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Reports of 150,000 PLA troops being mobilized to North Korean border

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why should China attack south Korea... they have nothing to do with this situation... completely unrealistic szenario

They won't do it but they could. That's the important part here.
north Koreans have 18000 artillery pieces and seol is within striking range of their artillery.... but I don't think trump cares.... he need foreign villains now to save his presidency at home
Not to mention the millions more that might die if North Korea starts dropping nukes on American cities, as well as South Korea and Japan.

But Donald Trump is more insane than Kim Jong-Un, I don't think he will care much if American cities get turned into ashes.

There's a better chance N. Korean nukes will explode on their launching pads.

N. Korean missiles will fall in the outskirts of Pyongyang than ever being able to reach San Francisco.
Okay the story was saying about refugees crises but this image published by the mirror tells a different story.


It is not inconceivable that US and China made a deal so that US may strike north Korea for punishment and north Korea strikes the south in retaliation, which vents China's anger over south Korea for its THAAD program.
There's a better chance N. Korean nukes will explode on their launching pads.

N. Korean missiles will fall in the outskirts of Pyongyang than ever being able to reach San Francisco.

If that's true then I guess the Donald has nothing to worry about.

But remember, ICBMs and thermonuclear weapons are 1950s-1960s technology. Even a country as backwards as North Korea has achieved thermonuclear weapons and satellite launches which is basically ICBM tech.

Fat Kim has seen the gruesome way that Gadaffi and Saddam were killed by the USA, he knows that if the NK regime falls, his fate will be the same. So he won't hesitate to use every weapon in his arsenal before he falls.
If that's true then I guess the Donald has nothing to worry about.

But remember, ICBMs and thermonuclear weapons are 1950s-1960s technology. Even a country as backwards as North Korea has achieved thermonuclear weapons and satellite launches which is basically ICBM tech.

Fat Kim has seen the gruesome way that Gadaffi and Saddam were killed by the USA, he knows that if the NK regime falls, his fate will be the same. So he won't hesitate to use every weapon in his arsenal before he falls.
Kim has a sub launched missile can Kim strike USA with that missile? What is the range of that missile?
I think the countries that will suffers if Trump attack N. Korea are Japan and South Korea. It's more S. Korea. Because they are the two opposing countries that the Kim's missiles can reach.
China mocked the US missile strike as soon as XI reached home and this troop buildup is not for refugees. 150,000 is a huge amount of troops. Lets see where the things end. But USA being pulled into a war with North Korea is an advantage for China and Russia. Because NK is the only country that can inflict maximum damage to the USA one Nuke on USA troops in the SK will be enough for USA to withdraw from the war.

If US troops are nuked. US wont hesitate to obliterate North Korea.
A war outside of Middle East ? Wait, wait.. I am not ready for this!
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