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Rupee crashes to life-time low of 69.12 against US Dollar

4 days left for rupee crash to start start buying dollars dear neighbours.
Like I said the situation for INR is very grim. India has pay its debt the timeline on that debt is coming down and rupee is falling. If India govt decides to give support to India's currency than it start depleting the foreign reserves very fast and on a large scale. If those foreign reserves deplete than there is a debt crises in India which could lead into a recession. INR is going to crash the best option for Indians is start stocking dollar so that they are at least saved from inflation.

USD to INR is still hover around 68.70 whereas your 117 pkr has gone to 122.50 , i think you should start giving advice to your own citizens ,it could be benificial for them

Look India is giving support to INR from its large foreign reserves which if the govt keeps on doing will deplete them and the indian govt was maintaining foreign reserves to facilitate the even large Indian debt. Plus there is an energy crises looming on Indian door as US sanctions on Iran are about to kick in India bought twice the amount of irani oil and those parents are also due in months time as that how long iran provides credit line to India. It is crises lurking and media cannot hide it for long as it is about to reveal its self and collapse is about to hit India.
Look India is giving support to INR from its large foreign reserves which if the govt keeps on doing will deplete them and the indian govt was maintaining foreign reserves to facilitate the even large Indian debt. Plus there is an energy crises looming on Indian door as US sanctions on Iran are about to kick in India bought twice the amount of irani oil and those parents are also due in months time as that how long iran provides credit line to India. It is crises lurking and media cannot hide it for long as it is about to reveal its self and collapse is about to hit India.
Mr crisis predicter ,india has $400 billion in US treasury and has has 560 tonnes of Gold reserves it can continue to support the rupee to eternity http://www.usfunds.com/investor-library/frank-talk/top-10-countries-with-largest-gold-reserves/ as far as Iran sanctions will kick in November ,i don't know what you blabbering about aug 6 but You do know india halved its consumption of oil when iran was under sanctions so it will do the same as our west asia partner saudi arabia and UAE are always looking to take the slice of iran to them and our now planning a $48 billion refineryhttps://www.thenational.ae/business...o-to-partner-on-44bn-indian-refinery-1.744105 and US for first time in decades decided to export oil and to which country you guessed it right India and hitting record levels in july 2018 https://m.timesofindia.com/business...s-ahead-of-sanctions/articleshow/64956062.cms ,so mr crisis predict now USD to pkr crossed 123 mark latest i again advice you to buy dollar
As I said Indian media is hiding the looming crises but they cannot hide rising dollar depleting foreign reserves and rising debt. Mathematics is not fake journalism you cannot hide it.
Mr crises predict was calling for 4 rupees fall in value on aug 6 i think you chosen wrong currency pkr from 117 to 122.92 ,fits the bill very correctly
As I said Indian media is hiding the looming crises but they cannot hide rising dollar depleting foreign reserves and rising debt. Mathematics is not fake journalism you cannot hide it.
FDI,remittance,export,CAD,import which of these are performing negatively to come at that conclusion ?
FDI,remittance,export,CAD,import which of these are performing negatively to come at that conclusion ?
I am forecasting a situation yes your media is stating against me but issues I am highlighting are also gaining momentum at fast pace. Indian govt is hurting foreign reserves to support INR and this is becoming a visible problem now. It means that your govt is reducing your export number just by stupid monetary policy.
I am forecasting a situation yes your media is stating against me but issues I am highlighting are also gaining momentum at fast pace. Indian govt is hurting foreign reserves to support INR and this is becoming a visible problem now. It means that your govt is reducing your export number just by stupid monetary policy.
Let's see ..but rupee is gaining at the moment ..
Let's see ..but rupee is gaining at the moment ..
It is not gaining in real terms it Indian govt pushing dollar into the market to support INR. Modi is just doing it to keep critics of his back. This is depleting foreign reserves already costing Indian govt billions of dollars.
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