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Reports of 150,000 PLA troops being mobilized to North Korean border

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USA will be fool to even touch north korea. NK will obliterate US forces in East asia before going down..

Then no matter what US does in retaliation even if it nukes NK to ground. Its influence would be lost in east asia forever in favour if Russia and China. And West Coast will be a dead Zone for USA.
Yes there will be millions of refugees trying to flood across the border, so a buffer zone is essential.

Not to mention the millions more that might die if North Korea starts dropping nukes on American cities, as well as South Korea and Japan.

But Donald Trump is more insane than Kim Jong-Un, I don't think he will care much if American cities get turned into ashes.
Lol north korea cant deliver nukes to the american mainland, they have no slcm, ballistic missle subs, thier missle tech is in infant stages...

China mocked the US missile strike as soon as XI reached home and this troop buildup is not for refugees. 150,000 is a huge amount of troops. Lets see where the things end. But USA being pulled into a war with North Korea is an advantage for China and Russia. Because NK is the only country that can inflict maximum damage to the USA one Nuke on USA troops in the SK will be enough for USA to withdraw from the war.
Why do u assume that Us is a little child that will withdraw after some spanking lol, its an overwheliming military superpower, they will obliterate north korea in a day without blinking an eye and justify it by some excuse the next day like they did in iraq, let me tell u one more thing, the Us as of now will comeout on top in a war with both russia and china simultaneously, it will be tremendouksy battered but will comeout on top, i hate the Us so dont mistake me for some Us fanboy but the truth as it stands is what i state...
The best option for China in this case is to invade North Korean herself from her own border.

The buffer would not exist ever again if the US/SK decided to have a full on invasion on North Korea, which mean China stand to lose the only ground separating between US influence and China.

That mean the only logical way to keep this border swelling is to invade North Korea themselves and establish some sort of Self Governing Province and keep the semi buffer that way. On the other hand, it would keep the North Korean Refugee in North Korea, which would minimize the impact that gonna do to Chinese Economy.

However, I don't think the second Korea War is coming in any way or form, simply because it is actually work for the US that North Korean exist, unless North Korea have means to strike US Mainland, that is the only line when US will decide to invade DPRK

Chinese will be looking at their own National Interest no ? right now Chinese Military Think Tanks might be evaluation all possible outcome of any Strikes against the N.Korean Regime .. N.Korean Situation remind me of Iranian Threats to US that they did not have Capability to Hit US but they threat to Obliterate Israel in case of any Offense from US which will turn the entire region upside Down.. Chinese will try not to get involved but if threatened they will do whatever they can to do some sort of Damage to US to weakened her and her Allies in Region dont you think so ???
the moment N.Korea hit by US strikes , they might use the WMD to halt any Ground invasion from S.Korea or US and without ground Invasion , i doubt KIM is going anywhere ..
Why do u assume that Us is a little child that will withdraw after some spanking lol, its an overwheliming military superpower, they will obliterate north korea in a day without blinking an eye and justify it by some excuse the next day like they did in iraq, let me tell u one more thing, the Us as of now will comeout on top in a war with both russia and china simultaneously, it will be tremendouksy battered but will comeout on top, i hate the Us so dont mistake me for some Us fanboy but the truth as it stands is what i state...
You have all the right to state your opinion but all we can do is to speculate. Ever since the Koreean war the DPRK has not been defeated and is the most resilient nation. The technological advance of that nation is unknown. Till now DPRK has been the only authority that has been able to pull of some of the worlds biggest hacks and the weaponry of DPRK is hidden from the world. Pakistan is a country with out sanctions and we don't have a SLBM but DPRK has one. The Air defense system of DPRK are unknown. The only country that allocates most of it's GDP to defense and weapons development. I have a simple question can you tell me which assault rifle DPRK troops use?
Lol north korea cant deliver nukes to the american mainland, they have no slcm, ballistic missle subs, thier missle tech is in infant stages...

Why do u assume that Us is a little child that will withdraw after some spanking lol, its an overwheliming military superpower, they will obliterate north korea in a day without blinking an eye and justify it by some excuse the next day like they did in iraq, let me tell u one more thing, the Us as of now will comeout on top in a war with both russia and china simultaneously, it will be tremendouksy battered but will comeout on top, i hate the Us so dont mistake me for some Us fanboy but the truth as it stands is what i state...
So you are a technical Advisor of North korean Defence ministry to know all there capabilities?
And also happen to be Defence attache of Both china and Russia as well?
And also part of American defence ministry?

Impressive Sir. Kudos
Chinese will be looking at their own National Interest no ? right now Chinese Military Think Tanks might be evaluation all possible outcome of any Strikes against the N.Korean Regime .. N.Korean Situation remind me of Iranian Threats to US that they did not have Capability to Hit US but they threat to Obliterate Israel in case of any Offense from US which will turn the entire region upside Down.. Chinese will try not to get involved but if threatened they will do whatever they can to do some sort of Damage to US to weakened her and her Allies in Region dont you think so ???
the moment N.Korea hit by US strikes , they might use the WMD to halt any Ground invasion from S.Korea or US and without ground Invasion , i doubt KIM is going anywhere ..

No, I don't believe China will not be involved.

The problem lies in how you would plan an ground invasion of North Korea and how this will impact North Korea, China, South Korea and the United States.

The first question is North Korea nuclear capability, at this stage, it is still an infancy, the Nuke North Korea processes will be at WW2 level, and the rocket technology as well as deliver technology is not as complicated and advanced to Russia, China, US or even India and Pakistan, if North Korea ever launch nuke, US would intercept them with Ballistic Defence, there may be some that get thru but still since NK Nuclear Technology is not as advance as others, they can do more or less the same damage to what US did in WW2. At this stage, tactical nuke NK process and BMD US process would mean NK nuke cannot stop a full on invasion had US/SK has one, it would have been casualty, but there won't be that large as to be able to stop an invasion.

The second question is US Strike and Intelligence Capacity, US would have keeping tab on NK Launch vehicle, if push come to shove, US can launch sub base tactical nuclear missile and destroy most of NK force before NK launch.

The First Strike capability US Process would mean there is a good chance that NK would lose a quarter to half of what they process before they can use it. thus minimize the damage.

The third question is North Korean response, if a US/SK Invasion is coming, NK could have see that as a betrayal from China, they could launch nuke over to China. As Beijing is well within range of NK missile (Pyongyang to Beijing is only at 500 mile, 1/4 of Taepodong I range) , I think the Chinese will have that in mind.

The fourth question would be Chinese reaction to a strike, Chinese reaction would not be in favour NK, a war now with North Korea would mean China to Pitched with the US, that will damage Chinese Economy and Military development, would China choose North Korea over relationship with the United States? It wasn't in the 50s anymore when China don't care about anything but communism, today, it's the second biggest economy in the world and a War with the US would mean a war both Physical and Economical with all the world, and maybe Russia and North Korea would be standing by its side, both of which have no to low impact on world economy.

The fifth question is what would be the US response. US response will be swift, they will not start a war unless the US have all intel at hand and a detail plan with associated allies before a move, and when a war is eventually happen, US will not be deterred easily, well, not at the first few year anyway.

That is my analysis on the issue.
You have all the right to state your opinion but all we can do is to speculate. Ever since the Koreean war the DPRK has not been defeated and is the most resilient nation. The technological advance of that nation is unknown. Till now DPRK has been the only authority that has been able to pull of some of the worlds biggest hacks and the weaponry of DPRK is hidden from the world. Pakistan is a country with out sanctions and we don't have a SLBM but DPRK has one. The Air defense system of DPRK are unknown. The only country that allocates most of it's GDP to defense and weapons development. I have a simple question can you tell me which assault rifle DPRK troops use?
O mery bhai he's just aloud mouth, pakistan is way ahead in missle tech, way way ahead, north korea is a baby in this realm, icbm is a measure of nothing, we have icbm tech, actual tech that is deadly, we can make mirv what the hell is an icbm, we dont declare them for several reason well understood by those who understand, and north korea was undefeated in that previous war cause the soviets were backing them directly just as they trashed the Us in vietnam, vietnam n south north korea wars were Us soviet proxy wars, now maube china will back them but if the chinese back of north korea wont last a week, thier nukes will be picked of by the airdefences of Us carriergroups or base defences, thier missles are not capable enough to dodge patriorts, for that they would need advanced cruise missles or murv tech which they dont have, the Us will only let a korean nuke fall on thier base if they want to make up an excuse to totally annihilate Nk which knowing them they probably will....

So you are a technical Advisor of North korean Defence ministry to know all there capabilities?
And also happen to be Defence attache of Both china and Russia as well?
And also part of American defence ministry?

Impressive Sir. Kudos
:o:One cant have an opinion based on the facts present like dancing stars??
O mery bhai he's just aloud mouth, pakistan is way ahead in missle tech, way way ahead, north korea is a baby in this realm, icbm is a measure of nothing, we have icbm tech, actual tech that is deadly, we can make mirv what the hell is an icbm, we dont declare them for several reason well understood by those who understand, and north korea was undefeated in that previous war cause the soviets were backing them directly just as they trashed the Us in vietnam, vietnam n south north korea wars were Us soviet proxy wars, now maube china will back them but if the chinese back of north korea wont last a week, thier nukes will be picked of by the airdefences of Us carriergroups or base defences, thier missles are not capable enough to dodge patriorts, for that they would need advanced cruise missles or murv tech which they dont have, the Us will only let a korean nuke fall on thier base if they want to make up an excuse to totally annihilate Nk which knowing them they probably will....
Sir it say SLBM not ICBM. NK has a Nuke and SLBM now that is a deterrence. Only a fool will neglect such a thing.

I am talking about this baby.
Sir it say SLBM not ICBM. NK has a Nuke and SLBM now that is a deterrence. Only a fool will neglect such a thing.

I am talking about this baby.
But can that slbm penetrate american airdefences? It would be very bad for north korea if one of them actually do if u know what i mean, we all hate the Us but that doesnt mean we abandon reason n start thinking NK actually stands a chance..
Yes. Fire a small Nuke in the upper atmosphere and Use the EMP to disable the carrier and all the defensive ships along it and pick them up one by one. it will take 30 min if a coordinated effort is made

You do know Carrier is EMP Proof, right? That mean vital Electronic System was protected by Faraday Cage and will not be damaged by EMP.

EMP withstanding test is done like this


It's real world here, not your fantasy, it take 30 minutes for NK to kill a Carrier? Lol Can NK ship gone that far out to sea itself is a problem let alone be able to sunk a Carrier with other escort ship.
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It's real world here, not your fantasy, it take 30 minutes for NK to kill a Carrier? Lol Can NK ship gone that far out to sea itself is a problem let alone be able to sunk a Carrier with other escort ship.
Look a carrier protects it self from in coming missiles with counter measures like Anti missile defense system and those systems are not EMP proof. If you make a SAM seeker EMP proof that SAM cannot seek it is a basic principle so a carrier will become a sitting duck with out defensive weapons? Please explain that to me.

I don't speak with out stats. So here is a picture.

North Korean Missiles.

USA ABM system efficiency.

You have all the right to state your opinion but all we can do is to speculate. Ever since the Koreean war the DPRK has not been defeated and is the most resilient nation.
Guy, do not you even know it is actually China who fighted US and Union Army in Korean war and protected it with a mass lose of manpower and material.
There are two many description about Korean War from both sides. You can google it.
The technological advance of that nation is unknown. Till now DPRK has been the only authority that has been able to pull of some of the worlds biggest hacks and the weaponry of DPRK is hidden from the world.
China does know. North Korea is a very small country next to China. There are no room to such a tiny nation to hide their secrets. What it has and what it has done is crystal clear to China.
Pakistan is a country with out sanctions and we don't have a SLBM but DPRK has one.
DPRK do not have. The submarines are one diesel-engine type and designed by soviet in 1950 and 1960s.
The missile technology of Pakistan is way way ahead.
The Air defense system of DPRK are unknown. The only country that allocates most of it's GDP to defense and weapons development. I have a simple question can you tell me which assault rifle DPRK troops use?
There are tonnes of detailed information about DPRK military at Chinese website. China knows exactly where DPRK' nuclear facilities and missile launch pads are.

Dude, I know you hate US, but you can not ignore the reality. The conventional armament of DPRK is so obsolete that there are nothing worth to compare with Iran let alone Pakistan.
The latest tested missiles were just mid-range ballistic missile with a few of which failed.

Sir it say SLBM not ICBM. NK has a Nuke and SLBM now that is a deterrence. Only a fool will neglect such a thing.

I am talking about this baby.
There are no ICBMs or SLBM. DPRK do not even have the submarine qualified to carry missiles.
If Trump orders an attack it would be a full on war of conquest, he wont give North Korea time to use its artillery or nuclear weapons.
Look a carrier protects it self from in coming missiles with counter measures like Anti missile defense system and those systems are not EMP proof. If you make a SAM seeker EMP proof that SAM cannot seek it is a basic principle so a carrier will become a sitting duck with out defensive weapons? Please explain that to me.

I don't speak with out stats. So here is a picture.

North Korean Missiles.

USA ABM system efficiency.


Missile store INSIDE THE SHIP, EMP only affect electronic when they were exposed to when the EMP is detonated, Missile housing is EMP proof with build in faraday cage, mean means the trackers and sensor of the missile is protected by the ship before it fired.

If the ship is protected by the Faraday Cage, then the Missile and its sensor will also be protected INSIDE THE SHIP.

Is it really that hard to understand?
But can that slbm penetrate american airdefences? It would be very bad for north korea if one of them actually do if u know what i mean, we all hate the Us but that doesnt mean we abandon reason n start thinking NK actually stands a chance..
DPRK has no SLBM. And because it is very small, the long-range SAM deployed at its border could cover most of its air. As soon as it launches the missiles, SAM or jet fighters could shoot them down on the lifting stage during which interception is very easy.
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