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Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns

We do trust in Allah. And we do want all the best not just for the muslim world but all of humanity. And trust me tawakol is a very important aspect in all muslims. To just get up one day and say. okay hail Iran oh most great country you guys are so cool iran. yey.

We won't do that. And Iran is not to be trusted at the moment it did not show its good intentions towards us and always does everything to go against us. this year as a sign of good will we even increased the number of Iranians who are coming for hajj. I am wondering if they will heed our calls or not.

Till GCC continue to serve usa, then there is no chance for muslims to side with saudis. only puppets and naive will praise saudi dealing with usa.

Just throw off usa yoke from your shoulders and kick the usa out, all muslims including iran will be good to saudi and will respect saudi.
Till GCC continue to serve usa, then there is no chance for muslims to side with saudis. only puppets and naive will praise saudi dealing with usa.

Just throw off usa yoke from your shoulders and kick the usa out, all muslims including iran will be good to saudi and will respect saudi.

Why KSA should abandon the US? Pakistan too is supported by the US and without this support it would be in a devastating condition.

The US (with the support of Israel) is the only barrier against the regional aspiration of the barbaric Iranian regime which aspire to return the ME to the dark ages with its fanatical interpretation of Islam.
Why KSA should abandon the US? Pakistan too is supported by the US and without this support it would be in a devastating condition.

The US (with the support of Israel) is the only barrier against the regional aspiration of the barbaric Iranian regime which aspire to return the ME to the dark ages with its fanatical interpretation of Islam.

we are tired of this usa support and that is why we are asking our saudi brothers to finish this game with usa and become a good boy.

infact usa has landed here to protect its puppets. they removed saddam due to fear of another islamic revolution and in afghanistan too they landed for fear of islamists success.

most people praise iran for its resistance to the usa and its allies.
we are tired of this usa support and that is why we are asking our saudi brothers to finish this game with usa and become a good boy.

infact usa has landed here to protect its puppets. they removed saddam due to fear of another islamic revolution and in afghanistan too they landed for fear of islamists success.

most people praise iran for its resistance to the usa and its allies.

I watched a video yesterday about the mujahedeen in afghanistan and I was proud and impressed. And wished with every inch of my soul to be there with them fighting the American aspiration of a neo-british Empire.
We are not USA supporters and we are probably the only thing keeping the US at bay from giving Israel the green light to kill whoever and whatever it wants. The Saudis are the Israeli's counter balance in the region. and even Israel knows that.

About finishing the game with the USA I tell you for everything there is many steps to achieve and the USA influence is going away by the second the more we become more strategically and technologically advanced enough. And the USA will influence the day we do not depend on Oil for our economy since most of the plants and economies are under construction still.
I watched a video yesterday about the mujahedeen in afghanistan and I was proud and impressed. And wished with every inch of my soul to be there with them fighting the American aspiration of a neo-british Empire.

Fighting requires more than will these days. Do you know what to do to remove US from the region? A few gun totting guerillas won't send US off from the middle east. Simple as that. US has penetrated so deep into your country in terms of market capturing, technology for your industries and so many of your state of the art infrastructure and other areas that require modern technology. If US withdraws for some reason totally from the region middle east would fall into chaos.

We are not USA supporters and we are probably the only thing keeping the US at bay from giving Israel the green light to kill whoever and whatever it wants. The Saudis are the Israeli's counter balance in the region. and even Israel knows that.

:blink: Huh?? You're a "counter balance" to Israel? In what terms? Militarily? Israeli military is armed to teeth with tech that rivals and even exceeds US in some cases. Their troops are the most battle hardened soldiers in Middle East, with dozens of successful combat operations under their belt. Their air force is by quality, perhaps deadliest in world rankings. The only reason why Saudi is secure is because it has the sympathy and respects of so many Islamic countries with full religious support. Not to mention that there's almost no give or take between you and Israelis. Almost entire military equipment of Saudis is US-made or European-made. You're going to fight the Israelis with that when they already know your technical capabilities and weaknesses? Let's not blow this out of proportion.

Come on bro; be practical. Even we don't say we're capable of fighting off USA. I am not saying that Saudis are defenseless ducks, but simply put, your troops don't have full combat troop experience in any sphere other than a few assisted war experience with USA in Gulf War. Fighting one on one against enemy using enemy's weapons is very, very difficult. Even the calculative Chinese weren't able to manage that against Russians, despite being so militaristic and alert all the time.

About finishing the game with the USA I tell you for everything there is many steps to achieve and the USA influence is going away by the second the more we become more strategically and technologically advanced enough. And the USA will influence the day we do not depend on Oil for our economy since most of the plants and economies are under construction still.

Partly true. But US is still heavy in Middle East and will take a long time to wane.
Point after first quotation: I wished I was there with htem to die in jihad which is a victory to any muslim or win which is a victory too. but not in KSA because I do not want to see my country enriched in chaos.

Point after second quotation: Counter-balance not in military means because if you read well enough you would know I meant sway in US descion making regarding the region.

Point three: it is sooner than you think.
I watched a video yesterday about the mujahedeen in afghanistan and I was proud and impressed. And wished with every inch of my soul to be there with them fighting the American aspiration of a neo-british Empire.
We are not USA supporters and we are probably the only thing keeping the US at bay from giving Israel the green light to kill whoever and whatever it wants. The Saudis are the Israeli's counter balance in the region. and even Israel knows that.

About finishing the game with the USA I tell you for everything there is many steps to achieve and the USA influence is going away by the second the more we become more strategically and technologically advanced enough. And the USA will influence the day we do not depend on Oil for our economy since most of the plants and economies are under construction still.

Point after first quotation: I wished I was there with htem to die in jihad which is a victory to any muslim or win which is a victory too. but not in KSA because I do not want to see my country enriched in chaos.

Point after second quotation: Counter-balance not in military means because if you read well enough you would know I meant sway in US descion making regarding the region.

Point three: it is sooner than you think.


i think after two more generations saudis will reach to a level to achieve something and not before that.

your main theme is that you love your king and whatever he is doing it is ok. while the whole world knows saudi is a usa puppet and nothing above that.
I do not want to see my country enriched in chaos.

so take out your bloody jihad from Pakistan Afghanistan Chechnya you Arabs have no right to come here for FASAD (jihad) look only idiot USAMA he alone with his buddies kill our thausends here . this mess come from Arab states to here .better these bastards do jihad in there country don't make our countries battle ground .we also don't want to see our countries in chaos . look at new boss ZAWAHIRI SOB from Egypt he declare jihad on Pakistan when his own country in **** hub and bally dancers hub for Arabs .he MF should go and do jihad there first . :angry:
Better to return to the thread title.

saudi itself is not in position to threaten IRAN.

why it is delivering such statements and on whose behalf. earlier it was israel that was sending threat to IRAN and now it is saudi?
so take out you bloody jihad from Pakistan Afghanistan Chechnya you Arabs have no right to come here for FASAD (jihad) look only idiot USAMA he alone with his buddies kill our thausends here . this mess come from Arab stated to here .better these bastards do jihad in there country don't make our countries battle ground .we also don't want to see our countries in chaos . look at new boss ZAWAHIRI SOB from Egypt he declare jihad on Pakistan when his own country in **** hub and bally dancers hub for Arabs .he MF should ho and do jihad there first . :angry:

right on target!

surprising ! they do not want to do jihad in their own lands (it is chaos.)
right on target!

surprising ! they do not want to do jihad in their own lands (it is chaos.)

And now I am labeled as a terrorist enabling son of a .....again....
Ah it is like all i said in the past couple of days I might as well shove it. you going to keep hating us no matter what. and we will continue to upgrade ourselves for the better wither you like it or not.

Oh and a pakistani B@KH would go as much as thank an Israeli Glorifying Indian for bashing Saudi Arabia just shows to what level have you gone down to.
right on target!

surprising ! they do not want to do jihad in their own lands (it is chaos.)

arabs here in afghanistan pakistan are core issue .afghans can resolve there issues but hardcore arabs of alqaida want full time war on others lands . its now almost 30 years when they feel bore in arab land come here for jihad against anyone they got to kill.even though we are better Muslims then them .our poor workers can not cross a red signal there and they blast consulates (Embassy of Denmark in Islamabad by a SAUDI from makkah ) as there is no agencies and consulates there in arabia .if such thing happen by a Pakistani in any arab country what will be there response ? yeah they will kick all workers.i am ashamed from Pakistani GOV relations (shoe kissing ) with Arabs . IRAN is far far better then us . why the hell we send our troops to help them in past and presents ?
you going to keep hating us no matter what. and we will continue to upgrade ourselves for the better wither you like it or not.

Oh, finally we understand each other, this is the exact situation between Arabs and Israel.
arabs here in afghanistan pakistan are core issue .afghans can resolve there issues but hardcore arabs of alqaida want full time war on others lands . its now almost 30 years when they feel bore in arab land come here for jihad against anyone they got to kill.even though we are better Muslims then them .our poor workers can not cross a red signal there and they blast consulates (Embassy of Denmark in Islamabad by a SAUDI from makkah ) as there is no agencies and consulates there in arabia .if such thing happen by a Pakistani in any arab country what will be there response ? yeah they will kick all workers.i am ashamed from Pakistani GOV relations (shoe kissing ) with Arabs . IRAN is far far better then us . why the hell we send our troops to help them in past and presents ?

We have embassies in Arabia. And the terrorists surprisingly are the people from arab states calling for the very same thing you keep calling. you keep telling the people to rise against their governments but then you say we are terrorists. You simply just like to hate us because it gives you a sense that you are superior Muslims than Arabs. And I will quit this thread on light of a hadith which says "I am the leader of a house in heaven to those who leave arguing even if they were right" and thus I will leave arguing with you because I no longer see a point in it.
We have embassies in Arabia. And the terrorists surprisingly are the people from arab states calling for the very same thing you keep calling. you keep telling the people to rise against their governments but then you say we are terrorists. You simply just like to hate us because it gives you a sense that you are superior Muslims than Arabs. And I will quit this thread on light of a hadith which says "I am the leader of a house in heaven to those who leave arguing even if they were right" and thus I will leave arguing with you because I no longer see a point in it.

He was not getting personal with you. Why are you taking it personally? :rofl:

Arabs have their contribution in the terror cells that operate in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Make no mistake about that. Some of the Arab regimes, including Saudi Arabia had their contributions, both directly and indirectly.

Hadith also states that an Arab is not superior to a non-Arab. Does that mean we have to think the other way around? Nobody hates you. People just hate terrorists - simple. Its nothing to do with superiority.

Whether or not people want to rise against their governments by both pen and sword, its their call.

It seems pretty hypocritical and childish to deny any wrong doing on part of some Arabs and even Saudi Arabia, and blame everything on Iran. Come on, you can't be that naive.
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