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Rising Sun doesn't like to watch the Dragon rise

They can build all the antiship missiles they want, just don't whine when we cruise around their islands in nuclear subs. Japan is a hypocrite nation and it is our duty to force its submission no matter how long it takes. Fortunately, due to its small area and inexperience in strategic missile technologies there is always the option of a first strike on Japan that does not give it the chance to assemble its nuclear weapons, if it possessed them.

Stop talking about "first strikes" like you know anything - as I said before, just wearing the insignia of PLA GAD does not put you among the ranks of the 1% of decision makers. I'll tell you who were the real grave diggers to the former Japanese Empire - their over-zealous 少壮派 low/middle rank army officers ...

How do you know the Japanese don't have weapons assembled? How do you know they can't put some missiles into submarines in the future? From Japan, one can strike coastal PRC with mere cruise missiles ...

Japan may be hypocrites - that I couldn't agree more. But who died and passed the crown to you to "enforce submission"? You are sounding more and more like some crypto "Mongol Khan" worshiper ... or a Likudnik wannabe ...

And chauism, discipline isn't everything, though it is important. How disciplined are Americans? They're the loudest, most pig-like snobs on the face of the planet but they're top due to the leadership of their 1% elite that IS the top in the world.

Now the part about "pig-like snobs" borders on the offensive (I didn't say to who :azn:) ... but you are not wholly wrong here.

But OTOH, "pig-like snobs" are not exactly in short supply in the PRC itself ... how often have we spotted some repugnant "Spratly patriot" oinking "domination"?
They can build all the antiship missiles they want, just don't whine when we cruise around their islands in nuclear subs. Japan is a hypocrite nation and it is our duty to force its submission no matter how long it takes. Fortunately, due to its small area and inexperience in strategic missile technologies there is always the option of a first strike on Japan that does not give it the chance to assemble its nuclear weapons, if it possessed them.

And chauism, discipline isn't everything, though it is important. How disciplined are Americans? They're the loudest, most pig-like snobs on the face of the planet but they're top due to the leadership of their 1% elite that IS the top in the world.

If you have been to any game or event in Japan, when the show is over, and the venue is as clean as it is almost never used, I have found this is kind of nation deserve its respect in the world stage. In a lot of the factories, even the lower level workers can be trusted with responsibility of shutting down the whole production line that he is working on if he think there is going to be a problem of quality. Yeah, discipline is not everything, but it does make a big difference if the playing field is leveled. When you really want to compare Japan with US, please take a look at the map first.
This goes to show that US presence is needed to prevent a resurgent of Japanese imperialism. Without US presence, it easy for Japan to throw out its constitution and rearm it self to the teeth and create tension throug out the region. The world has seen an aggressive Japan once and that is enough.

However, I would have to say that in terms of per capita wise, Japan and Germany has some of the best and brightest engineers and scientists. But this is conceal by the US achievements base on US immigration policy of getting the best and the brightest outside of Japan and Germany to contribute to the US.
This goes to show that US presence is needed to prevent a resurgent of Japanese imperialism. Without US presence, it easy for Japan to throw out its constitution and rearm it self to the teeth and create tension throug out the region. The world has seen an aggressive Japan once and that is enough.

However, I would have to say that in terms of per capita wise, Japan and Germany has some of the best and brightest engineers and scientists. But this is conceal by the US achievements base on US immigration policy of getting the best and the brightest outside of Japan and Germany to contribute to the US.

A senior Japanese politician has called for Japan to discuss allowing nuclear weapons within its pacifist constitution.

Shoichi Nakagawa, former finance minister, suggested that Japan should examine the possibility of defending itself from potential attacks from North Korea by obtaining nuclear weapons.
This goes to show that US presence is needed to prevent a resurgent of Japanese imperialism. Without US presence, it easy for Japan to throw out its constitution and rearm it self to the teeth and create tension throug out the region. The world has seen an aggressive Japan once and that is enough.


r u sure because during the second world war it was U.S which shown its ugly face,not 1 but 2 nuclear weapons were thrown over Japan at a time when Japan was already on its knees,then this is same nation who sing a lot about nuclear proliferation controll and CTBT
This goes to show that US presence is needed to prevent a resurgent of Japanese imperialism. Without US presence, it easy for Japan to throw out its constitution and rearm it self to the teeth and create tension throug out the region. The world has seen an aggressive Japan once and that is enough.

However, I would have to say that in terms of per capita wise, Japan and Germany has some of the best and brightest engineers and scientists. But this is conceal by the US achievements base on US immigration policy of getting the best and the brightest outside of Japan and Germany to contribute to the US.

Pretty ridiculous to say that of all the countries in the world..Japan is the only one not responsible enough to look after it's own military without being a threat to others.

I say it is about time Japan paid for it's own defense..American taxpayer money can be spent in better ways with a 13 trillion debt than by subsidizing countries who can afford to pay for their own defense.
Pretty ridiculous to say that of all the countries in the world..Japan is the only one not responsible enough to look after it's own military without being a threat to others.

I say it is about time Japan paid for it's own defense..American taxpayer money can be spent in better ways with a 13 trillion debt than by subsidizing countries who can afford to pay for their own defense.

Japan should shoulder more of the cost of US presence in Japan.
China wont dare to challenge NATO.

Troll alert


Kinda contradictry of the link posted in the original post
Japan wanted to be friendly with China.

Japan may have techno but China has the sheer brute force.
There may be some Japanese who still harbour thier ww2 aswell as some Chinese still having hatred to Japanese.
But things had moved on from what I read
I doubt these two nation will ever have a hit and run to say the least.
A senior Japanese politician has called for Japan to discuss allowing nuclear weapons within its pacifist constitution.

Shoichi Nakagawa, former finance minister, suggested that Japan should examine the possibility of defending itself from potential attacks from North Korea by obtaining nuclear weapons.

We should listen to him because of....????? As if committing suicide isn't enough proof of his mental health state already. He also said "were the situation in Taiwan to deteriorate, Japan would become, by 2020, a Chinese colony."
"Japanese Imperialism" is nothing to worry about. Before WW2, Japan ran a trade deficit for years and the economy was a hundred times smaller (in real world, converted dollars). Japan had imported war materials for a quarter century getting ready for WW2. Now, Japan is an export economy producing finished goods with trade surplus. Not just any type of finished good but high end luxury goods.

You can always cut down on consumption and "hunker down" for a few years and go crazy on your neighbors (it's economic suicide unless you actually manage to exploit the resources of conquered territories but nutjobs try it anyway). But you can't cut own on goods produced without massive unemployment and economic upheaval. And makers of high end electronics do not translate into ship or tank factories ;).
Stop talking about "first strikes" like you know anything - as I said before, just wearing the insignia of PLA GAD does not put you among the ranks of the 1% of decision makers. I'll tell you who were the real grave diggers to the former Japanese Empire - their over-zealous 少壮派 low/middle rank army officers ...

It is absolutely ridiculous how seriously the intelligence community take these idiots. These Senior colonels in the PLA write articles and publishing books with titles like “how china will dominate space” or “The coming war with america” etc etc for popular domenstic comsumption and US military analysts extrapolate the fanstastic and completely fictional weapons systems that are mentioned them into actual capability for the PLA. Stupid things like space laser, cheap mobile jamming devices that can be given to the peasant in the event of an air war with the US.

These are the same people writing about a holocaust for Japan and how Japan will get what it deserves etc etc. When in fact, in China their writing is given little consideration and generally thought to be “garbage newpapers”
There is a better idea, Japan should get rid of US presence in Japan. Japan is old enough to look after itself.

I suppose this is what Japan expects. But I don't think it'll happen in near future. US'll try its best to comfort Japan while combing its ambition.

I personally support Japan to become a NORMAL country. But I think only if political equilibrium is broken and US decides to overhaul its strategy, it does not have any chance. US is the key factor to Japan's road to normal country. Though Japan still needs to convince other (Asian) countries to believe it won't follow that same old path, it's a minor issue in comparison with US' will.
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