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Reports of 150,000 PLA troops being mobilized to North Korean border

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My greatest fear is that North Korea will launch a nuclear strike against China as well if things go down. By the way, was there not already reports of a hundred thousand Chinese troops sent there just last month?
But remember, ICBMs and thermonuclear weapons are 1950s-1960s technology. Even a country as backwards as North Korea has achieved thermonuclear weapons and satellite launches which is basically ICBM tech.
Fat Kim has seen the gruesome way that Gadaffi and Saddam were killed by the USA, he knows that if the NK regime falls, his fate will be the same. So he won't hesitate to use every weapon in his arsenal before he falls.

We agree.

Let defense/political analysts say what they want. But Fat@$$ Kim seems to be a rational actor.

It seems the S. Koreans and Americans are willing to allow occasional missile launches and cross-border shelling to allow him to cement his power. It doesn't matter that he's killing his Generals, Uncles, Aunts, their kids, hell his wife. The Brits could have killed Hitler a handful of times but didn't they knew his ego would overshadow any intelligent suggestion his accomplished aides and generals would have provided.

The problems are many times we're looking at an issues from a lens to magnified.
My greatest fear is that North Korea will launch a nuclear strike against China as well if things go down. By the way, was there not already reports of a hundred thousand Chinese troops sent there just last month?
Thats the problem with fat kim or dictators in generals,if they feel they are going down and friends did not stand with them,they will try to take the friends too along with them.But China being a big country the chances of that is low.but as you said china has be to careful.
I don't see the deployment of HQ-19 or HQ-29 interceptors to the region. Either that's not being reported or the Chinese do not take the nuclear threat as credible.
If China keeps away from the potential conflict, South Korea won't need USA to step By its side against NK.

South Korea in a conflict is in a position today to gain full air and naval superiority over NK within hours.

After that is done, NK is done and dusted.
Yes there will be millions of refugees trying to flood across the border, so a buffer zone is essential.

Not to mention the millions more that might die if North Korea starts dropping nukes on American cities, as well as South Korea and Japan.

But Donald Trump is more insane than Kim Jong-Un, I don't think he will care much if American cities get turned into ashes.

Talk about back stabbing North Korea, it would be interesting what USA and china discussed in recent meeting.
What will be Chinese reaction if US attack N.Korea ?
@Chinese-Dragon @Beast @Shotgunner51

The best option for China in this case is to invade North Korean herself from her own border.

The buffer would not exist ever again if the US/SK decided to have a full on invasion on North Korea, which mean China stand to lose the only ground separating between US influence and China.

That mean the only logical way to keep this border swelling is to invade North Korea themselves and establish some sort of Self Governing Province and keep the semi buffer that way. On the other hand, it would keep the North Korean Refugee in North Korea, which would minimize the impact that gonna do to Chinese Economy.

However, I don't think the second Korea War is coming in any way or form, simply because it is actually work for the US that North Korean exist, unless North Korea have means to strike US Mainland, that is the only line when US will decide to invade DPRK
if us nuke nkorea and radiation effect china and russia then they can nuke us mainland in retaliation
Crazy world

I don't think kim will use any nukes he is just dictator trying to feel save the only looser here are the N.korean.
China mocked the US missile strike as soon as XI reached home and this troop buildup is not for refugees. 150,000 is a huge amount of troops. Lets see where the things end. But USA being pulled into a war with North Korea is an advantage for China and Russia. Because NK is the only country that can inflict maximum damage to the USA one Nuke on USA troops in the SK will be enough for USA to withdraw from the war.

Everybody mocked officel the US strike... but Russia is in a very bad situation... the reason why USA has warned Russia befor the attack, that no russian soldiers get harmed.
Putin has maneuverd himself into a trap and the west trys to open him the possibility to leave this trap without loosing his face...

Putin supports a politican who was already officel called gulty by the United Nations for the use of chemical weapons against his own people befor ... he used chemical weapons again... under a Assad government Syria will never reunited, this possible szenario is over once and for ever... no matter what Iran Russia or who ever what something different... the most powerfull nations in the world reached a point that Assad is inacceptable anymore and they give a **** what Iran or someone else think about it!

Putin´s Syria advanture cost him billions and Russia is deep economy trouble.
blabla on TV is normal to blame the action of the USA... but also fact is that Russia did not counter the attack and that they officel look forward to the US Russian meeting at the weekend.
The west has opened Putin the door to a more neutral position in Syria and Putin would be dumb not to take this chance.

once again China has zerro interest in war with USA... it would ruin their economy no matter if they win or loose
Everybody mocked officel the US strike... but Russia is in a very bad situation... the reason why USA has warned Russia befor the attack, that no russian soldiers get harmed.
Putin has maneuverd himself into a trap and the west trys to open him the possibility to leave this trap without loosing his face...

Putin supports a politican who was already officel called gulty by the United Nations for the use of chemical weapons against his own people befor ... he used chemical weapons again... under a Assad government Syria will never reunited, this possible szenario is over once and for ever... no matter what Iran Russia or who ever what something different... the most powerfull nations in the world reached a point that Assad is inacceptable anymore and they give a **** what Iran or someone else think about it!

Putin´s Syria advanture cost him billions and Russia is deep economy trouble.
blabla on TV is normal to blame the action of the USA... but also fact is that Russia did not counter the attack and that they officel look forward to the US Russian meeting at the weekend.
The west has opened Putin the door to a more neutral position in Syria and Putin would be dumb not to take this chance.

once again China has zerro interest in war with USA... it would ruin their economy no matter if they win or loose
And going to war with China will not ruin USA economy?

Please be a bit particle Germany has not increased the defense budget on call from USA and Brexit is making europe role into an internal war all this saber rattling is just to divert attention every one know west is going down with internal revolutions and war are being waged just to keep the local public at bay. Nazi soldier are popping up in German military USA is under trillion dollars of debt. If you calculate the economy on whole basis China has already passed USA. USA going to war with China and Russia at the same time is like a dream which USA has to come out of. Please realize the world around you before post a comment. I expect a UK Spain war before any NK or Syrian war.
if us nuke nkorea and radiation effect china and russia then they can nuke us mainland in retaliation
US needn't to nuke North Korea. The technology of North Korea nuclear and missile is primitive and immature.
The energy of latest nuke test is about 6 kiloton TNT in Jan 2016. And it is an instrument rather than a warhead. Even it is modified available for a missile. The latest middle-range missile test has failed.
DPRK has no ability to attack the US continent right now.
As for the aircraft carrier , ballistic missile could not aim and hit a mobile target without satellites and terminal guidance system.

Given to the horrible accuracy and immature of their missile, I even doubt its ability of hitting Japan.

The most vulnerable to North Korea missile is South Korea.
Second is China.
The nuclear facility and testing pod of DPRK is only 100 kilometer to China's border.
So China actually is the most threatened country because the one or two nuke missiles has low ratio of survival possibility when facing modern air defense system.
The most possible situation is nuke missiles explode on launch pad or on the stage of lifting,then make the whole area populated radioactively for hundreds of years.
My greatest fear is that North Korea will launch a nuclear strike against China as well if things go down. By the way, was there not already reports of a hundred thousand Chinese troops sent there just last month?

If this happens it is a good thing- materials and technology was supplied by China-China leaders say one thing and the PLA does another by quietly supplying the NK regime
I think Kim will seek Asylum in China (which is the best thing in this scenario) which will save his butt and that the prestige of China. There will be little blood shed once US starts firing.
US will hand over South Korea to China on a platter... war in Korea has dire consequences for US
If this happens it is a good thing- materials and technology was supplied by China-China leaders say one thing and the PLA does another by quietly supplying the NK regime
China is not as stupid as you think. The good supplied to North Korea is used to make their people survival. Even these things like oil, food,fertilizer has been cut off largely in order to curb Kim's crazy program.
That's why Kim Jong un and his father Kim Jong-ll hate China so much.
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