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Russia Agrees to Sell 6 su 30 Fighter Jets to Myanmar

SAM systems of Myanmar Army







Medium range SAMs are just more them enough to wipe out the entire BAF.

Plz tell me how your 30km range SAM can even reach a F-7BGI when it can drop this FT-7PGB from 90km away to cripple your AD and air base.


You three are ranting and talking big for a long time. There's nothing constructive and informative coming from your mouth except arrogance and bullshit.

We are not interested in your tiny airforce.

Yes i can see that. You are interested in our unarmed fisherman.


Our modernization programme are not a threat-based. (anyway BD is not a threat at all.) It is rather effect-based.

If your mighty BD Military wants to go arms race against MM, go ahead. It is up to you. For us, BD is just nothing.

Not threat based?? Then why do you keep fall in love with our fisherman?? Yeah BD is just nothing. Mighty MM navy gets scared by unarmed Bangladeshi fisher man with wooden boat.

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F 7 are just nothing.
Only the BAF is still using the mighty Junk 7.
The right place for F 7 is museum.

Really?? Then why your air force is still flying all these junks?? Why aren't they in museum yet?? :o:o_O Congrats, you just made yourself a clown once again. :agree:


Again bdmilitary.com?
That site is the source of hoax news.
No one interested.
Other credible international sources are welcome.
But no more bdmilitary.com.

Are you blind too?? I just gave you a BIG photo of our F-7BGI with FT-7PGB. Go see an eye specialist.
The Defense Ministry on Tuesday asked for a budget of more than 1.3 trillion kyats (US$1 billion) for a six-month period—an amount higher than the combined total of the health and education budgets :o::o: good job BD..:):)


The defense ministry’s proposed budget includes more than 2 billion kyats for military operations.

Lawmakers of the National League for Democracy (NLD) said that the budget requested by the Ministry of Defense made up 12.56 percent of the total budget proposal, while the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health and Sports asked for 7.56 percent and 3.93 percent respectively, adding up to only 11.46 percent of the total budget.

“During the term of the previous government, student activists demanded that the education budget be increased to 20 percent of the national budget. It seemed as though the education budget increased under the current government, but in reality, it didn’t because the budget was for two ministries – the Education Ministry and the Ministry of Science and Technology,” he explained, as the NLD government had incorporated the Ministry of Science and Technology into the education ministry.

The budget proposed by the Health and Sports Ministry was only 400 billion kyats for a six months period, and that amount is not sufficient to spend both on the health and sports sectors, he added.

Deputy Minister for Defense Maj-Gen Myint Nwe told Parliament that the Defense Ministry is expected to earn 31.761 billion kyats in normal revenue; its capital expenditure is expected to be 611.087 billion kyats; its normal expenditure, 723.107 billion kyats; and total expenditure is, therefore, 1.33 trillion kyats for the six-month transitional period.

He told Parliament, “The money is used to implement plans to strengthen the structure of soldiers, weapons, equipment for perpetuity of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Union.”

Lower House lawmaker U Tun Tun of Pwintbyu Township, who was on the budget scrutinizing committee, said that the defense budget is rarely cut, but when the Defense Ministry asked for an additional budgetary top-up for the 2017-18 fiscal year, the committee cut around 280 million kyats because government agencies are restricted by law from obtaining an extra budget of more than 10 percent of their main budget.

“The defense budget has never been trimmed. However, we will check whether the army asked for its budget in accordance with financial rules and regulations. If we find that the budget was increased unnecessarily, we will scrutinize and cut it,” he said.

To compare the defense budgets for normal expenditures, the Defense Ministry asked for 609.627 billion kyats for the first half of 2016-17 FY, 827.149 billion kyats for the first half of 2017-18 FY, and 723.107 billion kyats for the six-month period in 2018.

And to compare the defense budgets for capital expenditures, it asked for 168.498 billion kyats for the first half of 2016-17 FY, 622.440 billion kyats for the first half of 2017-18 FY, and 618.017 billion kyats for the six-month period.

Translated from Burmese by Myint Win Thein.
Silly question.
You can google it.
If you think those MiG 29 are grounded, proof it.
If you don't know how to google, just ask somebody to help.

I googled, couldn't see more than 3 migs together of Myanmar.

Technically, you can't prove something negative if you understand logic. The onus is on you to prove whether they exist or not.

It's an open secret that almost all the mig 29s of Myanmar Air force are out of service. Neither your small defence budget could afford to maintain that many aircraft as most of the money has to be spent for the Army to fight the rebels internally.
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actually we dont want to waste our time for childish argument. so google urself for everything u wanna know.

someone still dont know how to google so far. bro @Kutuzov :rofl: seriously need somebody's help . lol ok. check here. moron :no:
it's from one of the serveral bases of Myanmar AF which deployed MiG-29.

Let me help him as well.

Sometime MAF pilots play Fan Break.




Sometime Arrow Head.


Sometime Line.

So, you have a grand total of 6 operational Mig 29 as I said earlier (and I'm not even talking about how old the video is).

Now don't come with another monkey logic if you don't have any proof, nincompoop.
lol @tarpitz at first he cant google it for day which i took just a few second. now he cant count the numbers as well. a poor chimpanzee lol
look carefully , there is another 2 at 3:38 of video and 6 at 4:15. dont even count another MiG-29 in different bases.
Now don't come with another monkey logic if you don't have any proof,
lol sometime truth is bitter.
although human beings can understand things easily , it may be hard to understand for a chimp. dont worry a chimp can also be a human in one day if Darwin's theory of Evolution is true. so keep trying. :P
lol fun is enough for today. this chimp entertain us a lot. :rofl: @tarpitz bro
So looks like I have hit the Burmese nerve by mentioning "monkey" here. :lol:

Oh poor monkey.

We are just teaching you how to Google photos & clips.

Now you can do it yourself, if you wanna see serial numbers of MAF MiG 29.

If you have any problem with Googling, feel free to ask us.

We will teach you again.

Actually, Googling is not a difficult thing for human beings. But rather difficult for monkeys.

For us, we don't need google photos of BAF Junk 7s and old MiGs.

They are just nothing to us. No interest at all.

To quote yourself, all aircrafts are on the ground.

I don't see anything more than 6 mig 29s on flying condition.

To prove yourself, come with specified numbered images as @The Ronin did, otherwise happy banana feast!
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they dont need TDL bro bcoz they have this..:cool::cool:..View attachment 450762

The words "monkey" and "banana" seem to stimulate some special synapses among the neurons of Burmese people. No idea why.

But without TDLs in their Navy, what are these Su-30s for if they can't even perform maritime strikes?
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After the arrival of first batch of Su 30SME, the inventory of MAF will be like this:-

Multirole Fighter
6 x Su 30SME

Frontline Fighter
20 x Mig 29SE
10 x Mig 29B

Light Multirole/Strike
14 x JF 17 block 2
2 x JF 17 B

Lead In Fighter Trainer
12 x Yak 130

Advanced Trainer
32 x K 8W

20 x G 120TP

That is actually very impressive for a country of Myanmar's size. Small but a very potent force that can engage in Air Superiority but also deliver PGM. Do you have any info about Myanmar's radar systems that are deployed, and what about Electronic Warfare Gear that Myanmar deploys?
Only the clowns believe in Wikipedia.

BD guys are more dumb than I had thought.

But but but the video @Aung Zaya shared clearly showed you still fly F-7 and A-5!!! :o:o_O Congratulations this is the 2nd time you became a clown and this time your own countryman made you clown. :disagree: Who is actually dumber you moron?? :omghaha: Next time comment carefully and you really need to see an eye specialist. LOL!! :omghaha:


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