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"Replacements for deficient Su-30 MKI and MiG-29 are being processed."

Whats the hold up in ordering more Rafales, the aircraft has already been evaluated four our needs and has been modified by Dassault for Indian specific requirements and delivered. Our pilots and ground staff have been already trained to operate it and dassault is keen to set up MRO and production line in India both for IAF and also exports. When everything is already or almost done why the hell are we again going through MRFA all over again by evaluating same aircrafts like Typhoon, F15, F16 blk 70,Grippen etc once more. Just place follow up orders on Rafales godsake.

Modi's kickback has not been agreed yet.
What is wrong with #34? You think Indians should just surrender to China because they are so great? India should not even think of arming against China? This is why I called you a fanboy :laugh:
Why do people discuss things with the false flagger ?
You know he is the multi ID @HalfMoon
Right ? @DrJekyll

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Why do people discuss things with the false flagger ?
You know he is the multi ID @HalfMoon
Right ?

I don't think so. But regardless, I was replying to the opinion posted by this user handle. :cheers:
Straight from the horses (IAF ACM) mouth. Looks like major issues with SU-30 and MIG-29 fleets where some will start to be retired. This on top of the MIG-21 and Jaguar retirements is really serious for the IAF. 5 years from now a PAF bigger then the IAF!? :-)

The major issue is called "we can't maintain them without Russian parts".
Rafale - 108
Tejas Mk1a - 83
Tejas Mk1 - 40
F-15 - 122
F-35 - 36

Should be purchased on immediate basis to replace Russian origin junk fighters.

One to one replacement of transport fleet with comparable western alternatives.

It will be grounded much sooner than I thought...
Russian origin JUNK FIGHTERS ?????
But, but what about the Raptor of he East, gamechanger, Mahan shakti etc etc posted on PDF by Indian posters for over a decade till "Feb 27th"
Russian origin JUNK FIGHTERS ?????
But, but what about the Raptor of he East, gamechanger, Mahan shakti etc etc posted on PDF by Indian posters for over a decade till "Feb 27th"
And the beast known as MiG-21, aka FALCON SLAYER
All people criticizing Soviet Junks should also realise one important thing, no western countries (except France) especially America would not have sold us any advance military equipments until mid 2000s. And also how weak our economy was at that time we couldn't have afford them anyways even if offered. We had no choice back in the day. The only way to compete against Pakistan armed with advance American weapons was to buy Soviet machines. The lesson learnt during 65 war where we had nothing that could stand up against PAF F104 Starfighters.
The major issue is called "we can't maintain them without Russian parts".

If we cannot get spares and maintenance then they are indeed junk.

This is the same reason why Pakistan no longer talks about F-16s but only about J-10s

All people criticizing Soviet Junks should also realise one important thing, no western countries (except France) especially America would not have sold us any advance military equipments until mid 2000s. And also how weak our economy was at that time we couldn't have afford them anyways even if offered. We had no choice back in the day. The only way to compete against Pakistan armed with advance American weapons was to buy Soviet machines. The lesson learnt during 65 war where we had nothing that could stand up against PAF F104 Starfighters.

So what if West does not provide ToT or share their top of the line tech?

They will provide spares and support at premium costs as long as you worship them.
Rafale - 108
Tejas Mk1a - 83
Tejas Mk1 - 40
F-15 - 122
F-35 - 36

Should be purchased on immediate basis to replace Russian origin junk fighters.

One to one replacement of transport fleet with comparable western alternatives.

It will be grounded much sooner than I thought...
Yes yes
Just hand over your S-400 systems to us so you can get the F-35's from the US.
You can push them over the wahga border to our side just like we pushed Abhi over to your side not too long ago !
Junk Russian systems...
Russian origin JUNK FIGHTERS ?????
But, but what about the Raptor of he East, gamechanger, Mahan shakti etc etc posted on PDF by Indian posters for over a decade till "Feb 27th"
That is exactly what I wanted to say. the Su Su 3300 was almost a deity of the air. the amount of pooja done to this machine. now its a poo stain.
All people criticizing Soviet Junks should also realise one important thing, no western countries (except France) especially America would not have sold us any advance military equipments until mid 2000s. And also how weak our economy was at that time we couldn't have afford them anyways even if offered. We had no choice back in the day. The only way to compete against Pakistan armed with advance American weapons was to buy Soviet machines. The lesson learnt during 65 war where we had nothing that could stand up against PAF F104 Starfighters.
OMG you guys are so Psychologically drained with an inferiority complex that it is beyond belief.
F104 Starfighters ???
Dude how many kills they scored against India ?
They could only fly in a straight line. Could not even turn to re-engage even if their lives depended on it.
It was just the superior caliber, training and tactics of the men behind those machines that put the fear of Baghwan in your minds..
All people criticizing Soviet Junks should also realise one important thing, no western countries (except France) especially America would not have sold us any advance military equipments until mid 2000s. And also how weak our economy was at that time we couldn't have afford them anyways even if offered. We had no choice back in the day. The only way to compete against Pakistan armed with advance American weapons was to buy Soviet machines. The lesson learnt during 65 war where we had nothing that could stand up against PAF F104 Starfighters.
Su-30 will get upgraded with aesa uttam is already in works aspj pods rudram etc just needs a new EW suite
All the $$ saved from buying Russia gas in Rupees can now be used to purchase Rafales and F-15s

You still need gas, and if anything the price has gone up, so unsure what logic (if any) you are using here.

Another 36 Rafales and 114 F-15s is all we get

F-35 is not on offer

Tejas is just a side show.

No orders of anything, even if you ordered tomorrow it would take 3 years, till then IAF continues to age with no new aircraft in the pipeline, we have been hearing about MRCA for 15 years now....

GOI must replace Russian fighters with Rafale if anything else isn't available...

Yes, you will need around 300 Rafales. That will take up entire IAF budget for ne3xt 20 years.

Those copied Js are not better than Russian SUes.

Read up on the J-16, then come back to the forum, best you keep quiet otherwise as you are embaressing yourself....

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