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Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns

Point after first quotation: I wished I was there with htem to die in jihad which is a victory to any muslim or win which is a victory too. but not in KSA because I do not want to see my country enriched in chaos.

A lot of jihadis are dying daily in a bid to "destroy the US". And not by units but hundreds sometimes. What's the use? Is US going down? NO. I am not saying that they are invincible but their administration is such that, they always plan for decades ahead. Wars are won in more than one ways and this phrase is applicable especially to those countries who cannot afford a full scale military war.

And that way is the way where you opened the thread "Future Saudi Arabia". It makes far more sense compared to you leaving your home and getting snuffed by a CIA drone for nothing somewhere in Afghanistan. However, I leave the choice to you. No one has stopped you from giving a shot even now for that battle you crave.

Point after second quotation: Counter-balance not in military means because if you read well enough you would know I meant sway in US descion making regarding the region.

True that Saudi has a strong influence on US, but it is not strong enough to override Israel. Israeli lobby is too powerful even for US' own domestic standards. Buying tons of weapons is not going to give you enough leverage to press US against Israel as the latter holds a lot of industrial and technical clout in USA. And tech is what keeps US at the top. Don't you think so many decades of ties with US could have done that much earlier what you are telling now?

Point three: it is sooner than you think.

I have been hearing this for quite sometime from not just PDF members but also many Pakistanis I've met during my expeditions. It isn't exactly working out that way. BTW, What tactic are you proposing to make it sooner than I think? I am really interested to know. I mean other than jihad of course which has already been tried, tested and results have proved disastrous.
We have embassies in Arabia. And the terrorists surprisingly are the people from arab states calling for the very same thing you keep calling. you keep telling the people to rise against their governments but then you say we are terrorists. You simply just like to hate us because it gives you a sense that you are superior Muslims than Arabs. And I will quit this thread on light of a hadith which says "I am the leader of a house in heaven to those who leave arguing even if they were right" and thus I will leave arguing with you because I no longer see a point in it.

I am not calling to rise against any government dear what we earn if some one rise against gov in Arabia? we have no issue abut SA get nukes or even hydrogen bomb . we have no problem whom rule you . i rise the realty and realty which shown on Pakistani TVs last year 45 minutes when saudi and other terrorist arrest here .we see a network of terrorist from arab countries come here for so called jihad FASSAD . i never blame but show you the realty dear and its happen already . tell me what you call pakistanis if they carry guns attack on your security personals and attack suicide blasts in your capital? . this mess comes from Islamic universities of arabia. as per arrested Saudi terrorist dairy they come groups by groups from madinah Islamic university .if i have power i will attack with ghauri missile there for wake them up .

its short clip from that tv show look

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look this what done your countrymen here in islamabad .






Danish embassy bomber "from Mecca": al Qaeda leader
Tue Jul 22, 2008 3:08am EDT

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - The suicide bomber who carried out an attack on the Danish embassy in Islamabad last month came from the Muslim holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, an al Qaeda leader said in a rare interview with a Pakistani news channel.

Geo News aired the interview late on Monday with veteran al Qaeda member Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, in which he elaborated on the June 2 attack that killed six people, all of them Pakistanis.

The bomber was a young man from the land "where the Prophet was born" and the "land of Mecca", said the bespectacled, bearded and turbaned Yazid.

Soon after the blast, Yazid had claimed responsibility for al Qaeda in a posting on an Islamist website.

The interview with Geo was said to have been conducted at an undisclosed location in Afghanistan a few days ago.

An Egyptian who served time in jail with al Qaeda deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahri after the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981, Yazid is now commander of operations in Afghanistan.

He has been referred to as al Qaeda's third most senior figure, after the elimination or capture of five earlier occupants of the Number Three spot since 2001.

Earlier, the September 11 Commission described Yazid as the network's "chief financial manager".

It was unclear, from what Yazid said, whether the embassy bomber was a Saudi, as many non-Saudis have settled in Mecca, or whether he had been recruited while visiting the city, which is closed to non-Muslims.

Yazid said the bomber had come to join a jihad in Indian Kashmir or Afghanistan, but became enraged by the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad in Danish newspapers in 2005.

During the interview, Yazid openly acknowledged al Qaeda's responsibility for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States and berated the Pakistani government of President Pervez Musharraf for subsequently "betraying" the Islamist cause by siding with the United States.

Yazid defended the tactic of using suicide attacks and was unapologetic about the fact that the attack on the embassy killed Pakistanis, including one security guard on the gate and two policemen.

Al Qaeda justifies killing fellow Muslims by deeming them to have become heretics, excommunicated from the Islamic community because of their loss of faith.

Yazid said al Qaeda was not to blame for any of the bomb attacks in Pakistan late last year that targeted mosques.

(Reporting by Kamran Haider; Writing by Simon Cameron-Moore; Editing by Alex Richardson)

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We have embassies in Arabia. And the terrorists surprisingly are the people from arab states calling for the very same thing you keep calling. you keep telling the people to rise against their governments but then you say we are terrorists. You simply just like to hate us because it gives you a sense that you are superior Muslims than Arabs. And I will quit this thread on light of a hadith which says "I am the leader of a house in heaven to those who leave arguing even if they were right" and thus I will leave arguing with you because I no longer see a point in it.

you can't go like this. you yourself mentioned that you do not want to do jihad in your own country as it will spread chaos in your country.

then why you wish to go to other countries to spread such chaos????

you blame iran for interfering in your country for what? when you yourself are interfering and spreading chaos in other countries.

we too do not like that any foreigner come and spread chaos in our country in the name of jihad.

better tell your king not to send the arabs to our country for spreading chaos.
you can't go like this. you yourself mentioned that you do not want to do jihad in your own country as it will spread chaos in your country.

then why you wish to go to other countries to spread such chaos????

you blame iran for interfering in your country for what? when you yourself are interfering and spreading chaos in other countries.

we too do not like that any foreigner come and spread chaos in our country in the name of jihad.

better tell your king not to send the arabs to our country for spreading chaos.

God dammit for the love of god stop turning around everything I say will you pleassE????? You hate our government and you hate the people fighting against the government and you also hate the people who are not fighting against the government? we all should just roll over and die then? just all of us? it will be the best thing we do for humanity right?? also give all the oil fields to Pakistan and Iran as a gift before we commit the mass suicide??

I hate those terrorists as much as you do they are killing poeple here too by the way. But this is getting ridiculous we all should just go and jump off a cliff so you can be happy then.
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia told Hervé Morin, the Defense Minister of France that: "There are two countries in the world that do not deserve to exist: Iran and Israel." The Saudi King and entire Monarchy needs to be overthrown.
The Saudi's sold Jerusalem to Israel , I bet if Israel takes Medina the Saudi's will turn a blind eye.
God dammit for the love of god stop turning around everything I say will you pleassE????? You hate our government and you hate the people fighting against the government and you also hate the people who are not fighting against the government? we all should just roll over and die then? just all of us? it will be the best thing we do for humanity right?? also give all the oil fields to Pakistan and Iran as a gift before we commit the mass suicide??

I hate those terrorists as much as you do they are killing poeple here too by the way. But this is getting ridiculous we all should just go and jump off a cliff so you can be happy then.

assalam alaikum

Some ppl will never love arabs and specially form land of haramain coz their forefathers destroyed their thousand years empire as a matter of fact they have hate so no matter wat u do they will always find a reason to blame لا يضر السحاب وانت اكمل الباقى

The Saudi's sold Jerusalem to Israel , I bet if Israel takes Medina the Saudi's will turn a blind eye.

Why are you repeating what you already said some place else? You Love to fuel the hate don't you. I see through your little game by the way. your trolling around.
assalam alaikum

Some ppl will never love arabs and specially form land of haramain coz their forefathers destroyed their thousand years empire as a matter of fact they have hate so no matter wat u do they will always find a reason to blame لا يضر السحاب وانت اكمل الباقى


والله يا شيخ طلعوني من طوري استغفر الله و اتوب اليه اللهم صل على محمد بس
Why are you repeating what you already said some place else? You Love to fuel the hate don't you. I see through your little game by the way. your trolling around.

Tell me something what would Saudi Arabia ( since you guys are the flag bearers of Islam) if Israel destroys the Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of rock ?
It's no secret the Saudi kings like to give anti Israel messages to the masses to keep them in place, but in reality there in bed with Israel and that's the Truth. I hope to see the day when True Muslims retake The Holy Kaaba, Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem.
It's no secret the Saudi kings like to give anti Israel messages to the masses to keep them in place, but in reality there in bed with Israel and that's the Truth. I hope to see the day when True Muslims retake The Holy Kaaba, Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem.

Oh great My country is now under infidel control. keep em coming guys cmon cmon get it out of your systems.
If Saudi Arabia needs Nukes why not get them from Israel it's no Secret you guys are allies, Israel could easily lend you Nukes.
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