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Reports of 150,000 PLA troops being mobilized to North Korean border

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Look a carrier protects it self from in coming missiles with counter measures like Anti missile defense system and those systems are not EMP proof. If you make a SAM seeker EMP proof that SAM cannot seek it is a basic principle so a carrier will become a sitting duck with out defensive weapons? Please explain that to me.

I don't speak with out stats. So here is a picture.

North Korean Missiles.

USA ABM system efficiency.

The AEGIS and THAAD are not the PAC 3 you know
Is this the first time and is this news serious or just empty threats, fear mongering and sensationalism?
And going to war with China will not ruin USA economy?

Please be a bit particle Germany has not increased the defense budget on call from USA and Brexit is making europe role into an internal war all this saber rattling is just to divert attention every one know west is going down with internal revolutions and war are being waged just to keep the local public at bay. Nazi soldier are popping up in German military USA is under trillion dollars of debt. If you calculate the economy on whole basis China has already passed USA. USA going to war with China and Russia at the same time is like a dream which USA has to come out of. Please realize the world around you before post a comment. I expect a UK Spain war before any NK or Syrian war.

sorry have to laugh my *** off about this comment..

some numbers in ur face to think about the bs main write here...

China´s top total trade partners (import and export) in billion $

EU $ 696.96 billion
USA $ 578.58 billion
Japan $ 312.55 billion
South Korea $ 274.24 billion
Taiwan $ 197.28 billion
Germany $ 161.56 billion

in contrast
Russia $ 89.21 billion

do you guys seriously belive China has any interest to f*ck off all their most important trading partners which makes China rich and booming?

China´s economy is still miles away from US ...
China itself has debt not as bad as the USA but still $ 2 trillion in public debt...

USA GDP (nominal) 18.56 trillion 2016
China GDP (nominal) 11.3 trillion 2016
USA GDP (nominal) per captiva 5th world wide
China GDP (nominal) per captivva 74th world wide
unemployment rate identical both have about ~4%
FDI stocks
USA $ 3.65 trillion
China $ 1.3trillion
USA $ 3.0trillion
China $2.1trillion

get realistic folks
it will happen only If US can ensure that its strikes can wipe out every open and hidden nuclear facilities+ warheads of DPRK..
it will happen only If US can ensure at its strikes can wipe out every open and hidden nuclear facilities+ warheads of DPRK..
Only air attack can not guarantee 100% destruction. All of nuclear facilities and launch pad located near China's border.
Only if China's ground force gets involved, disarming the nukes before DPRK could do any reaction can be operational .
Only air attack can not guarantee 100% destruction. All of nuclear facilities and launch pad located near China's border.
Only if China's ground force gets involved, disarming the nukes before DPRK could do any reaction can be operational .

are we going to see such cooperation between China and US where one lead from air and other from land? I dont think so
Is China taking Trump tweets seriously? :lol:

He has no plans on North Korea besides the standard policy. What occurred in Syria is not precursor for anything.

EDIT: The whole report is BS
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are we going to see such cooperation between China and US where one lead from air and other from land? I dont think so
Since China has not fought US for Taiwan, there is no possibility that we will fight US to protect a fat mad man who has been hurting China for years.
Kim's rule must be ended. But DPRK should not be destroyed and dismantled.
Even most of top officials of Korean Workers Party should stay their statuses.
If there is a cooperation of US and China, the target will be aimed at Kim Jong-un and his diehard followers.
What do You think of this ??

or http://thefallingdarkness.com/china...lear-facilities-crosses-beijings-bottom-line/

China Threatens To Bomb North Korea's Nuclear Facilities If It Crosses Beijing's "Bottom Line"

by Tyler Durden

With everyone putting down new and/or revised "red lines", be it on Syria or North Korea, it was now China's turn to reveal its "red" or rather "bottom line", and in a harshly worded editorial titled "The United States Must Not Choose a Wrong Direction to Break the DPRK Nuclear Deadlock on Wednesday" Beijing warned it would attack North Korea's facilities producing nuclear bombs, effectively engaging in an act of war, if North Korea crosses China's "bottom line."

The editorial in the military-focused Global Times tabloid, owned and operated by the Communist Party's People's Daily newspaper, said that North Korea’s nuclear activities must not jeopardize northeastern China, and that if the North impacts China with its illicit nuclear tests through either "nuclear leakage or pollution", then China will respond with force.

“China has a bottom line that it will protect at all costs, that is, the security and stability of northeast China... If the bottom line is touched, China will employ all means available including the military means to strike back. By that time, it is not an issue of discussion whether China acquiesces in the US’ blows, but the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will launch attacks to DPRK nuclear facilities on its own."

This, as the editorial puts it, is the "bottom line" for China; should it be crossed China will employ all means available including the military means to strike back," warned the editorial.

It is worth noting is that shortly after publication, the article seems to have been retracted without explanation, the URL now returning a "404" error. However not before the original article was cached on a webpage owned by China Military, courtesy of google.

In the editorial, the author also declared that the "People's Liberation Army (PLA) will launch attacks to DPRK nuclear facilities on its own. A strike to nuclear facilities of the DPRK is the best military means in the opinion of the outside world." The northeastern Chinese provinces of Liaoning and Jilin share borders with North Korea. These two provinces and Heilongjiang are part of the Shenyang Military Region, one of seven military regions of the People's Liberation Army.

The editorial also explained the advantages to the world of a Chinese attack on North Korea's nuclear facilities.

It noted China and the world know the locations of North Korea's nuclear facilities. Once the PLA attacks these nuclear sites, North Korea will permanently suspend its nuclear weapons programs.
North Korea "has limited resources of nuclear materials and is strictly blockaded in the outside world, erasing the possibility for DPRK to get the materials again."

China also noted that "nuclear weapons is DPRK's trump card for its defiance of China and the United States. Once this card is lost, it will become obedient immediately."

The author then speculated rhetorically that if North Korea's "nuclear facilities are destroyed, they will not even fight back, but probably block the news to fool its domestic people. The DPRK will freak out if its nuclear facilities are destroyed." And yes, a Chinese author said "freak out."

The report also said that "the DPRK must not fall into the turmoil to send a large number of refugees, it is not allowed to have a government that is hostile against China on the other side of the Yalu River, and the US military must not push forward its forces to the Yalu River.” It notes that "this sentence is meant for the United States, because the premise of it is that the US military has launched attacks to the DPRK."

But what may be the most notable part of the oped is the mention in the Global Times editorial that North Korea will not be "not allowed to have a government that is hostile against China on the other side of the Yalu River." This implies that if and when the US initiate strikes on NK, the Chinese PLA will likely send out troops "to lay the foundation" for a favorable post-war situation.

In other words, China may be just waiting for Trump to "decapitate" the North Korean regime, to pounce and immediately fill the power vacuum.
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Mostly from Western media which I doubt their credibility, I wait for China official statement. I hope in NK matter, China will not worked with US together especially after Syria, US become highly potential adversaries to any countries in the world in China case will be SCS and Taiwan. Fat Kim with his nuclear bomb or Trump with Tomahawk and his fancy CBG, both are threat for China, China shouldn't trapped between.
Mostly from Western media which I doubt their credibility, I wait for China official statement. I hope in NK matter, China will not worked with US together especially after Syria, US become highly potential adversaries to any countries in the world in China case will be SCS and Taiwan. Fat Kim with his nuclear bomb or Trump with Tomahawk and his fancy CBG, both are threat for China, China shouldn't trapped between.
It is the last choice for China to cooperate with US.
Most of time things didn't go as people look forward.
DPRK used China as its shield by locating its nuclear facilities and missile inventory at its border with China.
Besides, the pod of its nuclear test was less than 100 km from the border line, which scared the Chinese people on the other side.
After so many failing persuation for 20 years , what will you do, if you are the leader of China.

As to the US threat, it is always there whether US attacking DPRK or no ,given to lots of millitary bases located on SOR, Japan, Philipine,Guam,Saipan and Afghanistan,
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It is totally logical and nothing surprising.
The duty of China's military force built on the cast of Chinese people is definitely to protect Chinese interest not that of the neighbor, let alone a fat family-member killer.

A fat kin slayer?
The situation is a bit confusing now. Is it true that Kim Jong Un has order his residents in Pyongyang to evacuate, and ready to start a thermonuclear war?

In another news, Xi call Trump and said that they can't accept a war at their door step. Urge that the United States doesn't start a war at their door step.

Then China also threat that they won't answer DPRK call of arm if they have cross the red line. Another news said that they will attack North Korea themselves if Kim the kin slayer has cross their bottom red line. They also have send around 150.000 soldiers to the border of DPRK.

Which is the true news? What level of danger that we're facing now? The mad man is about to start a nuclear war? China will attack North Korea themselves? China will step back and allow US attack Pyongyang? Or China urges the United State to hold their horse?
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