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Revealed: Trump's $110 billion weapons list for the Saudis

Trust me if we had that much oil reserves, we would have been ruling the Asian and Middleastern regions..

Trust me, even if you had big reserves of oil, you would rule noting taking into consideration the performance of Pakistan economy compared to South Korean, where they don't have oil either, Pakistan has only increased its population in millions when it fails so miserably to develop various industries to compete with such a poor natural resources country or even to meet the internal demands.


The problem in Pakistan is clearly not related to the shortage of oil reserves, but it must be something else.
Sad to see a county such as Pakistan with various natural resources and huge population can't jump to where South Koreans are.
Trust me, even if you had big reserves of oil, you would rule noting taking into consideration the performance of Pakistan economy compared to South Korean, where they don't have oil either, Pakistan has only increased its population in millions when it fails so miserably to develop various industries to compete with such a poor natural resources country or even to meet the internal demands.

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The problem in Pakistan is clearly not related to the shortage of oil reserves, but it must be something else.
Sad to see a county such as Pakistan with various natural resources and huge population can't jump to where South Koreans are.
if israel had oil we could develop almost every thing

Trust me, even if you had big reserves of oil, you would rule noting taking into consideration the performance of Pakistan economy compared to South Korean, where they don't have oil either, Pakistan has only increased its population in millions when it fails so miserably to develop various industries to compete with such a poor natural resources country or even to meet the internal demands.

View attachment 402717

The problem in Pakistan is clearly not related to the shortage of oil reserves, but it must be something else.
Sad to see a county such as Pakistan with various natural resources and huge population can't jump to where South Koreans are.
Ridiculous to compare a nation of 200 million that has been at war practically ever since it was founded in 1947 with India next door and a country mostly ruled by the military with a country of 20 million people today who only recently began to even think about a serious military. Let alone the legacy of the British army and institutions that survive to this day in Pakistan.
The First Gulf War was the first time this was even given serious priority (more precisely late 1980's) and the first time we even began to import any serious weaponry. Most of the 1990's we had financial crisis and in 2001 9/11 occurred and 2 years later the Iraq war. It's only in the past 10 years that we have even begun this process. More precisely in the past 5 years. Talk about comparing apples and pears.

Sure, you would. Strange that most oil-rich and resource rich countries are nowhere close to being that successful whether Muslim or non-Muslim, African, Latin American or Asian. Yet somehow you would have become the next superpower with all the problems in Pakistan. Having a lot of oil would have been enough. OK.

Anyway got to go. Too much nonsense in this thread.
saudia is 33 milion people israel with less than this without oil develop one of the must advance defence indystry in the world yes pakistan could do more with 200 milion people and im not sure how much oil helop when you have 200 milion people if we had this oil money we could develop 5 jn fighter
if israel had oil we could develop almost every thing

saudia is 33 milion people israel with less than this without oil develop one of the must advance defence indystry in the world yes pakistan could do more with 200 milion people and im not sure how much oil helop when you have 200 milion people if we had this oil money we could develop 5 jn fighter

8 million of those 33 million are expats. So KSA's population is around 25 million and 75% of it is below 30 years. A huge new generation, mostly very well-educated (for Muslim and developing countries standards) will shape the immediate future soon.

Anyway comparing Israel (an European colony more or less) with any Middle Eastern country makes no sense whatsoever. You are in a unique position and your entire history and experiment cannot be compared. Israeli is basically the US of the Middle East, just only for Jews. Jews from the entire world moved to Israel.

That would be if KSA was inhabited by Muslims from all over the world, mostly well-educated and who were brought up in industrialized Europe. For 70 years! Makes no sense really.

Trust me, even if you had big reserves of oil, you would rule noting taking into consideration the performance of Pakistan economy compared to South Korean, where they don't have oil either, Pakistan has only increased its population in millions when it fails so miserably to develop various industries to compete with such a poor natural resources country or even to meet the internal demands.

View attachment 402717

The problem in Pakistan is clearly not related to the shortage of oil reserves, but it must be something else.
Sad to see a county such as Pakistan with various natural resources and huge population can't jump to where South Koreans are.

Well put bro. Oil and gas and being a resource rich country is often more than not a curse. Dutch disease and all.
8 million of those 33 million are expats. So KSA's population is around 25 million and 75% of it is below 30 years. A huge new generation, mostly very well-educated (for Muslim and developing countries standards) will shape the immediate future soon.

Anyway comparing Israel (an European colony more or less) with any Middle Eastern country makes no sense whatsoever. You are in a unique position and your entire history and experiment cannot be compared. Israeli is basically the US of the Middle East, just only for Jews. Jews from the entire world moved to Israel.

That would be if KSA was inhabited by Muslims from all over the world, mostly well-educated and who were brought up in industrialized Europe. For 70 years! Makes no sense really.

Well put bro. Oil and gas and being a resource rich country is often more than not a curse. Dutch disease and all.
i read some article say israel can do jv with saudi arabia cause we have the same quelity of weapons with usa and we going to loose the money from usa we can spend or r&d so we need to find new markets
this muslems will not leave europe in europe you have democracy and better salary

That was during the election campaign. What is 100 billion purchase from private manufacturers compared 19 trillion in government debt? 100 billion may be too much in your eyes but it is devided on several years say 7-10 upon delivery of purchased equipment. So it is not as expensive as it may sound to spend an average of 15-20 billion on these world class weponery. Turkey may need some of these equipment to try winning its war with the Kurds though.
That was during the election campaign. What is 100 billion purchase from private manufacturers compared 19 trillion in government debt? 100 billion may be too much in your eyes but it is devided on several years say 7-10 upon delivery of purchased equipment. So it is not as expensive as it may sound to spend an average of 15-20 billion on these world class weponery. Turkey may need some of these equipment to try winning its war with the Kurds though.
its 110+ 350 bilion so its 460 bilion
usa dont want to delete all the debt if she can get arount 60% of gdp it will be good for her it around 10-12 trilion
its 110+ 350 bilion so its 460 bilion
usa dont want to delete all the debt if she can get arount 60% of gdp it will be good for her it around 10-12 trilion

No. 110 billion "immediately" and the remaining 240 over the next 10 years. In total 350 billion. Over 10 years. The 240 billion is not final either. Only the 110 have been signed. The 240 billion was a "understanding". From what I understand nothing has been signed yet.
i read some article say israel can do jv with saudi arabia cause we have the same quelity of weapons with usa and we going to loose the money from usa we can spend or r&d so we need to find new markets
this muslems will not leave europe in europe you have democracy and better salary

I am all for cooperation with our Jewish cousins. However only after a two-state solution has been found. You know the official opinion of the Arab League and KSA on this front. Two-state solution and full normalization and Arabs and Jews can work together again and do great things like we did before. The ball is in your court.

Why don't you just give Palestine independence?

thats too much why so much money ? for what?

Read the list. All deals have to have a degree of ToT involved. Read about the recent developments in KSA in the past 1 year. We will have the capacity to absorb ToT but the degree of it will vary but this is normal. Also much of what is going on in KSA is not disclosed. There is a lot of secrecy and KSA is doing more than is known. Trust me on this one.

The current leadership know what they are doing.
in israel we try to get discount on 500 milion dollar sale

I am all for cooperation with our Jewish cousins. However only after a two-state solution has been found. You know the official opinion of the Arab League and KSA on this front. Two-state solution and full normalization and Arabs and Jews can work together again and do great things like we did before. The ball is in your court.

Why don't you just give Palestine independence?
i dont know im not sure they want they cant handle state other thing some in the goverment dont want they want the teritory other reason fear from hamas take control and it 5 km from tel aviv area and fear from milions of arabs come to palastines and try to get into israel
another reason they want the teritory free from jewish but there is 400 thounsends jewish leave there you cant remove them its not easy the real solotuon israeli arab will move to palastine
so jewish and arabs will live seperated ofcaurse they dont want they dont have the living standrads like have in israel
I am all for cooperation with our Jewish cousins. However only after a two-state solution has been found. You know the official opinion of the Arab League and KSA on this front. Two-state solution and full normalization and Arabs and Jews can work together again and do great things like we did before. The ball is in your court.

Why don't you just give Palestine independence?

Read the list. All deals have to have a degree of ToT involved. Read about the recent developments in KSA in the past 1 year. We will have the capacity to absorb ToT but the degree of it will vary but this is normal. Also much of what is going on in KSA is not disclosed. There is a lot of secrecy and KSA is doing more than is known. Trust me on this one.

The current leadership know what they are doing.
not all is with tot

Actually they do
very small ones
not like greene pine
not all is with tot

How many times do I have to repeat myself and how many different sources do I need to post? You don't recognize Saudi Arabian, Arab, US, Western sources or even the tweets of people directly involved with the deals signed and who work for the Saudi Arabian government. Check out post 34 in this thread and come back to me. There can be various degrees of ToT. It depends on the current, immediate or future capability of adopting and integrating. We are talking about a 10 year long period here. Not months.

in israel we try to get discount on 500 milion dollar sale

i dont know im not sure they want they cant handle state other thing some in the goverment dont want they want the teritory other reason fear from hamas take control and it 5 km from tel aviv area and fear from milions of arabs come to palastines and try to get into israel
another reason they want the teritory free from jewish but there is 400 thounsends jewish leave there you cant remove them its not easy the real solotuon israeli arab will move to palastine
so jewish and arabs will live seperated ofcaurse they dont want they dont have the living standrads like have in israel

First of all, are you even an Israeli. Be honest as I don't want to waste my time here. Most Israelis know a little Arabic. You are talking like some complete redneck not knowing anything about the region. I get suspicious of such behavior.

Yes, somehow 21% of Israel's population is Palestinian Arab and no earthquake or catastrophe has occurred. 2/3 of the Israelis are Arab Jews who are genetically identical to their Muslim, Christian, Atheist etc. Arab brothers and sisters.

So what is your ancestry? Ashkenazi-Mizrahim mixture?
How many times do I have to repeat myself and how many different sources do I need to post? You don't recognize Saudi Arabian, Arab, US, Western sources or even the tweets of people directly involved with the deals signed and who work for the Saudi Arabian government. Check out post 34 in this thread and come back to me. There can be various degrees of ToT. It depends on the current, immediate or future capability of adopting and integrating. We are talking about a 10 year long period here. Not months.

First of all, are you even an Israeli. Be honest as I don't want to waste my time here. Most Israelis know a little Arabic. You are talking like some complete redneck not knowing anything about the region. I get suspicious of such behavior.

Yes, somehow 21% of Israel's population is Palestinian Arab and no earthquake or catastrophe has occurred. 2/3 of the Israelis are Arab Jews who are genetically identical to their Muslim, Christian, Atheist etc. Arab brothers and sisters.

So what is your ancestry? Ashkenazi-Mizrahim mixture?
im ashkenazi my source is russia poland and romania

im ashkenazi my source is russia poland and romania
i born in israel my father and mother too
i think its most to give them country and transfer some arabs there that they could live with there brothers and jewish will live with ours
there is no such thing arab jewish just jewish that come from arab states
if they consider themself palastine they have nothing to search in israel they need to move to palastine

Judaism is both a religion and a nationality
give thadd tot its starategic weapon
i dont see why they help you to biuld defence industry they will not able to sell you in the future and you can be competetor of them
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What are you blabbering about? What is today KSA and Arabia as a whole is the cradle of Islam. The religious and cultural center of the Islamic world along with the Arab world as a whole. It's the religious, linguistic, ancestral, architectural and cultural bastion of the Arab world and the 500 + million Arabs. Let's forget Islamic history too and all the countless of personalities and dynasties from Arabia or with ancestral ties to Arabia that changed Islamic history and enriched it forever from scholars, scientists, poets, most well-known military generals, rulers let alone Prophets etc.

KSA is a nation built on the ashes of the Ottomon Khalifat, it is based upon treachery and being a Western lackey (read English), it is a country rooted in banditry, lawlessness, crime and theft. Treachery runs deep in the veins of the Kingdoms oligarchs and monarchs.
They are of no benefit to the Ummah infact are the biggest supporters of extremism and infighting between Muslim nations today. They leverage their control of the holy sights and their distant history to coerce simpleton Muslims to do their bidding and follow its wahabist agendas.
When was the last time the Arabs fared any success in any major war against a non Arab/non Islamic country. I am guessing not since the Crusades and that too because of Saladin (who was a Kurdish Egyptian not Arab), the Kingdom is still a western lackey ready to do their masters bidding and furthers its own agenda by causing more fitna in the Muslim world.
You talk about historic dynasties, Prophets etc, let me tell you that was a long time ago before the kingdom corrupted religion and imposed its own views on the Arabs and the Islamic world at large, you leaders today are no where near the Sahaba in terms of piety, pragmatism and depth of thought.

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