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Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns

Wow British Media is yet again doing what it does best , portray Iran as a threat to fellow Muslim countries and not to its principle enemy Israel.

Iran is anything but stupid , they won't attack any arab states.

tell that to the Iranians throwing Molotov cocktails at the Saudi embassy and the ones shouting "Death to Saudi" in football games.
You know guys whats really funny. Here I am fighting with an Iranian in this thread calling me Israel loving douche. And at the same time juggling to fight an Israeli calling my a terrorist loving douche on another thread.

Phewww. Talk about puplic enemy number one huh? LoL
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia told Hervé Morin, the Defense Minister of France that: "There are two countries in the world that do not deserve to exist: Iran and Israel." The Saudi King and entire Monarchy needs to be overthrown.
"Ksa have repeatedly asked Americans to attack Iran" According to who? wikileaks?
We wont allow Bahrain to turn into another Lebanon simple as that. And the people holding Iranian flags and Pictures of khomeni didn't help either.
Well I thought you were smart.
Appareantly not. Bahrain is going to turn into Lebanon thanks to you guys actually. Before these events the shia Bahrainis HATED Iran. They gained their freedom from Iran if you don't know your history. Now, they will happily accept Iranian cash and weapons like the shias in Lebanon did back in the 80s.

And are you talking about these photoshopped pictures that have been circulating in the Saudi media? Are you insane or a troll?

There is only one Islam Mohammed (PBUH) brought only one religion.
Than what is with that wahabist crap that you guys follow? If we are all muslims, than why do you call shias infidels/fire worshippers etc... or are you saying that only sunnis are muslims?
and about point 5. Are you saying that we should help Iran gain influence in the middle east? On what basis should we do that? And Abii we already talked yesterday I really don't want to go on a war with words again. but as I was saying? help Iran puplish its theology so the entire middle east turns into chaos??
This is just great!

1) Every suicide bomber in the Middle East has been a member of Al quida. Osama and his buddies were even Saudis. Your country men destroyed the two world trade centers. Everyday some Al Quida and even Saudi guy blows himself up in the middle of Iraq or Afghanistan.

Now let's look at Hezbollah, a shia organization. They are educated men and women who build hospitals, roads, homes etc... while also fighting Israel through direct and indirect means. If anybody is throwing the ME into chaos it's you guys. The taliban and Al Quida are your creation and you have the audacity to give me that bs.
2) KSA's only concern on this round earth is selling oil and making tall buildings. Nobody is gonna stop you from either those two rights. Why do you then poke your nose into our affairs?

KSA neither wants to take a lead against the West/Israel nor do they wanna see anybody else do it.
And stop with "helping the USA and Israel BS" I am really sad that they are feeding you that we really love Israelis and OMG israelis are so kewl thinking.
And about the last which you find mind boggiling I also find mind boggiling for you to say that my country is helping Israel.
When your king is holding the hands of America's president and giving him gold jewlerry as gifts, when your country allows its airspace to be used by Israeli bombers for a potential raid on Iran, when your country denounces Hezbollah in favor of Israrel, when your country's princes and generals ask Americans to invade and attack Iran... than I can only assume that you're in bed with the Israelis.
tell that to the Iranians throwing Molotov cocktails at the Saudi embassy and the ones shouting "Death to Saudi" in football games.

you mean the handful of Iranian basij who were booed and ridiculed by tens of thousands of normal Iranian fans? These people are our "al quida." Even the government can't control them. If you actually watched the game you would have seen that the police were trying to kick them out.

Here are people chanting against them in the same game.
"we don't want politics in football"
"death to basij"
"basiji have some shame, leave the stadium"

Basij militia booed and booted out of Tehran stadium

In an astonishing turn of events, Iranian police forcefully evicted members of the hardline Basij militia from a Tehran stadium during a football match earlier this month. Even more surprising is the fact that the stadium’s audience booed the militiamen, at the risk of angering one of the most feared and brutal armed groups in the country.

The scene took place during an Asian Champion’s League football match opposing Saudi Arabia’s Al Ittihad and Tehran’s Persepolis on May 3. A group of several hundred Basiji stormed the stands to chant anti-Saudi slogans. This line is nothing new in Iran, whose official branch of Shiite Islam has long been at loggerheads with the Sunni form of Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia.

The Basiji were denouncing the Saudi government’s role in the brutal crackdown on (mostly Shiite) anti-government protesters in the Sunni-ruled kingdom of Bahrain. This is not without irony, given that the Basij militia was the main force behind the bloody repression of anti-government protesters during the 2009 Green revolution, and continues to terrorize Iranians to this day.

Unexpectedly, however, police in the stadium intervened to stop the Basij demonstration and evict the protesters. When the militiamen resisted, a struggle broke out, and several Basiji were badly beaten by police.

A week later, some two hundred Basiji again went on the offensive during a match between Riyadh's Al Nassr FC team and Tehran's Esteghlal. Although the police did not intervene, this time the whole stadium erupted in chants of "Basij, shame on you, get out of this stadium."
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tell that to the Iranians throwing Molotov cocktails at the Saudi embassy and the ones shouting "Death to Saudi" in football games.

There is a percentage of idiots in every country , policies are not made upon the level of stupidity. I am sure Iranians are not as dumb as west portrays them to be. Muslims need unity not wars.
Saudi Arabia would destroy it's Muslim Brothers in Bahrain and Iran rather then helping our brothers in Palestine and Liberate Jerusalem......
Abii. You do make some great and valid points. Especially the one with the photoshoped picture. And I am in a debate not in a fuss so I have to say you did convince me on some issues.

But other issues you say our king holding hands with bush. he also held hands with ahmedinajad too. And when I said Muhammed brought only one religion I meant it. I did not say it was damn wahabi practiced by the damned mutawa (whom I hate with every inch of my body and soul) or that it was sunni. I meant it was one religion for all. and that if you do the 5 pillars of islam and believe in the 6 beliefs of faith. Then you are a muslim regardless of who says other wise. You are entitled of your opinion (regarding Ali and what not) and I am entitled of mine (I take neither's side of Ali or Muaweyah but I also understand the great things the Amuyah khalifits did)

Let's see. You want me to overthrow a country which pays me money just because I go to college and educates me on the best facilities on their own pay also provides you with shelter and good pay. Also makes sure you have an easy life and secure life. and expect me to rise up against it. Then I say no and I will tell you my country is not ready for democracy. If democracy is established tomorrow then the president all the parliment will be (Otaibah) the biggest tribe in the region. And I also told you to stop assuming I am a shia hating sunni already we already established I was not.

Also Iran help of the Syria crackdown shows hypocricy on its own part. don't u think?
Abii. You do make some great and valid points. Especially the one with the photoshoped picture. And I am in a debate not in a fuss so I have to say you did convince me on some issues.

But other issues you say our king holding hands with bush. he also held hands with ahmedinajad too. And when I said Muhammed brought only one religion I meant it. I did not say it was damn wahabi practiced by the damned mutawa (whom I hate with every inch of my body and soul) or that it was sunni. I meant it was one religion for all. and that if you do the 5 pillars of islam and believe in the 6 beliefs of faith. Then you are a muslim regardless of who says other wise. You are entitled of your opinion (regarding Ali and what not) and I am entitled of mine (I take neither's side of Ali or Muaweyah but I also understand the great things the Amuyah khalifits did)

Let's see. You want me to overthrow a country which pays me money just because I go to college and educates me on the best facilities on their own pay also provides you with shelter and good pay. Also makes sure you have an easy life and secure life. and expect me to rise up against it. Then I say no and I will tell you my country is not ready for democracy. If democracy is established tomorrow then the president all the parliment will be (Otaibah) the biggest tribe in the region. And I also told you to stop assuming I am a shia hating sunni already we already established I was not.

Also Iran help of the Syria crackdown shows hypocricy on its own part. don't u think?

Agree with almost everything you said.
I didn't say I want saudis to rise against their govt (that was Iranzamin). I'm saying that KSA doesn't want to concern itself with issues that can upset the Americans but at the same time it doesn't want Iran to upset them either. That doesn't make sense to me.

And we don't make up stories about how KSA wants to take over the ME so we have to help Syria etc... They are serving our interests and we're helping them here and there. This is no different than how Iran helped Sparta thousands of years ago against Athens in the Peloponnesian Wars (Iran financed Sparta's navy so that they could attack Athens) and it's also no different than how the Americans helped the shah of Iran or how they are helping the many diffferent monarchies in the Middle East at the present day (including your own monarchy). Our help is limited to giving the Syrians anti-riot gear and training, nothing more. Is that hypocritical, I don't know. It certainly isn't the same as invading another country with the claim that "we're trying to stop it from falling into the hands of x country." The syrian people deserve better than Assad, but the Iranian people also deserve better than what they have been getting. When Saddam attacked Iran, apart from Libya, every arab country financed and even gave soldiers to Saddam's army to attack Iran. So we certainly have our reasons to support different factions in the region.
Agree with almost everything you said.
I didn't say I want saudis to rise against their govt (that was Iranzamin). I'm saying that KSA doesn't want to concern itself with issues that can upset the Americans but at the same time it doesn't want Iran to upset them either. That doesn't make sense to me.

And we don't make up stories about how KSA wants to take over the ME so we have to help Syria etc... They are serving our interests and we're helping them here and there. This is no different than how Iran helped Sparta thousands of years ago against Athens in the Peloponnesian Wars (Iran financed Sparta's navy so that they could attack Athens) and it's also no different than how the Americans helped the shah of Iran or how they are helping the many diffferent monarchies in the Middle East at the present day (including your own monarchy). Our help is limited to giving the Syrians anti-riot gear and training, nothing more. Is that hypocritical, I don't know. It certainly isn't the same as invading another country with the claim that "we're trying to stop it from falling into the hands of x country." The syrian people deserve better than Assad, but the Iranian people also deserve better than what they have been getting. When Saddam attacked Iran, apart from Libya, every arab country financed and even gave soldiers to Saddam's army to attack Iran. So we certainly have our reasons to support different factions in the region.

It is funny how you don't say Persia but say Iran. Anyways. About the 1200 troops which is called an invasion army by Iran and especially Israel (since it is in its favor for Saudi And Iran to picker) I am with 100% with it I tell you I am not. Am I 100% against it I am not on that side either.

If you follow my other posts you will know exactly why Saddam was financed (key word: Fahad)
Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns


I'm calling BS. Not a snow flake's chance in hell -- however, what this is, is cover, cover provided by the Sodie, for the re-entry of US personnel on the Arabian peninsula - while both Eye-ran and Arabia are theological tyrannies Big bad eye-ran, is a real country, the Arabia of the house of Saud is merely a possession - and a possession that is the source of the US Dollar's credibility.

So, this is supposed to scare the West -- and of course the "responsible" West, US in the lead (where else) is invited, in keeping with her "responsibilities" to take care of the Eye-ainians, even as the Sodies have helped take the attention off Israeli nukes and transferred that attention of the Eye-rainians -- will the street buy it?? In the Peninsula and tran-Jordan, yes - in the rest of the arabic speaking world? hell no!

Either way, time is not on the side of the Sodies, the US or the Dollar

I'm calling BS. Not a snow flake's chance in hell -- however, what this is, is cover, cover provided by the Sodie, for the re-entry of US personnel on the Arabian peninsula - while both Eye-ran and Arabia are theological tyrannies Big bad eye-ran, is a real country, the Arabia of the house of Saud is merely a possession - and a possession that is the source of the US Dollar's credibility.

So, this is supposed to scare the West -- and of course the "responsible" West, US in the lead (where else) is invited, in keeping with her "responsibilities" to take care of the Eye-ainians, even as the Sodies have helped take the attention off Israeli nukes and transferred that attention of the Eye-rainians -- will the street buy it?? In the Peninsula and tran-Jordan, yes - in the rest of the arabic speaking world? hell no!

Either way, time is not on the side of the Sodies, the US or the Dollar

We also eat babies for dinner.
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