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Review ratings-II

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@Slav Defence
I would like to know the reason why I was marked negative by @Abu Zolfiqar and why the same TTC was allowed to abuse me on the same thread when asked for the reason?

I had waited patiently for few days assuming I would get a reply, but all in vain.
I just wanted to know that what was it in my post that deserved a negative?
A trip to forget

My post on the thread was nothing but a reinforcement of what the author had said in the article.

@MilSpec @nair @scorpionx @SpArK

I am sorry I had to tag you guys here

Sorry for the late reply. And there is no use in tagging me.

The person who has rated you is a "known" racist who enjoyed using the word "dot heads" and other fancy names to Indians for such a long time as been seen in my looong years here in PDF.

Hence his action will be based on "that" psyche and we can do nothing about it.

There are people like these in real and cyber world and you have to get used to it and live with it.

Thanks yOu.
Just read the post, and I am sure @Slav Defence would look in to it, I don see any reason for not reversing reversing

@Slav Defence
I would like to know the reason why I was marked negative by @Abu Zolfiqar and why the same TTC was allowed to abuse me on the same thread when asked for the reason?

I had waited patiently for few days assuming I would get a reply, but all in vain.
I just wanted to know that what was it in my post that deserved a negative?
A trip to forget

My post on the thread was nothing but a reinforcement of what the author had said in the article.

@MilSpec @nair @scorpionx @SpArK

I am sorry I had to tag you guys here
Once a post is deleted, the rating cannot be reversed. In fact, some members of management do this to ensure irreversibility of the rating.

i delted my post now lets see if the TT honours his word :coffee:

It seems that @Slav Defence have already settled this issue here and have correctly advised to take the discussion else where as a decision have been made after analyzing the posts and as far as i know some negative ratings have been reversed too right? I just want to add a little thing here. I am not a big fan of this "edit your post and we will remove the ratings". I mean if a guys does this once and you reverse your rating after the realize his mistake and corrects it, that is understandable, doing so the second time, OK fine! BUT what if that is a routine case. This is NOT HOW it should work. That TT and MODs are monitoring the vast number of threads and keeping in check hundreds of members while all they have to do to avoid any punishment is to edit there single post. This do not makes sense.

So personally i will suggest that is someone keeps on coming with similar stupid posts an rants, reversing them each time after those are edited is not correct. Some ratings should be left as it is (specially for a repeat offender), only that MAY make him/her add some sensible material in follow up posts.

@GURU DUTT, i am sorry i was not able t review the post that you tried to tag me in as it have already been taken care of. I hope it is all settled now. It is requested that when you quote/tag a post here do it properly so it is accessible. May be it is just me but i was not able to exactly locate the post/discussion you refereed to.

@Slav Defence
I would like to know the reason why I was marked negative by @Abu Zolfiqar and why the same TTC was allowed to abuse me on the same thread when asked for the reason?

I had waited patiently for few days assuming I would get a reply, but all in vain.
I just wanted to know that what was it in my post that deserved a negative?
A trip to forget

My post on the thread was nothing but a reinforcement of what the author had said in the article.

@MilSpec @nair @scorpionx @SpArK

I am sorry I had to tag you guys here

Found nothing wrong in it and knowing abu Zolfiqar, i guess the rating must have been given by mistake. I did same with a post of @Syed.Ali.Haider but that was then corrected quickly (thankfully :P)

Your rating have also been reversed.
I just want to add a little thing here. I am not a big fan of this "edit your post and we will remove the ratings". I mean if a guys does this once and you reverse your rating after the realize his mistake and corrects it, that is understandable, doing so the second time, OK fine! BUT what if that is a routine case. This is NOT HOW it should work
I want them to realize their mistake, i try not to give those who continuously repeat the same thing the same option. Post wasn't too harsh, best to have it settled with mutual consent.

Afaik you're one of the most impartial Pakistani think tank on this forum along with Hyperion.
And i still have to make that little list of yours....:cry: :lol:

while all they have to do to avoid any punishment is to edit there single post. This do not makes sense.
These are members who have been around for quite a while, if they realize their mistake and don't repeat it, it will only lessen the burden on Mods. Long-term very effective. It has worked with the likes of @MaarKhoor , who trolled when he started, gradually became a saner member. My method works, just needs some support.
(don't try it on suicide trolls)
I want them to realize their mistake, i try not to give those who continuously repeat the same thing the same option. Post wasn't too harsh, best to have it settled with mutual consent.

And i still have to make that little list of yours....:cry: :lol:

These are members who have been around for quite a while, if they realize their mistake and don't repeat it, it will only lessen the burden on Mods. Long-term very effective. It has worked with the likes of @MaarKhoor , who trolled when he started, gradually became a saner member. My method works, just needs some support.
(don't try it on suicide trolls)
My intentions was not trolling but i learn from Mr. Wajsal to ignore the troll and keep the cool.
I want them to realize their mistake, i try not to give those who continuously repeat the same thing the same option. Post wasn't too harsh, best to have it settled with mutual consent.

And i still have to make that little list of yours....:cry: :lol:

These are members who have been around for quite a while, if they realize their mistake and don't repeat it, it will only lessen the burden on Mods. Long-term very effective. It has worked with the likes of @MaarKhoor , who trolled when he started, gradually became a saner member. My method works, just needs some support.
(don't try it on suicide trolls)
Bro it is ALWAYS good to keep all our members here. the intentions are NEVER to ban and kick out every one. I was poiting to what you refereed to as "suicide trolls" and we both agree about them.
I unfortunately came across a few such senior members who were rated, they asked and edited there posts and the ratings were reversed only to log in next day to find a similar stupid post. After reversing a couple of times, i do not feel comfortable reversing any rating for those members. I do not come here to judge people, i have my own interests here on the forums so i will like to spend more time in learning about the things i come to learn about rather then playing this ping pong game or rating, reversing ratings and then rating again the same members for similar attitude.

I hope you understand what i mean. There are quite a few like this. However giving a few chances will only be good for the forums and i think we all do that.

Afaik you're one of the most impartial Pakistani think tanks on this forum along with Hyperion.
There are quite a few people here on this thread, not only on this tread but also on last couple of pages who will strongly disagree with you. I guess it is all about point of view and who one perceive things. Still i do agree that i at least TRY to be as unbiased as i can be being a human. As i mentioned, my objective here is not to judge/rate people, but this is a responsibility given to us by the forum administration and while we get to learn this much from the forum, there is nothing wrong in giving something back by this policing business and keeping the threads in good shape.

I hope you understand what i mean. There are quite a few like this. However giving a few chances will only be good for the forums and i think we all do that.
Nothing wrong in giving a few more chances; if it is helpful, nothing wrong in it. Have a nice day.
Mr. Wajsal
:wub: Mr. Mr. Mr....:o:
@Arsalan sir, my two cents.

This might sound too demanding on the part of TTAs but my opinion is, the user doing howsoever low level of trolling, should be given a chance to edit out his/her post.
This way, he/she would realize his/her mistake and after sometime will turn out to be a decent member. If you don't give them a chance they will keep coming back at you or the topic. Also, once that negative meter is beyond some threshold, it hardly deters members from trolling.

Justice is not just about sticking to the book but making sure the perpetrator understand/appreciate it (to an extent ofc)

Rant: I was never given a chance to reverse my negative messages. So i suppose I represent an alternative view. :)
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@Arsalan sir, my two cents.

This might sound too demanding on the part of TTAs but my opinion is, the user doing howsoever low level of trolling, should be given a chance to edit out his/her post.
This way, he/she would realize his/her mistake and after sometime will turn out to be a decent member. If you don't give them a chance they will keep coming back at you or the topic. Also, once that negative meter is beyond some threshold, it hardly deters members from trolling.

Justice is not just about sticking to the book but making sure the perpetrator understand/appreciate it (to an extent ofc)

Rant: I was never given a chance to reverse my negative messages. So i suppose I represent an alternative view. :)
I totally agree with you and @WAJsal on this. A chance should be given, it always is.
The only question is,, how many times? :)

I have been in a case where i reversed ratings of a same guys 3 to 4 times after he said that he promise he wont do such trolling and ranting again, i saw his saying the same to some other TT/MOD after his posting was rated negative, he asked a chance to edit that and once done the ratings were reversed. Now i have seen this happening some 8, 9 times. You still feel that the next stupid post i come across and rate, i should reverse my rating AGAIN, after the promises AGAIN that he wont do such thing. Even though i have seen the same story being repeated some 8, 9 times. :)
I am just asking your point of view in this situation. For how long should the TT/MODS keep on going and reversing there ratings only because the culprit have again promised that he wont do it in future, only to have to go through same routine a couple of times daily with one same poster?
I totally agree with you and @WAJsal on this. A chance should be given, it always is.
The only question is,, how many times? :)

I have been in a case where i reversed ratings of a same guys 3 to 4 times after he said that he promise he wont do such trolling and ranting again, i saw his saying the same to some other TT/MOD after his posting was rated negative, he asked a chance to edit that and once done the ratings were reversed. Now i have seen this happening some 8, 9 times. You still feel that the next stupid post i come across and rate, i should reverse my rating AGAIN, after the promises AGAIN that he wont do such thing. Even though i have seen the same story being repeated some 8, 9 times. :)
I am just asking your point of view in this situation. For how long should the TT/MODS keep on going and reversing there ratings only because the culprit have again promised that he wont do it in future, only to have to go through same routine a couple of times daily with one same poster?

Well you have faced some tough idiots I must say :lol:

Seriously though, I just wanted to make a point and make you guys agree in principle. The number of times etc I would leave to your good self. :)

Until you have the patience, please stick to forgiving is what I would say. ( I know it's too much to ask for seriously ). It is internet after all.
I am just asking your point of view in this situation. For how long should the TT/MODS keep on going and reversing there ratings only because the culprit have again promised that he wont do it in future, only to have to go through same routine a couple of times daily with one same poster?
Once only, it depends sometimes, as in the case of Elite or Senior members. Everyone indulges in light trolling sometimes.
Until you have the patience, please stick to forgiving is what I would say. ( I know it's too much to ask for seriously ). It is internet after all.
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