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M2000 and F-16 are no match to Su-30MKI : IAF Sukhoi Su-30 ‘Flanker’ Pilot

then what happened on 16 dec 1971?
Mujib, Mukti Bahini etc. - Bibhishana (traitor uncle who helped to take down Idrajit- the ultimate warrior under Ravana) class Brahmastrya (weapons of Brahma) in the arsenal of the Ram Rajya.....

No that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that PAF for its part tries to do everything it can with it's limited resources to counter IAF...both during peacetime and wartime. This includes not only purchasing fighter jets and weaponry...but also tactics and strategies(e.g. holding exercises with Chinese flankers).

A glimpse of this was shown in the February skirmish...although actual details of the op are hard to come by...I assume that PAF jammed incoming BVR(Russian origin) missiles and basically made IAF toothless. This resulted in PAF suffering no losses of its jets and possibly was the reason why IAF had to back down and not retaliate in the manner PAF retaliated(sending fighter jets and attacking enemy territory). Instead they tried to save face by making claims of downing F16 and other such things. Shortly after that clash news emerged of IAF seeking Israeli and European BVR missiles. Based on these things and the thread on PDF claiming PAF's use of its Dassault Falcons...I think that PAF did very successfully manage to jam incoming IAF's BVR missiles.

Now getting back to what I was saying that it's meaningless and disadvantageous to reveal ur hand in a minor skirmish that only makes ur enemy better prepared. Let's assume for a second that PAF had tried to do what u suggested(destroying 5 to 6 Su30 MKI). If PAF pushed for that...IAF is no slouch...realizing that their BVR missiles are not effective they would've closed the distance. Su30MKI is a twin engine aircraft and has TVC...it would definitely outperform JF17 in a dogfight. Therefore in absence of a BVR fight working in ur favor and enemy still trying to take u down, it would've been their next best option to close range with PAF aircraft. In this case PAF would've had to reveal more of its hand by using tactics and strategies learned against Chinese flankers if it hoped to down more Su30MKI.

...which again would show the enemy what u r capable of...and they will account for it the next time...and now u have lost an edge that u held before.
Devils lie in the details!!! The less details you show the better....
then what happened on 16 dec 1971?

I was born in 90s i didn't see 1971. From what i hear from my uncle who was in west pakistan at the time. There was mutiny and a internaltional conspiracy against pakistan. Also from histroy i gather pakistaniz might have not been best of men in those days, who knows... I wasn't born then i have no memory of that even my dad was a young boy back then...

I see today's pakistan and i can tell you that its 10x better than india can ever be! I love pakistan and pakistani armed forces! Huge Respect and love for the best men iv seen so far. I can't help but cringe at indian armed forces . quality of men and their mentality is so primitive and unferior on so many levels... I think pakistani armed forces are humble men and women and don't want to under estate the enemy one bit otherwise indians are pathetic to their core! They even named their country INDIA!!! What kind of people would name their own country after primitive and barbaric term indians!

And they feel pride on the name india given by their supremacist masters..... Only this once incidence speaks for Indians and their primitive pathetic mindsets...
Mujib, Mukti Bahini etc. - Bibhishana (traitor uncle who helped to take down Idrajit- the ultimate warrior under Ravana) class Brahmastrya (weapons of Brahma) in the arsenal of the Ram Rajya.....

Devils lie in the details!!! The less details you show the better....
It's disadvantageous to show ur enemy all the tricks up ur sleeve just to win a minor battle. The enemy learns from it and comes back stronger. All of these surprises should be used to win the war and incapacitate the enemy once and for all. At anytime other than that..it's good to build capacity and capability and keep it hidden...let the enemy think u r weak so they make a mistake.
I was born in 90s i didn't see 1971. From what i hear from my uncle who was in west pakistan at the time. There was mutiny and a internaltional conspiracy against pakistan. Also from histroy i gather pakistaniz might have not been best of men in those days, who knows... I wasn't born then i have no memory of that even my dad was a young boy back then...

I see today's pakistan and i can tell you that its 10x better than india can ever be! I love pakistan and pakistani armed forces! Huge Respect and love for the best men iv seen so far. I can't help but cringe at indian armed forces . quality of men and their mentality is so primitive and unferior on so many levels... I think pakistani armed forces are humble men and women and don't want to under estate the enemy one bit otherwise indians are pathetic to their core! They even named their country INDIA!!! What kind of people would name their own country after primitive and barbaric term indians!

And they feel pride on the name india given by their supremacist masters..... Only this once incidence speaks for Indians and their primitive pathetic mindsets...

you have no means to quantify the effectiveness of Indian forces...your post appears to be a emotional rant at best..
you have no means to quantify the effectiveness of Indian forces...your post appears to be a emotional rant at best..
Im a kashmiri we see those armed forces i. Action every day since a very long time. We know how they fight or not fight haha

Even we mujahideen have more co-ordination and communcation effectiveness than ur so called armed forces...
Considering that Pakistan has not been able to provide any proof whatsoever of the downing of a Su-30MKI, it's reputation is still intact. Though the tactics and strategy in sending only 2 Sukhois but 4 ancient Mig 21s to battle the PAF package certainly needs review.
M2000 and F-16 are no match to Su-30MKI : IAF Sukhoi Su-30 ‘Flanker’ Pilot
Sunday, July 21, 2019

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Described as a ‘royal merciless game-changer’, the Sukhoi Su-30 ‘Flanker’ is a monster: a long-ranged, well armed, unbeatably manoeuvrable fighter uniquely equipped with 3D thrust-vectoring control (TVC) enabling it to perform seemingly impossible aerobatics in the sky. We spoke to IAF Gp Capt Anurag Sharma to learn more about flying and fighting in the Russian superfighter.

What were your first impressions of the Su-30?
“I was awestruck at the size of this monster! I caught a glimpse of it at Bangalore Airshow in 1997 (I was part of the inaugural day fly past in a Jaguar formation). There it stood in the lineup….. majestic, mighty and muscular! Head and shoulders above the crowd! Even the Air Display by the Russian Test Pilot was a show stopper. The M2000, F-16 etc were just no match for this beauty.”

“Another mission that stand out is a group combat mission that was pitching a Su-30…against three F-16… End score one F-16 claimed without loss.”

What’s the difference between a K and MKI and which is better?
“Su-30K was basically the Su-27 UB (trainer version) modified to be a two-seater fighter and the Su-30 MKI is a two seater upgraded version of Su-30K. While the two maybe classified into the same family and have few physical differences (canards, nosewheel, thrust vectoring and glass cockpit); the operational philosophy of the two aircraft is vastly different because of the much-upgraded operational capability of the MKI.

The Su-30 K was basically an air defence fighter of the 3.5 Gen that could drop dumb bombs (albeit in large quantities). But the MKI is a multirole fighter in the real sense of the word. The enhanced avionics package, weapons, near AESA airborne interception radar that permits simultaneous Air-to-air and air-to-ground targeting puts the MKI in a league of its own. The fly-by-wire system of the MKI allows carefree handling viz-a-viz Su-30K. The Su-30 K was handling with care especially in the low speed regime whereas the MKI is carefree handling all the way!

Personally, my heart is with the Su-30K! perhaps because I grew up on it. Attempting to master the Su-30K was a challenge in itself because you had to develop “seat of the pants feeling” in an aircraft that was not carefree handling (as you would expect a FBW aircraft to be). The avionics package, information presentation was rudimentary and presented great challenges as an operator. I think that is what made it special. The skill of the pilot counted more on that type.

But given a choice, I would pick the MKI for a combat fight. The total package of the MKI is a force multiplier in combat!!! Hands down!!

Which three words best describe it?
“Royal, merciless, game-changer.”

5. What is the best thing about it?
Ans. As a fighter pilot, you look to emerge victorious in every battle; the Su-30 gives you that confidence. Rest is up to you!

And the worst thing?
“Haven’t found one yet!”

How you rate the Su-30 in the following categories?
“A. Instantaneous turn– at high speeds, a shade slow, but once you get her to 650-709 Kmph- as goos as any. With thrust vectoring- unparalleled!

B. Sustained turn– depends upon the load and altitude. At medium altitudes with AA loads only very good and matches any other 4/5 gen fighter ac.

C. High alpha- Exceptional! Requires skill but once you know what to do- she’s a beauty!

D. Acceleration. The Su-30K was faster because it was lighter but the MKI is good when it comes to low speed combat against F-16/F-18/ Mirage 2000 class of aircraft. Acceleration also depends upon the load carried.”

The Su-30K had a greater reserve of power; even in the MKI, ROC is very good for its huge size. You can feel the acceleration when she climbs!

What was your most memorable mission?
“Well there have been many over the years but a few that stand out are as follows: –

(a) DACT with F-16 Block 60 of Royal Singapore Air Force.

The strongest adversary that we could possibly face in our life as a fighter pilot was the F-16 of PAF (for obvious reasons). So the excitement of facing an F-16, even in a mock combat was unbelievable. The weight of the mission was overbearing! Perhaps that’s what makes it special. As the combat commenced, we manoeuvred for our lives and in very little time the situation was in our favour! The desperate calls from the F-16, “Flare, Flare, Flare!” are very distinctly audible in my ears even today! From that day, the anxiety that prevailed over facing an F-16 in combat was gone forever…. Vanished! It was clear what the outcome would be!”

“Another mission that stand out is a group combat mission that was pitching a Su-30 & one MiG-21 BISON against three F-16 . As luck would have it, the BISON did not get airborne and now the game was one Su-30 vs three F-16 in a BVR scenario. Again, we pushed the envelope, manoeuvred between 3000 ft to 32000 ft, pulling up to 8 g, turning, tumbling, firing and escaping missiles in a simulated engagement. The crew co-ord between us in the cockpit and the fighter controller on the ground was the best that I have ever seen! The results in a mock combat are always contentious but with ACMI, they are more reliable. End score one F-16 claimed without loss. When we got out of the cockpit we were thoroughly drenched in sweat and tired from the continuous high G manoeuvring but all smiles for the ecstasy that we had just experienced.”

Which aircraft have you flown DACT against and which was the most challenging?
“In the Su-30 I have flown DACT with RSAF (Royal Singapore Air Force) F-16, M-2000 H /5[ FAF], MiG -29 amongst the ASFs. I think the most challenging was the M2000 in France. The carefree manoeuvrability of the Mirage its nose profile and avionics package perhaps gave it an edge over the others. The F-16 beyond the initial turn loses steam, the MiG -29 is very powerful but conventional controls maybe …. . A good Mirage guy can manoeuvre more carefree.”

Typhoon pilots say they ‘trounced’ the Su-30 in DACT exercises, yet Su-30 say the reverse? What is the truth?
“Well I wasn’t part of that exercise but some close friends were. The story goes both ways especially when you are engaged in friendly exercises with fixed rules of engagements! I think it’s an even fight and the man behind the machine would make the difference! Such a contest gets any fighter jock drooling!”

How easy is to fly? What is the hardest thing about flying it?
“Basic flying is not very difficult including exercises such as AA refueling. But it’s a Herculean task to reach a level where you can exploit it to its fullest especially in large Force Engagements (LFE) The capability of the aircraft outruns you by miles. In fact, at times even 7 Multi-Function Displays (MFD) and two aircrew are insufficient to achieve what she can do for you!”

Is TVC useful in air combat? If so, how should it be used?
“Most people think that it’s not! My suspicion is that’s because it requires skill to put it to good use. Once two beasts of this kind engage in combat, it goes down to the wire and in the low speed regime the TVC allows you just the edge you’ve been looking for. Just 300m is enough to get to the right angle and Boom!”

How would you rate the cockpit?
The cockpit is Russian! hey don’t build the aircraft around the pilot like the western manufacturers do! So the ergonomics leave a lot to be desired. The HOTAS could be designed much better. But ask anyone who hasn’t flown other types and he’s okay with this!

Have you fired live weapons- if so, what was it like?
Yes,! AA missiles, LGB, and Runway denial weapons. Weapon delivery is really exciting! The adrenaline rush, the cold sweat that trickles down your temples when you press the trigger are a different feeling altogether. They are really expensive and hence the opportunity comes rarely. The thing that worries you most is that you don’t want to be the dumbass when it comes to firing Smart Weapons

I think the AA missile is the best! When the weapon leaves your wing, the plume, noise and shear power of the accelerating missile is breathtaking.

How confident would a Su-30 pilot feel going against a modern USAF F-15C?
“As far as the platform is concerned, he’s got a better baby in his hands. No doubt!”

What is the greatest myth about the Su-30?
“That it’s too big to manoeuvre!”

How combat effective is the Su-30?
“A game changer!”

How reliable and easy to maintain is it?
“Reliable – yes! Maintenance- extensive!

What tips would you give new pilots coming onto the Su-30?
“It’s like a Tapasya (Sanskrit word meaning total selfless commitment. Dedication, commitment and patient hard work will reveal the true pleasures of flying to you! Early days are tough, just hang in there, get over the hump and you will experience heavenly pleasure that only fighter pilots have been blessed with.

How much post-stall manoeuvring can the average squadron pilot do? Is this a rare skill?
“Independent manoeuvres – they do it from day one (it’s that easy!). Relative manoeuvring in relation to an adversary in the sky requires extensive training and skill development! The manoeuvres can be counter productive in not done correctly.”

What is the hardest manoeuvre to pull off in a Su-30?
“A downward combat manoeuvre with TVC at low levels against a manoeuvring target.”

As a personal opinion: What should the Indian Air Force procure and what should it get rid of?
“Well, the Old Gen’ aircraft are already being phased out and The IAF is in the process of procuring the Rafale (a great choice!) The LCA development and large-scale induction into the IAF is no-brainer! It must be done but the platform should be a qualitative addition as well! Just adding numbers is not the right answer. Self-dependency is critical for India’s growth and rise as a major power on the World stage. There is a huge prospect of joint development with other major manufactures around the world such as BAE that have been traditional defence suppliers for IAF.”

Tell me something I don’t know about the Su-30?
“The Su-30 MKI has perhaps as many players as the Typhoon! The Russians provide most of the hardware; Indian , French, Israeli industries provide software, avionics and weapons! The Russians won’t give their knowhow to Israelis and the French won’t give it to Russians. So it’s is a great achievement to get these components talking to each other! The Heart of the avionics system that communicates with all these various systems is Indian.

What should I have asked you about the Su-30?
“A fighter pilot has a unique relation with his aircraft. A unique bonding; much like the Avatar with his Ikran*! . Sharing that feeling with another occupant in the cockpit is not easy! Especially when your WSO is not fixed.

Loosing that privacy or rather intimacy is not easy! While you learnt to live with it, I personally consider a huge loss as a fighter pilot. But alas there is no way out! With such competent platforms; perhaps two crew are indispensable!”
*the dragon in the Avatar film

The R-73 is an old missile- What do you think about the idea of adding ASRAAM to the Su-30?
“The Su-30 is getting upgrades continuously and plans are in place to enhance the weapon inventory. So it’s a cat and mouse game with the adversary being payed all the time.”

How good is the helmet mounted sight – is it used much in air-to-air training?
“Very good! It allows off bore targeting and that coupled with TVC gives a good angular advantage to the Su-30 in combat!”


The pilot is indian, so does anyone HONESTLY believe he would say anything else?........:lol:...........he probably also believes that 300 terrorists were killed in Balakot and that an F-16 was also shot down........:lol:
No that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that PAF for its part tries to do everything it can with it's limited resources to counter IAF...both during peacetime and wartime. This includes not only purchasing fighter jets and weaponry...but also tactics and strategies(e.g. holding exercises with Chinese flankers).

A glimpse of this was shown in the February skirmish...although actual details of the op are hard to come by...I assume that PAF jammed incoming BVR(Russian origin) missiles and basically made IAF toothless. This resulted in PAF suffering no losses of its jets and possibly was the reason why IAF had to back down and not retaliate in the manner PAF retaliated(sending fighter jets and attacking enemy territory). Instead they tried to save face by making claims of downing F16 and other such things. Shortly after that clash news emerged of IAF seeking Israeli and European BVR missiles. Based on these things and the thread on PDF claiming PAF's use of its Dassault Falcons...I think that PAF did very successfully manage to jam incoming IAF's BVR missiles.

Now getting back to what I was saying that it's meaningless and disadvantageous to reveal ur hand in a minor skirmish that only makes ur enemy better prepared. Let's assume for a second that PAF had tried to do what u suggested(destroying 5 to 6 Su30 MKI). If PAF pushed for that...IAF is no slouch...realizing that their BVR missiles are not effective they would've closed the distance. Su30MKI is a twin engine aircraft and has TVC...it would definitely outperform JF17 in a dogfight. Therefore in absence of a BVR fight working in ur favor and enemy still trying to take u down, it would've been their next best option to close range with PAF aircraft. In this case PAF would've had to reveal more of its hand by using tactics and strategies learned against Chinese flankers if it hoped to down more Su30MKI.

...which again would show the enemy what u r capable of...and they will account for it the next time...and now u have lost an edge that u held before.


There was a time of extreme confusion on the enemy side---. That was the moment when mutliple enemy boggies were locked well within range.

The problem with the Paf is that they did not have preparation for that " WHAT IF" factor---meaning what if we got a lock on 10 aircraft and the enemy was confused---.

See---the knees of the flight command started shaking---that air marshall did not have to ballz to give it a go---there comes the YESSIR mentality---.

See---Paf is a great fighting force---but in fact it actually is a greater fighting / training with other air force air force---.

Just like in training fights---you toss fake bombs or have fake missile launches---that is where the Paf ended up at---fake launches---fake target locks---fake smart weapons launches---fake missile launches---so that is what they were doing when the real fight became real---.

Everything ended up in a matter of indecision at the moment of reality---.

There was a time of extreme confusion on the enemy side---. That was the moment when mutliple enemy boggies were locked well within range.

The problem with the Paf is that they did not have preparation for that " WHAT IF" factor---meaning what if we got a lock on 10 aircraft and the enemy was confused---.

See---the knees of the flight command started shaking---that air marshall did not have to ballz to give it a go---there comes the YESSIR mentality---.

See---Paf is a great fighting force---but in fact it actually is a greater fighting / training with other air force air force---.

Just like in training fights---you toss fake bombs or have fake missile launches---that is where the Paf ended up at---fake launches---fake target locks---fake smart weapons launches---fake missile launches---so that is what they were doing when the real fight became real---.

Everything ended up in a matter of indecision at the moment of reality---.
I never saw anywhere any details of the mission that were released...like u mention of various Su30MKIs on lock. Could u plz provide me a link to this?

IAF backed down rather quickly. There doesn't seem to be a "prolonged" confusion. As soon as they detected PAF jets, IAF scrambled it's own assets. After a short engagement IAF withdrew...even Abhinandan was told to retreat(according to news reports), he instead chose to pursue(for some reason...either on purpose or his comm was jammed). This tells me that within that short time of engagement IAF realized it's disadvantage...as I pointed out in my earlier post...that little bits and pieces of info point to IAF's Russian BVR missiles were being successfully jammed and were unable to score hits.

IAF realized this in a short time...and decided to disengage and not reply with further action. All they could do is try to save face. So if Pak insisted and kept attacking...basically backing them into a corner and giving them no choice...then they would have no choice but to try and take away PAF's advantage in BVR fighting...and close the distance knowing the superior dogfight capabilities of Su30MKI. This would(as I pointed out earlier) force PAF to either retreat(if they don't wanna engage in a position of disadvantage) or utilize tactics learned against Chinese flankers...which would show enemy more of what PAF is capable of.

So next time not only would they come more prepared(like they are trying to buy Israeli and European BVR missiles) but they would also develop counters to Pak's tactics(used against flankers). Why on Earth should Pak use all it's trump cards on a minor skirmish that only makes ur enemy stronger in the future? Not to mention Pak didn't intend to escalate bcuz fighting a full fledged war requires a powerful economy. Pak gave a perfect response in intensity and scope to let India and the world know where India stands. It shattered any delusions of "limited strike" and the notion that "we aren't striking Pakistan but rather terrorists". Pak showed them in no uncertain terms that u can't strike Pak and get away with it. This was a perfect response...any more was unnecessary.
You Pakistanis are honestly so sad. Your inept pilot managed to get an F-16 shot down by a Mig-21 and you keyboard warriors fantasize about India losing an Su-30.
You Pakistanis are honestly so sad. Your inept pilot managed to get an F-16 shot down by a Mig-21 and you keyboard warriors fantasize about India losing an Su-30.
And you're a weeb who needs to get out of mama's basement

Come on kiddo scram. Better get out and deal with the real world for what it is instead of sticking to that wapanese trash

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