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Russia, Egypt ink $2 billion arms deal

As 250 JF-17s(100 Block-II and 150 Block-IIIs) would easily replace MiG-21s, F-7s, F-5 and even Mirage-Vs from their fleet.

Cause the Chinese\Pakistani JF-17s are no match for what the EAF needs, yes the Jf-17 has its advantages, like it can be assembled locally in Egypt (The Egyptians had an assembly line for the Chinese\Pakistani K-8 Karakourm - 120 units), and they are cheap too, but, what Egypt needs is to adopt a high-low mix, and they low end is already there with the F-16s the EAF have, half are Block-40 or higher, and the rest almost modernized, so what they need is something like the Su-35 for the high end part. Also the KLJ-7 radar used on it with only 75km detection range for 3m2 targets simply not good enough for the EAF given the capabilities of the Israeli Air Force and their F-15I radars, not to mention they, the IAF are about to get the F-35 JSF too with an AESA radar.[/quote]
250-300 JF-17s would be good and even 150 for Libya and Algeria too. But there will be an availability of other fighters like J-20 or J-31s....
Russia, Egypt ink $2 billion arms deal – media - News - Economy - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video

Egypt has reportedly struck a deal with Russia to buy $2 billion worth of military equipment. This is according to the Egypt Independentwho has cited a senior official in Cairo. Saudi Arabia and the UAE have agreed to pay the price on Egypt’s behalf.

According to the source, Moscow and Cairo spent the past few weeks thrashing out the new arms deal, which was first tabled in November 2013 when Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu came to Cairo on an official visit.

The first batch of cutting-edge Russian weapons will be delivered by the mid-2014. The money will be paid in installments, the paper said.


@Frogman @Mahmoud_EGY .....any idea what weapons these will be?
Better to make deal with PAC for 100 JF-17s Block-II and UAVs.
I have no clue I'm not Egyptian although I heard Egypt was looking at the JF-17 platform. @Frogman @Dino R.

They opted for the Russian Mig-29 M\M2. The JF-17, although economical and would be a good choice for the EAF (Egyptian Air Force) it would be similar, and inferior to higher blocks F-16s, of which the EAF operates about 240. I would have liked to see the Su-35 or the French Rafal instead but oh well! And for all honesty, the Mig-29 M\M2 is much better than the JF-17, radar range alone is more than double that of the JF-17. The deal also includes a long-range air defense system, S-300 PMU-2 most probably, attack helicopters, probably Mi-35 and anti-tank MANPADS and few other items but that is all that is known so far. Most important are the armaments Egypt is gonna get with the Mig-29 M\M2, You can go to my web-page Dino Ramsey
You will find a couple of files about the Mig-29 M\M2 and another on why the Su-35 was a better choice for the EAF if you wanna read a bit more about it. I'm also writing an article about the needs of the EAF, but it is not gonna be ready for a while. Hope you enjoy ;)
They opted for the Russian Mig-29 M\M2. The JF-17, although economical and would be a good choice for the EAF (Egyptian Air Force) it would be similar, and inferior to higher blocks F-16s, of which the EAF operates about 240. I would have liked to see the Su-35 or the French Rafal instead but oh well! And for all honesty, the Mig-29 M\M2 is much better than the JF-17, radar range alone is more than double that of the JF-17. The deal also includes a long-range air defense system, S-300 PMU-2 most probably, attack helicopters, probably Mi-35 and anti-tank MANPADS and few other items but that is all that is known so far. Most important are the armaments Egypt is gonna get with the Mig-29 M\M2, You can go to my web-page Dino Ramsey
You will find a couple of files about the Mig-29 M\M2 and another on why the Su-35 was a better choice for the EAF if you wanna read a bit more about it. I'm also writing an article about the needs of the EAF, but it is not gonna be ready for a while. Hope you enjoy ;)

Thanks for the info that's a lot of information! Although I heard it's not coming with long range missile defense systems and rather medium range ones. And yes, apparently they're coming with a few hundred Kornet missile launchers for the special forces. Palestine has them too. :D

I am checking out your website, is it just a personal thing? It looks nice and Im going to read it. Would be cool if you could write an article about arms smuggling into Gaza as of lately although I'm not assuming you would know such information anyways. :)

Isn't the Su-35 a more expensive option? I think the F-16's play that multi role option.

@Dino R.

You have very neat PDF files, these are interesting and compare to other forces in the region, I'm currently reading the 'Why the Su-35' article. :D
Thanks for the info that's a lot of information! Although I heard it's not coming with long range missile defense systems and rather medium range ones. And yes, apparently they're coming with a few hundred Kornet missile launchers for the special forces. Palestine has them too. :D

I am checking out your website, is it just a personal thing? It looks nice and Im going to read it. Would be cool if you could write an article about arms smuggling into Gaza as of lately although I'm not assuming you would know such information anyways. :)

Isn't the Su-35 a more expensive option? I think the F-16's play that multi role option.

@Dino R.

You have very neat PDF files, these are interesting and compare to other forces in the region, I'm currently reading the 'Why the Su-35' article. :D

Kornet is the shit! lol, ask the Israelis they'd tell you! I remember for years reading about their Merkava Mk-4 and how it is the perfect tank, safest and they made it sound indestructible!!! Here comes 2006 and their war in Lebanon, that Merkava took a massive beating! Kornets were the ace in the hole Hizbollah had!

And thanks, I'm glad you liked the web-site, and yes, it is a personal thing, I used to write in other sites, the main one unfortunately got old and the guy taking care of it just let it go, and eventually took it down! So I decided to make my own just for me (For now) so people who like to read my stuff can find it easily.
Kornet is the shit! lol, ask the Israelis they'd tell you! I remember for years reading about their Merkava Mk-4 and how it is the perfect tank, safest and they made it sound indestructible!!! Here comes 2006 and their war in Lebanon, that Merkava took a massive beating! Kornets were the ace in the hole Hizbollah had!

And thanks, I'm glad you liked the web-site, and yes, it is a personal thing, I used to write in other sites, the main one unfortunately got old and the guy taking care of it just let it go, and eventually took it down! So I decided to make my own just for me (For now) so people who like to read my stuff can find it easily.

It is, that's why they acquired so many in Gaza because they're needed desperately in case of an Israeli ground invasion. I just finished reading your article in the Su-35 and I agree with you on everything. I'm surprised you're not hesitant to compare our armies to the Israeli military and you criticize the Soviet doctrine still. When I do that and encourage our Arab nations to match Israel in military terms they respond emotionally and tell me they aren't out to destroy Israel, LOL, even though I never imply such a thing.

I read your article on the UAE MLRS which is hilarious too. :lol:

Glad I can finally find a fellow Arab who sees the real need for our militaries to start doing the right thing and start doing it know because it's real. :)
The thing ab
It is, that's why they acquired so many in Gaza because they're needed desperately in case of an Israeli ground invasion. I just finished reading your article in the Su-35 and I agree with you on everything. I'm surprised you're not hesitant to compare our armies to the Israeli military and you criticize the Soviet doctrine still. When I do that and encourage our Arab nations to match Israel in military terms they respond emotionally and tell me they aren't out to destroy Israel, LOL, even though I never imply such a thing.

I read your article on the UAE MLRS which is hilarious too. :lol:

Glad I can finally find a fellow Arab who sees the real need for our militaries to start doing the right thing and start doing it know because it's real. :)

The Thing about Israel is that they get A LOT of help from the United States, not just in the form of off-the-shelf weapons, like its the case with Egypt, but in addition they finance a huge chunk of the Israeli military weapons development. This allows the Israelis to develop and improve their own systems, that is what gives them the real edge, plus they get a bit better weapons from the USA too compared to the ones the Arabs get.
And about that MLRS system, every word is true!!! It is embarrassing if you ask me! The UAE is making the effort, which is the right thing to do 100% and they have some great results, but not that MLRS!!! its a shame!!!
There are many things wrong with our militaries brother, and I will put it all on paper one day, but it won't be an article, it'll be more like a whole book, but that takes time and effort I don't really have now a days!
Kornet is the shit! lol, ask the Israelis they'd tell you! I remember for years reading about their Merkava Mk-4 and how it is the perfect tank, safest and they made it sound indestructible!!! Here comes 2006 and their war in Lebanon, that Merkava took a massive beating! Kornets were the ace in the hole Hizbollah had!

And thanks, I'm glad you liked the web-site, and yes, it is a personal thing, I used to write in other sites, the main one unfortunately got old and the guy taking care of it just let it go, and eventually took it down! So I decided to make my own just for me (For now) so people who like to read my stuff can find it easily.
what do you think about the isreali trophy system ?
what do you think about the isreali trophy system ?

I got one thing to say about that, RPG-30! Couple of those fired will defeat the trophy or any similar system! It is essentially the same as the RPG-27 but with an extra inert decoy precursor round on a tube on the side of the main launch tube put there specifically to defeat the trophy and similar systems by being fired first, and while the trophy is busy neutralizing it, bam, here comes the real tandem warhead main missile of the RPG-30, which is designed to defeat ERA (Explosive Reactive Armor) used on modern MBTs! Such systems are a waste of money, they coast a lot and look, a very simple solution would render them ineffective!

Matter of fact, I dare to say, the MBT idea should be reconsidered! Tank destroyers are the future! Take the Italian Centauro for example, with a 120mm smooth-bore canon on it! They make it! Same fire power as a MBT, but much much cheaper and more mobile!!! No need for a gas-guzzling turbine engine like the M1 MBT!! Yes, I admit its not as safe as a MBT but modern warfare is going to be asymmetric, so shoulder-fired ATGMs will defeat any MBT theoretically, besides we will not say a tank force on tank force battle like we saw in both gulf wars, those are a thing of the past, at least in the Middle-East, so such a concept is a winner!!! No need to waste time and money on heavy MBTs and protection systems for them!!! And I'm proud to say that the Egyptian Armed Forces are already operating the Italian Centauro, they are thinking right on that!!!
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I got one thing to say about that, RPG-30! Couple of those fired will defeat the trophy or any similar system! It is essentially the same as the RPG-27 but with an extra inert decoy precursor round on a tube on the side of the main launch tube put there specifically to defeat the trophy and similar systems by being fired first, and while the trophy is busy neutralizing it, bam, here comes the real tandem warhead main missile of the RPG-30, which is designed to defeat ERA (Explosive Reactive Armor) used on modern MBTs! Such systems are a waste of money, they coast a lot and look, a very simple solution would render them ineffective!

Don't believe everything about it, they praise the system because of an incident where Palestinians fired an rpg it managed to neutralize it however anti tank missiles have it. Hamas in Gaza has tested their weapons against the system and have hit merkava's. If one can't develop a system than it's best to use filler RPGs and mortar fire to distract the system and follow up with a quick hit with the Kornet missile. Of course the RPGs you're speaking of do work but they're of a limited quantity in Gaza and will only be used in crucial areas in case of a ground invasion.
Don't believe everything about it, they praise the system because of an incident where Palestinians fired an rpg it managed to neutralize it however anti tank missiles have it. Hamas in Gaza has tested their weapons against the system and have hit merkava's. If one can't develop a system than it's best to use filler RPGs and mortar fire to distract the system and follow up with a quick hit with the Kornet missile. Of course the RPGs you're speaking of do work but they're of a limited quantity in Gaza and will only be used in crucial areas in case of a ground invasion.

The RPG-30 is cheaper than the Kornet system and way easier to use though.Anyways with those systems a dual, simultaneous shot of either will fool the trophy, remember, nothing in the world is 100%, nothing, any protection system can be beaten, and relatively easily given that you know enough about it and how it operates.
I got one thing to say about that, RPG-30! Couple of those fired will defeat the trophy or any similar system! It is essentially the same as the RPG-27 but with an extra inert decoy precursor round on a tube on the side of the main launch tube put there specifically to defeat the trophy and similar systems by being fired first, and while the trophy is busy neutralizing it, bam, here comes the real tandem warhead main missile of the RPG-30, which is designed to defeat ERA (Explosive Reactive Armor) used on modern MBTs! Such systems are a waste of money, they coast a lot and look, a very simple solution would render them ineffective!

Matter of fact, I dare to say, the MBT idea should be reconsidered! Tank destroyers are the future! Take the Italian Centauro for example, with a 120mm smooth-bore canon on it! They make it! Same fire power as a MBT, but much much cheaper and more mobile!!! No need for a gas-guzzling turbine engine like the M1 MBT!! Yes, I admit its not as safe as a MBT but modern warfare is going to be asymmetric, so shoulder-fired ATGMs will defeat any MBT theoretically, besides we will not say a tank force on tank force battle like we saw in both gulf wars, those are a thing of the past, at least in the Middle-East, so such a concept is a winner!!! No need to waste time and money on heavy MBTs and protection systems for them!!! And I'm proud to say that the Egyptian Armed Forces are already operating the Italian Centauro, they are thinking right on that!!!
i heared the same after 73 war our tank hunter teams did a very good job defeating the isreali tanks that some countries started to think about the future of heavy tanks i think systems like trophy can determin the future of tanks should it fail
They opted for the Russian Mig-29 M\M2. The JF-17, although economical and would be a good choice for the EAF (Egyptian Air Force) it would be similar, and inferior to higher blocks F-16s, of which the EAF operates about 240. I would have liked to see the Su-35 or the French Rafal instead but oh well! And for all honesty, the Mig-29 M\M2 is much better than the JF-17, radar range alone is more than double that of the JF-17. The deal also includes a long-range air defense system, S-300 PMU-2 most probably, attack helicopters, probably Mi-35 and anti-tank MANPADS and few other items but that is all that is known so far. Most important are the armaments Egypt is gonna get with the Mig-29 M\M2, You can go to my web-page Dino Ramsey
You will find a couple of files about the Mig-29 M\M2 and another on why the Su-35 was a better choice for the EAF if you wanna read a bit more about it. I'm also writing an article about the needs of the EAF, but it is not gonna be ready for a while. Hope you enjoy ;)

Egypt instead look towards making deal with Russia on Submarines and Ships development for Military and Commercial uses. Also welcome Algeria and Tunisia to join in.

4100 Tons SSK
2100 Tons SSK
0700 Tons Coastal SSK
0110 Tons Special Submarines
Rescue Submarines

Egypt should look in to JV with Pakistan and China for Military and Commercial development.
Egypt instead look towards making deal with Russia on Submarines and Ships development for Military and Commercial uses. Also welcome Algeria and Tunisia to join in.

4100 Tons SSK
2100 Tons SSK
0700 Tons Coastal SSK
0110 Tons Special Submarines
Rescue Submarines

Egypt should look in to JV with Pakistan and China for Military and Commercial development.

I have to say my knowledge when it comes to naval systems is simply my weakest. But turning towards China is the best option for Egypt when it comes to certain systems.

i heared the same after 73 war our tank hunter teams did a very good job defeating the isreali tanks that some countries started to think about the future of heavy tanks i think systems like trophy can determin the future of tanks should it fail

I think its safe to assume, with a good level of certainty that such systems will fail, sometimes it is simply better to forgo a whole idea and think outside the box rather than stick with the conventional. Now a days a jeep with ATGMs (Anti Tank Guided Missiles) can take out a tank, much cheaper and more mobile and convenient!
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