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Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns

I googled Advanced Electronics Company and it's buying foreign technology left and right!! I will bet every cent I own that almost everybody involved was a foreigner.

And this is smtg we made on our own by reverse engineering a long time ago.
The problem with buying tech and using foreign scientists and workers is that you progress as long as you have money and as long as foreigners are willing to give you technology. Your growth will always be limited.

You said it yourself buying technology left and right and hiring Saudis who will learn this technology from foreigners. And what is wrong with learning from foreigners ? Or we should just make it harder and much more expensive just for the heck of it. And all the engineering we have God knows how many univisities specilicing in just that for Saudi students and we buy very advanced technologies and learn them and hen work on them without having to go through the long process. as one writer put it "leap froging" in the technology scale.
Are you in denial in that your Kings are just puppets set up by the British? and yes ask any Muslim if you did not have Mecca or Medina or Oil they would have hung your kings for what there doing to the Muslim world :sniper:

I hated the royal family and everyone did everyone loathed them until Abdullah came to power then we witnessed the change of power going to the people.
what the people want will happen the royal family can no longer steal money so they resorted to corruption even then he would fire all the royal family members and put people from the people on more powerful seats than them. someone like you can not imagine the difference was made when king abdullah came to power.
I have always loved the Quote turks use to say Arabs stabbed them in the back, all the Non Arab Muslims accomplished more then all the Oil rich gulf states combined. Heck even Pakistan is better then all the Arab Countries and that's not insult its the truth ^^.
You said it yourself buying technology left and right and hiring Saudis who will learn this technology from foreigners. And what is wrong with learning from foreigners ? Or we should just make it harder and much more expensive just for the heck of it. And all the engineering we have God knows how many univisities specilicing in just that for Saudi students and we buy very advanced technologies and learn them and hen work on them without having to go through the long process.
none of the stuff you said are happening though!
I showed you the rankings. Your output is the same as slovakia and even the 5000 papers your universities put out are probably written and submitted by foreigners. Buying a piece of technology is useless if you don't know how to copy it and make it better and nothing in the Saudi arsenal can be copied on your own without foreign support.

Your education system is one of the most flawed systems on the planet, producing very little native experts.

The study of Islam dominates the Saudi educational system. In particular, the memorization by rote of large parts of the Qu'ran, its interpretation and understanding (Tafsir) and the application of Islamic tradition to everyday life is at the core of the curriculum. Religion taught in this manner is also a compulsory subject for all University students.[200] As a consequence, Saudi youth "generally lacks the education and technical skills the private sector needs" according to the CIA.[187] Similarly, The Chronicle of Higher Education wrote in 2010 that "the country needs educated young Saudis with marketable skills and a capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship. That's not generally what Saudi Arabia's educational system delivers, steeped as it is in rote learning and religious instruction."[201]
I have always loved the Quote turks use to say Arabs stabbed them in the back, all the Non Arab Muslims accomplished more then all the Oil rich gulf states combined. Heck even Pakistan is better then all the Arab Countries and that's not insult its the truth ^^.

And now you just showed that you are racist congratulations.
none of the stuff you said are happening though!
I showed you the rankings. Your output is the same as slovakia and even the 5000 papers your universities put out are probably written and submitted by foreigners. Buying a piece of technology is useless if you don't know how to copy it and make it better and nothing in the Saudi arsenal can be copied on your own without foreign support.

Your education system is one of the most flawed systems on the planet, producing very little native experts.

The study of Islam dominates the Saudi educational system. In particular, the memorization by rote of large parts of the Qu'ran, its interpretation and understanding (Tafsir) and the application of Islamic tradition to everyday life is at the core of the curriculum. Religion taught in this manner is also a compulsory subject for all University students.[200] As a consequence, Saudi youth "generally lacks the education and technical skills the private sector needs" according to the CIA.[187] Similarly, The Chronicle of Higher Education wrote in 2010 that "the country needs educated young Saudis with marketable skills and a capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship. That's not generally what Saudi Arabia's educational system delivers, steeped as it is in rote learning and religious instruction."[201]

80% of what you said is right it is absloutly right. Which is why right now the clerics are jumping and whining for the new educational system now put forth by the minister.
Those idiot clerics are so afraid that they are losing control of the education system of which they lost control of in 2007 with a decree from King Abdullah that made the education system separate from the religious ministry. And this is why I said I believe in the future and it will be much better than it is now.

Oh and one more thing the stuff I mentioned ARE happening though. and a 2006 study is very old by Saudi standards.

Saudi Arabia is Destroying the Muslim World and the Sooner the Saudi's get Liberated from the Wahabist, the House of Saud and ask for Forgiveness from the Muslim world for what they did to it the Better.

Saudi Arabia is Destroying the Muslim World and the Sooner the Saudi's get Liberated from the Wahabist, the House of Saud and ask for Forgiveness from the Muslim world for what they did to it the Better.

Oh yes everyone facts don't mean sh1t the cartoon is the real truth.
80% of what you said is right it is absloutly right. Which is why right now the clerics are jumping and whining for the new educational system now put forth by the minister.
Those idiot clerics are so afraid that they are losing control of the education system of which they lost control of in 2007 with a decree from King Abdullah that made the education system separate from the religious ministry. And this is why I said I believe in the future and it will be much better than it is now.

Oh and one more thing the stuff I mentioned ARE happening though. and a 2006 study is very old by Saudi standards.
you seem like a good guy, sorry for the stuff I said earlier.

however, KSA is simply incapable of making nuclear weapons, EVER. Nothing short of a revolution can change that. To produce nukes you must have your own Uranium enrichment facilities (centrifuge making alone takes years to master), heavy water reactors, waste management, a solid industrial base that can accomodate for the resources needed to produce all the stuff needed for these facilities (even the factory needed to produce the special kind of steel used in making centrifuges takes years to build) etc... and then there is the missile technology etc...

This claim is the same as the mullahs in Iran claiming that they have mastered fission lool
It's propeganda, simple as that.
You call me Racist the Irony, look how Arabs Treat their Muslim Brother, Pakistani's, Indians as Slave Laborers, Racist Against shia's, and other Muslims.

Exactly how much propaganda have you been fed?? First of all Arabism in Saudi Arabia is very very weak we do not see ourselves as arabs because we know that Arabs are not race we only see each other as Muslims. second you talk about the very few (yes some do exist) people who do that when most treat their muslim brothers just as they would love to be treated themselves.
you seem like a good guy, sorry for the stuff I said earlier.

however, KSA is simply incapable of making nuclear weapons, EVER. Nothing short of a revolution can change that. To produce nukes you must have your own Uranium enrichment facilities (centrifuge making alone takes years to master), heavy water reactors, waste management, a solid industrial base that can accomodate for the resources needed to produce all the stuff needed for these facilities (even the factory needed to produce the special kind of steel used in making centrifuges takes years to build) etc... and then there is the missile technology etc...

This claim is the same as the mullahs in Iran claiming that they have mastered fission lool
It's propeganda, simple as that.

And thank you for finally dropping the defensive attitude I was begging to get tired phew. Why can't we all just get along???
gentlemen please cool down its just an announcement .please don't start tom jerry people are laughing on UMMAH .

And thank you for finally dropping the defensive attitude I was begging to get tired phew. Why can't we all just get along???

I thought you were a shia hating wahabi so I decided to be a sunni hating shia ;)
funny thing is, I'm not even muslim lmao
I wonder when the "Arab" Spring will reach Riyadh...."prince" indeed.....

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