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Remembrance of Sikh Genocide by Hegemonic "Secular" State

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Respect them, Bhaiyas ruled your land once, don't forget. ;)

Beta foreigners are stil raping and killing your kin in Bihar. Do not forget your roots.
Don't say this in front of those Rohtaki Ranghars .. they will lynch you jutt *** alive in Pakistan.

Beta i have seen these bhaiya type jats here with my own eyes, i was not impressed.
Don't sell yourself short. Nobody writes more unintelligible nonsense than a Pakistani. Don't be so modest.
Too kind sir LOL, but I think its the Indians who take first place for obsession and stupidity in this forum. Must be something in the drinking water apart from the dead carcasses and shit.
Seems you have deep inferiority complex of being ruled by them. Koi na, aadat ho jayegi. ;)

In last 3 days brahmins have killed and raped 9 native biharis, and you are talking about ruling anyone with your lungis?
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