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Rising Sun doesn't like to watch the Dragon rise

It is absolutely ridiculous how seriously the intelligence community take these idiots. These Senior colonels in the PLA write articles and publishing books with titles like “how china will dominate space” or “The coming war with america” etc etc for popular domenstic comsumption and US military analysts extrapolate the fanstastic and completely fictional weapons systems that are mentioned them into actual capability for the PLA. Stupid things like space laser, cheap mobile jamming devices that can be given to the peasant in the event of an air war with the US.

These are the same people writing about a holocaust for Japan and how Japan will get what it deserves etc etc. When in fact, in China their writing is given little consideration and generally thought to be “garbage newpapers”

Some western trained, or perhaps even born, "Chinese" (most are actually Americans/Canadians/Australians that happen to have yellow skin), such as Stern Hu, are the greatest internal threats. The Ming Dynasty fell for many reasons, but the most direct was 吴山龟 opening the gate for the Manchus.
Some western trained, or perhaps even born, "Chinese" (most are actually Americans/Canadians/Australians that happen to have yellow skin), such as Stern Hu, are the greatest internal threats. The Ming Dynasty fell for many reasons, but the most direct was 吴山龟 opening the gate for the Manchus.

Do I scare you?
Some western trained, or perhaps even born, "Chinese" (most are actually Americans/Canadians/Australians that happen to have yellow skin), such as Stern Hu, are the greatest internal threats. The Ming Dynasty fell for many reasons, but the most direct was 吴山龟 opening the gate for the Manchus.

I disagree, most of those western trained or even born Chinese are the biggest asset that China has in competition with others. Don't you forget that people like Qian Xuesen, Deng Jiaxian are all among those you just described. It is those people who blindly admire and favorite western countries and those fenqings that are the thread to China's future prosperity.

Wu Shangui was just a catalyst of the fall of Ming Empire. Without him, the process would just take longer, but it would eventually happen.
I disagree, most of those western trained or even born Chinese are the biggest asset that China has in competition with others. Don't you forget that people like Qian Xuesen, Deng Jiaxian are all among those you just described. It is those people who blindly admire and favorite western countries and those fenqings that are the thread to China's future prosperity.

Wu Shangui was just a catalyst of the fall of Ming Empire. Without him, the process would just take longer, but it would eventually happen.

I sad to see how most Chinese doesn't realized that by the time Wu SanGui opened up the gates to the Manchus, the Ming dynasty had already fallen to the bandits. So his action actually facilited the Manchu take over of China instead of prolong the chaos that caused by the fall of the Ming.
I sad to see how most Chinese doesn't realized that by the time Wu SanGui opened up the gates to the Manchus, the Ming dynasty had already fallen to the bandits. So his action actually facilited the Manchu take over of China instead of prolong the chaos that caused by the fall of the Ming.

At least those bandits were formed by peasants of ethnic Han, but Wu has sold his own brothers and sisters to the foreign invaders.

Then the Manchurian conquerers tried so hard to destroy our culture and identity.

At least those bandits were formed by peasants of ethnic Han, but Wu has sold his own brothers and sisters to the foreign invaders.

Then the Manchurian conquerers tried so hard to destroy our culture and identity.

But it didn't happen did it? They turned chinese instead of us turning Manchu (except for the silly haircuts).
They adopted Chinese culture because their own culture was too backward and they did learn the mistakes from the Mongols' Yuan Dynasty.

However, many Chinese classic literatures have been burned because the Manchurian Emperors wanted to oppress the free thinking of the Chinese scholars. The good example is the Yongle Encyclopedia of Ming Dynasty, see how it was burned and replaced by Siku Quanshu, a cheap and full distortion edited/censored by the Manchurian Emperor.
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At least those bandits were formed by peasants of ethnic Han, but Wu has sold his own brothers and sisters to the foreign invaders.

Then the Manchurian conquerers tried so hard to destroy our culture and identity.


Li Zicheng administrator was not very organized given his bandit background. Also, he could have extended mercy to the vanquished Ming officials. Instead, he intended on destroying the remnent Ming survivors and this cause many to excaped South and in Wu San Gui's case, turned to Qing. Furthermore, Wu San Gui's house was confiscated and he wanted to get them back.
I can imagine that without an effective strong government with the fall of Ming, Qing will eventually prevail as they had good administrators.
Li Zicheng administrator was not very organized given his bandit background. Also, he could have extended mercy to the vanquished Ming officials. Instead, he intended on destroying the remnent Ming survivors and this cause many to excaped South and in Wu San Gui's case, turned to Qing. Furthermore, Wu San Gui's house was confiscated and he wanted to get them back.
I can imagine that without an effective strong government with the fall of Ming, Qing will eventually prevail as they had good administrators.

Sure, the Manchurian conquest has made China's territory more unified. I also acknowledge if Ming was replaced by another Dynasty of ethnic Han, then today's China territory won't get as large. China won't have a strong legacy to claim Xinjiang and Tibet. Although the incompetence of the late Manchurian Dynasty has lost so much of territories in Far East to Tzarist Russia, yet today's China can still acquire nearly 10 million square km of territory.

The Manchus have persecuted the Han people for over 200 years, yet because of their conquest, China's territory became much larger. So i think the Han and Manchu are even today. We don't owe each other and we both belong to the 56 ethnic groups of PRC.
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Japan poised to stand up to China, North Korea
Japan poised to stand up to China, North Korea

TOKYO: A Japanese government panel will recommend deploying more armed forces in coastal areas where Chinese naval traffic has increased and relaxing rules on nuclear arms transfers.

The expert panel argues Japan's Cold War-era defence guidelines have become outdated and the pacifist nation must prepare for ''contingencies'' on the Korean Peninsula and in the Taiwan Strait, and small-scale invasions.

The recommendations will be sent early next month to the Prime Minister, Naoto Kan, before Japan revises its defence guidelines in December, the Yomiuri Shimbun and Asahi Shimbun dailies reported.

Japan, officially pacifist since the end of World War II, relies on the United States for defence and nuclear deterrence. It has a policy of not making, owning or allowing on its territory any nuclear weapons and has campaigned for their abolition.

However, the panel recommends that Japan permit the transfer of nuclear arms through its territory - which it has secretly allowed US forces to do in the past, according to recently released documents.

Washington and Tokyo have long cited the threat of North Korea's isolated communist regime, which has tested nuclear bombs and fired missiles over Japan into the Pacific.

''From the viewpoint of strengthening the Japan-US alliance, there should be political will … to allow [Japanese forces] to attack missiles bound for the United States,'' the panel said, according to the Yomiuri Shimbun.

Japan and the US have also voiced concern about China's military build-up and its blue-water fleet as it asserts claims to maritime areas.

Imperial Japan showing her true color once again....
The truth is japs never gave up the dream of world domination. After all Mitsubishi, NEC, sony and etc are all companies supported and built by imperial Japan. together, they provided all the equipments for the jap army in ww2. toyota, although created after WW2, is not clean either since its largest shareholder is mitsubishi ufj. when you look at former japanese prime ministers' family trees, you will see that most of them are descendants of convicted war criminals. the son of emperor showa, who had absolute control of japan before losing the war under the divine power, is still holding the throne of japan. even though all evidence points to emperor showa as the main culprit for ww2, he maintain his status using us-soviet rivalry.

western power never seem to learn. the british first supported japan with resource, money and technology to counter russia in the far east. in the end, britain lost all its interest and advantage in china to the japanese after ww1. in ww2, japan was nearly successful in re-colonizing all the british colony in asia. the creation of soviet union is partly due to russia's lost in the russo-japan war, heavy military must by stationed in the far east which reduce the number of force to protect Moscow. by supporting japan, britain ended up with two enemies, the imperial japanese army in ww2 and communist force. usa used japan to block the ussr, yet in the 1980, japanese toppled many american companies and most of the us economy . they bought half of hawaii and Rockefeller centre, the symbol of us empire. soviet union collapsed by themself yet usa will have created another malignant super power were there no us force in japan. now usa is ignoring the re-arming of japan in hope to curb china, but as history has repeatedly shown, supporting japanese rise will lead to backfire. once japan is successful regain its military power, will the usa be able to win another pacific war? the consequence for usa might even be worse.
The Manchus have persecuted the Han people for over 200 years, yet because of their conquest, China's territory became much larger. So i think the Han and Manchu are even today. We don't owe each other and we both belong to the 56 ethnic groups of PRC.

You're right, we're all Chinese at the end of the day, whether we are Han or Manchu.

What makes me sad though is that the Manchu language is dying out, there are now less than 70 people in the whole world who speak Manchu as their first language.

It's sad to see a language die out. Luckily Chinese will never die out though!
You're right, we're all Chinese at the end of the day, whether we are Han or Manchu.

What makes me sad though is that the Manchu language is dying out, there are now less than 70 people in the whole world who speak Manchu as their first language.

It's sad to see a language die out. Luckily Chinese will never die out though!

The sad part is that vast part of Manchu homeland is now Russian territory. Even now some Chinese still habor the hope of gettig back these territory, but let's face it, what is gone is gone.
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