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Royal Moroccan Armed Forces

La FREMM marocaine livrée à la fin du mois

Toujours présente à Brest, la frégate Mohammed VI doit finalement être transférée à la marine royale marocaine le 30 janvier. Initialement, il était prévu que le bâtiment soit livré le 25 novembre par DCNS mais la cérémonie a été annulée pour des questions de protocole. Le frère du roi, qui devait présider l’évènement, était en effet retenu de l'autre côte de l'Atlantique lors du voyage officiel de Mohammed VI aux Etats-Unis. Il a ensuite fallu un bon moment pour trouver une nouvelle date correspondant aux disponibilités du prince Moulay Rachid el-Alaoui, C'est désormais chose faite désormais et la nouvelle frégate marocaine va donc pouvoir être officiellement transférée, même si ce ne sera pas comme prévu en grande pompe.

Dérivé des FREMM construites par DCNS pour la marine française, le Mohammed VI sera le plus grand bâtiment de combat de la flotte marocaine. Longue de 142 mètres pour un déplacement de 6000 tonnes en charge, cette frégate mettra notamment en œuvre jusqu’à 16 missiles surface-air Aster 15, 8 missiles antinavire Exocet MM40 Block3, s’ajoutant à une tourelle de 76mm et de l’artillerie légère, ainsi qu’un hélicoptère embarqué.



RMN FREMM Mohamed 6




Ah okey ! Thanks :) :cheers: Like Indian people and especially Priyanka Chopra :cheesy: Lol :wub:
Lol yes as a monarchy, we have some potential ennemies especially communist and socialist arabs , like every country in the world and like every arab monarchy .

Apart that :



Summary of the previous edition

RMAF planes

Guest 2012 - US Air Force




F-15 E

Which socialist

Which socialist Arab country has Morocco shivering? Algeria, Mauretania, or the SADR are neither Arab, Socialist, or communist...Unless the Atlantic Ocean or the Med sea are the enemies of Morocco, none of the countries bordering you has attacked Morocco or consider Morocco as an enemy.

The SADR :yay: Lol Ceylal ya Ceylal .
Algeria don't consider Morocco as an ennemy ?? :ashamed: we are your favourite ennemy isn't it

Ohoud operation - Jeune Afrique 1979







You got it wrong, Algeria has never considered Morocco as an ENEMY, you tend to read too much in what is written in your press and especially MAP. If we were considered as such, god knows you gave ample raisons that is considered as casus belli..All those tons of treated kif that you unload at our border and in our shore is cause enough to any country to declare war to Morocco. I sincerely think that the M6 should think his lucky star to have Bouteflika as the President of Algeria and it does look that we are gong to live with him another five years.
To see how much we consider you as an enemi, we keep only two L59 aircraft in Tindouf while you maintain the bulk of your forces in the area...I guess we must shit blood from fear of the FAR that we feel paralysed by the shear number of troops you keep behind those walls:rofl:

You posted an old Jeune Afrique's article , you should have digged the one of Paris Match it has better pictures that showed the FAR in their best duds:big_boss:.
The reality behind that, was just a show and tell. That column under Dlimi command has never seen combat to make a difference. They spend all their time to zig zag in the desert to raise dust. They haven't fooled the Polisario . It was just for domestic consumption, since H2 wasn't about to let Dlimi who protected him from the preceeding coups to leave his side. It was certainly a publicity coup to shore up H2 standing among his Arab brothers in the middle east, but it didn't fool the ones that was fighting him for their freedom.
After all, thank you for posting the pages , it will be a good reading on an elite mechanized Brigade that wasn't!:cheers:
What is this shit you said?! :what: and when the algerian army attack with the polisario Moroccan positions, its mean what? and they give them informations , arms and money . you consider us as friends?
Where is the polisario now ? we FU***D them , your army and all the communist gerillos no matter where they were come from ! stop dreaming , and if they are brave , we are here and we expect for them .

The Moroccan army is a professional army, which has nothing to prove, the Moroccan fighter is known worldwide for his courage and determination, was present in all world wars we fought against Nazi we free Corsica, France , Indo-China , we fought in Monte Cassino and we beat the Nazi and the italian fascist there, the Golan aside Syrians , we fucked the Houthis mercenaries in KSA , the Turks and the empire Ottoman conquered the Arab world and Morocco they could never conquer us, read the history man . We did all this while your country does not even exist :coffee: Morocco is a millenary nation , not a 50 years existence banana republic ...
And you think the polisario or algerian army could do something ? GIA humiliate you , they slaughter your soldiers , you have a looser army my friend, no one feat of arm .

Such you're loosers fighter , we have the occasion to humiliate and massacre you , but we refuse , listen to Hosni Moubarak :azn: 2200 Algerian soldiers ready to be destroy by the FAR and Hassan 2 let you escape, at least say thank you !
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Moroccan forces end mission in Kosovo

CAMP NOVO SELO, Kosovo – Since the start of the Kosovo Force mission in 1999, the Moroccan army has worked alongside NATO, the United Nations Mission in Kosovo and other multinational units to provide a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for the citizens of Kosovo.

Now, 14 years and 11,000 troops later, the Moroccan army says farewell to KFOR as it ends its mission with a withdrawal of forces ceremony on Camp Novo Selo Jan. 18.

The ceremony brought together several members of the multinational community, including Delphine Borione, the French ambassador to Kosovo, Italian army Maj. Gen. Salvatore Farina, the commander of KFOR, and U.S. Army Col. David Woods, the Multinational Battle Group – East commander.

At the beginning of his speech, Moroccan army Lt. Col. Hicham Lamrani, the commander of the Moroccan Contingent, thanked the members of KFOR for their support over the years.

“Today we are here to give thanks to you and the values we associate. Brotherhood, solidarity and commitment to humanity,” Lamrani said. “So let me thank you on behalf of the entire Moroccan contingent for your support throughout our stay.”

After his speech, Farina gave a speech on the history of Morocco’s support for Kosovo and KFOR. Though the day could be seen as a sad one, Farina said, he was personally grateful for the work of the Moroccan company.

“We are indeed grateful for the commitment they have shared within KFOR,” said Farina. “Morocco has been long committed to Kosovo and has responded positively to calls from the international community since the beginning to prevent conflict and restore peace and security, here and worldwide.”

After the speech and the awarding of the NATO medal to nine Moroccan soldiers for their outstanding work, the Moroccans served a farewell meal to the partners they have served with in Kosovo.

“My Moroccan friends, you are indeed part of our continued success. You should be proud of this and we are proud of you,” Farina said. “I thank you, everyone, for your devotion to serving your country and us at KFOR NATO and the multinational community. You have truly emphasized the KFOR motto, more together, and we admire your support. You are our KFOR brothers and sisters, and we wish you, the Moroccan armed forces and your country, the best for the future."

Photos of the ceremony : Moroccan Forces end Kosovo Mission - a set on Flickr
What is this shit you said?! :what: and when the algerian army attack with the polisario Moroccan positions, its mean what? and they give them informations , arms and money . you consider us as friends?
We don't consider you friends, but we don't consider you enemy either. We helped and we will continue to help Polisario, financially diplomatically and materially.
Where is the polisario now ? we FU***D them , your army and all the communist gerillos no matter where they were come from ! stop dreaming , and if they are brave , we are here and we expect for them .
You fu_cked them, really? the last they did to you they danced in Tan Tan , that H2 had to call his friend the Israelis, to build him a wall to protect Morocco proper from the Polisario intrusion and to protect his aging, incapable, disoriented, outclassed, lost army of his...From what the world had seen, thMorocco was the fu_ckee...

The Moroccan army is a professional army, which has nothing to prove, the Moroccan fighter is known worldwide for his courage and determination,
We saw their professionalism is all its splendor. The molestation of children in Congo.

was present in all world wars we fought against Nazi we free Corsica, France
under the Ben Bella's command shouldered by Algerian troops who were the bulk of the indeginous north African troops.
As french subordinate and you got severely mauled by the Vietnamese , your masters included
we fought in Monte Cassino and we beat the Nazi and the italian fascist there
First Italians have surrendered before North African troops reached Italian shores. Algerians along with Tunisian shared that burden to dislodge the Germans... ,
the Golan aside Syrians
And you got slaughtered by the Israeli troops
we fucked the Houthis mercenaries in KSA
Not really, the Houthis took the best of the Saudi troops, it was so bad, that KSA had to pay them to agree to cease fire.
But you forgot, probably due to your humility, the face slapping you received in 2006 from Aznar at two hundred feet from your shore.
Probably due to the glorious Moroccan fait d'arme to large to enumerate every little details:toast_sign:

the Turks and the empire Ottoman conquered the Arab world and Morocco they could never conquer us
That is a big lie. The ottoman empire conquered the Arabs terrotories. The Ottoman empire never conquered North Africa. The Aroudj brothers (pirates) were seeked to help Algiers to get rid of the Spanish that established a fort The "Penon" and blockade her . It is after the defeat of the Spaniards that Aroudj brothers allied themselves with the Ottoman Sultan to absolve themselves from past misdeed in Turkey. Turks were never interested in Morocco because of safety concerns for their fleet. And in that time the reigning Moroccan king didn't control a territory to speak off...It was just a constellation of tribal territories that escaped all his control.
We did all this while your country does not even exist
Thats another Makhzeni happy pill? I thought that you are smarter than that, especially the time of internet...You deceive me here..Graduated from adrassat sidi?
:coffee: Morocco is a millenary nation , not a 50 years existence banana republic ...
you mean stone age? and here really, who is a banana republic? A monarchy where all the deviates and perverts of the world find refuge or a country that is feeding your citizens to keep your country from exploding. Eastern Morocco is fueled and heated with Algerian Petrol. Your stores are full of Algerian product, because your predator King took everything that is of value to himself and gave the remnant to the ME octogenarians kings and Emirs. So everytime you turn to Mecca to pray , make sure to save two Surat for Tlemcen

And you think the polisario or algerian army could do something
To man handle you, the Polisario is amply capable to do the job, they don't need us. And when you talk about the Algerian army, it shows that you have never sported a military uniform, and you have never followed event that happened in Morocco beside the surreal fantasy you glean from different forums. Do you have any idea how many times our combat helicopters and special troops penetrated Moroccan territory in pursuit of the GSPC islamist you were harboring in your country? Countless time, without a murmur from your army and it still ongoing to this day!

? GIA humiliate you , they slaughter your soldiers , you have a looser army my friend, no one feat of arm .
That the betise of the year.! GIA umilated us? Everybody knows that fundamentalist islam met his fate the moment it took on Algeria. The ANP gave a hangover the the Islamist, to this day they haven't recovered. What you see in Syria now, we face it then and the top an embargo as a cherry! We managed to defeat them and their supporters, Morocco included.
The goal that was given to Morocco, if you don't know it by now, is to play the destabilization role of Turkey and Jordan toward Syria, with us. Morocco has no means or the strategic depth to play that role. And like the saying goes, who look for us, he will find us.

Such you're loosers fighter , we have the occasion to humiliate and massacre you , but we refuse , listen to Hosni Moubarak :azn: 2200 Algerian soldiers ready to be destroy by the FAR and Hassan 2 let you escape, at least say thank you
That was 1963, and all those claims were false...
And if if Morocco's army was the tigress you claim to be, why in hell we had more that 2800 Moroccans soldiers prisoners that we liberated after Bouteflika took power, separate from the thousans that were held by the polisario...That is not a army of tigers that is an army of prostitutes..
As a reminder to you as I reminded your khaleedjis friends , In the MENA area they are only two armies that can be called that..The IDF and space forces and the Algerian ANP..the rest are toys "R" us .
Finally, drones for Morocco
Le Maroc va acheter à Israël des drones d’occasion

Par : Simo Sbaï
Publié le : 21/01/14

« Ya salam ! », comme dirait l’autre marchand de lits. Alors que plusieurs partis politiques marocains annonçaient une très dure loi pour pénaliser tout contact entre un citoyen marocain et Israël, avec prison en prime pour les contrevenants, voilà que l’État marocain, c’est-à-dire le roi Mohamed VI dans ce cas (c’est lui le chef suprême des armées !), va acheter des drones… israéliens.

Selon le blog Secret-Difa3, le Maroc aurait déjà obtenu l’autorisation de l’État hébreu pour acheter cette chère camelote. Ce site spécialiste en défense révèle, mais cela n’est un secret pour personne, que nos vaillantes forces armées royales (FAR) ont bénéficié depuis toujours du soutien de Tsahal, l’armée israélienne honnie.« Honnie », parce que, officiellement, le roi est, comme il vient de le rappeler pompeusement il y a quelques jours, le président du Comité Al Qods (Jérusalem). C’est-à-dire, le protecteur du troisième lieu saint de l’Islam.Peut-on être un défenseur d’Al Qods occupé par l’affreuse entité sioniste et commercer avec les mêmes occupants sionistes ?Voilà une question qui ne risque pas d’être posée dans notre honorable Chambre des représentants, le parlement marocain où on a entendu il y a quelques semaines des cris et des exclamations des leaders des principaux partis politiques (PJD, islamistes light, inclus) jurer Allah que dorénavant on allait couper la main à ceux qui entretiendraient des relations coupables avec Israël.

Source : yabiladi.comTout sur la défense au Maghreb: Le Maroc va acheter des drones Israéliens d'occasion


"Ya salam! " , a common expression among bed merchants. While several Moroccan political parties announced a tough law to criminalize contact between a Moroccan citizen and Israel, with prison for offenders as a premium, the Moroccan State, that is to say, the King Mohamed VI in this case (he is the supreme leader of armies) will buy Israeli drones ....

According to the blog Secret-Difa3 , Morocco has already obtained the approval of the Jewish state to buy the French used israeli drones built by EADS. This site specializes in defense reveals, but this is a no secret that the valiant Royal Armed Forces (FAR) has always benefited from the support of the IDF, the hated Israeli army. "Hated" because, officially, the king, as he just pointed. there a few days ago,is the president of Al Quds Committee (Jerusalem). That is to say, the protector of the third holiest site in Islam. Can you be a defender of Jerusalem occupied by awful Zionist entity and trade with the same Zionist occupiers? Here's a question that risk not to be asked in this honorable House of Representatives, the Moroccan parliament where we heard a few weeks ago shouts and exclamations of the leaders of the main political parties (PJD Islamists light included) swearing to Allah that they would cut the hands of those who would maintain relations with Israel.

Source: yabiladi.com Tout sur la défense au Maghreb: Le Maroc va acheter des drones Israéliens d'occasion

An Egyptian Officer with RMAF personnel. Circumstances of this picture is unknown.

A former colony of the frogs and the spainiards talking big about the Turks.

How am i trolling my friend?

Morroco was a former colony of France..fact=not trolling

He is talking in a arrogant way about Turks and
Algerians. also a fact my friend @Ceylal will agree.

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