besides you said US does not fight war on its land. Have you looked at the US neighbourhood. It does not have ant trouble with its neighbours. This is the reason they have made their home secure whereas we in Asia have a number of disputes with each other.

It is not that. To think that places so small as far away from America such as Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya are a threat to the U.S. is a poor and warped concept. It also goes to show that they like the create fear and would invent reasons to go into war. When they do, they take the war elsewhere. The reality of this is, they want to control resources and slow down growth in Asia.
Are you saying democratic can only work with democratics? oldest or largest doesn't contribute to anything on this argument. Lets put it simply Russia is working with China right? We are also allied and is enjoying healthy relations. China is also the biggest trading partner with America who is the oldest democracy as you put it? Doesn't it make your argument somewhat strange? Besides, your opinion on China is extremely dated. China isn't a true communist. True communist country are supposed to be poor and does not interact so much with the outside world. It is not the case with China. In fact China is now the second largest economy, even in front of the largest democratic country of the world (sorry not trying to gloat, just stating facts).

I did not mean to say that democracy cannot go on with communism, but a major point is that democratic countries hold certain common values which lead to joint goals.Also consider that India and China still has some issues to sort out before we can fully deepen this Indo-China relationship.

It is not that. To think that places so small as far away from America such as Afghanistan, Iraq or Libya are a threat to the U.S. is a poor and warped concept. It also goes to show that they like the create fear and would invent reasons to go into war. When they do, they take the war elsewhere. The reality of this is, they want to control resources and slow down growth in Asia.

Maybe you are right. But instances like Libya, how can you say its wrong when a tyrant is killing his own people and not relinquishing power.
1, to see some Indian ideas in that thread.

2, you need to know that there is the headquarters of the Tibetan separatists in India, you can not deny it. its advocacy and practical action to hurt the China, that is the reality, which is India's territory, you could be so simple to avoid it? India Officials in no less contact and those independent molecules.

3, China is not Communism, at least for now to let go of your propaganda, you want to be fooled by your own propaganda? India's so-called democracy, I am not interested, whether you are democratic or not democratic, you need to know that your affairs , But not related to the sovereignty of other countries. I do not accept your excuses.

Sorry friend. All i will say that here we have different views and i beleive talks are the only way forward.
1, to see some Indian ideas in that thread.

2, you need to know that there is the headquarters of the Tibetan separatists in India, you can not deny it. its advocacy and practical action to hurt the China, that is the reality, which is India's territory, you could be so simple to avoid it? India Officials in no less contact and those independent molecules.

3, China is not Communism, at least for now to let go of your propaganda, you want to be fooled by your own propaganda? India's so-called democracy, I am not interested, whether you are democratic or not democratic, you need to know that your affairs , But not related to the sovereignty of other countries. I do not accept your excuses.

Yes you are exactly right, the whole world is either black or white. Either you are with us or against us !! is it??

Buddy on one hand you tell the poster he is naive and you repeat it, but you assertions about Indian involvement and your continous harping on what India can do for SCO etc show the picture is different.
We need one for SCO members, more importantly emerging powers of the SCO. India are not a part of it therefore should Pakistan allow for such a port, it would be out of the hands of India. It is important for members to have its routes secured to by itself and not relying on others. Although if India is willing, it would be a bonus.

Sorry brother i did not see this post. Well i can suggest you have a naval base in Pakistan No Indian goverment will allow any type of base from any country here.
SCO needs India, Japan and South Korea if it wants to be a Asia military block.
Yes you are exactly right, the whole world is either black or white. Either you are with us or against us !! is it??

Buddy on one hand you tell the poster he is naive and you repeat it, but you assertions about Indian involvement and your continous harping on what India can do for SCO etc show the picture is different.

IMHO, it is India's ways. China, there is always a good attitude for the solution to our problem, which has been proven in history. You tell me what do India to our problems? for Pakistan? For all the neighbors ?

I think he is naive, because he simply confused the danger of conventional war, and it is different and nuclear war. This has any relationship with you so-called allegations? Whether India can join the SCO, depending on the needs of both. So, i ask India can offer? you think this is naive? sorry, sir, this is reality.
I did not say that it was prohibited for India, I just asked what India can offer? No Indians can answer?
I did not mean to say that democracy cannot go on with communism, but a major point is that democratic countries hold certain common values which lead to joint goals.Also consider that India and China still has some issues to sort out before we can fully deepen this Indo-China relationship.

In politics maybe, but in bilateral trades the difference only lies upon the interests. However, the deeperning of the Indo-China relationship will also be resolved eventually. It's only minor issues, but if issues there is, then issues there is to be solved. Unfortunately that is out of our hands. It's down to our governments to work things out. We as individuals personally have nothing against each other. Boy some of my best friends are even Indians :yahoo:

Maybe you are right. But instances like Libya, how can you say its wrong when a tyrant is killing his own people and not relinquishing power.

The reason it is wrong is because what they are doing are already past what the UN ressolution is allowing them to do. Besides, tyrant or not, that's Libyas problem, as outsiders, no one should be interferring, especially since majority of the Libyans are actually pro Gaddafi. NATO are backing the small rebel groups and bringing in mercenaries and provding arms. It wouldn't have resulted in armed conflicts otherwise.
Sorry brother i did not see this post. Well i can suggest you have a naval base in Pakistan No Indian goverment will allow any type of base from any country here.

No problem.
Even though there maybe military presence there, it will only be for the security of the merchant ships and for the security of the trade routes. SCO is defensive in nature and Russians will most likely be operating in the waters too. They are friends of India so there shouldn't be any issues :)
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