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Russia hails Pakistan’s SCO bid

Are you speaking as a Pakistani or as an Indian representative of Pakistan? Formalities will take place on the meetings with the other leaders of SCO right? be it a day, a week, a year if both China and Russia already backed them on it, there is little left to argue about. The Russian leader will not openly back them if Pakistan wasn't interested, makes sense to you bud? ;)

ok , so , you hope to sign the doccuments in coming pakistan PM visit to china...
I found this piece,,interesting...

MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday the killing of Osama bin Laden would benefit Russia as it fights an Islamist insurgency along its southern flank.

"The liquidation of terrorists, even on the level of ... bin Laden, has a direct relationship to the level of security on the territory of our state," he said, in his first public comments on the al Qaeda leader's killing during a U.S. raid in Pakistan.

"It is no secret that the well known terrorist network al Qaeda has regularly sent and continues to send its emissaries to the territory of our state," Medvedev told his Security Council in televised remarks, a day before talks with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari in Moscow.

Russia's government faces a growing insurgency in mostly Muslim provinces of the North Caucasus after two wars since 1994 involving federal forces and separatist rebels in Chechnya.

Russian authorities say foreign representatives of al Qaeda have been involved in attacks in the North Caucasus and elsewhere in Russia. Insurgents have claimed responsibility for strikes such as a suicide bombing that killed 37 people at Moscow's busiest airport in January.

In a statement issued hours after U.S. President Barack Obama announced bin Laden's killing on May 2, the Kremlin called it a "serious success" and said "revenge is inescapable for all terrorists." But neither Medvedev nor Prime Minister Vladimir Putin had spoken publicly about it until Wednesday.

Putin, president from 2000 to 2008, was one of the first foreign leaders to call then U.S. president George W. Bush after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.

Russia backed the U.S.-led campaign against the Afghan Taliban, who harboured bin Laden.

With Medvedev and Obama working to improve ties strained by Russia's brief 2008 war in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, Moscow has provided the United States and NATO with increased access to supply lines for the war against insurgents in Afghanistan.

The Kremlin said the agenda for Zardari's talks with Medvedev on Thursday would involve coordinating efforts to support peace and stability in the region, including the fight against terrorism, the illegal drug trade and organised crime.

Pakistan has welcomed bin Laden's death as a step in the fight against militancy but also said the raid carried out by U.S. special forces in the town of Abbottabad violated its sovereignty.

Russia has called on the West not to interfere in what it says are the internal affairs of sovereign states, most recently during the wave of unrest in North Africa and the Middle East.

Putin likened the March U.N. Security Council resolution authorising military intervention in Libya to a "medieval call for crusades" and has said the West has no right to kill Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the operation by the U.S. special forces to kill bin Laden did not contradict international law.

"Those who carried out this operation had a firm legal basis in terms of (a state's) right for self-defence, according to the United Nations Statute," state-owned RIA news agency quoted Lavrov as telling the Moskovskiye Novosti broadsheet, in an interview to be published on Thursday.
Bin Laden's killing benefits Russia - Medvedev - Yahoo! News
One thing about Pakistan should be applauded,they welcome bigger countries whole heartedly...
US,China Now Russia....
Afterall as afridi said Pakistan has Big heart
You just don't want to understand do you ? Even after i posted that link .

Its your dream to see Russia give India a kick on its backside . The day Russia forms a military relationship with Pakistan similar to that of India , that day i will believe your juvenile kick theory . Till then sorry it is just a dream .

About SCO , Well lets see if ever a conflict breaks out between USA and Pakistan or Pakistan and India if Russia would be willing to attack USA or Indian forces . People who know international politics know this idea is nothing but funny but you can believe it if you want , it won't change the ground reality . USA and Russia have vastly improved their relations however a few issues remain but they are no enemies anymore.

I won't be debating with you anymore because you have resorted to assumption and childish kick theories since you could not prove your point any other way.

Just to give you a little idea that this is 2011 and not 1985 , here -

Bulgaria: US Paves Way for Russia's WTO Accession - Novinite.com - Sofia News Agency

Moscow says U.S. had right to kill bin Laden | Russia | RIA Novosti

Russia to Widen NATO's Afghan Supply Routes - WSJ.com

Cold war is over buddy , you need to read a lot more about the developments since then . I am out of this .

It is not about childish kicks neither was it a wet dream of any kind. In fact your fear and fretting on the recent turn of event have proven just how upset and insecure you people are.

Politics is like a game of chess, it's not meant to be straight forward and a lot of the things are like the thought process of playing chess - it is hidden.
When you make a move you will always have a plan B in case if anything goes wrong. Everything you do has its calculated risks. Yes cold war is over and its all about developments. Hence the Indians who still thinks Russia will not cooperate with pakistan or still thinks that they will 'always' pick India over Pakistan for everything is a little dated on its theory. The fact that they have surprised everyone by this is a good time for people like you to have a reality check.

Russia has been and still is anti NATO in nature. Just go and watch the videos and read articles posted by RT News. You will not get a day where they don't find something negative about America to talk about and one wonders why?

Your links on the alternative supply route were decisions made before the turn around of Pakistan-Russia's newly foud relationship. I am pretty sure when they say they back them on becoming full member of the SCO translates to bettering ties, improving stability within the region for the sake of mutual interst of both countries. It hasn't happened yet, but when it does, I'd be surprised that they are going to let Americans carry on with it's bombing in pakistan. The route may still be open for them if Pakistan refuses to allow them to use theirs. But it is unlikely to get support from the Kremlin or China if they intend to abuse the route for its drone campaign against Pakistan. Of course seom Indians would love to have that aspect of WoT prolonged. The longer they stay and attack Pakistan the better it is right?

There is no need to guess what will happen. In fact, there is too much at stake for either side if they go into conflict with one another. America nor India are prepared to risk it over Pakistan. If they are, then it would have happened years ago, why wait until now? Pakistan's acceptance into SCO will only complicate the issues for America and India. War is simply not an option, but cooperation is.

In the real world you have to have relationships with everybody. There won't be any cold war. instead they have ways of counterbalancing different scenarios.
U.S. is neither a friend or a foe to Russia but they do not trust them and their opinions on global affairs often differs. I am sure you are not new to seeing how Russia and China 'always' gets a mention together right?

China and Russia veto Zimbabwe sanctions | World news | The Guardian

China, Russia to dump US dollar for bilateral trade - International Business Times

Russia, China and Lebanon block the Security Council condemnation of Syrian repression UN | University 5 News

China India Russia condemn US attack on Libya
It is not about childish kicks neither was it a wet dream of any kind. In fact your fear and fretting on the recent turn of event have proven just how upset and insecure you people are.

Politics is like a game of chess, it's not meant to be straight forward and a lot of the things are like the thought process of playing chess - it is hidden.
When you make a move you will always have a plan B in case if anything goes wrong. Everything you do has its calculated risks. Yes cold war is over and its all about developments. Hence the Indians who still thinks Russia will not cooperate with pakistan or still thinks that they will 'always' pick India over Pakistan for everything is a little dated on its theory. The fact that they have surprised everyone by this is a good time for people like you to have a reality check.

Russia has been and still is anti NATO in nature. Just go and watch the videos and read articles posterd by RT News. You will not get a day where they don't find something negative about America to talk about and one wonders why?

Your links on the alternative supply route were decisions made before the turn around of Pakistan-Russia's newly foud relationship. I am pretty sure when they say they back them on becoming full member of the SCO translates to bettering ties, improving stability within the region for the sake of mutual interst of both countries. It hasn't happened yet, but when it does, I'd be surprised that they are going to let Americans carry on with it's bombing in pakistan. The route may still be open for them if Pakistan refuses to allow them to use theirs. But it is unlikely to get support from the Kremlin or China if they intend to abuse the route for its drone campaign against Pakistan. Of course seom Indians would love to have that aspect of WoT prolonged. The longer they stay and attack Pakistan the better it is right?

There is no need to guess what will happen. In fact, there is too much at stake for either side if they go into conflict with one another. America nor India are prepared to risk it over Pakistan. If they are, then it would have happened years ago, why wait until now? Pakistan's acceptance into SCO will only complicate the issues for America and India. War is simply not an option, but cooperation is.

how can u remain online for so much time??:what:
bhai kuj hor vi kar lya kar:lol:
ok , so , you hope to sign the doccuments in coming pakistan PM visit to china...

It is not important anymore. Besides it is between Pakistan and the other members of the SCO. India is 'non alligned' and has no part in it.
Are you speaking as a Pakistani or as an Indian representative of Pakistan? Formalities will take place on the meetings with the other leaders of SCO right? be it a day, a week, a year if both China and Russia already backed them on it, there is little left to argue about. The Russian leader will not openly back them if Pakistan wasn't interested, makes sense to you bud? ;)

most of the time they pretend to be americans
China is always open for Pakistan to join the SCO, but Russia does not agree, because the voice of India, as Russia has significant interests in India, little interest and Pakistan. So Russia will not be a trivial matter to offend india. This happened in the past ten years, why change?

Probably Russia feels that India won't be offended because India is already part of BRICS. I believe Russia feels that BRICS is a more important alliance than SCO.
If International Politics really worked this way i would be surprised !!!!!!

Too much on stake for us and Russia both to kick each other on the back side buddy.

Wise answer. It is purely based on mutual interests. If Pakistan gets officially accepted into the SCO it will be its get of of jail card and the U.S. will not risk upsetting the SCO with its constant bombing of Pakistan. Instead they will have to come up with better ways of tackling the terrorism problem which will involve all parties within the SCO. They can't go unilateral Uncle Sam on it anymore.

You can believe whatever you want and i actually have no problem with Pakistan becoming a member of SCO

Good man, I repsect your take on this matter. I just don't see what all the fuss and insecurities coming from certain Indian individuals were all about.

but i don't think Russians would actually think like this. As already nick Indian has provided you with links, Russians aren't the ones having problem with USA's stay here. I am not saying they have become a stooge of USA which is impossible to say in the least, but are wary of the fallout of a quick withdrawal of America. Even China doesn't have a problem with it. Atleast openly i mean.

They are already anticipating the withdrawal of the U.S. and like I say, the reason for accepting Pakistan as a member of the SCO are based on mutual interests and stability on the region. They all want to have a safe environment to work on and safeguard its access to the ME and African continent.
The issue isn't American stay, asif a base or two there is going to have much impact on the Asian powers.

At the end of discussion its just that Russia is trying to get into the inner side of what is happening between USA and Pakistan as it directly impinges on its strategic future. Nothing wrong in Pakistan and Russia having good ties.

Exactly. It proves my point that countries has to have relationships with all, has nothing to do with cold war, but it is imperative to have counterbalances and plans for decisions made in case if things go wrong.
I like SCO; SCO maintains a power balance in global affairs.

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is an intergovernmental mutual-security organisation.

But for Pakistan this is not a good time to join any power bloc.

First Pakistan need to fix some of it’s economic problems and also other internal problems, I think only after that they should consider this issue.

What will be the impact if Pakistan joins SCO now?

Directly or indirectly it will impact Turkey Pakistan ties, Turkey being a NATO member it will force them to reduce some corporation with Pakistan.

Also Pakistan operates American military products, do you think US will be happy about Pakistan joining another power bloc?

Pakistan needs to get European Union Trade concessions, to increase its exports; also currently Pakistan inviting investors from European Union (for more info see the Pakistani pm’s visit to France) do you think EU will be happy about Pakistan joining another power bloc?

Pakistan needs strong economic ties with Japan & South Korea, also currently Japan & South Korea provides financial assistance to Pakistan, we all know Japan & South Korea maintains strategic relations with US, do you think Japan & South Korea will be happy about Pakistan joining another power bloc?

Now Let’s think about Pakistan GCC relations, all GCC members maintains strong ties with US & EU, all GCC members operates American military products and also European military products. What will be the reaction from GCC if Pakistan joins another power bloc?

I hope Islamabad won’t join any power bloc for now, Now Islamabad needs to safe guard its economic interest’s first then any other issue, let’s fix the economy first friends…

i don't quite buy your opinion, instead, i find it's the right time to to let a go into SCO.

economic issue, yes, should be fixed. China alone can do that, helping Pakistan improve its economy. forget about Turkey, EU, Japan, and even tiny country like korea...(are you trolling, i bet no, you just raise some irrevalant elements).

Pakistan's appeal to SCO has been some time, and US know that, for hell. Pakistan can decide its own future. US, for God's sake, treat Pakistan unfair and rude. why should Pakistan take it seriously.

Pakistan's economic relations with SCO will be sufficient to its development of welfare. these countries need Pakistan's products of farming and industries, and we can import from China, pretty much everything.And from Russia we can secure energy and resources.
It is not important anymore. Besides it is between Pakistan and the other members of the SCO. India is 'non alligned' and has no part in it.

anything happening is importent for india...
and i am not against pakistan joining SCO , coz that can only open india's options to join NATO..
China is in no way hoping for an early withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan. They would rather like to create another North Korea and engage US and ebb its power with the continued involvement in Afghanistan. So let us leave that out. In the scheme of things, afterall Pakistan is a mere instrument. Regarding Russia, leave it be, they will find closer and more meaningful friends on the west of their borders. The usage of Russia & China is finding place too often for convenience isn't it? Please do not interpret the coquetish Russian dalliance as anything more than what it is. The Russians have known that and the one party in China knows that too.

What makes you think China wants another North Korea? Have you any idea how disasterous that was? North Koreans are unpredictable.
There are high levels of insecurities and snobbishness in your post. Neither China nor Russia wants a quick withdrawal of the U.S. in Afghanistan. They however want to ensure a quick end on the drone attacks on Pakistan. Why would they support Pakistan's application to join the SCO? U.S. will be doing a considerate amount of anti terrorism in Afghanistan to make it easier for us Asians. We have no issues about that so long they don;t stick their noses in too far into Asia.
anything happening is importent for india...
and i am not against pakistan joining SCO , coz that can only open india's options to join NATO..

We wont join NATO. We are also probably joining SCO.
anything happening is importent for india...
and i am not against pakistan joining SCO , coz that can only open india's options to join NATO..

Good and I have nothinng to add about India wanting to join NATO. That's their decision to make. And India needs to respect the decisions already made by certain members of the SCO as India is only on observer status and has no intentions to join.
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