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Reports of 150,000 PLA troops being mobilized to North Korean border

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Question: Can NK sink a US Aircraft Carrier?
Yes. Fire a small Nuke in the upper atmosphere and Use the EMP to disable the carrier and all the defensive ships along it and pick them up one by one. it will take 30 min if a coordinated effort is made
dont think NK has the ability to attack USA by nuclear weapons and Japan, maybe SK as it shares a border with them.

but i dont know if the USA SAM can destroy the NK nukes in mid air
dont think NK has the ability to attack USA by nuclear weapons and Japan, maybe SK as it shares a border with them.

but i dont know if the USA SAM can destroy the NK nukes in mid air
NK developed an ICBM before India but is it Nuclear capable that is the main question?
Yes. Fire a small Nuke in the upper atmosphere and Use the EMP to disable the carrier and all the defensive ships along it and pick them up one by one. it will take 30 min if a coordinated effort is made
This is NK,
NK developed an ICBM before India but is it Nuclear capable that is the main question?

Didnt NK and Pak collaborate in nuclear weapons before?
This is NK,
Any country can detonate a Nuke in the upper atmosphere it is easy than striking a country. the EMP disables every electronic on ground including offensive and defensive weapons. the carrier will become a sitting duck.

Didnt NK and Pak collaborate in nuclear weapons before?

I have no info about the situation but if so it would be a bad idea to attack NK then because Pakistani warheads cannot be intercepted.
SK and Japan might get hit as well. That is true. That is why we need to keep nukes out of crazy leaders, like Kim Jung UN or Modi.
World thinks Kim is crazy but I think he is smart with out nukes Kim would already have been a dead man. To some extent Kim say the truth USA gave him no option. USA has a habit of telling every one to live by it's rules. Name a single country where USA has not done this. World wants to live in Peace USA is the only country pushing every one into war. Now SK and Japan what is their fault but they will take a hit because of USA.

South Korea gears up military in response to North Korea aggression

ITV News has witnessed first-hand the intensifying preparations of South Korea's military as it gears up to respond to an attack from North Korea.

In the otherwise secretive state, South Korea's neighbour has made little attempt to keep its nuclear and ballistic missile ambitions under wraps; only last week, officials in Seoul claimed a ballistic missile had been fired into the waters off the east coast of South Korea.

Less than 50 miles south of the border between the two nations, jets are circulating the skies as pilots hone their combat skills just in case.

A shaky peace has existed between the neighbouring countries for 64 years, but over the last week the tempo of sorties has quickened in tandem with simmering tensions.

It is not inconceivable that US and China made a deal so that US may strike north Korea for punishment and north Korea strikes the south in retaliation, which vents China's anger over south Korea for its THAAD program.

There are 30 thousand US troops in S.Korea, and there are another 50 thousand in Japan. No US president can risk that many Americans getting vaporized by poking the north.
American troops are in great danger. North Korea has an army of 1,3 Million plus nuclear weapons. Trump better be very careful.
If US troops are nuked. US wont hesitate to obliterate North Korea.

This is the scenario if Kim nukes South Korea or Japan or even any US base. USA will retaliate and nuke NK, the radiation of these nukes will spread to neighboring countries. The only countries that are in the neighbourhood of NK are SK, Japan, China and Russia.


So any nuke attack on NK or SK will cause radiation to flow over to major Chinese population. So not sure if China will allow Kim to make the mistake of firing off nukes
Must destroy the North Korean regime ASAP so that peace may prevail in North East Asia
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