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Remembrance of Sikh Genocide by Hegemonic "Secular" State

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There were significantly more in 1947, I wonder what happened to all of your minorities?

And tell the truth- minorities are legated BARRED from holding key positions in the Islamic state of Pakistan.

The Chief Justice of India has been a Muslim, as is the current head of the IB, the current Vice president, former Presidents have also been Muslims as well as senior generals, movie stars, entrepreneurs etc etc And despite making up only 2% of India's population Sikhs have held every tops position imaginable in India- head of the Army, Navy, President, PM, SC judge, ministers, SC judges etc etc (so if they make up 1% of Pakistan's population they represented even 50% as well in Pakistan?)

As a Pakistani with a very narrow perception of what India is I wouldn't expect you to understand how a secular state like India functions.

What do you mean what happened to all Minorities? They went to India. Migrations didn't stop in Pakistan still 1950's.
In that same logic I can say the same thing about India. What happened to all the Muslims? Werent they around 40-45% of India?

Sad that Muslims even though are 15% of India, only hold 1-2% of govt jobs
Threads like these are interesting - Pakistanis crying about why Sikhs are not hating India, trying to persuade them they ought to. And Sikhs and other Indians making it clear that most Sikhs love their motherland, and vice versa.

Pakistanis on these threads have this to say : "How dare they not hate their fellow countrymen of other religions? Can't they learn that from us? Boo hoo hoo!"
Also, since it was Congress vs Sikhs, the Indians who voted for Congress hate Sikhs? And since Congress was elected by majority of Indians, majority of Indians hate Sikhs and supported Operation Bluestar. Which means that yes, it was, India vs Sikhs.
yeah what a logic....... same way since pakistanis voted plm ....and they support terrorist so all pakistanis are terrorist
People here think that after showing crocodile tears and giving some pump they can buy the loyalty of Sikhs are highly mistaken.

A sikh born in India or having his roots in India never turn against India.

For all i have seen..Sikhs dont shit in the plate they eat.

i despite being a non sikh hold the upmost regard for them...and till date have never seen a sikh beggar in my entire life.

Beta sikhs with Pakistani roots do not eat from hindu plate. They are capabale of producing their own food.
Sad that Muslims even though are 15% of India, only hold 1-2% of govt jobs
Their inclusion has been slow for sure but mostly because those Muslims who left to Pakistan were the educated and elites, those who remained in India were backward and have traditionally not placed much importance in education- which is now,thankfully, changing.

These 15% will soon be able to join the Indian growth story in a huge way and will do India proud don't you worry.
Threads like these are interesting - Pakistanis crying about why Sikhs are not hating India, trying to persuade them they ought to. And Sikhs and other Indians making it clear that most Sikhs love their motherland, and vice versa.

Pakistanis on these threads have this to say : "How dare they not hate their fellow countrymen of other religions? Can't they learn that from us? Boo hoo hoo!"
They should keep trying and if needs be we will be ready to once again tell them where they can shove it:

‘Sikhs formed a formidable force and were the reason for Pakistan’s defeat in 1971’ - Indian Express
What do you mean what happened to all Minorities? They went to India. Migrations didn't stop in Pakistan still 1950's.
In that same logic I can say the same thing about India. What happened to all the Muslims? Werent they around 40-45% of India?

Sad that Muslims even though are 15% of India, only hold 1-2% of govt jobs
Pakistan is 90%+ Muslim .. how many are true Muslims out of the 90%+ ... shias aren't considered Muslim enough ... Ahmedis were kicked out of Ummah Anonymous
So you must be treating them well right?..which key positions are they holding,uncle g?

Beta they barely make 20 thousand of Pak population. What do you expect them to hold? Even then there is sikhs MPAs, etc
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