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Reports of 150,000 PLA troops being mobilized to North Korean border

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Honestly in 2017 China no longer needs a buffer zone and as such the North Korea no longer serves it purpose

How much longer is the satanic north regime going to last it will have to fall eventually

China should just make sure it doesn't get too involved and let US, Japan and South Korea take the North down

China will benefit a lot in in terms of economics from a rebuilding Korea
Another argument speaking for a Chinese involvement or solving the NK issue prior to an US intervention is it could demonstrate that China takes responsibility on its own. It would be a clear sign to all others and esp. the USA, Japan, ...
What's with the wishful thinking? China doesn't need a buffer zone, China preparing troops to invade DPRK and all that kind of BS. You know what? Keep on waiting for the wargame and wake us all up when it actually happens.... until then we are not expecting any high adrenaline actions other than Kim doing more testing. Too much hype :disagree:
Honestly in 2017 China no longer needs a buffer zone and as such the North Korea no longer serves it purpose
Absolutely right, North Korea is so small that could be any buffer zone in 21st century when the max range of firepower is hunderds and thousands of miles away.
How much longer is the satanic north regime going to last it will have to fall eventually
Kim Jong un knew it. He already kidnapped his country and people, and he wants to kidnap great powers to make sure his family's rule by nukes.

China should just make sure it doesn't get too involved and let US, Japan and South Korea take the North down
I am afraid China could not avoid involvement. If Kim Jong un didn't give up his nuke program, China must enploy any means to make sure the safety of nuclear weapons and facilities which is located near Chinese border, meanwhile disarm the PRA and stablise the DPRK government.
You know the dictator's stength comes from the violence, so if the linkage between PRA and Kim Jong un gets cut off, there is going to be a small conflict happening between Kim Jong un's body guards and great power elite force.
That would be the best senario for everyone.
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