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Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns

Has Iran ever won a war? Sans Persian empire.
No we haven't, other countries in the region simply gave us pass in the past 2500 years and told us to keep your land, we don't want it! lol
buddy, we're like the second oldest continuing nation after China, wtf are you talking about? So for the past 2000 years we simply stayed put and nobody bothered us? You insane?
Just look at the battles we had with the Ottomans. Every century the borders changed 50 times.
Saudi Arabians are nothing but a camel herding beduin retards. They can't even think let alone build a nuclear bomb. yeah tell em
Listen, you make fantastic claims about Iran and then get pissed off when others do the same!
You say Iran is a de-stablizing force in the region. Fine, but what is that based on? There has never been a Persian suicide bomber in history (other than the soldiers who fought the Iraqis in the war) nor has there ever been a Persian terrorist. Arabs are blowing themselves up every half hour in Iraq, AFG, Pakistan, Yemen...
Then there is Al Quida and other Saudi funded groups.
In Pakistan you also have all the "madresas" that are funded by the Saudi monarchy.

Compare this to Hezbollah which is a proxy of Iran. They are a functioning party and movement that focus their work in Lebanon. They don't blow themselves up but build roads and schools and participate in the politics of the country.

You have to be an absolute insane person to say that Iran is a bigger de-stablizing force in the region and I don't think you are.
My friend USA wont let them build a nuke........ they dont want another nuclear armed muslim country.....There r billions of reasons for tht.
For a second lets assume KSA was a Christian country. Even then, the USA would have no reason to help them. They can launch their nukes from the PG, Indian oceans etc... Even if they launch it from the US mainland it will be over the ME within like 10 mins lol

KSA simply doesn't have the resources or the technology to achieve this. By resources I'm talking about scientists etc... They would have to import the expertise and I'm not sure if anybody has any reason to help them. There is also Israel! The reason Israelis didn't attack Iran a decade ago like they did in Iraq was because they simply didn't have the means to do this. They would need hundreds of jets (more than half would be supply jets). They would have to refuel at least twice and smtg like this is frankly impossible. KSA is next door to Israel and it's a flat country. The Israelis can pull of the same stunt they pulled in Iraq and send a few low-flying jets. In Iran 2/3 of the counry is mountain and the distance is way too much. Plus, some facilities are way up in the North and that's basically the same distance as Israel to Iran.
some people really need to show their real flags and stop hiding behind others, like b@kh. i bet if iran and pakistan went to war, he would support iran instead of his own country because it is supported by usa!

the same goes for neautral citizen
Hello abii
if i remember in another thread i proved to u that hizb also used to blow themselves and u agreed that suicdes of hizb r good looking and the alqaida ones r not good looking ( LOL or this was ur reaction ) r u the same person? Hizb is not blowing themselves since they achieved the power so the taliban when they were in power didnot blow themselves but not they do. and during othman khilafah everytime they tried to attack europe safvees used to backstab them. If i m wrong tell which kufr land they grabbed?


For God's sake KSA, Your government and more than half of your population are the same ignorant, stupid (here you can add all bad words) people who used to be during Prophet Muhammad (S.W.A) times. You people are just good to behead women and then hung from helicopter to show the public. Prophet Muhammad, his family and his true Askhabs tried their best to shed some light on you people but still more hundreds of year after them you still act like a cavemen era!

Note: beheading of Indonesian maid and then hanging her from helicopter was the latest incident in KSA I heard a couple weeks ago but but but remember there are countless crueller and stupider thing you do against Muslims.
In my opinion, a nuclear power Saudi Arabia is better than a nuclear power Iran, but Pakistan should seriously stay out of the Arab vs Persian conflict.

However, we should support peace between the two Muslim nations.
some people really need to show their real flags and stop hiding behind others, like b@kh. i bet if iran and pakistan went to war, he would support iran instead of his own country because it is supported by usa!

the same goes for neautral citizen
lol you don't realize that you're kind of doing the same? b@kh is taking a side and you're also taking a side, what's the difference?
For God's sake KSA, Your government and more than half of your population are the same ignorant, stupid (here you can add all bad words) people who used to be during Prophet Muhammad (S.W.A) times. You people are just good to behead women and then hung from helicopter to show the public. Prophet Muhammad, his family and his true Askhabs tried their best to shed some light on you people but still more hundreds of year after them you still act like a cavemen era!

Note: beheading of Indonesian maid and then hanging her from helicopter was the latest incident in KSA I heard a couple weeks ago but but but remember there are countless crueller and stupider thing you do against Muslims.

I heared the beheading too but the hanging from a helicopter you Have got to be kidding me. Yes we are cavemen and so stupid and ignorant please come kill us all and put us out of our misery please since our race is so not as high as yours appearntly.

Note : "true sahabas" show where your allegince is.
I've lived in the middle east and what i've seen is that the arab youth have been totally blinded by wealth. These guys are so rich , its not even funny. There is no incentive for them to work hard as they know they'll end up working in their parents' companies anyway and employ south asians to do all the work. Saudi Arabia really needs to promote a work ethic among its youth and dedication to research in science and other areas. Its hard to do that when your population is rich , but then again ,someone has to do it . If they succeed in doing that , then nothing's going to stop them from building a nuclear weapon. They can still do it , i mean , i'm sure there are some few rare saudis still left who are ready to abandon their land cruisers and work for long hours in a research lab xD
I've lived in the middle east and what i've seen is that the arab youth have been totally blinded by wealth. These guys are so rich , its not even funny. There is no incentive for them to work hard as they know they'll end up working in their parents' companies anyway and employ south asians to do all the work. Saudi Arabia really needs to promote a work ethic among its youth and dedication to research in science and other areas. Its hard to do that when your population is rich , but then again ,someone has to do it . If they succeed in doing that , then nothing's going to stop them from building a nuclear weapon. They can still do it , i mean , i'm sure there are some few rare saudis still left who are ready to abandon their land cruisers and work for long hours in a research lab xD

Isn't it part of a human right to be financially secure? And yes some of what you say is very true. But not everybody's father owns a company most people's fathers are either teachers or soldiers. And not all are that rich either. maybe you have been to the UAE or Qatar or kuwait since those guys are really living it high. so high it is ridiculous.

But Saudi Arabian people in general are middle class people with few bordering on upper middle class. Most everyone live on the their wages with their wages drying up by the end of the month and more people are indebted to banks or on government loans to build houses etc.
The kids of those people most just aspire to get accepted in a college any college. "Getting accepted in better and more secure and more scientifically demanding colleges are hard and it is getting harder each year".
assalam alaikum

Some ppl will never love arabs and specially form land of haramain coz their forefathers destroyed their thousand years empire as a matter of fact they have hate so no matter wat u do they will always find a reason to blame لا يضر السحاب وانت اكمل الباقى


do you mean whatever saudi do is correct?
God dammit for the love of god stop turning around everything I say will you pleassE????? You hate our government and you hate the people fighting against the government and you also hate the people who are not fighting against the government? we all should just roll over and die then? just all of us? it will be the best thing we do for humanity right?? also give all the oil fields to Pakistan and Iran as a gift before we commit the mass suicide??

I hate those terrorists as much as you do they are killing poeple here too by the way. But this is getting ridiculous we all should just go and jump off a cliff so you can be happy then.

did i ever menitoned that i hate you or your government. why you turn things when you lack reasoning.

this will not solve anything. we are just discussing things here and you should provide valid reasoning whatever you are telling to us.

i have mentioned the reason why people prefer iran. it is due to its resistance to the hegemonic powers. while we do not see such things from saudi. even we see that saudi tells usa to crush hezbullah or hamas. we see saudi giving threats to iran.

Infact it is saudi responsibility to lead and be at the forefront but the case is opposite and saudi is sitting in the lap of usa conspiring against the resistance element.

in such a situation why do you expect muslim masses to support saudi?

just throw out usa from GCC and there will be no opposition to saudi from the muslim people and there will be no problem from iran then too.
some people really need to show their real flags and stop hiding behind others, like b@kh. i bet if iran and pakistan went to war, he would support iran instead of his own country because it is supported by usa!

the same goes for neautral citizen

dude Iran is widely respected in Pakistan and there is not going to be any war between iran and pakistan. otherwise usa would have used us long ago against iran. turkey was not used against iran due to kurds as there was possibility that the turkish kurds like iraqi kurds will sit in iran's lap.

regarding saudi, lot of islamists radicals like jamaatis are talking against saudi since saudi is doing every effort to prevent MB from taking power in egypt. Jamaat leader munawar hasan went to cairo in support to mb. saudi is interfering and investing billions in egypt. in result saudi is loosing support among masses in egypt too. In yemen and tunisia they already lost popular support for siding with dictator.

unfortunately all saudi actions are against muslim interest and in favour of usa and israel.
Oh, finally we understand each other, this is the exact situation between Arabs and Israel.

i wonder why no comment from mosamania?

infact you both know who is your common enemy :cheers:

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