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Russia offers Egypt major arms deal

Russia had all the 'modern weapons' and more and got their heads handed to them, literally, in Afghanistan. All their crap couldn't stand up to ONE U.S. weapon, the Stinger. AK-47's and R.P.G.'s are great, EVERYTHING ELSE SUCKS ! I shot some Russian 5.56 and it sucked big-time. They can't even make decent ammo !!!  
Well it kind of depends on who is flying those aircrafts. Machine is important up to an extent but it is really the pilot skills in the end that matter. BTW, let me give you some facts to remove your ignorance. In the 1970's Israeli Pilots went up against Pilots flying those crappy Russian planes 10 times and each time there was a dead Israeli Pilot in that fight. Try to guess who were flying the crappy Russian planes that killed or shot down Israeli Pilots flying US or Western Planes.

The Pilots on the other end in those 10 instances were Pakistani Pilots. Israeli Pilots faced off 10 times against Pakistani Pilots and lost each time. No Israeli Pilot has ever shot down a Pakistani Pilot, ever. Those are facts my ignorant friend.

Pakistani pilots who shot-down 10 Israeli jets | Rehmat's World

First, I think that's a little 'revisionist history', chief. Rehmat's talking out his ***. Pakistani planes DIDN'T EVEN MAKE IT INTO THE WAR BEFORE THERE WAS A CEASE-FIRE. And second, who won that war ? Little Israel kicked the whole Arab worlds collective ***. AGAIN ! Or do they teach you over there that you won that war ?:pakistan:

Here's a few 'fun facts', NUTSACK...
1973 Yom Kippur War

During the war, sixteen Pakistan Air Force pilots volunteered to leave for the Middle East in order to support Egypt and Syria but by the time they arrived Egypt had already agreed on a cease-fire. Syria remained in a state of war against Israel so the PAF pilots became instructors there and formed the A-flight of 67 Squadron at Dumayr AB. One of the PAF pilots, Flt. Lt. Sattar Alvi flying a MiG-21 shot down an Israeli Air Force Mirage and was honoured by the Syrian government.

See also: Israeli casualties of war
Israel suffered between 2,521 and 2,800 killed in action. An additional 7,250 to 8,800 soldiers were wounded. Some 293 Israelis were captured. Approximately 400 Israeli tanks were destroyed. Another 600 were disabled but returned to service after repairs. A major Israeli advantage, noted by many observers, was their ability to quickly return damaged tanks to combat. The Israeli Air Force lost 102 airplanes: 32 F-4s, 53 A-4s, 11 Mirages and 6 Super Mysteres. Two helicopters, a Bell 205 and a CH-53, were also lost. According to Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, nearly half of these were shot down during the first three days of the war. IAF losses per combat sortie were less than in the preceding Six Day War of 1967.

An Israeli Air Force Mirage IIIC. Flag markings on the nose credit this particular aircraft with 13 aerial kills.
Arab casualties were known to be much higher than Israel's, though precise figures are difficult to ascertain as Egypt and Syria never disclosed official figures. The lowest casualty estimate is 8,000 (5,000 Egyptian and 3,000 Syrian) killed and 18,000 wounded. The highest estimate is 18,500 (15,000 Egyptian and 3,500 Syrian) killed. Most estimates lie somewhere in between the two, with the Insight Team of the London The Sunday Times combined Egyptian and Syrian losses of 16,000 killed. and yet another source citing a figure of some 15,000 dead and 35,000 wounded. U.S. estimates placed Egyptian casualties at 13,000. Iraq lost 278 killed and 898 wounded, while Jordan suffered 23 killed and 77 wounded. Some 8,372 Egyptians, 392 Syrians, 13 Iraqis and 6 Moroccans were taken prisoner.

Arab tank losses amounted to 2,250 though Garwych cites a figure of 2,300. 400 of these fell into Israeli hands in good working order and were incorporated into Israeli service. Between 341 and 514 Arab aircraft were shot down. According to Herzog, 334 of these aircraft were shot down by the Israeli Air Force in air-to-air combat for the loss of only five Israeli planes. The Sunday Times Insight Team notes Arab aircraft losses of 450. 19 Arab naval vessels, including 10 missile boats, were sunk for no Israeli losses.
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I wish the U.S. would cut Egypt loose. The best thing for us and Israel is for Egypt to buy inferior Russian (or Chinese) stuff. Then if we or Israel does have to bitch-slap them, we'll cut through that crappy Russian gear like a hot knife through butter. As always.
lay off the acid! Funny but in every crappy war the US was in, most of the GI's preferred to have Russian queen AK47 than the two stepping M16...Russian arms in good hand are superior to anything the west has to offer...
The only exception is Algeria, a cold war relic.
Algeria is a cold war relic? Algeria is not as young as Bangladesh, a country born out of wedlock... Funny how you minimize a country with huge history, that gave so much to the third world cause, to a relic...
Our relation with Russia pre date the cold war era, as well as with China...But that before your time, well before India chased Pakistan and left you fatherless fending for yourself.

Russia had all the 'modern weapons' and more and got their heads handed to them, literally, in Afghanistan. All their crap couldn't stand up to ONE U.S. weapon, the Stinger. AK-47's and R.P.G.'s are great, EVERYTHING ELSE SUCKS ! I shot some Russian 5.56 and it sucked big-time. They can't even make decent ammo !!!  

First, I think that's a little 'revisionist history', chief. Rehmat's talking out his ***. Pakistani planes DIDN'T EVEN MAKE IT INTO THE WAR BEFORE THERE WAS A CEASE-FIRE. And second, who won that war ? Little Israel kicked the whole Arab worlds collective ***. AGAIN ! Or do they teach you over there that you won that war ?:pakistan:

Here's a few 'fun facts', NUTSACK...
1973 Yom Kippur War

During the war, sixteen Pakistan Air Force pilots volunteered to leave for the Middle East in order to support Egypt and Syria but by the time they arrived Egypt had already agreed on a cease-fire. Syria remained in a state of war against Israel so the PAF pilots became instructors there and formed the A-flight of 67 Squadron at Dumayr AB. One of the PAF pilots, Flt. Lt. Sattar Alvi flying a MiG-21 shot down an Israeli Air Force Mirage and was honoured by the Syrian government.

See also: Israeli casualties of war
Israel suffered between 2,521 and 2,800 killed in action. An additional 7,250 to 8,800 soldiers were wounded. Some 293 Israelis were captured. Approximately 400 Israeli tanks were destroyed. Another 600 were disabled but returned to service after repairs. A major Israeli advantage, noted by many observers, was their ability to quickly return damaged tanks to combat. The Israeli Air Force lost 102 airplanes: 32 F-4s, 53 A-4s, 11 Mirages and 6 Super Mysteres. Two helicopters, a Bell 205 and a CH-53, were also lost. According to Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, nearly half of these were shot down during the first three days of the war. IAF losses per combat sortie were less than in the preceding Six Day War of 1967.

An Israeli Air Force Mirage IIIC. Flag markings on the nose credit this particular aircraft with 13 aerial kills.
Arab casualties were known to be much higher than Israel's, though precise figures are difficult to ascertain as Egypt and Syria never disclosed official figures. The lowest casualty estimate is 8,000 (5,000 Egyptian and 3,000 Syrian) killed and 18,000 wounded. The highest estimate is 18,500 (15,000 Egyptian and 3,500 Syrian) killed. Most estimates lie somewhere in between the two, with the Insight Team of the London The Sunday Times combined Egyptian and Syrian losses of 16,000 killed. and yet another source citing a figure of some 15,000 dead and 35,000 wounded. U.S. estimates placed Egyptian casualties at 13,000. Iraq lost 278 killed and 898 wounded, while Jordan suffered 23 killed and 77 wounded. Some 8,372 Egyptians, 392 Syrians, 13 Iraqis and 6 Moroccans were taken prisoner.

Arab tank losses amounted to 2,250 though Garwych cites a figure of 2,300. 400 of these fell into Israeli hands in good working order and were incorporated into Israeli service. Between 341 and 514 Arab aircraft were shot down. According to Herzog, 334 of these aircraft were shot down by the Israeli Air Force in air-to-air combat for the loss of only five Israeli planes. The Sunday Times Insight Team notes Arab aircraft losses of 450. 19 Arab naval vessels, including 10 missile boats, were sunk for no Israeli losses.
The last harvest of mexican marijane must be of superior quality...

...The last harvest of mexican marijane must be of superior quality...

Everyone knows the U.S. grows the sticky icky in Kentucky.

lay off the acid! Funny but in every crappy war the US was in, most of the GI's preferred to have Russian queen AK47 than the two stepping M16...Russian arms in good hand are superior to anything the west has to offer...

I don't know if it's your reading comprehension or you just didn't read post# 46. While the AK is more rugged, it's accuracy isn't even close to an AR. The very thing that makes it rugged, the stamped metal parts, makes it inaccurate. The tolerances are all over the place. You'll never see an AK in competition shooting while the AR is the standard. I know, I've built and shot them.
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