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Revealed: Trump's $110 billion weapons list for the Saudis

Imagine if these fuppet goons gave that huge money to Pakistani defence companies, Pakistani engineers would do anything from ToT of better version of JF-17s maybe twin engined ones, howitzers, Al-Khalid tank etc until selling cruise missiles and provide Arabian people with home made industries. Thousands of direct jobs could be produced in both countries.
No blame on those goons, KSA is 41th state of USA.
USA=united Saudis of America

What the US is willing to offer and what they have offered, no other state could or was willing to offer. Not only that having the US on your side is important for the internal development of KSA until 2030 and given the state of the region. Those deals will create 1000's upon 1000's of new jobs inside KSA and will benefit 1000's of local engineers and firms. There will be plenty of ToT and local production. Such a thing was obligatory post Saudi Vision 2030 and that was also agreed upon when the deals were signed.

Worry about your own failed state.

Man! Saudi goons the tribal system of goons, wasted the money of Arabian people.
You are a blind horse, look at the wish list of those goons. Billions of $ for 180 howitzers!!! hahahahhh

You have no clue about KSA, Arabia or the Arab world. Our many ancient Arab tribes already play a big role in almost every aspect of society. You have no clue about what you are blabbering about.

Once again you are confirming time and time again that math is not your strongest side. 1.5 billion = several billions. OK.:lol: As if you know anything about the details of those deals and as if KSA is going to disclose the most important parts of it. Arab-obssessed cretin.
What the US is willing to offer and what they have offered, no other state could or was willing to offer. Not only that having the US on your side is important for the internal development of KSA until 2030 and given the state of the region. Those deals will create 1000's upon 1000's of new jobs inside KSA and will benefit 1000's of local engineers and firms. There will be plenty of ToT and local production. Such a thing was obligatory post Saudi Vision 2030 and that was also agreed upon when the deals were signed.

Worry about your own failed state.
:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: Ok, don't disturb me, this thread made my day
no, trump is not able to give them acces. Doesn't matter some things are not to buy, before trump will give Tot he must get the green lights of congres/senate.
so you belive saudi will be able to develop defence industry ?
if you creative you can
Imagine if these fuppet goons gave that huge money to Pakistani defence companies, Pakistani engineers would do anything from ToT of better version of JF-17s maybe twin engined ones, howitzers, Al-Khalid tank etc until selling cruise missiles and provide Arabian people with home made industries. Thousands of direct jobs could be produced in both countries.
No blame on those goons, KSA is 41th state of USA.
USA=united Saudis of America

i have no problem if they are paying to America, i will have problem when next time they will ask Pakistani forces to defend themselves instead of US.
so you belive saudi will be able to develop defence industry ?
if you creative you can

wtf, wher did you understand that from mine post? Senate will never give ful ToT and critical systems will never be produced outside US. And if you want to now mine opinion no they will never able develop wit this policy.
wtf, wher did you understand that from mine post? Senate will never give ful ToT and critical systems will never be produced outside US. And if you want to now mine opinion no they will never able develop wit this policy.
how other countries develop?
not every country reliey on us tech transfer
when your leaders are cryptos who commit every sin and then get blackmailed, which leaves no choice but to pay usa off and face israel to pray when no one looking.

god sake if you want technology do what soviets did have technology transfer from japan, usa, britain and training, templates.
read western technology and soviet economic development by proff antony sutton and read major jordan diary.
Thier is one technology and has its roots in usa evryone is else is just copy or mod.
by the way just pay your cousins off the israelis and they will steal usa technology and pass it on to you just like they did with russia and china.
how other countries develop?
not every country reliey on us tech transfer

University and a lof of R&D, with that you need industry to maintain that flow. You can develop a engine but will you be able to make if cost effective? Or are you going to pay it with all that oil money:-)?

Every country with defence companies have verious company like raytheon for missile, lockheed and boeing for fighters and radars. And list goes on and on, the KSA have one shit company. And they don't have the people, you can't sent some people to study, you need engineers and designers. Technicians and mechanics! Something over 4 decade they will have defence industry.

Asking companies to come and open a factory won't help, this means that trump is opening assembly line:-). For radar you open a company like Aselsan or Elbit, for missile Roketsan or IAI. Something like Darpa we have Tubitak. They don't have it so i don't see a defence industry to be born.

Wasted source and money if you ask me. They can better establish companies and educate a lot of engineers and technicians.
University and a lof of R&D, with that you need industry to maintain that flow. You can develop a engine but will you be able to make if cost effective? Or are you going to pay it with all that oil money:-)?

Every country with defence companies have verious company like raytheon for missile, lockheed and boeing for fighters and radars. And list goes on and on, the KSA have one shit company. And they don't have the people, you can't sent some people to study, you need engineers and designers. Technicians and mechanics! Something over 4 decade they will have defence industry.

Asking companies to come and open a factory won't help, this means that trump is opening assembly line:-). For radar you open a company like Aselsan or Elbit, for missile Roketsan or IAI. Something like Darpa we have Tubitak. They don't have it so i don't see a defence industry to be born.

Wasted source and money if you ask me. They can better establish companies and educate a lot of engineers and technicians.
elbit dont make radars thats iai
elta to be spesipic
University and a lof of R&D, with that you need industry to maintain that flow. You can develop a engine but will you be able to make if cost effective? Or are you going to pay it with all that oil money:-)?

Every country with defence companies have verious company like raytheon for missile, lockheed and boeing for fighters and radars. And list goes on and on, the KSA have one shit company. And they don't have the people, you can't sent some people to study, you need engineers and designers. Technicians and mechanics! Something over 4 decade they will have defence industry.

Asking companies to come and open a factory won't help, this means that trump is opening assembly line:-). For radar you open a company like Aselsan or Elbit, for missile Roketsan or IAI. Something like Darpa we have Tubitak. They don't have it so i don't see a defence industry to be born.

Wasted source and money if you ask me. They can better establish companies and educate a lot of engineers and technicians.

Please don't comment on topics that you have no clue about. Do you think that the 1000's upon 1000's of Saudi Arabian engineers fell down from the sky? That KSA has not been investing billions in education, countless of new successful and highly rated universities, sending 10.000's of youth abroad, building 35 + industrial cities, and a lot of industrial infrasructure in recent years and that this tendency will not continue? You don't even have a clue about the basics or defense firms in KSA. Just a joke like most of the comments in this thread.

Keep being butthurt.
Please don't comment on topics that you have no clue about. Do you think that the 1000's upon 1000's of Saudi Arabian engineers fell down from the sky? That KSA has not been investing billions in education and industrial infrasructure in recent years and that this tendency will not continue? You don't even have a clue about the basics or defense firms in KSA. Just a joke like most of the comments in this thread.

ok enlighten the topic, give link to that company so we can update our thoughts about your defence tech.
Please don't comment on topics that you have no clue about. Do you think that the 1000's upon 1000's of Saudi Arabian engineers fell down from the sky? That KSA has not been investing billions in education, countless of new successful and highly rated universities, sending 10.000's of youth abroad, building 35 + industrial cities, and a lot of industrial infrasructure in recent years and that this tendency will not continue? You don't even have a clue about the basics or defense firms in KSA. Just a joke like most of the comments in this thread.

Keep being butthurt.
he is right you want in 10 years to develop defence industry that take 40 years to country to develop
non arab country did it

When that happens the Arab world will have a several trillion big GDP. KSA alone is predicted to have a 5 trillion big GDP (nominal) by 2050. You do the remaining math.
not if oil stay that way

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