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Rishi Sunak, of Indian heritage is new UK Prime Minister

Although brits are vying for a General Election, I don't think the country can afford it now. A GE would mean long break for the politicians. Going back to the constituencies, canvassing and costing a fortune. It would be at least January before a decision is made. The economy and the people would collapse by then without any apt winter energy policy.

This sentiment was expressed by some poster in Daily Mail comment section. It is also vilified by the marginal positivity in the UK market after the news was released.
IMHO, Sunak will do definitely better than any labour leader when it comes to economy. Labours had proven time and again that they are useless when it comes to money.

Nothing to do with Sunak being of Indian origin as it hardly matters for India who is the PM of UK.
Why did you feel the need to mention his ethnicity?
Indian Brahmins are masters in social climbing. But I don’t think Sunak will enjoy longevity as PM considering the staggering challenges he will face.

Britain politics is well known as like autocracy, look like mimicking their royal blood family. Any way, he is picked by only those 250 something MP

This is why Presidential system is cooler than parliamentary system. They are choosen directly by people

After Quick Count results are announced by many Quick counts companies and showing Jokowi is the winner. People around him are Jokowi coalition party leaders. At Least Conservative parties should do like this with journalists are given the right to ask question

Hahaha, Happy Diwali @waz 🤣

I'll tag you when he gets his a$$ booted out, you can take him back to his in laws house in India. :woot:
Hilarious you celebrate someone who lost a proper leadership battle.

Because I'm an Indian and many of my moronic compatriots are jubilant just because of his ethnicity. I didn't want to be considered in the same bracket.

No harm if he was a decent chap but he's not.

At least the likes of

Get some happiness in their lives. :undecided:
sooner or later Canada and US will have Indian origin PM and president, my gut feeling..

those who said its impossible for Rishi to get elected as PM of UK...Happy Diwali 🤣
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This is basically political suicide to take the PM job right now.

I don't see anything useful from the dying age of Tory premiership, in fact, I am pretty sure that's the reason why BoJo and Penny drop out. I am surprise Rishi stay in this race, I would have waited for a 2nd or 3rd line tory member take the whip and go for the one after the eventual lost of the next UK general election.
I'll tag you when he gets his a$$ booted out, you can take him back to his in laws house in India. :woot:
Hilarious you celebrate someone who lost a proper leadership battle.

No harm if he was a decent chap but he's not.

At least the likes of

Get some happiness in their lives. :undecided:

You are wrong, I am not celebrating his premiership. I have no skin in the game.

I am just bemused and amused to see the confidence with which you superimpose your personal opinion over worldly opinion.

I am very happy anyway, with or without Sunak becoming a PM. But you sure do look sad. 🤣
Why people consider him to be Indian? Not born in India, studied in UK. His parents not Indians. So what exactly makes him Indian other than being married to an Indian girl?
Well, guys, the celebration is over; let the new PM go to King Charles to bow his head and accept his appointment and collect his Kursi Nasheen Certificate.

The brownie needs to know who he's bowing to. :-)
Wait you will be working hard for a labour win?

Of course. I am a paying labour party member. I have no love of the conservatives and it makes little difference who leads them.

They are a party in power for 12 years. No party EVER in UK history has won for the fifth time consecutively.

Truss was a idiot,, but the Tory faithful still voted for her to keep the brown sahib out

Now the coconut has been forced upon them and they are seething inside, the Indian triumphalism over this wet squib is added masala that will get a reaction which we need to be smart about utilising

They voted for Truss because Truss promised a fictional future of tax cuts and rising standard of living without having to pay for it. Much like IK promise of a Utopia.

When her policies hit the REAL WORLD they disintegrated and turned into a puff of smoke.

EVERY Pakistani or Indian in UK can be derogatively described as a coconut. Usually by people of very low esteem which is disguised by outward bravado.
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