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Role of Indian Muslims in partition

The point is of %, 33% of Muslim Army exclusively chosen Pakistan.

No Kashmir, No Pakistan and of course no BD, so no CAA-NRC.

1) The clearest signal Muslim league represented Muslims though and through was provincial elections.
2) Your post absolves Nehru of any mistake.

The main catalyst was the Direct Action Day. Jinnah or the fact Nehru wasn't ready to see the carnage that happened on DAD. Mobs ran amok in Bengal demanding Pakistan and I don't need to tell who were killed. I still cannot understand why someone will kill your compatriots just cos one is from a different religion even though folks spoke the same language for centuries. Educated Muslims alone weren't involved in the riots. That day proved United India is a pipedream and forced Nehru to accept Partition. DAD was the main catalyst for all the violence that was bout to come in 1947.
Are chicha all india india league is a political party here i am talking about a social movement started by sir Syed ahmed ... This guy influenced you jinnah and iqbal

Jinnah was doing Indian nationalist politics for years lol. His politics were clearly less influenced by Sir Syed and more by interacting with obstinate Hindus with a high opinion of themselves.
The main catalyst was the Direct Action Day. Jinnah or the fact Nehru wasn't ready to see the carnage that happened on DAD. Mobs ran amok in Bengal demanding Pakistan and I don't need to tell who were killed. I still cannot understand why someone will kill your compatriots just cos one is from a different religion even though folks spoke the same language for centuries. Educated Muslims alone weren't involved in the riots. That day proved United India is a pipedream and forced Nehru to accept Partition. DAD was the main catalyst for all the violence that was bout to come in 1947.
1) What are the chances that it would have happened if Suhrawardy was not the CM and league had not won in the first place?
2) It was still fooking one region, elections were a much more broader optics of Muslim support towards league.
I have read much more than you bro. And might is right works both ways - Hindu/Muslim majority provinces. Secondly, UP police forces had 40% percent Muslims - all of whom migrated later, can you imagine Babri happening under 40% Muslim police?

Yeah, I have a partial affinity to what you are trying to say.

The Muslim community stays stronger if partition did not happen. I agree.

No name change would be possible, building all these historical 'temples' and associated masjid demolitions also seem unlikely. Especially with a military that would be around 40% Muslim. Things would have turned to a system of the later Mughals. The ruling classes would be Muslims and the business class would be mostly Hindus.

But all that is a big what if.

One major change is that in 1940s, Islam was not considered a challenge to Imperialism or Western Power. Now it is.

which part of India you would want for Muslims and why?
All. Because.
1) What are the chances that it would have happened if Suhrawardy was not the CM and league had not won in the first place?
2) It was still fooking one region, elections were a much more broader optics of Muslim support towards league.

It might be one region. But that incident in one region proved even uneducated folks had an inkling of religious state even disregarding their own blood Brothers. The other side took their revenge in 47'.
That's what I am trying to say. A small town in Tirunelveli in TN hoisted Pakistani flag on 14th Aug. Now that was rare incident. But still they still had the fantasy of Islamic state sitting in end of India. And uneducated as well. Without any studies how can we find what people supported and what not?
The main catalyst was the Direct Action Day. Jinnah or the fact Nehru wasn't ready to see the carnage that happened on DAD. Mobs ran amok in Bengal demanding Pakistan and I don't need to tell who were killed. I still cannot understand why someone will kill your compatriots just cos one is from a different religion even though folks spoke the same language for centuries. Educated Muslims alone weren't involved in the riots. That day proved United India is a pipedream and forced Nehru to accept Partition. DAD was the main catalyst for all the violence that was bout to come in 1947.

You do need to tell who were killed. I think you have a totally uninformed view of things, if what your words hint at is true. While I am a firm supporter of your views in general, this post hits a very discordant note.
@Naofumi please refer to this post I just made about tagging me to these topics:


This is just deja-vu topic. It has been analysed thoroughly by some great members (who mostly seemed to have left or gone inactive) and of course the huge mob that were spread around then too....just like they persist here (though seem to have grown in size and propensity). Names and faces change.

Simply do some research in this forum itself if you are interested, using keyword search etc. You likely will learn more on it than a re-creation of same thread today.

Don't know if you are star wars fan, but my advice to you is similar to this exchange:

Obi Wan: I do not know where the Emperor has sent him. I don't know where to look.

Yoda (resigned demeanour): Use your feelings Obi Wan.....and find him you will.
The main catalyst was the Direct Action Day. Jinnah or the fact Nehru wasn't ready to see the carnage that happened on DAD. Mobs ran amok in Bengal demanding Pakistan and I don't need to tell who were killed. I still cannot understand why someone will kill your compatriots just cos one is from a different religion even though folks spoke the same language for centuries. Educated Muslims alone weren't involved in the riots. That day proved United India is a pipedream and forced Nehru to accept Partition. DAD was the main catalyst for all the violence that was bout to come in 1947.

The hero of DAD was Suhrawardy not Jinnah. Suhrawardy was well educated.

Dr Arif Siddiqui exposes influence of Jewish and Christian wives on Muslim rulers
By On October 11, 2018, 10:21 PM ISTFeatured News Top Stories

In this video, Dr Arif Siddiqui has exposed Muslim rulers and Jewish influence on them because of their Jewish, Christian and foreigner wives.

He says women have always been used for wealth and power. Hassan-i Sabbah used hashish to enlist the aid of young men into his private army known as assassins (aschishin – or follower of Hassan). They carried out Fedayeen attacks. In the First World War Margarethe better known as Mata Hari, a nude dancer played the role of double agent for France and Germany.

He says Jews have always used the youth and beauty of women for Zionist domination. He cited the examples of Sylvia Raphael the Mossad agent and Victorian nano. He says Jews have always been using wealth and women for accomplishing their plan for greater Israel.

Dr Siddiqui says, Many Muslims rulers were influenced by their Jewish, Christian and foreigner wives and helped in Jewish domination. He gave the example of the former president of Turkey, Mustafa Kamal Ataturk, Iranian monarch Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, former president of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser, Iranian Prime Minister Amir Abbas Hoveyda, Emir of Afghanistan Habibullah Khan, Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala, Nawab Raza Ali Khan of Rampur etc.

He says Jehan Sadat former First lady of Egypt, wife of Anwar Sadat former president of Egypt, was a Jew. Suha Arafat wife of Yasser Arafat was also a Jew woman. She played an effective role in bringing Yasser Arafat close to freemason. Zalmay Mamozy Khalilzad US ambassador to Afghanistan was also the husband of Jewish lady.

Siddiqui further claims many politicians in Pakistan also had foreign or non-Muslim wives. Liaquat Ali Khan’s second wife Rana was Christian before her marriage. Third governor general Ghulam Mohammad has Secretary Ruth Borell. Pakistan’s ex-President Iskandar Mirza’s second wife Naheed Mirza was the wife of Iranian ambassador. Iskandar Mirza belonged to the progeny of Mir Jafar II. 3rd prime minister of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Bogra married Aliya Saadi. 5th prime minister of Pakistan Husseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy supported the stance taken by Israel, France and Britain on the Suez Canal issue instead of supporting Egypt. He was the husband of Vera Alexandrovna a Zionist Russian woman.

7th prime minister Malik Firoz Khan’s wife Viqarunnisa’s name was Victoria. And she was an Australian. A British call girl Christine Keeler admitted her relations with Ex-president Gen. Ayub Khan. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s wife Nusrat Asfahani was an Iranian. His son Murtuza Bhutto married Ghinwa Bhutto a Lebanese dancer. Wife of Parvez Musharraf Saheba Musharraf was a Qadiani.

The hero of DAD was Suhrawardy not Jinnah. Suhrawardy was well educated.

Dr Arif Siddiqui exposes influence of Jewish and Christian wives on Muslim rulers
By On October 11, 2018, 10:21 PM ISTFeatured News Top Stories

In this video, Dr Arif Siddiqui has exposed Muslim rulers and Jewish influence on them because of their Jewish, Christian and foreigner wives.

He says women have always been used for wealth and power. Hassan-i Sabbah used hashish to enlist the aid of young men into his private army known as assassins (aschishin – or follower of Hassan). They carried out Fedayeen attacks. In the First World War Margarethe better known as Mata Hari, a nude dancer played the role of double agent for France and Germany.

He says Jews have always used the youth and beauty of women for Zionist domination. He cited the examples of Sylvia Raphael the Mossad agent and Victorian nano. He says Jews have always been using wealth and women for accomplishing their plan for greater Israel.

Dr Siddiqui says, Many Muslims rulers were influenced by their Jewish, Christian and foreigner wives and helped in Jewish domination. He gave the example of the former president of Turkey, Mustafa Kamal Ataturk, Iranian monarch Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, former president of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser, Iranian Prime Minister Amir Abbas Hoveyda, Emir of Afghanistan Habibullah Khan, Maharaja Bhupinder Singh of Patiala, Nawab Raza Ali Khan of Rampur etc.

He says Jehan Sadat former First lady of Egypt, wife of Anwar Sadat former president of Egypt, was a Jew. Suha Arafat wife of Yasser Arafat was also a Jew woman. She played an effective role in bringing Yasser Arafat close to freemason. Zalmay Mamozy Khalilzad US ambassador to Afghanistan was also the husband of Jewish lady.

Siddiqui further claims many politicians in Pakistan also had foreign or non-Muslim wives. Liaquat Ali Khan’s second wife Rana was Christian before her marriage. Third governor general Ghulam Mohammad has Secretary Ruth Borell. Pakistan’s ex-President Iskandar Mirza’s second wife Naheed Mirza was the wife of Iranian ambassador. Iskandar Mirza belonged to the progeny of Mir Jafar II. 3rd prime minister of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Bogra married Aliya Saadi. 5th prime minister of Pakistan Husseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy supported the stance taken by Israel, France and Britain on the Suez Canal issue instead of supporting Egypt. He was the husband of Vera Alexandrovna a Zionist Russian woman.

7th prime minister Malik Firoz Khan’s wife Viqarunnisa’s name was Victoria. And she was an Australian. A British call girl Christine Keeler admitted her relations with Ex-president Gen. Ayub Khan. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s wife Nusrat Asfahani was an Iranian. His son Murtuza Bhutto married Ghinwa Bhutto a Lebanese dancer. Wife of Parvez Musharraf Saheba Musharraf was a Qadiani.


What xenophobic drivel. Jews and Christians are human beings too. Relax with the evil yahood o nisar propaganda
Firstly, my post counters the Sanghi's claims that "Indian Muslims chose partition and still stay in India", majority had no say. Secondly, neither my ancestors knew anything about secularism or theocracy.

Now, coming to your point - they were too blame surely, they knew exactly that these regions would never go to Pakistan but they voted for it, why? Selfishness, they didn't cared what would happen to the rest of the population who would be inevitably left behind because they were sure that they will settle in Pakistan.
Quit peddling this BS that they COULDN'T. Yes they could...do u know how many ppl left behind everything and in what conditions they got here? Ppl literally came to Pak with nothing...more than a million died. If they could leave everything behind and put their lives on the line then so could anyone else. What do u think that only rich and wealthy ppl came to Pak in their private jets?

Additionally ppl who left behind their properties could claim it in Pak and migration continued to happen well into the 1950s.

So in conclusion it is a false narrative that those who went to Pak are somehow responsible for the condition of those who were left behind. If those ppl could leave behind everything and put their lives on the line then so could others.
He does not say anything about his wife, he stops at "close friends"...

Well he can't say it publicly.

In 2004, the religious identification column in Pakistani passports, which enabled discrimination against Ahmadis, was removed under President Musharraf’s rule. But the column was reinstated in 2005, after the country’s religious right called the move an attack on their religious identity.
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