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Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns

We do not want any nuclear weapon in any part of the world. A nuclear free world is a better world that is one. Second do you know what fallout is? We can not use it against Israel because it will make even jerusalam our third holiest place not livable for decades. Besides Nuclear weapons kill more civilians than soldiers and military so it is Haram to use in Islam.

Islam teaches us not to even cut a tree how about a nuclear bomb? Nuclear weapons will be Saudi Arabia's last option if Iran gets one and it points it at us. then we will have no choice but to get one too. It is not like we are going to use it anyways but just for having a nuclear deterrence.
Sir you will have to get it one day or otherwise you will be not able to Israel from kicking you sir Israel will do anything so you will have to get Nuclear Bombs
Sir you will have to get it one day or otherwise you will be not able to Israel from kicking you sir Israel will do anything so you will have to get Nuclear Bombs

Sending a nuclear bomb to Israel is the worst thing you can do to the Palastenian people. that land is theirs and not Israeli's that is one. second there are a lot of people living in Israel who just want to live in peace to send a nuclear bomb their and kill all those innocent people each one of them will come to you on judgement say pointing their fingers at you saying "This man killed me God give me justice from him" And God will give him/her justice on you.
Sending a nuclear bomb to Israel is the worst thing you can do to the Palastenian people. that land is theirs and not Israeli's that is one. second there are a lot of people living in Israel who just want to live in peace to send a nuclear bomb their and kill all those innocent people each one of them will come to you on judgement say pointing their fingers at you saying "This man killed me God give me justice from him" And God will give him/her justice on you.
Sir okay don't make a nuclear Bomb and than see what Israel will do to you it will be fun your own stupidity will cause more damage to you and to our brothers of Palestine I know whose land it is but Israel will have be threatened to avoid more casualties on the side of our Palestinian brothers
If you know anything about modern Saudi Arabia you wouldn't have said this statement.

I wish saudi become independent and prosperous and live friendly and brotherly with rest of the muslims countries.
Sir okay don't make a nuclear Bomb and than see what Israel will do to you it will be fun your own stupidity will cause more damage to you and to our brothers of Palestine I know whose land it is but Israel will have be threatened to avoid more casualties on the side of our Palestinian brothers

We will make a bomb Inshallah but only for deterrence. We won't Inshallah send it to anyone first but it will be like if you lobbed me one I will lob you two sort of way.
We will make a bomb Inshallah but only for deterrence. We won't Inshallah send it to anyone first but it will be like if you lobbed me one I will lob you two sort of way.

That is what exactly I am asking you to do
We can not use it against Israel because it will make even jerusalam our third holiest place not livable for decades. Besides Nuclear weapons kill more civilians than soldiers and military so it is Haram to use in Islam.


I was about to point on the consequences of attacking "Israel" with a nuclear bomb and you said it.

Why do Iranians before saying that they will nuke "Israel" don't think of the post-attack situation in the region from a religious point of view "at least"
We will make a bomb Inshallah but only for deterrence. We won't Inshallah send it to anyone first but it will be like if you lobbed me one I will lob you two sort of way.

you will make a bomb?
how exactly?

The only way KSA can have a bomb is if Pakistan gives up a few for a large fee. There is no way in hell that KSA can make a bomb by itself in the next 5 decades. I already explained why many pages ago.
you will make a bomb?
how exactly?

The only way KSA can have a bomb is if Pakistan gives up a few for a large fee. There is no way in hell that KSA can make a bomb by itself in the next 5 decades. I already explained why many pages ago.
Sir now a days Saudi Arabia is very much capable of making Nuclear Bombs because they have secretly trained lot of Nuclear Scientists and also some Pakistanis are working there

I was about to point on the consequences of attacking "Israel" with a nuclear bomb and you said it.

Why do Iranians before saying that they will nuke "Israel" don't think of the post-attack situation in the region from a religious point of view "at least"

first time hearing this.

can you give some source to your claim that iran has threatened to "NUKE ISRAEL"

i would love to see your source.
Sir now a days Saudi Arabia is very much capable of making Nuclear Bombs because they have secretly trained lot of Nuclear Scientists and also some Pakistanis are working there

so you're an expert now?

I can't believe I'm gonna start a debate with you but whatever.

1) Saudi Arabia imports its warehouse managers from other countries. Somehow I have doubts regarding your fantastic claim. Having a bunch of scientists with nuclear physics degrees doesn't make them experts in anything.

2) Ignoring the fact that the US and Israel won't let them get their hands on a nuke, how the hell will they be able to build centrifuges?

3) Say they get their hands on blue prints, how will they build them without any outside help?

4) Say they build the centrifuges, from where will they get the Uranium? Egypt doesn't make anywhere NEAR enough uranium for a Saudi operation and even if they did, the Saudis must enrich it to 20 percent and 90 percent. That's another set of hurdles after the whole centrifuge thing.

5) Say they forget about the Uranium bomb and go for a plutonium one. How will they make a heavy water reactor?

6) How will they design the weapon? They have absolutely no experience in this regard.

7) what about delivery? An indigenous missile program is just as hard, if not harder than making a nuke.

What I wrote above touched on the most BASIC stuff. They can't meet any of the above criteria let alone the more complicated aspects of it. You must either be a dreamer or a fool to even entertain the idea of an indigenous Saudi nuke. As I said, if Pakistan doesn't give KSA a nuke, then there is no way that they can ever have a nuclear weapon.

---------- Post added at 04:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 AM ----------


I was about to point on the consequences of attacking "Israel" with a nuclear bomb and you said it.

Why do Iranians before saying that they will nuke "Israel" don't think of the post-attack situation in the region from a religious point of view "at least"
did you forget your pills this morning?
Saudi efforts for good Iran relations continue

Published: Jul 5, 2011 23:32 Updated: Jul 5, 2011 23:52

JEDDAH: The Kingdom’s bilateral dialogue with Iran will continue, Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal said at a joint press conference with his British counterpart William Hague in Jeddah on Tuesday.

“I met with Iran’s former Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki in Tehran and the next meeting was supposed to take place in Riyadh. However, they placed some conditions that we did not agree with,” said Prince Saud. “Recently, the current Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi called me and requested a meeting on the condition that it takes place in Kuwait. I asked him why he would choose Kuwait in the context of a bilateral dialogue when we are supposed to meet in Saudi Arabia.”

Prince Saud also said the Kingdom and the UK were looking forward to a positive response by the parties involved in the current political struggle in Yemen. He referred to the GCC initiative to restore normalcy in Yemen and prevent it from falling into civil war.

Prince Saud also revealed that Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, recovering from an assassination attempt in Riyadh, is in “generally good health.”

Prince Saud thanked the British government for its initiative and the efforts by the Gulf Cooperation Council to solve the Yemen crisis.

Speaking about Bahrain’s problems, Prince Saud said any outside involvement in the internal affairs of the country and any attempt to disrupt the peace and security of any GCC country were not acceptable. He said both Riyadh and London want normalcy to prevail in Bahrain and that both welcomed King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa’s initiative to start national dialogue.

Prince Saud said the presence of Saudi forces in Bahrain was to preserve peace. He reinforced the Kingdom’s stance that Saudi soldiers there are not to interfere with the internal affairs of the country. He added that forces would withdraw from Bahrain once peace is restored.

Prince Saud expressed sadness that innocent women and children were falling victims to the current crises in the region. He called on all parties to deal with sensitive issues rationally to prevent more bloodshed.

He said he also discussed with Hague international efforts to restore Palestinian-Israeli peace talks and US President Barack Obama’s initiative to reactivate dialogue based on the Israeli withdrawal to the borders of 1967.

Prince Saud said the Kingdom welcomed the French initiative to restore peace talks on the same principles and he urged the international community to prevent Israel hindering these efforts. He appealed to the world community to recognize Palestine as an independent country.

The foreign minister denied speculative reports that Kingdom would give safe haven to the family of Osama Bin Laden. He said that Bin Laden family is a big family not limited to Osama and are living with dignity in their country.

Prince Saud also urged all Lebanese groups to wisely deal with the international tribunal’s decision over Rafik Hariri’s assassination. He reiterated the Kingdom’s stance that it had nothing to do with the complicated internal situation there. Following the tribunal’s decision, he hoped that peace would be preserved.

Saudi efforts for good Iran relations continue - Arab News
The public explosion of anger and the aspirations of non-peninsula arabic speaking persons is a nightmare to the Saudi tyrants - and they are desperate to externalize this internal malady and this have found in the US and Israel, two entities that share with the Saudis, an ill will towards Iranians and in the case of Saudi Arabia, towards Muslims in general - and so these efforts to pressure Iran, to create a atmosphere of instability.

Personally I don't think anybody other than the US and Israel will ever tolerate a regime as radical as the Wahabis of Arabia to have nuclear weapons, they would be a danger to all Muslims first and foremost.
Saudie leaders are as bad as pakistani leaders. They should all be tried for treason and hung. As far as the arab leaders go they cant make a bow and arrow never mind a nuke. If they can geet away from their harems they might just be able to buy one.

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