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Revealed: Trump's $110 billion weapons list for the Saudis

KSA is a nation built on the ashes of the Ottomon Khalifat, it is based upon treachery and being a Western lackey (read English), it is a country rooted in banditry, lawlessness, crime and theft. Treachery runs deep in the veins of the Kingdoms oligarchs and monarchs.
They are of no benefit to the Ummah infact are the biggest supporters of extremism and infighting between Muslim nations today. They leverage their control of the holy sights and their distant history to coerce simpleton Muslims to do their bidding and follow its wahabist agendas.
When was the last time the Arabs fared any success in any major war against a non Arab/non Islamic country. I am guessing not since the Crusades and that too because of Saladin (who was a Kurdish Egyptian not Arab), the Kingdom is still a western lackey ready to do their masters bidding and furthers its own agenda by causing more fitna in the Muslim world.
You talk about historic dynasties, Prophets etc, let me tell you that was a long time ago before the kingdom corrupted religion and imposed its own views on the Arabs and the Islamic world at large, you leaders today are no where near the Sahaba in terms of piety, pragmatism and depth of thought.

Kindly take your medicine and don't waste my time with absolute nonsense.:lol:

im ashkenazi my source is russia poland and romania

i born in israel my father and mother too
i think its most to give them country and transfer some arabs there that they could live with there brothers and jewish will live with ours
there is no such thing arab jewish just jewish that come from arab states
if they consider themself palastine they have nothing to search in israel they need to move to palastine

Judaism is both a religion and a nationality
give thadd tot its starategic weapon
i dont see why they help you to biuld defence industry they will not able to sell you in the future and you can be competetor of them

Aha. That explains a lot.

Judaism is a religion. Not any nationality. Israeli is a nationality. There is very much something called Arab Jews. 2/3 of all Israelis are Arab Jews or partially Arab Jews. Arabs who follow Judaism. Some people in modern-day KSA followed Judaism 2400 years ago (Hijaz and Northern KSA). They were local Arab converts to Judaism. So they are considered Arab. Just like there were Arab tribes that believed in Judaism during the era of Prophet Muhammad (saws) just like there were Hebrew Jewish tribes. I can tell you that Jewish Arabs and Muslim, Christian and Atheist Arabs have the same DNA. They are certainly different from an Eastern European Jew like that, at least I hope that we can agree on that.

You have gained your land through force already. Why do you need to steal what is left of the Palestinians? Use the Negev. You pride yourself on combating desertfication. Continue this good work. This way, no need for new settlements in the West Bank. Not that the West Bank is a jungle or forest.
They r not yet developed to Homo sapiens sapiens stage, they r still at homo erectus stage.
It seems KSA have help parkistan a lot in the past, the financial support for your nuclear project,the firm political support during the conflict between you and India

As a outsider,I am just curious, Why you people are so ungrateful to KSA, I don't know it is just you or the whole parkistan

It is your decision,others are just bystanders,but It is not a good habit to be ungrateful,it will do yourself great harm in the long run
As a outsider, I am curious
It seems KSA have help parkistan a lot in the past, the financial support for your nuclear project,the firm political support during the conflict between you and India
Why you people are so ungrateful to KSA, I don't know it is just you or the whole parkistan
It is not a good habit

Just a few ignorant trolls. Ignore them. Even on this forum most Pakistanis are pro-KSA let alone in Pakistan itself. There is a lot of propaganda lately floating around here and elsewhere. Remember to always investigate issues yourself and preferably using multiple sources and sound logic.

For instance certain media managed to spin 1 unprecedented situation during the Australia-KSA game (one minute of silence which was a misunderstanding and the Saudi Arabian FA already apologized for it) despite KSA having held 100's of 1 minute of silence across the world without a trouble. Yet a few media tried to spin it as some kind of deliberate thing or as if the Saudi Arabian footballers of all people (!) were supporting the London terrorist attack despite KSA being of the first few countries to condemn it officially and despite having nothing to do with that attack! A farsi troll created an entire thread out of this "news" here on this section where he was caught lying. May I suggest taking a look yourself to understand what I am referring to here!
Kindly take your medicine and don't waste my time with absolute nonsense.:lol:

Aha. That explains a lot.

Judaism is a religion. Not any nationality. Israeli is a nationality. There is very much something called Arab Jews. 2/3 of all Israelis are Arab Jews or partially Arab Jews. Arabs who follow Judaism. Some people in modern-day KSA followed Judaism 2400 years ago (Hijaz and Northern KSA). They were local Arab converts to Judaism. So they are considered Arab. Just like there were Arab tribes that believed in Judaism during the era of Prophet Muhammad (saws) just like there were Hebrew Jewish tribes. I can tell you that Jewish Arabs and Muslim, Christian and Atheist Arabs have the same DNA. They are certainly different from an Eastern European Jew like that, at least I hope that we can agree on that.

You have gained your land through force already. Why do you need to steal what is left of the Palestinians? Use the Negev. You pride yourself on combating desertfication. Continue this good work. This way, no need for new settlements in the West Bank. Not that the West Bank is a jungle or forest.
i dont need this west bank if it depends on me i dont want arabs on my country also this country sopose to be for jewish only
They are a demographic threat they bring a lot of children and most people would rather they would not be here
Nor are they able to work in security companies in Israel. There are no Arabs who work for defense companies in Israel
Kindly take your medicine and don't waste my time with absolute nonsense.:lol:
Refute my claims with facts instead of condescension, I challenge you.
if you cant be bothered then take your quasi-wahabist propaganda somehwere else

As a outsider,I am just curious, Why you people are so ungrateful to KSA, I don't know it is just you or the whole parkistan
because they are one of the primary reasons we (along with the rest of the Muslim world) are in the state we are in, had their wahabist beliefs not infiltrated the minds of the more gullible Pakistanis we would have no terrorism in Pakistan or elsewhere.
The are involved in the slaughter of innocent Muslims in Yemen, in Iraq, in Syria and elsewhere.
i look turkey they didnt get any usa help like ksa getting and they have decent defence industry
Just read this article by Bruce Riddle.


The $110 billion arms deal to Saudi Arabia is fake news

I’ve spoken to contacts in the defense business and on the Hill, and all of them say the same thing: There is no $110 billion deal. Instead, there are a bunch of letters of interest or intent, but not contracts. Many are offers that the defense industry thinks the Saudis will be interested in someday. So far nothing has been notified to the Senate for review. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency, the arms sales wing of the Pentagon, calls them “intended sales.” None of the deals identified so far are new, all began in the Obama administration.
Just read this article by Bruce Riddle.


The $110 billion arms deal to Saudi Arabia is fake news

I’ve spoken to contacts in the defense business and on the Hill, and all of them say the same thing: There is no $110 billion deal. Instead, there are a bunch of letters of interest or intent, but not contracts. Many are offers that the defense industry thinks the Saudis will be interested in someday. So far nothing has been notified to the Senate for review. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency, the arms sales wing of the Pentagon, calls them “intended sales.” None of the deals identified so far are new, all began in the Obama administration.
why all the defence companies help them to make defence industry its bad for them
they say they want defence industry like france what do you think they can?

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