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Revealed: Trump's $110 billion weapons list for the Saudis

‘Shooting blanks’: Trump’s $110bn arms deal with Saudis mostly speculative – report
Published time: 9 Jun, 2017 02:43Edited time: 9 Jun, 2017 10:22


© Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

That $110 billion arms deal President Donald Trump signed with Saudi Arabia isn’t much of a deal at all, according to reports which found the majority of the agreement was based on memos, rather than contracts.
On May 20, Trump negotiated an arms deal with Riyadh. The State Department said it was worth nearly $110 billion to support “the long-term security of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region in the face of malign Iranian influence and Iranian related threat.”

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Trump strikes arms deal with Saudis worth $350bn, $110bn to take effect immediately
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer hailed it the “largest single arms deal in US history.”

The State Department then released a general list of the weapons that were included in the deal. However, many experts have said that most of the arms sales had not been cleared by the State Department, Congress or even the industries themselves.

On Thursday, Defense News released a more detailed list of the weapons included in the deal, according to documents they obtained from the White House.

The ‘deal’ lists $84.8 billion under memos of intent (MOI) “to be offered at visit,” and $12.5 billion under letters of agreement (LOA), rather than contracts.

NPR also obtained a list of commercial deals from a White House spokeswoman and found that it added up to $267 billion, but said most of the deals were listed as “memoranda of understanding” (MOU).

“There is no $110 billion deal,” Brookings Institution Senior Fellow Bruce Riedel wrote in blog post Monday.

“Instead, there are a bunch of letters of interest or intent, but not contracts,” Riedel said. “Even then the numbers don’t add up. It’s fake news.”

Defense News listed many of the weapons and systems in the deal, which they said were “potential” sales. One of the most expensive component of the ‘deal’ was for seven THAAD batteries, worth $13.5 billion. The estimated delivery time for the systems was between 2023 and 2026.

Riedel says although the Saudis have expressed interest in the systems for years, no contracts have been finalized. He also said that former President Barack Obama approved the sale in principle at a summit in 2015.

Most of the deals were negotiated by former President Barack Obama, according to Riedel. He calls the deal a “wish list” and claims the Saudis will not be able to pay for the $110 billion deal, since they are currently struggling to meet the payments on a 2012 arms deal, due to falling oil prices.

“What the Saudis and the administration did is put together a notional package of the Saudi wish list of possible deals and portray that as a deal,” Riedel said.


The list from Defense News also contains four new Lockheed Martin-built frigates, worth $6 billion. The estimated delivery time for the frigates is between 2025 and 2028.

However, Riedel said that the proposal for those frigates was first reported in 2015, and no contract has been signed. He also claims the frigate is a derivative of a vessel that the Navy uses which “doesn’t actually exist yet.”

The list from Defense News also contains 150 S-70 Black Hawk utility helicopters, but Riedel says that this deal is also “repackaged” from the Obama administration.

Trump said the deal created “tremendous investments in the United States,” according to The Hill. He also promised “jobs, jobs, jobs” to come as a result.

The Saudi government said that the 150 Black Hawk helicopters would be assembled locally, leading to about 450 jobs being created in the Kingdom. Not so, according to Arab News.

The list from Defense News also contains $4.46 billion for more than 100,000 air-to-ground munitions, $2 billion for “light close air support,” $2 billion for four additional aircraft “of a to-be-determined variety,” $6.65 billion for enhancements to Saudis’ Patriot anti-missile system and $800 million for two “Remote Sensing Satellites.”
Trump strikes arms deal with Saudis worth $350bn, $110bn to take effect immediately

Edited time: 20 May, 2017 17:49
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US President Donald Trump (L) and Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, Riyadh May 20, 2017. © Mandel Ngan / AFP
In his first overseas trip as president, Donald Trump sealed an arms deal with Saudi Arabia worth $350 billion over 10 years, with nearly $110 billion to take effect immediately. The agreement is said to bolster security “in the face of Iranian threats.”

"This package of defense equipment and services supports the long-term security of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region in the face of malign Iranian influence and Iranian related threats. Additionally, it bolsters the Kingdom's ability to provide for its own security and continue contributing to counterterrorism operations across the region, reducing the burden on US military forces," the US Department of State said in a statement on Saturday.

Beyond $109b in military sales, @potus deal w US & Saudi Arabia incs another $250b commercial investment creating hundreds of 1000s US jobs

— Sean Spicer (@PressSec) May 20, 2017
US President Donald Trump, along with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who is accompanying him on the trip, attended a signing ceremony for almost $110 billion worth of defense capabilities to be conveyed to Saudi Arabia, effective immediately.

This package demonstrates the United States’ commitment to our partnership with Saudi Arabia, while also expanding opportunities for American companies in the region,” the statement read.

The deal also “potentially supports tens of thousands of new jobs in the United States,” it added.

The “intended sales” include deals in five categories that include border and coastal security, cybersecurity, air force modernization, as well as air and missile defense, the State Department announced.

Tanks, artillery, helicopters, light close air support, intelligence-gathering aircraft, and systems such as Patriot and THAAD are just a few among a large list of weapons and machinery to be sold to Riyadh.

Offers of extensive training” are also included in the package.

Speaking at a news briefing, Tillerson said the deals send a "strong message to our common enemies." The US Secretary of State also told the media that a centerpiece of Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia is to curb any threats to the region allegedly posed by Iran, AP reported.

Leaders of the two countries also discussed fighting "extremism and terrorism" in the region, including in Yemen and in Syria. Speaking at a joint meeting with Tillerson, Saudi Arabia's foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir, said the ties between Riyadh and Washington would help "drain the swamps" from where the threat "emanates."

The series of agreements inked provide for a “total value of investments... in excess of $380 billion," Adel al-Jubeir told reporters.

The US president himself has only briefly commented on his first day in the Saudi Arabian capital. He said the deals he had inked would lead to "tremendous investments" in the US, and create "jobs, jobs, jobs," as quoted by AP.

Reports of Washington and Riyadh engaging in talks over multi-billion arms deals emerged earlier in May.

The arms package includes a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system from Lockheed Martin, similar to the one being made operational in South Korea, which costs around $1 billion, Reuters reported earlier, citing unnamed sources within the administration.

A software system, a package of satellite capabilities, as well as fighting and artillery vehicles are also reportedly part of the negotiations. More than $1 billion worth of munitions, including armor-piercing Penetrator Warheads and Paveway laser-guided bombs made by Raytheon, might also be included in the package.

Signing ceremony of the deal.. the details are being worked out.. it is clear and simple..
Yes, we will, like all other plans and visions in all other countries, but do you even have (remotely just remotely) a clue about the positive steps taken by KSA within the past 1 year already? I am convinced that this is not the case, cousin. Just like all the other "experts" here that have attended the local village meeting after drinking too much vodka.
Vision 2030 seems like a myth.

Considering you have no infrastructure,manpower,experience...at best you will be assembling kits with suppliers support.

Instead of investing the same money to build your own industry or even getting into joint ventures, your govt is foolishly filling US coffers.

Even 50 billion in JVs with allied countries like Turkey,Pakistan and perhaps even China would have gotten you both weapons & a decent industrial base, infrastructure to further build upon.
Vision 2030 seems like a myth.

Considering you have no infrastructure,manpower,experience...at best you will be assembling kits with suppliers support.

Instead of investing the same money to build your own industry or even getting into joint ventures, your govt is foolishly filling US coffers.

Even 50 billion in JVs with allied countries like Turkey,Pakistan and perhaps even China would have gotten you both weapons & a decent industry, infrastructure to further build upon.

No myth at all. That's nonsense. We are building the infrastructure (35 + industrial cities and more to come), 100's of factories etc. and manpower is not a problem either as we are some of the most educated people in the Muslim and developing world. Each year 100's of new engineers are educated abroad at top universities alone. Experience is there too but limited however everyone had to start somewhere. Same was said about KSA's military before Yemen and now our military has more experience with recent large scale conflicts than most others in the region.

You quite clearly do not know much about the deals signed or their nature.

yes we get some help from usa on arrow and david sling but we was one of the pioneer on drones tech we sold to uk and to europe drone tech

however even if you get tech you dont know what to do with that without
Scientific infrastructure look china they copy alot and leran fron that you can do it so

you have very
religious power control the country its not going to change and dictator regime that not help you to sucseed
i belive skilled people will go to better place where paying more like europe or usa

There is no ToT, you are wishful thinking.
The reason behind the deal was USA's support for Saudi monarchy against the rise of Arabian people. In fact a رشوه for Trump which ensures their illegal kingdom and delays their fall for some time.
The statement about Iran-Iraq war, you just related it to this deal. It's ok. Please enlighten me, you want Saudis to attack Iran in the future or you were talking about (non existing) Iranian threat to Arab monarchs, actually USA's excuse to milk these goons?

No wishful thinking. It's part of all the deals signed and it is openly known. I think post 34 should have helped clear your "confusion". Every deal signed with KSA since Saudi Vision 2030 became public has to have some degree of ToT involved.

Once again it is not my problem that I am dealing with kids here. KSA as known from the era of King Abdullah is long gone and thank God for that.

We have 35 + industrial cities and many more are going to be built. KSA is rising and that is what bothers you. However rest assured that only a catastrophic war can stop our progress but only for a while.

I am finishing my Master's degree in chemical engineering at a leading university in the world. What do you think I will do? Work in Turkmenistan or help my country? There are 100's upon 100's compatriots of mine finishing their engineering studies alone this year and alone among those based abroad. So as I already said, keep crying.

@The SC

Bro that article is from Russia Today. It's propaganda especially whenever they report about KSA. But whatever, the deals signed don't exist. Let's just say that.:lol:
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There is no ToT, you are wishful thinking.
The reason behind the deal was USA's support for Saudi monarchy against the rise of Arabian people. In fact a رشوه for Trump which ensures their illegal kingdom and delays their fall for some time.
The statement about Iran-Iraq war, you just related it to this deal. It's ok. Please enlighten me, you want Saudis to attack Iran in the future or you were talking about (non existing) Iranian threat to Arab monarchs, actually USA's excuse to milk these goons?

There is no ToT, you are wishful thinking.
The reason behind the deal was USA's support for Saudi monarchy against the rise of Arabian people. In fact a رشوه for Trump which ensures their illegal kingdom and delays their fall for some time.
The statement about Iran-Iraq war, you just related it to this deal. It's ok. Please enlighten me, you want Saudis to attack Iran in the future or you were talking about (non existing) Iranian threat to Arab monarchs, actually USA's excuse to milk these goons?
Sorry brother, you seem to have comprehension problems.. I said the deal is to prevent any potential war in the region.. you do not seem to have gotten the meaning.. the rest is your usual rant against KSA and Arabs (what rise of Arabian people..99% of Arabs like KSA) and is not relevant to the current subject..
No wishful thinking. It's part of all the deals signed and it is openly known. I think post 34 should have helped clear your "confusion". Every deal signed with KSA since Saudi Vision 2030 has to have some degree of ToT involved.
I hope so , at least it will not be 100% waste of money but i have no doubt, Trump is not going to lose his leverage on your monarchs. He needs your dollars to compensate 20 trillion debt. In the next 10 years, the same upgaradation with delivery of some air defence systems, apparently nothing more will happen.
Sorry brother, you seem to have comprehension problems.. I said the deal is to prevent any potential war in the region.. you do not seem to have gotten the meaning.. the rest is your usual rant against KSA and Arabs (what rise of Arabian people..99% of Arabs like KSA) and is not relevant to the current subject..
I have never ranted against Arabian people, thanks for your answer. I say these monarchies could make that deal with Muslim countries like Pakistan. Why not? It could help Muslim nations, believe me i would be praising the deal if the other side was a Muslim country. I hate monarchs by the way not the people of those fellow countries.
I hope so , at least it will not be 100% waste of money but i have no doubt, Trump is not going to lose his leverage on your monarchs. He needs your dollars to compensate 20 trillion debt. In the next 10 years, the same upgaradation with delivery of some air defence systems, apparently nothing more will happen.

Well, then it is good that KSA has close and growing military cooperation with the likes of China, UK, France, Japan, South Korea, Ukraine etc. Even with Russia where Saudi Arabian naval cadets (Saint Petersburg) are stationed while we speak. I don't expect you to know anything about that kind of cooperation or its recent benefits just within the past 1 year. Anyway whatever you say, just don't worry about us and wait and see.
I hope so , at least it will not be 100% waste of money but i have no doubt, Trump is not going to lose his leverage on your monarchs. He needs your dollars to compensate 20 trillion debt. In the next 10 years, the same upgaradation with delivery of some air defence systems, apparently nothing more will happen.

I have never ranted against Arabian people, thanks for your answer. I say these monarchies could make that deal with Muslim countries like Pakistan. Why not? It could help Muslim nations, believe me i would be praising the deal if the other side was a Muslim country. I hate monarchs by the way not the people of those fellow countries.
nevirmend bro this Al Saudi brain can not to evolve more 100 years
we give up to educate these goons


BTW 2/3's of all Israelis are Arab Jews who are genetically identical (as confirmed by actual DNA) to Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, Spaghetti Flying Monster believing Arabs so how do you explain the "theory" that you have propagandized a few times on this forum of Arabs not being capable when there are 1000's of Arab scientists in Western Europe alone? Or the fact that the same Arabs were a leading scientific power for almost 1000 years during Islam and in particular the Islamic Golden Age? Or that the oldest civilizations in the world are found in the Arab world and science itself was born in our lands? So basically quit bullshiting.

What is the problem in the Arab world is instability, corruption, nepotism and failed political systems. Not the ability of the people when given the right environment to succeed in. Which KSA's recent rise in the past 10 years ago (almost) is a clear example of. Our leaders started to invest in education and science and we already see the results within such a short time period. Much more is to come. Get that into your shallow and empty head once and for all or I will have to smash your skull online. Same goes with all the other foreign "geniuses" that have been polluting this thread with their nonsense.
2/3 of Israeli Jews are Arab Jews.. okay.

But how does that effect KSA? Or Arabs in general who have always been victims of those 2/3 Israeli "Arab Jews" whom you call "cousin".

It's ironic... and sad.

It's like a poor man taking pride in a far off relative that has always humiliated him... just coz he's successful.
2/3 of Israeli Jews are Arab Jews.. okay.

But how does that effect KSA? Or Arabs in general who have always been victims of those 2/3 Israeli "Arab Jews" whom you call "cousin".

It's ironic... and sad.

It's like a poor man taking pride in a far off relative that has always humiliated him... just coz he's successful.

Did you not understand the post or are you just trolling for the sake of it again in this thread?

It's a obvious example (aside from pre-Islamic history, Islamic history, Arabs in the West or whenever given the right environment to succeed in) of his nonsense theory of Arabs not being able to succeed, not being bullet proof. Or more precisely being bullshit. I don't take any pride in anything related to Israel (how did you conclude such nonsense?) as I don't care about that entity. Nobody should be able to misunderstand my post unless they desperately want to.
No myth at all. That's nonsense. We are building the infrastructure (35 + industrial cities and more to come), 100's of factories etc. and manpower is not a problem either as we are some of the most educated people in the Muslim and developing world. Each year 100's of new engineers are educated abroad at top universities alone. Experience is there too but limited however everyone had to start somewhere. Same was said about KSA's military before Yemen and now our military has more experience with recent large scale conflicts than most others in the region.

You quite clearly do not know much about the deals signed or their nature.

No wishful thinking. It's part of all the deals signed and it is openly known. I think post 34 should have helped clear your "confusion". Every deal signed with KSA since Saudi Vision 2030 became public has to have some degree of ToT involved.

Once again it is not my problem that I am dealing with kids here. KSA as known from the era of King Abdullah is long gone and thank God for that.

We have 35 + industrial cities and many more are going to be built. KSA is rising and that is what bothers you. However rest assured that only a catastrophic war can stop our progress but only for a while.

I am finishing my Master's degree in chemical engineering at a leading university in the world. What do you think I will do? Work in Turkmenistan or help my country? There are 100's upon 100's compatriots of mine finishing their engineering studies alone this year and alone among those based abroad. So as I already said, keep crying.

@The SC

Bro that article is from Russia Today. It's propaganda especially whenever they report about KSA. But whatever, the deals signed don't exist. Let's just say that.:lol:
Industries and institutions take decades to establish.

Mere assembling parts isn't the definition of industry.

Even people of venatu can assemble stuff if given proper means.

But they can manufacture or produce something themselves , because they lack infrastructure,institutions,skilled manpower,R&D.

One can't jump from importing small arms directly to making tanks.. jist coz he can now assemble an APC.
nevirmend bro this Al Saudi brain can not to evolve more 100 years
i give up to educate these goons
They could buy naval ships from Turkey, tanks from Pakistan. Indeed something like THAAD is superior to any other products, but you are not forced to buy anything from one source unless there was a reason behind.
Monarchies are against their people and need protection from foreign powers, and USA provides that protection.
Anyway we better than anyone, know that Saudis are behind whole the mess in the region, supporting Israel in their backdoor relationships.
I am glad to see Qatar and Turkey are opening their wings, hopefully our relations will be restored to the highest level brother.
Did you not understand the post or are you just trolling for the sake of it again in this thread?

It's a obvious example (aside from pre-Islamic history, Islamic history, Arabs in the West or whenever given the right environment to succeed in) of his nonsense theory of Arabs not being able to succeed, not being bullet proof. Or more precisely being bullshit. I don't take any pride in anything related to Israel (how did you conclude such nonsense?) as I don't care about that entity. Nobody should be able to misunderstand my post unless they desperately want to.
Sorry, but doesn't help when you take KSAs situation... you have massive oil reserves and no industry.

Even Egypt has a better defence "industry" than KSA .. and they still assemble Abrams...

The only weapons platform I've seen Arabs building are MRAPs based on South African chassis... and that too with foreign help.
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