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Rishi Sunak, of Indian heritage is new UK Prime Minister

IMHO, Sunak will do definitely better than any labour leader when it comes to economy. Labours had proven time and again that they are useless when it comes to money.

Nothing to do with Sunak being of Indian origin as it hardly matters for India who is the PM of UK.
Bud judging off the B
Because I'm an Indian and many of my moronic compatriots are jubilant just because of his ethnicity. I didn't want to be considered in the same bracket.
Ethnicity nor faith matters. As long as he is able to deliver to the British people.
He's British. He became PM of UK. That's it.

Will he return Kohinoor to India? Will he apologize for Jallianwala Bagh Massacre? If not then why Indians going Gaga?

Good for him. Now move on. Celebrate Diwali.

Its embarassing.
No expectations on any impact of UK-India ties, its more of a feather in the cap for UK Indian diaspora
The whole thing has subtle impact on our soft power

Let see from a reverse perspective
Imagine if Sunak was global religious hardcore terrorist and Kamala Harris was head of major crime syndicate involved in trafficking women like one our Eastern neighbor across the Himalayas

In the above scenario, it would definitely have an adverse impact on India global image. People will pay attention to their country of origin

Our diaspora has greatly contributed to our global image, lucky for us it has been good for so far.
New look of 10 Downing street:-

Be it politics, be it corporate, be it research or be it education, west needs Indian leadership to survive. From vice president of US to PM of Uk Indians are the hope of west to survive and sustain. Yoy can not be competitive without Indian heading the institution.
Be it politics, be it corporate, be it research or be it education, west needs Indian leadership to survive. From vice president of US to PM of Uk Indians are the hope of west to survive and sustain. Yoy can not be competitive without Indian heading the institution.
Wanted: Indian money and the Indian market
sooner or later Canada and US will have Indian origin PM and president, my gut feeling..

those who said its impossible for Rishi to get elected as PM of UK...Happy Diwali 🤣
Yes moti ji and all hindu PM of England and hindu president of America will make entry of Indians visa free in all countries , Indians will have working rights in all wealthy countries . :victory::victory::victory::victory::victory:

Well, guys, the celebration is over; let the new PM go to King Charles to bow his head and accept his appointment and collect his Kursi Nasheen Certificate.

The brownie needs to know who he's bowing to. :-)
No problem .they also bowed their heads before indian kings when they first got permission to land on indian shores . Arabs and English both did it before Indian kings .This is a matter of diplomacy.
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