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Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns

Wahabis have declared war on Muslims, on all who are not Wahabi --- .

Who are thoose Wahabis you are talking about ? and when have they declared war on other Muslims ?

Could you please enlighten me and tell us which Wahabi leader declared war muslims ?
You can say that Osama is the entirety of Wahabism -- but reality is that the Saudi state is the promoter and enabler of Wahabism - so if you wish to play victim, it's your prerogative, but it won't sell.

fact of the matter Mr. Quraishi, is that you are in denial about the kind of monster that is the official state policy of the Saudi state. If you continue to play victim and continue to be in denial, you will do a great disservice to the Muslims of the world -- this menace can only be defeated by confronting it head on.
Ummm. I go to turkey and spend a month there each summer at my grandma's that's one.

And OMG ROFLCOPTOR at your post. Wanted to escape house of saud but contradicted yourself then now serve and blah blah blah.

Wow that was a good laugh. dude if you want to somehow take my post and restructure to put it out of context then at least pleeeease...do not make it so obvious? LoL I am still laughing.

the Turks did leave something worthwhile
This should be interesting - if Iran builds, Saudi will build.

More nuclear weapons in the Muslim world, the better for the Muslims , right?

<They are not going to use it against each other, duh>
Where is that Persian Abii, Nima or whatever he calls himself nowadays?

Take this thread as a lesson of your generalizations that you used blurt out like those Mullahs who run your country.

Our people care more about this country and are starting to realize the negative implications of our "friendship" with you and other Middle Eastern "brotherly" countries.

We helped your people, supported them in their hour of need, we fought for the Arabs on international arenas, we fought wars and we provide them Nuclear cover to this day.

What do we get in return from you and the rest?

Terrorism sponsorship, support to hard liners, insurgencies, sectarian destruction of our nation that you people instigated between our people.

When your Bahai people were being persecuted like the others, we gave them shelter in our country, we did the best for them and they remember our hospitality to this day.

Unlike other people, we are the best friends you can have but if you want enmity, then God help you.

And it is looking that way.
it is Arabia of the house of Saud, it belongs to the house of Saud, right ?

No one gives a damn who run the country as he give the people what they want and uses the Holy Quran and Sunna of the prophet &#1589;&#1604;&#1609; &#1575;&#1604;&#1604;&#1607; &#1593;&#1604;&#1610;&#1607; &#1608; &#1589;&#1604;&#1605; as the country's constitution .

I'm pleased I can practice Islam and do my dues as a Muslim in a country where Adhan is called out in every mosque five times a day .. No proper Muslim should ask for more .
This should be interesting - if Iran builds, Saudi will build.

More nuclear weapons in the Muslim world, the better for the Muslims , right?

<They are not going to use it against each other, duh>

That's just want the Sodies are threatening to do -- For centuries, from the beginning, the struggle between the sects has been a blight on Islam - each wants to show that they have "the truth" -- and the painful reality is that the entire struggle is political -- Islam and Muslim as a whole have to deal with this reality, that the defining struggle within Islam is essentially over, politics -- So is it difficulat to imagine that the Sodies will if they ever get a nuclear arsenal, use it against muslims, you bet.
This should be interesting - if Iran builds, Saudi will build.

More nuclear weapons in the Muslim world, the better for the Muslims , right?

<They are not going to use it against each other, duh>

The cattle in their sheds will conquer Mars before the Saudis can build nukes. If they think that their great daddy is going to allow them to buy nukes, I must say that they're high on dope.
So you just admitted that you are something worthwhile that the Turks left behind?? And that makes me and not you, the racist?

The cattle in their sheds will conquer Mars before the Saudis can build nukes. If they think that their great daddy is going to allow them to buy nukes, I must say that they're high on dope.

Wanna bet??? 5 nucks say we make it before the cattle in their sheds.

The cattle in their sheds will conquer Mars before the Saudis can build nukes. If they think that their great daddy is going to allow them to buy nukes, I must say that they're high on dope.

To be honest- the same thing was said about Pakistan- it did not stop us-
In the time of need when Saudi will require nukes it can easily buy it from Pakistan- Why waste so much money on R&D when only acquisition 2-3 nukes would be enough to restore the lost balance-
The biggest threat to the region can be destroyed with just those 2-3 nukes-
So you just admitted that you are something worthwhile that the Turks left behind?? And that makes me and not you, the racist?

No I said you give the notion that turks are better than arabs. And that is what everyone got from your post?? or am I wrong guys?
To be honest- the same thing was said about Pakistan- it did not stop us-
In the time of need when Saudi will require nukes it can easily buy it from Pakistan- Why waste so much money on R&D when only acquisition 2-3 nukes would be enough to restore the lost balance-
The biggest threat to the region can be destroyed with just those 2-3 nukes-

US was not our great daddy, Bhutto had distanced himself from the Americans, the Americans then used the Arabs to fund Jamaat-e-Islami who launched a political movement against him.

We had people working on our Nuclear program that are do not come along often. Dr Salam, Dr Munir, Dr Khan and the group were backed up other great minds.

Look up the Multan Conference and then realise the sacrifices made for obtaining these toys that nearly destroyed this nation.

US only become our great daddy in the 80's when we become a part of their grand Operation Cyclone.
^^ If we had abundance of Dollars or lets say Oil money- we would have made the Nuke or acquired it?-

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